CHANGELOG ========= 1.0.8 (16.02.2025) 9 Commits 0 Translations ------------------ ### Function - Fix: Crash on stopping download - Fix: Crash on signal flow closing - Fix: Liberapay donation link (credits @leoheitmannruiz) - Update: Improve consuming sync and download state updates - Add: User agent to calls in all clients - Update: Use IO instead of Default dispatcher for workers 1.0.7 (14.02.2025) +20 Commits +80 Translations ------------------ ### Function - Fix: Not showing install on packages from sources without share - Fix: Recomposing navigation suite on changing pager state - Fix: Parsing and showing litecoin and liberapay links - Update: Improve installer reliability - Update: Limit parallel running SyncWorks - Update: Improve actions flow logic - Remove: Flattr donation link parsing ### UI/UX - Add: Support for tv & wear screenshots - Add: Support for video link - Add: Dialog to notify for intial sync on first launch - Update: Revamp app info cards 1.0.6 (23.01.2025) +140 Commits +100 Translations ------------------ ### Function - Add: Delete the downloaded file when erasing the download entry - Add: Break download and clean when exceeding total file size - Add: Option to disable SSL validation - Add: Worker for batch syncs - Fix: Validation of repo authentication values - Fix: Editing of current values of repo - Fix: Make Downloaded keys fully unique - Fix: Installs queueing logic - Fix: Performance issues of SyncWorker - Fix: Back handling in Main pages - Fix: Crash on missing stopReason - Fix: Lazy load of installed apps - Fix: Fetching icons/screenshots also respect disabling ssl certificate check - Fix: New installed app isn't being added to homescreen (credits @Dhina17) - Update: Improve search algorithm - Update: Automate V1-parsing using IndexV1 - Update: Rewrite IndexV0 xml parser - Update: AppSheet header logic - Update: Revamp updating extras logic (reduce latency) - Update: Koin-inject Main & Prefs ViewModels - Update: Replace the multiple VMs for single MainVM - Update: Revamp WorkerManager & all Workers - Update: Revamp WorkerManager handling of downloads & syncs - Update: Migrate to type-safe navigation - Update: Indices and naming of Room Entities - Update: Improve performance of the main queries - Update: Improve flows' memory & performance in MainVM - Update: Improve f-droid sharing link (credits @leoheitmannruiz) - Update: Avoid request for install permissions when INSTALL_PACKAGES is granted (credits @tharowt) - Remove: Unused BootReceiver - Add Fcitx5, IronFox repos (credits @Integral-Tech, @celenityy) - Remove Bromite, INVISV, Funkwhale, Divolt, DivestOS, Mobilsicher and the archive repos - CompileSDK 35 ### UI/UX - Add: Target- & MinSDK filters - Add: Erase-all button to downloads page - Add: Indicator of the invalid field in repo editor - Add: Info card in other prefs page - Fix: Folding full app description - Fix: Chips visibility independent of background pref - Fix: Text overflows and stacking of release labels - Fix: Text padding in action buttons - Update: Make UI wide screens friendly & navigation adaptive - Update: Revamp explore, search & repo pages - Update: Restructure prefs hierarchy - Update: Revamp block borders' design and make default - Update: Show text always on alternative navigation button - Update: Animate permission cards - Update: Highlight version update chip - Update: Revamp dialog layouts - Update: Revamp icons & screenshots state creation - Update: Improve install & validation state notifications - Update: Animate transition between categories' layouts - Update: Revamp main theme colors - Update: Make preference's surface and switch interactively connected 1.0.5 (19.07.2024) +10 Commits +10 Translations ------------------ ### Function - Add: Debounce on downloaded flow - Add: RepoId to Downloaded for a more unique key - Fix: SortFilter sheets across pages - Update: Init Koin earlier - Remove: All archive repositories ### UI/UX - Add: Confirmation dialog on root uninstaller too - Add: Long tap sync button for latest successful sync info 1.0.4 (09.07.2024) -10 Commits ------------------ ### Function - Add: Indexes to Room entities - Add: None Source & Request - Fix: A memory leak - Update: Revamp Request ### UI/UX - Remove: All from explore page 1.0.3 (06.07.2024) 30+ Commits +30 Translations ------------------ ### Function - Fix: BackHandler of AppSheet - Fix: Crash on launching from permissions' page - Fix: Crash on using same key for lazy release items - Fix: Opening different prefs page when default page is changed - Update: Inject installer using Koin - Update: Migrate most sheets to BottomSheetScaffold - Update: Make flows respect distinction earlier - Update: Revamp Source handling of requests ### UI - Update: Convert Search back to a page - Update: Revamp Installed page hierarchy - Update: Use segmented buttons in Installed page - Update: Revamp apps' carrousel and limit version name length ### UX - Add: Special search filter tabs - Add: Indicator that an app is installed to list items - Update: Default to search all apps 1.0.2 (19.05.2024) 10+ Commits +50 Translations ------------------ ### Function - Fix: Crash on tapping install notification of session installer - Fix: Excessive recomposition on Repo apps list - Update: Increase default search apps to 2000 ### UI - Add: Option to show Android version name instead of SDK (enbaled by default) - Update: Add enable and dismiss buttons to RepoSheet ### UX - Add: Dialog on clicking links from app descriptions or changelogs - Add: Parsing markdown links in descriptions or changelogs - Add: Search bar to repos page 1.0.1 (09.05.2024) 30+ Commits +20 Translations ------------------ ### Function - Add: Safeguard to avoid spamming sync - Add: Option for limiting loaded apps for search - Add: Support of reproducible builds (credits @obfusk & @iamlooker) - Fix: Loading apps without categories - Fix: Disable Google-signed dependency metadata (credits @IzzySoft) - Update: Revamp usage of CoroutineDispatchers - Update: Increase default auto-sync interval - Add Repos: Cloudburst & Huizengek (credits @GitGitro) - Remove Repo: Samourai Wallet (credits @GitGitro) ### UI - Add: Indicator if a custom sort/filter is applied - Add: All apps category - Fix: Constant recomposition of most UI (reduce Jitter/Lag) ### UX - Add: Launch AppSheet when tapping installed notification - Fix: Screenshots not updating when changing app of same dev - Fix: Handling locales with three letters as language code - Update: Improve consistency of sheets' visibility across rotation - Update: Increase default recently updated apps to show 1.0.0 (23.04.2024) 440+ Commits +380 Translations ------------------ ### Function - Add: Preference to disable signature check for updates/installs - Add: Preference to disable download version check - Add: Preference to allow downgrades (debuggable) and installing pre-A6 apps (starting Android 14) - Add: Display localized product name and description (credits @BLumia) - Add: Export/import the repositories - Add: Export/import list of installed apps - Add: Room Kotlin KSP code generation - Add: ConnectionPool & redirections to Coil calls - Add: Opening IzzyOnDroid links (credits @GitGitro) - Add: Network constraint to Download works - Add: Own client & connectionPools for CoilDownloader - Add: ForegroundServiceType for works (Required on A14) - Add: Package source to session installer (SDK33+) - Add: Explicit field for HTTP proxy address - Add: Option to use DownloadManager API - Add: AppManager installer - Add: System installer (credits @0x50f13) - Add: Linking database from Application - Fix: Calling Tor addresses - Fix: Make RootInstaller null-safe - Fix: Auto-sync on "Only charging" - Fix: Adding repo using scanner - Fix: Detecting updates of multi-repos apps - Fix: Clicking updates notification - Fix: Launching parallel updates - Fix: Updating apps in the background - Fix: Install notification - Fix: External search calls - Fix: Opening an app from repo url - Fix: Crash on searching special chars - Update: Rebase to use one activity - Update: Replace RxJava usage with Coroutines - Update: Replace OkHttp with Ktor (except for Coil) - Update: Migrate download, exodus & sync backend from Sevice- to Worker-based - Update: Convert InstallerService to BroadcastReceiver - Update: Revamp the ExodusAPI classes - Update: Respect version code and source ("fdroid") when fetching ExodusInfo - Update: Move ExodusInfo fetching into AppSheet - Update: Allow parallel downloads from different repositories - Update: Allow parallel sync of repos - Update: Cache apks in external cache - Update: More open network security policy - Update: Make root session installer default if A13+ - Update: Make product queries observe all relevant entities - Update: Optimize the main products query - Update: Revamp all installers - Update: Revamp Installer works - Update: Revamp Downloader - Update: Revamp proxy handling - Update: Revamp Repository data class - Update: Differentiate between double and single list VMs - Update: Replace appsToBeInstalled list usage with InstallWorker - Update: Allow pre-composing all pages - Update: minSDK to 24 - Update: targetSDK & compileSDK 34 - Remove: Dependencies of deprecated usage - Add Repos: Aniyomi, Koyu, Kuschku, Kvaestiso, Etopa, Metatrans Apps, Gadgetbridge, FUTO, Grobox, Julian Fairfax, spiritCroc Test, Zimbelstern, Cromite, Divolt Repo, Rboard, Cake Wallet (credits @GitGitro) - Add Repos: Samourai Wallet Repo (credits @RequestPrivacy) - Add Repos: Julian Andres Klode's repo (credits @ishanarora) - Add Repos: PurpleI2p, INVISV, Monerujo, iodé, spiritCroc, DivestOS Unofficial, Funkwhale… +28 other - Fix Repos: The description for PeterCxy's Shelter repo (credits @ishanarora) - Fix Repos: c:geo repository (credits @ishanarora) - Fix Repos: Cromite repository address - Remove Repos: Fluffy Chat (stable and nightly), Ungoogled Chromium, i2p ### UI - Add: Preference to show/hide categories bar - Add: (Products)List, StringInput DialogUIs - Add: Block border to sheets & pages - Add: Categories app info chips - Add: New apps carousel layout - Add: Optional alternative BottomNavBar item layout - Add: Optional alternative new apps layout - Add: Dynamic theme variants - Add: Medium and high contrast themes - Add: Option to hide the new apps bar - Fix: Switch layout on low-dpi/multi-lines - Fix: Screenshots scaling issue after opening once - Fix: Pre-mature cutting horizontal products recycler layout - Fix: Avoid forgetting expand-state of description text - Fix: Ghost clicking settings when search is expanded - Fix: Hectic sorting of downloads in downloads list - Update: App's icon - Update: Theme colors (MD3 v2/tonals) - Update: Split Installed page to two tabs - Update: Revamp repositories page - Update: Make pagers animate scrolling - Update: Larger layout corners - Update: Revamp all pages - Update: Revamp all sheets (now composables) - Update: Revamp all dialogs (now composables) - Update: Revamp all items (using ItemList) - Update: Revamp all components - Update: Revamp screenshots layout - Update: Resort Main pages - Remove: Scrollable top bars - Remove: Option to hide categories bar ### UX - Add: Permission ignore button - Add: Kids mode - Add: Apps list to Repository info - Add: Qr Code to repo sheet - Add: PrivacyPoints to PrivacyPanel cards - Add: Licenses filters - Add: Preference to keep notification of successfully installed app - Add: Swipe down to close gesture to screenshots viewer - Add: Swipe to navigate between pages - Add: Singular search page - Add: (De)select all buttons to multi-selection filters - Add: Launch search page on receiving search Intent - Add: More categories icons - Add: Erase button to items in downloads log - Add: Preference to allow unstable updates to each app - Add: All Anti-features in PrivacyPanel - Add: Permission to install packages - Add: Search when to-be-opened package doesn't exist - Add: Option to confirm before downloading an app - Add: Device or biomteric lock options on download dialogs - Fix: Showing updatable label for Product items - Fix: Showing right version in AppSheet's header - Fix: Showing downloaded version (in downloads log) - Update: Differentiate between having no trackers and lacking exodus data - Update: Convert auto-sync interval unit to hours - Update: Alphabetically sort current downloads in Installed page - Update: Hide inactive sort/filter options - Update: Communicate status on download errors - Update: Bind short description lines limit to extended state - Update: Show short description for unexpanded description - Update: Using pager in App Sheet for Privacy Panel - Update: Better download state communication - Update: Revamp download and sync notifications - Update: Use categories grouping in Explore page - Update: Prefer search results with last update not longer than 1 year ago - Update: Text to show when no compatible releases exist - Update: Show dialog before opening source code - Remove: Search bar from Main pages - Remove: Zooming on screenshots 0.9.15 (01.03.2023) 40+ Commits +30 Translations ------------------ ### Function - Add: KDE (Stable), C:Geo, Stack Wallet & PeterCxy's Shelter repos - Add: Option for external download folder - Fix: Background (silent) installer - Fix: Cache clean up time in days not hours - Update: Navigating to AppSheet without input of dev name - Update: Simplify apps list in ExplorePage ### UI - Fix: Expandable layout's padding - Update: Move favorite button beside main action - Update: BottomNav, SideNav layouts - Update: Smaller layout icons ### UX - Add: Permissions page - Add: Downloads page (switch) to InstalledPage - Add: Option to ignore notification on security vulnerabilities - Update: Scroll to top when changing category in ExplorePage - Update: Increase showing new & updated apps limit - Update: Improve preference dialog value setting 0.9.14 (07.02.2023) 120+ Commits +80 Translations ------------------ ### Function - Fix: Not detecting root permission - Fix: Unbinding DownloadService crash - Fix: Crash on rxjava's throwable nullability - Fix: Avoid calling https://icon on apps sans icon - Fix: Save capitalized Repo fingerprint - Update: Revamp batch update - Remove: Obsolete Sections - Remove: Unused Gradle options ### UI - Update: Revamp InstalledPage - Update: Revamp BottomNavBar button ### UX - Add: Option to disable getting/showing trackers - Add: FluffyChat nightly, Anonymous Messenger and BeoCode to default repos - Add: Tooltip when trackers data isn't available - Fix: FluffyChat repo address and fingerprint - Fix: Not updating installed apps list on (un)installing apps - Fix: Sticky sync/download notification - Update: Enable Guardian project's repo by default 0.9.13 (20.01.2023) 90+ Commits +60 Translations ------------------ ### Function - Add: Repository's authentication pair setter/getter - Add: Job IdRange for Sync jobs - Add: DownloadState to SyncService - Add: Sync/Download foreground service types - Add: Option for sheets to be not pre-extended - Add: Export/import of extras - Add: SAF-File (with read, write, delete and share) - Fix: Improve performance overload caused by search (credits @SocratesDz) - Fix: Crashing LegacyInstaller (again) - Fix: Fall back to default installer if root not granted - Update: Use DownloadService's mutex to keep the service alive while needed - Update: Replace RxJAva usage with Coroutines in SyncService - Update: Allow using Coroutine Job as disposable - Update: Revamp scheduling auto-sync - Update: Improve installer handling based on existing in background and type - Update: Simplify Prefs listener - Update: auto-sync interval limits - Update: Migrate last LiveData to Flows - Update: FluffyChat's repo address - Remove: Unused Dependencies ### UI - Add: Cleaner splash screen icon - Add: Filter Download state changes percentually - Add: Warning card to AppSheet on known vulnerability - Add: Repo mirror chips row - Fix: 2-rows updated apps block even on one item - Update: Migrate repo sheets into one composable - Update: Snackbar stays shorter ### UX - Add: Auto-sync option on charging - Add: Active downloads list to Installed - Add: Description text to ActionButtons (for screen readers, needs testing) - Add: Show notification if an installed app has known vulnerabilities - Add: Make Preferences accessible from system's app info - Add: Allowed anti-features filter - Fix: Unable to add a repository after adding empty one - Fix: Running auto-sync only on WIFI, on plugged-in and combined - Fix: Crash on deleting newly added repo - Update: Open exodus tracker's page instead of tracker's website 0.9.12 (28.12.2022) 30+ Commits +60 Translations ------------------ ### Function - Add: Notifications permission (for A13) - Add: Ask for PostNotifications permission on start - Fix: Improve search performance (credits @pedrox-hs) - Fix: Showing apps of all developers with protonmail as apps from the protonmail developer - Fix: Sorting installed apps - Fix: Replace deprecated functions in RootInstaller - Fix: Installers getting false context - Fix: LegacyInstaller's false Uri - Update: TargetSDK 33 ### UI - Fix: Location permission group icon - Update: ProductCard layout - Update: Horizontal Product recycler layouts ### UX - Add: Categories SideNavBar to explorer - Fix: Category SideBar not updating according to SortFilterSheet - Update: Change category filter to single selection - Update: Asking for root permission when setting root installer 0.9.11 (03.12.2022) 70+ Commits +15 Translations ------------------ ### Function - Fix: Memory leak in Main & Prefs ### UI - Add: The all new Privacy Visualization (Neo Meter Icons) - Add: The all new Privacy Panel ### UX - Fix: Opening the same RepoSheet repeatedly 0.9.10 (22.11.2022) 230+ Commits ------------------ - Add: App icon based on system theme - Add: Installer type preference (including Legacy mode for dumb MIUI) - Add: Specific screenshot placeholder - Add: Cryptomator & TwinHelix Signal-FOSS preset repositories - Fix: Navigation after launching from updates notification - Fix: Download bar not reflecting true progress - Fix: Prefs' dependency handling - Update: Empty & hide SearchBar on pressing back before exit - Update: ViewModels as monotone instances in the Activities - Update: Simplify ListProduct layout 0.9.9 (31.10.2022) 7 Commits ------------------ - Add: Scan repo QrCode using BinaryEye (if installed) - Fix: Lock in Installed after launching from updates notification - Fix: Improve handling intent 0.9.8 (27.10.2022) +60 Commits ------------------ - Add: Support for fdroidrepo:// intents (simple addition of repositories) - Add: Support for market://search? intents (used by some launchers) - Add: Share option for IzzyOnDroid apps - Add: GitJournal & Revolt to the preset-repos - Update: Highlight apps with available updates* - Update: Show current version if app installed instead of latest - Update: Avoid killing the app on pressing back in Main - Update: SortFilterSheet's reset, resets prefs to default - Update: Improve detecion of sort/filter changes - Update: Revamp ReleaseItems - Update: Revamp search backend - Update: Replace LiveData with Flows in most instances - Fix: Opening Installed on launching updates intent - Remove: Alefvanoon preset-repo 0.9.7 (11.10.2022) +50 Commits ------------------ - Add: Other apps from the developer - Add: Scrolling TopBar - Add: Rest of the data from the table to query return - Fix: Some coloring issues of the dynamic theme - Update: Search also searches among author names - Update: New screenshots viewer (fixes previous issues and allows zooming) - Update: Allow two-lines labels in ProductCard - Update: Bigger app icons - Update: Some layouts e.g. TopBar, SortFilter - Update: Make StatusBar and gestures bar transparent - Update: Revamp theming backend (fixes some visuals) - Update: Set default theme based on Android version - Update: Improve Sheets' initialization - Update: Dispose of composable when sheet fragment is destroyed 0.9.6 (05.10.2022) +90 Commits ------------------ - Add: Sort/Filter sheet - Add: Explicit favorites shortcut - Add: TargetSDK to info chips - Update: Replace Material icons with Phosphor - Update: Replace drawables with composables - Update: BottomNavBar, AppSheet's and EditRepoSheet's layouts - Fix: Sheets' animated background - Fix: Showing update secondary action while downloading - Fix: Secondary actions being squeezed on low dpi - Fix: Immersive bottom gesture bar (except with sheets) - Remove: Legacy/now-unused resources 0.9.5 (19.09.2022) +120 Commits ------------------ - Add: Useful links in Prefs - Update: Revamp AppSheet's Head & Header - Update: Repo item's text colors - Update: Migrate navigation fully to Compose - Update: Migrate preferences to Compose - Update: Allow setting higher number for updated/new apps' recycler and sync interval - Fix: ActionButtons visibility - Fix: Show Repo description pre-first-sync - Remove: Legacy fragment-related classes 0.9.4 (18.08.2022) ------------------ - Fix: Showing updates notification even when disabled - Add: Threema, Stable Calyx OS and Session to preset-repositories - Fix(try): Background installer - Add: Release apks and images cache retention options - Update translation 0.9.3 (06.08.2022) ------------------ - Add: Favorites category - Add: Option to set sync interval - Add: Supporting auto importing fdroidrepos: repo addresses from clipboard - Fix: Nested scrolling of AppSheet - Fix: Repository apps count - Fix: Allow retention of apk till "consumed" - Update: Make app description and changelog text selectable - Update: Show full text of inexpandable text blocks - Small UI fixes 0.9.2 (28.07.2022) ------------------ - Fix: Setting ignore updates doesn't hide from updates - Fix: Alphabetical sorting of Installed - Fix: Nested scrolling of AppSheet - Fix: Showing install action while download is running - Fix: StatusBar icons visibility on dynamic colors' theme - Update Translations 0.9.1 (10.07.2022) ------------------ - Add: System dynamic theme (aka. Material You) - Add: 7 new preset repositories - Add: Architecture label on releases for a specific architecture - Remove: UnifiedPush repo (dead) - Fix: Links in settings - Fix: Annoying 0 updates notification - Fix: Hide Author's website when it isn't available - Fix: Parsing clipboard's content for repo URI - Fix: Not showing update action 0.9.0 (07.07.2022) ------------------ - Renamed package to com.machaiv3lli.fdroid - Fully new UI/UX with Material Design 3 - Add: Update all - Add: Favorite (further features to come later) - Add: Snackbar with action on long press actions - Add: Flexibel extended card actions - Add: Expandable extra actions for AppSheet - Add: Option to not show screenshots - Add: Cross-compatibility of root and normal installer - Add: Language preference - Add: IPv6 Support with fast fallback to IPv4 (@Mynacol) - Add: Session-root-installer option (Needed for +A13) - Add: Only ask for root when selected - Update: Show repository host name instead of developer name on repository card - Update: horizontal scrolling screenshots - Fix: Auto updating installed/updates lists - Fix: Crash on A12+ (gotta disable battery optimization) - Fix: Root installer - Fix: Delete Cached File After Uninstall - Fix: Crash on pressing download when offline - Remove: Unused list animation preference 0.4.3 (20.12.2021) ------------------ - Fix: Screenshot placeholder icon - Fix: Soft crash when starting AppDetails - Fix: Run only one instance of root installer - Fix: Root installer 0.4.2 (15.12.2021) ------------------ - Update: More of Material Design 3 - Clean up: Huge parts of the code base - Update: Optimize installer - Fix: Delete Cached File After Uninstall - Fix: Freeze with Root Installer - Fix: Links' icon tint - Fix: Crash on pressing download when offline - Fix: Accidental scrolling on back gesture - Fix: Screenshots size before loading - Fix: Action Text Color visibility - Fix: App version text being colored when not planed - Update translations: Hindi, Hungarian, Finnish, Norwegian, Chinese(Simplified), Turkish, Russian, Portoguese(Brazil), German, French, Italian, Arabic (Saudi Arabia), Spanish, Sinhala, Polish, Dutch, Greek 0.4.1 (17.11.2021) ------------------ - Fix Normal Install Crash 0.4.0 (17.11.2021) ------------------ - Add: Language preference - Update: horizontal scrolling screenshots - Fix: Background root installer - Add: Only ask for root when selected - Tons of UI/UX tweaks 0.3.6 (28.10.2021) ------------------ - Add Icon for opening Details - Top App Bar Differences made more prominent - Root Permission will only be asked when used - Switch Visibility fixes - Added Arabic Translation - Long press on source Icon to copy link - Replace Toast with Snackbar