mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 10:08:13 +00:00
- Refactors `checkProvisioners` into `db2sdk.MatchedProvisioners` - Adds a separate RBAC subject just for reading provisioner daemons - Adds matched provisioners information to additional endpoints relating to workspace builds and templates -Updates existing unit tests for above endpoints -Adds API endpoint for matched provisioners of template dry-run job -Updates CLI to show warning when creating/starting/stopping/deleting workspaces for which no provisoners are available --------- Co-authored-by: Danny Kopping <danny@coder.com>
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501 lines
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package cli
import (
func (r *RootCmd) templatePush() *serpent.Command {
var (
versionName string
provisioner string
workdir string
variablesFile string
commandLineVariables []string
alwaysPrompt bool
provisionerTags []string
uploadFlags templateUploadFlags
activate bool
orgContext = NewOrganizationContext()
client := new(codersdk.Client)
cmd := &serpent.Command{
Use: "push [template]",
Short: "Create or update a template from the current directory or as specified by flag",
Middleware: serpent.Chain(
serpent.RequireRangeArgs(0, 1),
Handler: func(inv *serpent.Invocation) error {
organization, err := orgContext.Selected(inv, client)
if err != nil {
return err
name, err := uploadFlags.templateName(inv)
if err != nil {
return err
err = codersdk.NameValid(name)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("template name %q is invalid: %w", name, err)
if versionName != "" {
err = codersdk.TemplateVersionNameValid(versionName)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("template version name %q is invalid: %w", versionName, err)
var createTemplate bool
template, err := client.TemplateByName(inv.Context(), organization.ID, name)
if err != nil {
var apiError *codersdk.Error
if errors.As(err, &apiError) && apiError.StatusCode() != http.StatusNotFound {
return err
// Template doesn't exist, create it.
createTemplate = true
err = uploadFlags.checkForLockfile(inv)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("check for lockfile: %w", err)
message := uploadFlags.templateMessage(inv)
var varsFiles []string
if !uploadFlags.stdin(inv) {
varsFiles, err = codersdk.DiscoverVarsFiles(uploadFlags.directory)
if err != nil {
return err
if len(varsFiles) > 0 {
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(inv.Stdout, "Auto-discovered Terraform tfvars files. Make sure to review and clean up any unused files.")
resp, err := uploadFlags.upload(inv, client)
if err != nil {
return err
tags, err := ParseProvisionerTags(provisionerTags)
if err != nil {
return err
// If user hasn't provided new provisioner tags, inherit ones from the active template version.
if len(tags) == 0 && template.ActiveVersionID != uuid.Nil {
templateVersion, err := client.TemplateVersion(inv.Context(), template.ActiveVersionID)
if err != nil {
return err
tags = templateVersion.Job.Tags
inv.Logger.Info(inv.Context(), "reusing existing provisioner tags", "tags", tags)
userVariableValues, err := codersdk.ParseUserVariableValues(
if err != nil {
return err
args := createValidTemplateVersionArgs{
Message: message,
Client: client,
Organization: organization,
Provisioner: codersdk.ProvisionerType(provisioner),
FileID: resp.ID,
ProvisionerTags: tags,
UserVariableValues: userVariableValues,
if !createTemplate {
args.Name = versionName
args.Template = &template
args.ReuseParameters = !alwaysPrompt
job, err := createValidTemplateVersion(inv, args)
if err != nil {
return err
if job.Job.Status != codersdk.ProvisionerJobSucceeded {
return xerrors.Errorf("job failed: %s", job.Job.Status)
if createTemplate {
_, err = client.CreateTemplate(inv.Context(), organization.ID, codersdk.CreateTemplateRequest{
Name: name,
VersionID: job.ID,
if err != nil {
return err
_, _ = fmt.Fprintln(
inv.Stdout, "\n"+cliui.Wrap(
"The "+cliui.Keyword(name)+" template has been created at "+cliui.Timestamp(time.Now())+"! "+
"Developers can provision a workspace with this template using:")+"\n")
} else if activate {
err = client.UpdateActiveTemplateVersion(inv.Context(), template.ID, codersdk.UpdateActiveTemplateVersion{
ID: job.ID,
if err != nil {
return err
_, _ = fmt.Fprintf(inv.Stdout, "Updated version at %s!\n", pretty.Sprint(cliui.DefaultStyles.DateTimeStamp, time.Now().Format(time.Stamp)))
return nil
cmd.Options = serpent.OptionSet{
Flag: "test.provisioner",
Description: "Customize the provisioner backend.",
Default: "terraform",
Value: serpent.StringOf(&provisioner),
// This is for testing!
Hidden: true,
Flag: "test.workdir",
Description: "Customize the working directory.",
Default: "",
Value: serpent.StringOf(&workdir),
// This is for testing!
Hidden: true,
Flag: "variables-file",
Description: "Specify a file path with values for Terraform-managed variables.",
Value: serpent.StringOf(&variablesFile),
Flag: "variable",
Description: "Specify a set of values for Terraform-managed variables.",
Value: serpent.StringArrayOf(&commandLineVariables),
Flag: "var",
Description: "Alias of --variable.",
Value: serpent.StringArrayOf(&commandLineVariables),
Flag: "provisioner-tag",
Description: "Specify a set of tags to target provisioner daemons.",
Value: serpent.StringArrayOf(&provisionerTags),
Flag: "name",
Description: "Specify a name for the new template version. It will be automatically generated if not provided.",
Value: serpent.StringOf(&versionName),
Flag: "always-prompt",
Description: "Always prompt all parameters. Does not pull parameter values from active template version.",
Value: serpent.BoolOf(&alwaysPrompt),
Flag: "activate",
Description: "Whether the new template will be marked active.",
Default: "true",
Value: serpent.BoolOf(&activate),
cmd.Options = append(cmd.Options, uploadFlags.options()...)
return cmd
type templateUploadFlags struct {
directory string
ignoreLockfile bool
message string
func (pf *templateUploadFlags) options() []serpent.Option {
return []serpent.Option{{
Flag: "directory",
FlagShorthand: "d",
Description: "Specify the directory to create from, use '-' to read tar from stdin.",
Default: ".",
Value: serpent.StringOf(&pf.directory),
}, {
Flag: "ignore-lockfile",
Description: "Ignore warnings about not having a .terraform.lock.hcl file present in the template.",
Default: "false",
Value: serpent.BoolOf(&pf.ignoreLockfile),
}, {
Flag: "message",
FlagShorthand: "m",
Description: "Specify a message describing the changes in this version of the template. Messages longer than 72 characters will be displayed as truncated.",
Value: serpent.StringOf(&pf.message),
func (pf *templateUploadFlags) setWorkdir(wd string) {
if wd == "" {
if pf.directory == "" || pf.directory == "." {
pf.directory = wd
} else if !filepath.IsAbs(pf.directory) {
pf.directory = filepath.Join(wd, pf.directory)
func (pf *templateUploadFlags) stdin(inv *serpent.Invocation) (out bool) {
defer func() {
if out {
inv.Logger.Info(inv.Context(), "uploading tar read from stdin")
// We let the directory override our isTTY check
return pf.directory == "-" || (!isTTYIn(inv) && pf.directory == ".")
func (pf *templateUploadFlags) upload(inv *serpent.Invocation, client *codersdk.Client) (*codersdk.UploadResponse, error) {
var content io.Reader
if pf.stdin(inv) {
content = inv.Stdin
} else {
prettyDir := prettyDirectoryPath(pf.directory)
_, err := cliui.Prompt(inv, cliui.PromptOptions{
Text: fmt.Sprintf("Upload %q?", prettyDir),
IsConfirm: true,
Default: cliui.ConfirmYes,
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pipeReader, pipeWriter := io.Pipe()
go func() {
err := provisionersdk.Tar(pipeWriter, inv.Logger, pf.directory, provisionersdk.TemplateArchiveLimit)
_ = pipeWriter.CloseWithError(err)
defer pipeReader.Close()
content = pipeReader
spin := spinner.New(spinner.CharSets[5], 100*time.Millisecond)
spin.Writer = inv.Stdout
spin.Suffix = pretty.Sprint(cliui.DefaultStyles.Keyword, " Uploading directory...")
defer spin.Stop()
resp, err := client.Upload(inv.Context(), codersdk.ContentTypeTar, bufio.NewReader(content))
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("upload: %w", err)
return &resp, nil
func (pf *templateUploadFlags) checkForLockfile(inv *serpent.Invocation) error {
if pf.stdin(inv) || pf.ignoreLockfile {
// Just assume there's a lockfile if reading from stdin.
return nil
hasLockfile, err := provisionersdk.DirHasLockfile(pf.directory)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("dir has lockfile: %w", err)
if !hasLockfile {
cliui.Warn(inv.Stdout, "No .terraform.lock.hcl file found",
"When provisioning, Coder will be unable to cache providers without a lockfile and must download them from the internet each time.",
"Create one by running "+pretty.Sprint(cliui.DefaultStyles.Code, "terraform init")+" in your template directory.",
return nil
func (pf *templateUploadFlags) templateMessage(inv *serpent.Invocation) string {
title := strings.SplitN(pf.message, "\n", 2)[0]
if len(title) > 72 {
cliui.Warn(inv.Stdout, "Template message is longer than 72 characters, it will be displayed as truncated.")
if title != pf.message {
cliui.Warn(inv.Stdout, "Template message contains newlines, only the first line will be displayed.")
if pf.message != "" {
return pf.message
return "Uploaded from the CLI"
func (pf *templateUploadFlags) templateName(inv *serpent.Invocation) (string, error) {
args := inv.Args
if pf.stdin(inv) {
// Can't infer name from directory if none provided.
if len(args) == 0 {
return "", xerrors.New("template name argument must be provided")
return args[0], nil
if len(args) > 0 {
return args[0], nil
// Have to take absPath to resolve "." and "..".
absPath, err := filepath.Abs(pf.directory)
if err != nil {
return "", err
// If no name is provided, use the directory name.
return filepath.Base(absPath), nil
type createValidTemplateVersionArgs struct {
Name string
Message string
Client *codersdk.Client
Organization codersdk.Organization
Provisioner codersdk.ProvisionerType
FileID uuid.UUID
// Template is only required if updating a template's active version.
Template *codersdk.Template
// ReuseParameters will attempt to reuse params from the Template field
// before prompting the user. Set to false to always prompt for param
// values.
ReuseParameters bool
ProvisionerTags map[string]string
UserVariableValues []codersdk.VariableValue
func createValidTemplateVersion(inv *serpent.Invocation, args createValidTemplateVersionArgs) (*codersdk.TemplateVersion, error) {
client := args.Client
req := codersdk.CreateTemplateVersionRequest{
Name: args.Name,
Message: args.Message,
StorageMethod: codersdk.ProvisionerStorageMethodFile,
FileID: args.FileID,
Provisioner: args.Provisioner,
ProvisionerTags: args.ProvisionerTags,
UserVariableValues: args.UserVariableValues,
if args.Template != nil {
req.TemplateID = args.Template.ID
version, err := client.CreateTemplateVersion(inv.Context(), args.Organization.ID, req)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cliutil.WarnMatchedProvisioners(inv.Stderr, version.MatchedProvisioners, version.Job)
err = cliui.ProvisionerJob(inv.Context(), inv.Stdout, cliui.ProvisionerJobOptions{
Fetch: func() (codersdk.ProvisionerJob, error) {
version, err := client.TemplateVersion(inv.Context(), version.ID)
return version.Job, err
Cancel: func() error {
return client.CancelTemplateVersion(inv.Context(), version.ID)
Logs: func() (<-chan codersdk.ProvisionerJobLog, io.Closer, error) {
return client.TemplateVersionLogsAfter(inv.Context(), version.ID, 0)
if err != nil {
var jobErr *cliui.ProvisionerJobError
if errors.As(err, &jobErr) && !codersdk.JobIsMissingParameterErrorCode(jobErr.Code) {
return nil, err
return nil, err
version, err = client.TemplateVersion(inv.Context(), version.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if version.Job.Status != codersdk.ProvisionerJobSucceeded {
return nil, xerrors.New(version.Job.Error)
resources, err := client.TemplateVersionResources(inv.Context(), version.ID)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Only display the resources on the start transition, to avoid listing them more than once.
var startResources []codersdk.WorkspaceResource
for _, r := range resources {
if r.Transition == codersdk.WorkspaceTransitionStart {
startResources = append(startResources, r)
err = cliui.WorkspaceResources(inv.Stdout, startResources, cliui.WorkspaceResourcesOptions{
HideAgentState: true,
HideAccess: true,
Title: "Template Preview",
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("preview template resources: %w", err)
return &version, nil
func ParseProvisionerTags(rawTags []string) (map[string]string, error) {
tags := map[string]string{}
for _, rawTag := range rawTags {
parts := strings.SplitN(rawTag, "=", 2)
if len(parts) < 2 {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("invalid tag format for %q. must be key=value", rawTag)
tags[parts[0]] = parts[1]
return tags, nil
// prettyDirectoryPath returns a prettified path when inside the users
// home directory. Falls back to dir if the users home directory cannot
// discerned. This function calls filepath.Clean on the result.
func prettyDirectoryPath(dir string) string {
dir = filepath.Clean(dir)
homeDir, err := os.UserHomeDir()
if err != nil {
return dir
prettyDir := dir
if strings.HasPrefix(prettyDir, homeDir) {
prettyDir = strings.TrimPrefix(prettyDir, homeDir)
prettyDir = "~" + prettyDir
return prettyDir