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package coderd
import (
func (*API) oAuth2ProviderMiddleware(next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if !buildinfo.IsDev() {
httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, http.StatusForbidden, codersdk.Response{
Message: "OAuth2 provider is under development.",
next.ServeHTTP(rw, r)
// @Summary Get OAuth2 applications.
// @ID get-oauth2-applications
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Produce json
// @Tags Enterprise
// @Param user_id query string false "Filter by applications authorized for a user"
// @Success 200 {array} codersdk.OAuth2ProviderApp
// @Router /oauth2-provider/apps [get]
func (api *API) oAuth2ProviderApps(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
rawUserID := r.URL.Query().Get("user_id")
if rawUserID == "" {
dbApps, err := api.Database.GetOAuth2ProviderApps(ctx)
if err != nil {
httpapi.InternalServerError(rw, err)
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusOK, db2sdk.OAuth2ProviderApps(api.AccessURL, dbApps))
userID, err := uuid.Parse(rawUserID)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Invalid user UUID",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("queried user_id=%q", userID),
userApps, err := api.Database.GetOAuth2ProviderAppsByUserID(ctx, userID)
if err != nil {
httpapi.InternalServerError(rw, err)
var sdkApps []codersdk.OAuth2ProviderApp
for _, app := range userApps {
sdkApps = append(sdkApps, db2sdk.OAuth2ProviderApp(api.AccessURL, app.OAuth2ProviderApp))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusOK, sdkApps)
// @Summary Get OAuth2 application.
// @ID get-oauth2-application
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Produce json
// @Tags Enterprise
// @Param app path string true "App ID"
// @Success 200 {object} codersdk.OAuth2ProviderApp
// @Router /oauth2-provider/apps/{app} [get]
func (api *API) oAuth2ProviderApp(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
app := httpmw.OAuth2ProviderApp(r)
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusOK, db2sdk.OAuth2ProviderApp(api.AccessURL, app))
// @Summary Create OAuth2 application.
// @ID create-oauth2-application
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Tags Enterprise
// @Param request body codersdk.PostOAuth2ProviderAppRequest true "The OAuth2 application to create."
// @Success 200 {object} codersdk.OAuth2ProviderApp
// @Router /oauth2-provider/apps [post]
func (api *API) postOAuth2ProviderApp(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
auditor = api.Auditor.Load()
aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.OAuth2ProviderApp](rw, &audit.RequestParams{
Audit: *auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionCreate,
defer commitAudit()
var req codersdk.PostOAuth2ProviderAppRequest
if !httpapi.Read(ctx, rw, r, &req) {
app, err := api.Database.InsertOAuth2ProviderApp(ctx, database.InsertOAuth2ProviderAppParams{
ID: uuid.New(),
CreatedAt: dbtime.Now(),
UpdatedAt: dbtime.Now(),
Name: req.Name,
Icon: req.Icon,
CallbackURL: req.CallbackURL,
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error creating OAuth2 application.",
Detail: err.Error(),
aReq.New = app
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusCreated, db2sdk.OAuth2ProviderApp(api.AccessURL, app))
// @Summary Update OAuth2 application.
// @ID update-oauth2-application
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Tags Enterprise
// @Param app path string true "App ID"
// @Param request body codersdk.PutOAuth2ProviderAppRequest true "Update an OAuth2 application."
// @Success 200 {object} codersdk.OAuth2ProviderApp
// @Router /oauth2-provider/apps/{app} [put]
func (api *API) putOAuth2ProviderApp(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
app = httpmw.OAuth2ProviderApp(r)
auditor = api.Auditor.Load()
aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.OAuth2ProviderApp](rw, &audit.RequestParams{
Audit: *auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionWrite,
aReq.Old = app
defer commitAudit()
var req codersdk.PutOAuth2ProviderAppRequest
if !httpapi.Read(ctx, rw, r, &req) {
app, err := api.Database.UpdateOAuth2ProviderAppByID(ctx, database.UpdateOAuth2ProviderAppByIDParams{
ID: app.ID,
UpdatedAt: dbtime.Now(),
Name: req.Name,
Icon: req.Icon,
CallbackURL: req.CallbackURL,
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error updating OAuth2 application.",
Detail: err.Error(),
aReq.New = app
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusOK, db2sdk.OAuth2ProviderApp(api.AccessURL, app))
// @Summary Delete OAuth2 application.
// @ID delete-oauth2-application
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Tags Enterprise
// @Param app path string true "App ID"
// @Success 204
// @Router /oauth2-provider/apps/{app} [delete]
func (api *API) deleteOAuth2ProviderApp(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
app = httpmw.OAuth2ProviderApp(r)
auditor = api.Auditor.Load()
aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.OAuth2ProviderApp](rw, &audit.RequestParams{
Audit: *auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionDelete,
aReq.Old = app
defer commitAudit()
err := api.Database.DeleteOAuth2ProviderAppByID(ctx, app.ID)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error deleting OAuth2 application.",
Detail: err.Error(),
// @Summary Get OAuth2 application secrets.
// @ID get-oauth2-application-secrets
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Produce json
// @Tags Enterprise
// @Param app path string true "App ID"
// @Success 200 {array} codersdk.OAuth2ProviderAppSecret
// @Router /oauth2-provider/apps/{app}/secrets [get]
func (api *API) oAuth2ProviderAppSecrets(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
app := httpmw.OAuth2ProviderApp(r)
dbSecrets, err := api.Database.GetOAuth2ProviderAppSecretsByAppID(ctx, app.ID)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error getting OAuth2 client secrets.",
Detail: err.Error(),
secrets := []codersdk.OAuth2ProviderAppSecret{}
for _, secret := range dbSecrets {
secrets = append(secrets, codersdk.OAuth2ProviderAppSecret{
ID: secret.ID,
LastUsedAt: codersdk.NullTime{NullTime: secret.LastUsedAt},
ClientSecretTruncated: secret.DisplaySecret,
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusOK, secrets)
// @Summary Create OAuth2 application secret.
// @ID create-oauth2-application-secret
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Produce json
// @Tags Enterprise
// @Param app path string true "App ID"
// @Success 200 {array} codersdk.OAuth2ProviderAppSecretFull
// @Router /oauth2-provider/apps/{app}/secrets [post]
func (api *API) postOAuth2ProviderAppSecret(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
app = httpmw.OAuth2ProviderApp(r)
auditor = api.Auditor.Load()
aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.OAuth2ProviderAppSecret](rw, &audit.RequestParams{
Audit: *auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionCreate,
defer commitAudit()
secret, err := identityprovider.GenerateSecret()
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to generate OAuth2 client secret.",
Detail: err.Error(),
dbSecret, err := api.Database.InsertOAuth2ProviderAppSecret(ctx, database.InsertOAuth2ProviderAppSecretParams{
ID: uuid.New(),
CreatedAt: dbtime.Now(),
SecretPrefix: []byte(secret.Prefix),
HashedSecret: []byte(secret.Hashed),
// DisplaySecret is the last six characters of the original unhashed secret.
// This is done so they can be differentiated and it matches how GitHub
// displays their client secrets.
DisplaySecret: secret.Formatted[len(secret.Formatted)-6:],
AppID: app.ID,
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error creating OAuth2 client secret.",
Detail: err.Error(),
aReq.New = dbSecret
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusCreated, codersdk.OAuth2ProviderAppSecretFull{
ID: dbSecret.ID,
ClientSecretFull: secret.Formatted,
// @Summary Delete OAuth2 application secret.
// @ID delete-oauth2-application-secret
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Tags Enterprise
// @Param app path string true "App ID"
// @Param secretID path string true "Secret ID"
// @Success 204
// @Router /oauth2-provider/apps/{app}/secrets/{secretID} [delete]
func (api *API) deleteOAuth2ProviderAppSecret(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
secret = httpmw.OAuth2ProviderAppSecret(r)
auditor = api.Auditor.Load()
aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.OAuth2ProviderAppSecret](rw, &audit.RequestParams{
Audit: *auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionDelete,
aReq.Old = secret
defer commitAudit()
err := api.Database.DeleteOAuth2ProviderAppSecretByID(ctx, secret.ID)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error deleting OAuth2 client secret.",
Detail: err.Error(),
// @Summary OAuth2 authorization request.
// @ID oauth2-authorization-request
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Tags Enterprise
// @Param client_id query string true "Client ID"
// @Param state query string true "A random unguessable string"
// @Param response_type query codersdk.OAuth2ProviderResponseType true "Response type"
// @Param redirect_uri query string false "Redirect here after authorization"
// @Param scope query string false "Token scopes (currently ignored)"
// @Success 302
// @Router /oauth2/authorize [post]
func (api *API) getOAuth2ProviderAppAuthorize() http.HandlerFunc {
return identityprovider.Authorize(api.Database, api.AccessURL)
// @Summary OAuth2 token exchange.
// @ID oauth2-token-exchange
// @Produce json
// @Tags Enterprise
// @Param client_id formData string false "Client ID, required if grant_type=authorization_code"
// @Param client_secret formData string false "Client secret, required if grant_type=authorization_code"
// @Param code formData string false "Authorization code, required if grant_type=authorization_code"
// @Param refresh_token formData string false "Refresh token, required if grant_type=refresh_token"
// @Param grant_type formData codersdk.OAuth2ProviderGrantType true "Grant type"
// @Success 200 {object} oauth2.Token
// @Router /oauth2/tokens [post]
func (api *API) postOAuth2ProviderAppToken() http.HandlerFunc {
return identityprovider.Tokens(api.Database, api.DeploymentValues.Sessions)
// @Summary Delete OAuth2 application tokens.
// @ID delete-oauth2-application-tokens
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Tags Enterprise
// @Param client_id query string true "Client ID"
// @Success 204
// @Router /oauth2/tokens [delete]
func (api *API) deleteOAuth2ProviderAppTokens() http.HandlerFunc {
return identityprovider.RevokeApp(api.Database)