Jaayden Halko d4131badb6 feat: implement Premium features page using shadcn/ui and Tailwind (#15094)
resolves coder/internal#176

This is a proof of concept to showcase the use of Tailwind + shadcn/ui.
The goal here was to implement a lower complexity page to reduce the
initial risk and highlight the specific global changes needed.


- Create a separate version of Premium features content for Enterprise
and OSS users
- Use shadcn/ui button component and setup styling and variants to match
the buttons defined in the Coder Kit Figma.
- Setup theming using CSS variables and custom Tailwind colors by using
the dark class name on the root element.
- CSS variable design token naming and colors defined in Figma.

<img width="1199" alt="Screenshot 2024-11-01 at 12 46 03 PM"
<img width="1197" alt="Screenshot 2024-11-01 at 12 45 36 PM"
2024-11-06 12:53:00 -05:00

62 lines
1.8 KiB

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