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This PR fixes 2 bugs: ## Problem 1 The server would fail to start when the default github provider was configured and the flag `--oauth2-github-allowed-orgs` was set. The error was ``` error: configure github oauth2: allow everyone and allowed orgs cannot be used together ``` This PR fixes it by enabling "allow everone" with the default provider only if "allowed orgs" isn't set. ## Problem 2 The default github provider uses the device flow to authorize users, and that's handled differently by our web UI than the standard oauth flow. In particular, the web UI only handles JSON responses rather than HTTP redirects. There were 2 code paths that returned redirects, and the PR changes them to return JSON messages instead if the device flow is configured.
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2129 lines
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package coderd
import (
type MergedClaimsSource string
var (
MergedClaimsSourceNone MergedClaimsSource = "none"
MergedClaimsSourceUserInfo MergedClaimsSource = "user_info"
MergedClaimsSourceAccessToken MergedClaimsSource = "access_token"
const (
userAuthLoggerName = "userauth"
OAuthConvertCookieValue = "coder_oauth_convert_jwt"
mergeStateStringPrefix = "convert-"
type OAuthConvertStateClaims struct {
UserID uuid.UUID `json:"user_id"`
State string `json:"state"`
FromLoginType codersdk.LoginType `json:"from_login_type"`
ToLoginType codersdk.LoginType `json:"to_login_type"`
func (o *OAuthConvertStateClaims) Validate(e jwt.Expected) error {
return o.RegisteredClaims.Validate(e)
// postConvertLoginType replies with an oauth state token capable of converting
// the user to an oauth user.
// @Summary Convert user from password to oauth authentication
// @ID convert-user-from-password-to-oauth-authentication
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Tags Authorization
// @Param request body codersdk.ConvertLoginRequest true "Convert request"
// @Param user path string true "User ID, name, or me"
// @Success 201 {object} codersdk.OAuthConversionResponse
// @Router /users/{user}/convert-login [post]
func (api *API) postConvertLoginType(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
user = httpmw.UserParam(r)
ctx = r.Context()
auditor = api.Auditor.Load()
aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.AuditOAuthConvertState](rw, &audit.RequestParams{
Audit: *auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionCreate,
aReq.Old = database.AuditOAuthConvertState{}
defer commitAudit()
var req codersdk.ConvertLoginRequest
if !httpapi.Read(ctx, rw, r, &req) {
switch req.ToType {
case codersdk.LoginTypeGithub, codersdk.LoginTypeOIDC:
// Allowed!
case codersdk.LoginTypeNone, codersdk.LoginTypePassword, codersdk.LoginTypeToken:
// These login types are not allowed to be converted to at this time.
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Cannot convert to login type %q.", req.ToType),
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Unknown login type %q.", req.ToType),
// This handles the email/pass checking.
user, _, ok := api.loginRequest(ctx, rw, codersdk.LoginWithPasswordRequest{
Email: user.Email,
Password: req.Password,
if !ok {
// Only support converting from password auth.
if user.LoginType != database.LoginTypePassword {
// This is checked in loginRequest, but checked again here in case that shared
// function changes its checks. Just some defensive programming.
// This login type is **required** to be password based to prevent
// users from converting other login types to OIDC.
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "User account must have password based authentication.",
stateString, err := cryptorand.String(32)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error generating state string.",
Detail: err.Error(),
// The prefix is used to identify this state string as a conversion state
// without needing to hit the database. The random string is the CSRF protection.
stateString = fmt.Sprintf("%s%s", mergeStateStringPrefix, stateString)
// This JWT is the signed payload to authorize the convert to oauth request.
// When the user does the oauth flow, this jwt will be sent back to coderd.
// The included information in this payload links it to a state string, so
// this request is tied 1:1 with an oauth state.
// This JWT also includes information to tie it 1:1 with a coder deployment
// and user account. This is mainly to inform the user if they are accidentally
// switching between coder deployments if the OIDC is misconfigured.
// Eg: Developers with more than 1 deployment.
now := time.Now()
claims := &OAuthConvertStateClaims{
RegisteredClaims: jwtutils.RegisteredClaims{
Issuer: api.DeploymentID,
Subject: stateString,
Audience: []string{user.ID.String()},
Expiry: jwt.NewNumericDate(now.Add(time.Minute * 5)),
NotBefore: jwt.NewNumericDate(now.Add(time.Second * -1)),
IssuedAt: jwt.NewNumericDate(now),
ID: uuid.NewString(),
UserID: user.ID,
State: stateString,
FromLoginType: codersdk.LoginType(user.LoginType),
ToLoginType: req.ToType,
token, err := jwtutils.Sign(ctx, api.OIDCConvertKeyCache, claims)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error signing state jwt.",
Detail: err.Error(),
aReq.New = database.AuditOAuthConvertState{
CreatedAt: claims.IssuedAt.Time(),
ExpiresAt: claims.Expiry.Time(),
FromLoginType: database.LoginType(claims.FromLoginType),
ToLoginType: database.LoginType(claims.ToLoginType),
UserID: claims.UserID,
http.SetCookie(rw, &http.Cookie{
Name: OAuthConvertCookieValue,
Path: "/",
Value: token,
Expires: claims.Expiry.Time(),
Secure: api.SecureAuthCookie,
HttpOnly: true,
// Must be SameSite to work on the redirected auth flow from the
// oauth provider.
SameSite: http.SameSiteLaxMode,
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusCreated, codersdk.OAuthConversionResponse{
StateString: stateString,
ExpiresAt: claims.Expiry.Time(),
ToType: claims.ToLoginType,
UserID: claims.UserID,
// Requests a one-time passcode for a user.
// @Summary Request one-time passcode
// @ID request-one-time-passcode
// @Accept json
// @Tags Authorization
// @Param request body codersdk.RequestOneTimePasscodeRequest true "One-time passcode request"
// @Success 204
// @Router /users/otp/request [post]
func (api *API) postRequestOneTimePasscode(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
auditor = api.Auditor.Load()
logger = api.Logger.Named(userAuthLoggerName)
aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.User](rw, &audit.RequestParams{
Audit: *auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionRequestPasswordReset,
defer commitAudit()
if api.DeploymentValues.DisablePasswordAuth {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusForbidden, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Password authentication is disabled.",
var req codersdk.RequestOneTimePasscodeRequest
if !httpapi.Read(ctx, rw, r, &req) {
defer func() {
// We always send the same response. If we give a more detailed response
// it would open us up to an enumeration attack.
//nolint:gocritic // In order to request a one-time passcode, we need to get the user first - and can only do that in the system auth context.
user, err := api.Database.GetUserByEmailOrUsername(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.GetUserByEmailOrUsernameParams{
Email: req.Email,
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to get user by email", slog.Error(err))
// We continue if err == sql.ErrNoRows to help prevent a timing-based attack.
aReq.Old = user
aReq.UserID = user.ID
passcode := uuid.New()
passcodeExpiresAt := dbtime.Now().Add(api.OneTimePasscodeValidityPeriod)
hashedPasscode, err := userpassword.Hash(passcode.String())
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to hash passcode", slog.Error(err))
//nolint:gocritic // We need the system auth context to be able to save the one-time passcode.
err = api.Database.UpdateUserHashedOneTimePasscode(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.UpdateUserHashedOneTimePasscodeParams{
ID: user.ID,
HashedOneTimePasscode: []byte(hashedPasscode),
OneTimePasscodeExpiresAt: sql.NullTime{Time: passcodeExpiresAt, Valid: true},
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to set user hashed one-time passcode", slog.Error(err))
auditUser := user
auditUser.HashedOneTimePasscode = []byte(hashedPasscode)
auditUser.OneTimePasscodeExpiresAt = sql.NullTime{Time: passcodeExpiresAt, Valid: true}
aReq.New = auditUser
if user.ID != uuid.Nil {
// Send the one-time passcode to the user.
err = api.notifyUserRequestedOneTimePasscode(ctx, user, passcode.String())
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to notify user about one-time passcode request", slog.Error(err))
} else {
logger.Warn(ctx, "password reset requested for account that does not exist", slog.F("email", req.Email))
func (api *API) notifyUserRequestedOneTimePasscode(ctx context.Context, user database.User, passcode string) error {
_, err := api.NotificationsEnqueuer.Enqueue(
//nolint:gocritic // We need the notifier auth context to be able to send the user their one-time passcode.
map[string]string{"one_time_passcode": passcode},
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("enqueue notification: %w", err)
return nil
// Change a users password with a one-time passcode.
// @Summary Change password with a one-time passcode
// @ID change-password-with-a-one-time-passcode
// @Accept json
// @Tags Authorization
// @Param request body codersdk.ChangePasswordWithOneTimePasscodeRequest true "Change password request"
// @Success 204
// @Router /users/otp/change-password [post]
func (api *API) postChangePasswordWithOneTimePasscode(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
err error
ctx = r.Context()
auditor = api.Auditor.Load()
logger = api.Logger.Named(userAuthLoggerName)
aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.User](rw, &audit.RequestParams{
Audit: *auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionWrite,
defer commitAudit()
if api.DeploymentValues.DisablePasswordAuth {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusForbidden, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Password authentication is disabled.",
var req codersdk.ChangePasswordWithOneTimePasscodeRequest
if !httpapi.Read(ctx, rw, r, &req) {
if err := userpassword.Validate(req.Password); err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Invalid password.",
Validations: []codersdk.ValidationError{
Field: "password",
Detail: err.Error(),
err = api.Database.InTx(func(tx database.Store) error {
//nolint:gocritic // In order to change a user's password, we need to get the user first - and can only do that in the system auth context.
user, err := tx.GetUserByEmailOrUsername(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.GetUserByEmailOrUsernameParams{
Email: req.Email,
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to fetch user by email", slog.F("email", req.Email), slog.Error(err))
return xerrors.Errorf("get user by email: %w", err)
// We continue if err == sql.ErrNoRows to help prevent a timing-based attack.
aReq.Old = user
aReq.UserID = user.ID
equal, err := userpassword.Compare(string(user.HashedOneTimePasscode), req.OneTimePasscode)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to compare one-time passcode", slog.Error(err))
return xerrors.Errorf("compare one-time passcode: %w", err)
now := dbtime.Now()
if !equal || now.After(user.OneTimePasscodeExpiresAt.Time) {
logger.Warn(ctx, "password reset attempted with invalid or expired one-time passcode", slog.F("email", req.Email))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Incorrect email or one-time passcode.",
return nil
equal, err = userpassword.Compare(string(user.HashedPassword), req.Password)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to compare password", slog.Error(err))
return xerrors.Errorf("compare password: %w", err)
if equal {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "New password cannot match old password.",
return nil
newHashedPassword, err := userpassword.Hash(req.Password)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to hash user's password", slog.Error(err))
return xerrors.Errorf("hash user password: %w", err)
//nolint:gocritic // We need the system auth context to be able to update the user's password.
err = tx.UpdateUserHashedPassword(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.UpdateUserHashedPasswordParams{
ID: user.ID,
HashedPassword: []byte(newHashedPassword),
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to delete user's hashed password", slog.Error(err))
return xerrors.Errorf("update user hashed password: %w", err)
//nolint:gocritic // We need the system auth context to be able to delete all API keys for the user.
err = tx.DeleteAPIKeysByUserID(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), user.ID)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to delete user's api keys", slog.Error(err))
return xerrors.Errorf("delete api keys for user: %w", err)
auditUser := user
auditUser.HashedPassword = []byte(newHashedPassword)
auditUser.OneTimePasscodeExpiresAt = sql.NullTime{}
auditUser.HashedOneTimePasscode = nil
aReq.New = auditUser
return nil
}, nil)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error.",
Detail: err.Error(),
// ValidateUserPassword validates the complexity of a user password and that it is secured enough.
// @Summary Validate user password
// @ID validate-user-password
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Produce json
// @Accept json
// @Tags Authorization
// @Param request body codersdk.ValidateUserPasswordRequest true "Validate user password request"
// @Success 200 {object} codersdk.ValidateUserPasswordResponse
// @Router /users/validate-password [post]
func (*API) validateUserPassword(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
valid = true
details = ""
var req codersdk.ValidateUserPasswordRequest
if !httpapi.Read(ctx, rw, r, &req) {
err := userpassword.Validate(req.Password)
if err != nil {
valid = false
details = err.Error()
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusOK, codersdk.ValidateUserPasswordResponse{
Valid: valid,
Details: details,
// Authenticates the user with an email and password.
// @Summary Log in user
// @ID log-in-user
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Tags Authorization
// @Param request body codersdk.LoginWithPasswordRequest true "Login request"
// @Success 201 {object} codersdk.LoginWithPasswordResponse
// @Router /users/login [post]
func (api *API) postLogin(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
auditor = api.Auditor.Load()
logger = api.Logger.Named(userAuthLoggerName)
aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.APIKey](rw, &audit.RequestParams{
Audit: *auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionLogin,
aReq.Old = database.APIKey{}
defer commitAudit()
var loginWithPassword codersdk.LoginWithPasswordRequest
if !httpapi.Read(ctx, rw, r, &loginWithPassword) {
user, actor, ok := api.loginRequest(ctx, rw, loginWithPassword)
// 'user.ID' will be empty, or will be an actual value. Either is correct
// here.
aReq.UserID = user.ID
if !ok {
// user failed to login
//nolint:gocritic // Creating the API key as the user instead of as system.
cookie, key, err := api.createAPIKey(dbauthz.As(ctx, actor), apikey.CreateParams{
UserID: user.ID,
LoginType: database.LoginTypePassword,
RemoteAddr: r.RemoteAddr,
DefaultLifetime: api.DeploymentValues.Sessions.DefaultDuration.Value(),
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to create API key", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to create API key.",
Detail: err.Error(),
aReq.New = *key
http.SetCookie(rw, cookie)
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusCreated, codersdk.LoginWithPasswordResponse{
SessionToken: cookie.Value,
// loginRequest will process a LoginWithPasswordRequest and return the user if
// the credentials are correct. If 'false' is returned, the authentication failed
// and the appropriate error will be written to the ResponseWriter.
// The user struct is always returned, even if authentication failed. This is
// to support knowing what user attempted to login.
func (api *API) loginRequest(ctx context.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, req codersdk.LoginWithPasswordRequest) (database.User, rbac.Subject, bool) {
logger := api.Logger.Named(userAuthLoggerName)
//nolint:gocritic // In order to login, we need to get the user first!
user, err := api.Database.GetUserByEmailOrUsername(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.GetUserByEmailOrUsernameParams{
Email: req.Email,
if err != nil && !xerrors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to fetch user by email", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error.",
return user, rbac.Subject{}, false
// If the user doesn't exist, it will be a default struct.
equal, err := userpassword.Compare(string(user.HashedPassword), req.Password)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to compare passwords", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error.",
return user, rbac.Subject{}, false
if !equal {
// This message is the same as above to remove ease in detecting whether
// users are registered or not. Attackers still could with a timing attack.
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusUnauthorized, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Incorrect email or password.",
return user, rbac.Subject{}, false
// If password authentication is disabled and the user does not have the
// owner role, block the request.
if api.DeploymentValues.DisablePasswordAuth {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusForbidden, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Password authentication is disabled.",
return user, rbac.Subject{}, false
if user.LoginType != database.LoginTypePassword {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusForbidden, codersdk.Response{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Incorrect login type, attempting to use %q but user is of login type %q", database.LoginTypePassword, user.LoginType),
return user, rbac.Subject{}, false
user, err = ActivateDormantUser(api.Logger, &api.Auditor, api.Database)(ctx, user)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error.",
Detail: err.Error(),
return user, rbac.Subject{}, false
subject, userStatus, err := httpmw.UserRBACSubject(ctx, api.Database, user.ID, rbac.ScopeAll)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to fetch authorization user roles", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error.",
return user, rbac.Subject{}, false
// If the user logged into a suspended account, reject the login request.
if userStatus != database.UserStatusActive {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusUnauthorized, codersdk.Response{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Your account is %s. Contact an admin to reactivate your account.", userStatus),
return user, rbac.Subject{}, false
return user, subject, true
func ActivateDormantUser(logger slog.Logger, auditor *atomic.Pointer[audit.Auditor], db database.Store) func(ctx context.Context, user database.User) (database.User, error) {
return func(ctx context.Context, user database.User) (database.User, error) {
if user.ID == uuid.Nil || user.Status != database.UserStatusDormant {
return user, nil
//nolint:gocritic // System needs to update status of the user account (dormant -> active).
newUser, err := db.UpdateUserStatus(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.UpdateUserStatusParams{
ID: user.ID,
Status: database.UserStatusActive,
UpdatedAt: dbtime.Now(),
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to update user status to active", slog.Error(err))
return user, xerrors.Errorf("update user status: %w", err)
oldAuditUser := user
newAuditUser := user
newAuditUser.Status = database.UserStatusActive
audit.BackgroundAudit(ctx, &audit.BackgroundAuditParams[database.User]{
Audit: *auditor.Load(),
Log: logger,
UserID: user.ID,
Action: database.AuditActionWrite,
Old: oldAuditUser,
New: newAuditUser,
Status: http.StatusOK,
AdditionalFields: audit.BackgroundTaskFieldsBytes(ctx, logger, audit.BackgroundSubsystemDormancy),
return newUser, nil
// Clear the user's session cookie.
// @Summary Log out user
// @ID log-out-user
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Produce json
// @Tags Users
// @Success 200 {object} codersdk.Response
// @Router /users/logout [post]
func (api *API) postLogout(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
auditor = api.Auditor.Load()
aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.APIKey](rw, &audit.RequestParams{
Audit: *auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionLogout,
defer commitAudit()
// Get a blank token cookie.
cookie := &http.Cookie{
// MaxAge < 0 means to delete the cookie now.
MaxAge: -1,
Name: codersdk.SessionTokenCookie,
Path: "/",
http.SetCookie(rw, cookie)
// Delete the session token from database.
apiKey := httpmw.APIKey(r)
aReq.Old = apiKey
logger := api.Logger.Named(userAuthLoggerName)
err := api.Database.DeleteAPIKeyByID(ctx, apiKey.ID)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to delete API key", slog.F("api_key", apiKey.ID), slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error deleting API key.",
Detail: err.Error(),
// Invalidate all subdomain app tokens. This saves us from having to
// track which app tokens are associated which this browser session and
// doesn't inconvenience the user as they'll just get redirected if they try
// to access the app again.
err = api.Database.DeleteApplicationConnectAPIKeysByUserID(ctx, apiKey.UserID)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to invalidate subdomain app tokens", slog.F("user_id", apiKey.UserID), slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error deleting app tokens.",
Detail: err.Error(),
aReq.New = database.APIKey{}
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusOK, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Logged out!",
// GithubOAuth2Team represents a team scoped to an organization.
type GithubOAuth2Team struct {
Organization string
Slug string
// GithubOAuth2Provider exposes required functions for the Github authentication flow.
type GithubOAuth2Config struct {
AuthenticatedUser func(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client) (*github.User, error)
ListEmails func(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client) ([]*github.UserEmail, error)
ListOrganizationMemberships func(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client) ([]*github.Membership, error)
TeamMembership func(ctx context.Context, client *http.Client, org, team, username string) (*github.Membership, error)
DeviceFlowEnabled bool
ExchangeDeviceCode func(ctx context.Context, deviceCode string) (*oauth2.Token, error)
AuthorizeDevice func(ctx context.Context) (*codersdk.ExternalAuthDevice, error)
AllowSignups bool
AllowEveryone bool
AllowOrganizations []string
AllowTeams []GithubOAuth2Team
DefaultProviderConfigured bool
func (c *GithubOAuth2Config) Exchange(ctx context.Context, code string, opts ...oauth2.AuthCodeOption) (*oauth2.Token, error) {
if !c.DeviceFlowEnabled {
return c.OAuth2Config.Exchange(ctx, code, opts...)
return c.ExchangeDeviceCode(ctx, code)
func (c *GithubOAuth2Config) AuthCodeURL(state string, opts ...oauth2.AuthCodeOption) string {
if !c.DeviceFlowEnabled {
return c.OAuth2Config.AuthCodeURL(state, opts...)
// This is an absolute path in the Coder app. The device flow is orchestrated
// by the Coder frontend, so we need to redirect the user to the device flow page.
return "/login/device?state=" + state
// @Summary Get authentication methods
// @ID get-authentication-methods
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Produce json
// @Tags Users
// @Success 200 {object} codersdk.AuthMethods
// @Router /users/authmethods [get]
func (api *API) userAuthMethods(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var signInText string
var iconURL string
if api.OIDCConfig != nil {
signInText = api.OIDCConfig.SignInText
if api.OIDCConfig != nil {
iconURL = api.OIDCConfig.IconURL
httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, http.StatusOK, codersdk.AuthMethods{
TermsOfServiceURL: api.DeploymentValues.TermsOfServiceURL.Value(),
Password: codersdk.AuthMethod{
Enabled: !api.DeploymentValues.DisablePasswordAuth.Value(),
Github: codersdk.GithubAuthMethod{
Enabled: api.GithubOAuth2Config != nil,
DefaultProviderConfigured: api.GithubOAuth2Config != nil && api.GithubOAuth2Config.DefaultProviderConfigured,
OIDC: codersdk.OIDCAuthMethod{
AuthMethod: codersdk.AuthMethod{Enabled: api.OIDCConfig != nil},
SignInText: signInText,
IconURL: iconURL,
// @Summary Get Github device auth.
// @ID get-github-device-auth
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Produce json
// @Tags Users
// @Success 200 {object} codersdk.ExternalAuthDevice
// @Router /users/oauth2/github/device [get]
func (api *API) userOAuth2GithubDevice(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
auditor = api.Auditor.Load()
aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.APIKey](rw, &audit.RequestParams{
Audit: *auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionLogin,
aReq.Old = database.APIKey{}
defer commitAudit()
if api.GithubOAuth2Config == nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Github OAuth2 is not enabled.",
if !api.GithubOAuth2Config.DeviceFlowEnabled {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Device flow is not enabled for Github OAuth2.",
deviceAuth, err := api.GithubOAuth2Config.AuthorizeDevice(ctx)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to authorize device.",
Detail: err.Error(),
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusOK, deviceAuth)
// @Summary OAuth 2.0 GitHub Callback
// @ID oauth-20-github-callback
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Tags Users
// @Success 307
// @Router /users/oauth2/github/callback [get]
func (api *API) userOAuth2Github(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
// userOAuth2Github is a system function.
ctx = dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(r.Context())
state = httpmw.OAuth2(r)
auditor = api.Auditor.Load()
aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.APIKey](rw, &audit.RequestParams{
Audit: *auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionLogin,
aReq.Old = database.APIKey{}
defer commitAudit()
oauthClient := oauth2.NewClient(ctx, oauth2.StaticTokenSource(state.Token))
logger := api.Logger.Named(userAuthLoggerName)
var selectedMemberships []*github.Membership
var organizationNames []string
redirect := state.Redirect
if !api.GithubOAuth2Config.AllowEveryone {
memberships, err := api.GithubOAuth2Config.ListOrganizationMemberships(ctx, oauthClient)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to list organization members", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error fetching authenticated Github user organizations.",
Detail: err.Error(),
for _, membership := range memberships {
if membership.GetState() != "active" {
for _, allowed := range api.GithubOAuth2Config.AllowOrganizations {
if *membership.Organization.Login != allowed {
selectedMemberships = append(selectedMemberships, membership)
organizationNames = append(organizationNames, membership.Organization.GetLogin())
if len(selectedMemberships) == 0 {
status := http.StatusUnauthorized
msg := "You aren't a member of the authorized Github organizations!"
if api.GithubOAuth2Config.DeviceFlowEnabled {
// In the device flow, the error is rendered client-side.
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, status, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Unauthorized",
Detail: msg,
} else {
httpmw.CustomRedirectToLogin(rw, r, redirect, msg, status)
ghUser, err := api.GithubOAuth2Config.AuthenticatedUser(ctx, oauthClient)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to fetch authenticated user", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error fetching authenticated Github user.",
Detail: err.Error(),
// The default if no teams are specified is to allow all.
if !api.GithubOAuth2Config.AllowEveryone && len(api.GithubOAuth2Config.AllowTeams) > 0 {
var allowedTeam *github.Membership
for _, allowTeam := range api.GithubOAuth2Config.AllowTeams {
if allowedTeam != nil {
for _, selectedMembership := range selectedMemberships {
if allowTeam.Organization != *selectedMembership.Organization.Login {
// This needs to continue because multiple organizations
// could exist in the allow/team listings.
allowedTeam, err = api.GithubOAuth2Config.TeamMembership(ctx, oauthClient, allowTeam.Organization, allowTeam.Slug, *ghUser.Login)
// The calling user may not have permission to the requested team!
if err != nil {
if allowedTeam == nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("You aren't a member of an authorized team in the %v Github organization(s)!", organizationNames)
status := http.StatusUnauthorized
if api.GithubOAuth2Config.DeviceFlowEnabled {
// In the device flow, the error is rendered client-side.
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, status, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Unauthorized",
Detail: msg,
} else {
httpmw.CustomRedirectToLogin(rw, r, redirect, msg, status)
emails, err := api.GithubOAuth2Config.ListEmails(ctx, oauthClient)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to list emails", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Internal error fetching personal Github user.",
Detail: err.Error(),
var verifiedEmail *github.UserEmail
for _, email := range emails {
if email.GetVerified() && email.GetPrimary() {
verifiedEmail = email
if verifiedEmail == nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Your primary email must be verified on GitHub!",
ghName := ghUser.GetName()
normName := codersdk.NormalizeRealUsername(ghName)
// If we have a nil GitHub ID, that is a big problem. That would mean we link
// this user and all other users with this bug to the same uuid.
// We should instead throw an error. This should never occur in production.
// Verified that the lowest ID on GitHub is "1", so 0 should never occur.
if ghUser.GetID() == 0 {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "The GitHub user ID is missing, this should never happen. Please report this error.",
// If this happens, the User could either be:
// - Empty, in which case all these fields would also be empty.
// - Not a user, in which case the "Type" would be something other than "User"
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Other user fields: name=%q, email=%q, type=%q",
user, link, err := findLinkedUser(ctx, api.Database, githubLinkedID(ghUser), verifiedEmail.GetEmail())
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to find linked user", slog.F("gh_user", ghUser.Name), slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to find linked user.",
Detail: err.Error(),
// If a new user is authenticating for the first time
// the audit action is 'register', not 'login'
if user.ID == uuid.Nil {
aReq.Action = database.AuditActionRegister
// See: https://github.com/coder/coder/discussions/13340
// In GitHub Enterprise, admins are permitted to have `_`
// in their usernames. This is janky, but much better
// than changing the username format globally.
username := ghUser.GetLogin()
if strings.Contains(username, "_") {
api.Logger.Warn(ctx, "login associates a github username that contains underscores. underscores are not permitted in usernames, replacing with `-`", slog.F("username", username))
username = strings.ReplaceAll(username, "_", "-")
params := (&oauthLoginParams{
User: user,
Link: link,
State: state,
LinkedID: githubLinkedID(ghUser),
LoginType: database.LoginTypeGithub,
AllowSignups: api.GithubOAuth2Config.AllowSignups,
Email: verifiedEmail.GetEmail(),
Username: username,
AvatarURL: ghUser.GetAvatarURL(),
Name: normName,
UserClaims: database.UserLinkClaims{},
GroupSync: idpsync.GroupParams{
SyncEntitled: false,
OrganizationSync: idpsync.OrganizationParams{
SyncEntitled: false,
}).SetInitAuditRequest(func(params *audit.RequestParams) (*audit.Request[database.User], func()) {
return audit.InitRequest[database.User](rw, params)
cookies, user, key, err := api.oauthLogin(r, params)
defer params.CommitAuditLogs()
if err != nil {
if httpErr := idpsync.IsHTTPError(err); httpErr != nil {
// In the device flow, the error page is rendered client-side.
if api.GithubOAuth2Config.DeviceFlowEnabled && httpErr.RenderStaticPage {
httpErr.RenderStaticPage = false
httpErr.Write(rw, r)
logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: login failed", slog.F("user", user.Username), slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to process OAuth login.",
Detail: err.Error(),
// If the user is logging in with github.com we update their associated
// GitHub user ID to the new one.
if externalauth.IsGithubDotComURL(api.GithubOAuth2Config.AuthCodeURL("")) && user.GithubComUserID.Int64 != ghUser.GetID() {
err = api.Database.UpdateUserGithubComUserID(ctx, database.UpdateUserGithubComUserIDParams{
ID: user.ID,
GithubComUserID: sql.NullInt64{
Int64: ghUser.GetID(),
Valid: true,
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to update user github id", slog.F("user", user.Username), slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to update user GitHub ID.",
Detail: err.Error(),
aReq.New = key
aReq.UserID = key.UserID
for _, cookie := range cookies {
http.SetCookie(rw, cookie)
redirect = uriFromURL(redirect)
if api.GithubOAuth2Config.DeviceFlowEnabled {
// In the device flow, the redirect is handled client-side.
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusOK, codersdk.OAuth2DeviceFlowCallbackResponse{
RedirectURL: redirect,
} else {
http.Redirect(rw, r, redirect, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
type OIDCConfig struct {
Provider *oidc.Provider
Verifier *oidc.IDTokenVerifier
// EmailDomains are the domains to enforce when a user authenticates.
EmailDomain []string
AllowSignups bool
// IgnoreEmailVerified allows ignoring the email_verified claim
// from an upstream OIDC provider. See #5065 for context.
IgnoreEmailVerified bool
// UsernameField selects the claim field to be used as the created user's
// username.
UsernameField string
// EmailField selects the claim field to be used as the created user's
// email.
EmailField string
// NameField selects the claim field to be used as the created user's
// full / given name.
NameField string
// AuthURLParams are additional parameters to be passed to the OIDC provider
// when requesting an access token.
AuthURLParams map[string]string
// SecondaryClaims indicates where to source additional claim information from.
// The standard is either 'MergedClaimsSourceNone' or 'MergedClaimsSourceUserInfo'.
// The OIDC compliant way is to use the userinfo endpoint. This option
// is useful when the userinfo endpoint does not exist or causes undesirable
// behavior.
SecondaryClaims MergedClaimsSource
// SignInText is the text to display on the OIDC login button
SignInText string
// IconURL points to the URL of an icon to display on the OIDC login button
IconURL string
// SignupsDisabledText is the text do display on the static error page.
SignupsDisabledText string
// @Summary OpenID Connect Callback
// @ID openid-connect-callback
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Tags Users
// @Success 307
// @Router /users/oidc/callback [get]
func (api *API) userOIDC(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
// userOIDC is a system function.
ctx = dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(r.Context())
state = httpmw.OAuth2(r)
auditor = api.Auditor.Load()
aReq, commitAudit = audit.InitRequest[database.APIKey](rw, &audit.RequestParams{
Audit: *auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionLogin,
aReq.Old = database.APIKey{}
defer commitAudit()
// See the example here: https://github.com/coreos/go-oidc
rawIDToken, ok := state.Token.Extra("id_token").(string)
if !ok {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "id_token not found in response payload. Ensure your OIDC callback is configured correctly!",
idToken, err := api.OIDCConfig.Verifier.Verify(ctx, rawIDToken)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to verify OIDC token.",
Detail: err.Error(),
logger := api.Logger.Named(userAuthLoggerName)
// "email_verified" is an optional claim that changes the behavior
// of our OIDC handler, so each property must be pulled manually out
// of the claim mapping.
idtokenClaims := map[string]interface{}{}
err = idToken.Claims(&idtokenClaims)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to extract OIDC claims", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to extract OIDC claims.",
Detail: err.Error(),
if idToken.Subject == "" {
logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: missing 'sub' claim field in OIDC token",
slog.F("source", "id_token"),
slog.F("claim_fields", claimFields(idtokenClaims)),
slog.F("blank", blankFields(idtokenClaims)),
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "OIDC token missing 'sub' claim field or 'sub' claim field is empty.",
Detail: "'sub' claim field is required to be unique for all users by a given issue, " +
"an empty field is invalid and this authentication attempt is rejected.",
logger.Debug(ctx, "got oidc claims",
slog.F("source", "id_token"),
slog.F("claim_fields", claimFields(idtokenClaims)),
slog.F("blank", blankFields(idtokenClaims)),
// Not all claims are necessarily embedded in the `id_token`.
// In GitLab, the username is left empty and must be fetched in UserInfo.
// The OIDC specification says claims can be in either place, so we fetch
// user info if required and merge the two claim sets to be sure we have
// all of the correct data.
// Some providers (e.g. ADFS) do not support custom OIDC claims in the
// UserInfo endpoint, so we allow users to disable it and only rely on the
// ID token.
// If user info is skipped, the idtokenClaims are the claims.
mergedClaims := idtokenClaims
supplementaryClaims := make(map[string]interface{})
switch api.OIDCConfig.SecondaryClaims {
case MergedClaimsSourceUserInfo:
supplementaryClaims, ok = api.userInfoClaims(ctx, rw, state, logger)
if !ok {
// The precedence ordering is userInfoClaims > idTokenClaims.
// Note: Unsure why exactly this is the case. idTokenClaims feels more
// important?
mergedClaims = mergeClaims(idtokenClaims, supplementaryClaims)
case MergedClaimsSourceAccessToken:
supplementaryClaims, ok = api.accessTokenClaims(ctx, rw, state, logger)
if !ok {
// idTokenClaims take priority over accessTokenClaims. The order should
// not matter. It is just safer to assume idTokenClaims is the truth,
// and accessTokenClaims are supplemental.
mergedClaims = mergeClaims(supplementaryClaims, idtokenClaims)
case MergedClaimsSourceNone:
// noop, keep the userInfoClaims empty
// This should never happen and is a developer error
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Invalid source for secondary user claims.",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("invalid source: %q", api.OIDCConfig.SecondaryClaims),
return // Invalid MergedClaimsSource
usernameRaw, ok := mergedClaims[api.OIDCConfig.UsernameField]
var username string
if ok {
username, _ = usernameRaw.(string)
emailRaw, ok := mergedClaims[api.OIDCConfig.EmailField]
if !ok {
// Email is an optional claim in OIDC and
// instead the email is frequently sent in
// "preferred_username". See:
// https://github.com/coder/coder/issues/4472
_, err = mail.ParseAddress(username)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "No email found in OIDC payload!",
emailRaw = username
email, ok := emailRaw.(string)
if !ok {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Email in OIDC payload isn't a string. Got: %t", emailRaw),
verifiedRaw, ok := mergedClaims["email_verified"]
if ok {
verified, ok := verifiedRaw.(bool)
if ok && !verified {
if !api.OIDCConfig.IgnoreEmailVerified {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusForbidden, codersdk.Response{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Verify the %q email address on your OIDC provider to authenticate!", email),
logger.Warn(ctx, "allowing unverified oidc email %q")
// The username is a required property in Coder. We make a best-effort
// attempt at using what the claims provide, but if that fails we will
// generate a random username.
usernameValid := codersdk.NameValid(username)
if usernameValid != nil {
// If no username is provided, we can default to use the email address.
// This will be converted in the from function below, so it's safe
// to keep the domain.
if username == "" {
username = email
username = codersdk.UsernameFrom(username)
if len(api.OIDCConfig.EmailDomain) > 0 {
ok = false
emailSp := strings.Split(email, "@")
if len(emailSp) == 1 {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusForbidden, codersdk.Response{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Your email %q is not in domains %q!", email, api.OIDCConfig.EmailDomain),
userEmailDomain := emailSp[len(emailSp)-1]
for _, domain := range api.OIDCConfig.EmailDomain {
// Folks sometimes enter EmailDomain with a leading '@'.
domain = strings.TrimPrefix(domain, "@")
if strings.EqualFold(userEmailDomain, domain) {
ok = true
if !ok {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusForbidden, codersdk.Response{
Message: fmt.Sprintf("Your email %q is not in domains %q!", email, api.OIDCConfig.EmailDomain),
// The 'name' is an optional property in Coder. If not specified,
// it will be left blank.
var name string
nameRaw, ok := mergedClaims[api.OIDCConfig.NameField]
if ok {
name, _ = nameRaw.(string)
name = codersdk.NormalizeRealUsername(name)
var picture string
pictureRaw, ok := mergedClaims["picture"]
if ok {
picture, _ = pictureRaw.(string)
ctx = slog.With(ctx, slog.F("email", email), slog.F("username", username), slog.F("name", name))
user, link, err := findLinkedUser(ctx, api.Database, oidcLinkedID(idToken), email)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to find linked user", slog.F("email", email), slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to find linked user.",
Detail: err.Error(),
orgSync, orgSyncErr := api.IDPSync.ParseOrganizationClaims(ctx, mergedClaims)
if orgSyncErr != nil {
orgSyncErr.Write(rw, r)
groupSync, groupSyncErr := api.IDPSync.ParseGroupClaims(ctx, mergedClaims)
if groupSyncErr != nil {
groupSyncErr.Write(rw, r)
roleSync, roleSyncErr := api.IDPSync.ParseRoleClaims(ctx, mergedClaims)
if roleSyncErr != nil {
roleSyncErr.Write(rw, r)
// If a new user is authenticating for the first time
// the audit action is 'register', not 'login'
if user.ID == uuid.Nil {
aReq.Action = database.AuditActionRegister
params := (&oauthLoginParams{
User: user,
Link: link,
State: state,
LinkedID: oidcLinkedID(idToken),
LoginType: database.LoginTypeOIDC,
AllowSignups: api.OIDCConfig.AllowSignups,
Email: email,
Username: username,
Name: name,
AvatarURL: picture,
OrganizationSync: orgSync,
GroupSync: groupSync,
RoleSync: roleSync,
UserClaims: database.UserLinkClaims{
IDTokenClaims: idtokenClaims,
UserInfoClaims: supplementaryClaims,
MergedClaims: mergedClaims,
}).SetInitAuditRequest(func(params *audit.RequestParams) (*audit.Request[database.User], func()) {
return audit.InitRequest[database.User](rw, params)
cookies, user, key, err := api.oauthLogin(r, params)
defer params.CommitAuditLogs()
if err != nil {
if hErr := idpsync.IsHTTPError(err); hErr != nil {
hErr.Write(rw, r)
logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: login failed", slog.F("user", user.Username), slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to process OAuth login.",
Detail: err.Error(),
aReq.New = key
aReq.UserID = key.UserID
for i := range cookies {
http.SetCookie(rw, cookies[i])
redirect := state.Redirect
// Strip the host if it exists on the URL to prevent
// any nefarious redirects.
redirect = uriFromURL(redirect)
http.Redirect(rw, r, redirect, http.StatusTemporaryRedirect)
func (api *API) accessTokenClaims(ctx context.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, state httpmw.OAuth2State, logger slog.Logger) (accessTokenClaims map[string]interface{}, ok bool) {
// Assume the access token is a jwt, and signed by the provider.
accessToken, err := api.OIDCConfig.Verifier.Verify(ctx, state.Token.AccessToken)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to verify access token as secondary claims source", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to verify access token.",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("sourcing secondary claims from access token: %s", err.Error()),
return nil, false
rawClaims := make(map[string]any)
err = accessToken.Claims(&rawClaims)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to unmarshal access token claims", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to unmarshal access token claims.",
Detail: err.Error(),
return nil, false
return rawClaims, true
func (api *API) userInfoClaims(ctx context.Context, rw http.ResponseWriter, state httpmw.OAuth2State, logger slog.Logger) (userInfoClaims map[string]interface{}, ok bool) {
userInfoClaims = make(map[string]interface{})
userInfo, err := api.OIDCConfig.Provider.UserInfo(ctx, oauth2.StaticTokenSource(state.Token))
if err == nil {
err = userInfo.Claims(&userInfoClaims)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to unmarshal user info claims", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to unmarshal user info claims.",
Detail: err.Error(),
return nil, false
logger.Debug(ctx, "got oidc claims",
slog.F("source", "userinfo"),
slog.F("claim_fields", claimFields(userInfoClaims)),
slog.F("blank", blankFields(userInfoClaims)),
} else if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "user info endpoint is not supported by this provider") {
logger.Error(ctx, "oauth2: unable to obtain user information claims", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to obtain user information claims.",
Detail: "The attempt to fetch claims via the UserInfo endpoint failed: " + err.Error(),
return nil, false
} else {
// The OIDC provider does not support the UserInfo endpoint.
// This is not an error, but we should log it as it may mean
// that some claims are missing.
logger.Warn(ctx, "OIDC provider does not support the user info endpoint, ensure that all required claims are present in the id_token",
return userInfoClaims, true
// claimFields returns the sorted list of fields in the claims map.
func claimFields(claims map[string]interface{}) []string {
fields := []string{}
for field := range claims {
fields = append(fields, field)
return fields
// blankFields returns the list of fields in the claims map that are
// an empty string.
func blankFields(claims map[string]interface{}) []string {
fields := make([]string, 0)
for field, value := range claims {
if valueStr, ok := value.(string); ok && valueStr == "" {
fields = append(fields, field)
return fields
// mergeClaims merges the claims from a and b and returns the merged set.
// claims from b take precedence over claims from a.
func mergeClaims(a, b map[string]interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
c := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range a {
c[k] = v
for k, v := range b {
c[k] = v
return c
type oauthLoginParams struct {
User database.User
Link database.UserLink
State httpmw.OAuth2State
LinkedID string
LoginType database.LoginType
// The following are necessary in order to
// create new users.
AllowSignups bool
Email string
Username string
Name string
AvatarURL string
// OrganizationSync has the organizations that the user will be assigned to.
OrganizationSync idpsync.OrganizationParams
GroupSync idpsync.GroupParams
RoleSync idpsync.RoleParams
// UserClaims should only be populated for OIDC logins.
// It is used to save the user's claims on login.
UserClaims database.UserLinkClaims
commitLock sync.Mutex
initAuditRequest func(params *audit.RequestParams) *audit.Request[database.User]
commits []func()
func (p *oauthLoginParams) SetInitAuditRequest(f func(params *audit.RequestParams) (*audit.Request[database.User], func())) *oauthLoginParams {
p.initAuditRequest = func(params *audit.RequestParams) *audit.Request[database.User] {
defer p.commitLock.Unlock()
req, commit := f(params)
p.commits = append(p.commits, commit)
return req
return p
func (p *oauthLoginParams) CommitAuditLogs() {
defer p.commitLock.Unlock()
for _, f := range p.commits {
func (api *API) oauthLogin(r *http.Request, params *oauthLoginParams) ([]*http.Cookie, database.User, database.APIKey, error) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
user database.User
cookies []*http.Cookie
logger = api.Logger.Named(userAuthLoggerName)
auditor = *api.Auditor.Load()
dormantConvertAudit *audit.Request[database.User]
initDormantAuditOnce = sync.OnceFunc(func() {
dormantConvertAudit = params.initAuditRequest(&audit.RequestParams{
Audit: auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionWrite,
OrganizationID: uuid.Nil,
AdditionalFields: audit.BackgroundTaskFields(audit.BackgroundSubsystemDormancy),
var isConvertLoginType bool
err := api.Database.InTx(func(tx database.Store) error {
var (
link database.UserLink
err error
user = params.User
link = params.Link
// If you do a convert to OIDC and your email does not match, we need to
// catch this and not make a new account.
if isMergeStateString(params.State.StateString) {
// Always clear this cookie. If it succeeds, we no longer need it.
// If it fails, we no longer care about it.
cookies = append(cookies, clearOAuthConvertCookie())
user, err = api.convertUserToOauth(ctx, r, tx, params)
if err != nil {
return err
params.User = user
isConvertLoginType = true
// nolint:gocritic // Getting user count is a system function.
userCount, err := tx.GetUserCount(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unable to fetch user count: %w", err)
// Allow the first user to sign up with OIDC, regardless of
// whether signups are enabled or not.
allowSignup := userCount == 0 || params.AllowSignups
if user.ID == uuid.Nil && !allowSignup {
signupsDisabledText := "Please contact your Coder administrator to request access."
if api.OIDCConfig != nil && api.OIDCConfig.SignupsDisabledText != "" {
signupsDisabledText = render.HTMLFromMarkdown(api.OIDCConfig.SignupsDisabledText)
return &idpsync.HTTPError{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
Msg: "Signups are disabled",
Detail: signupsDisabledText,
RenderStaticPage: true,
RenderDetailMarkdown: true,
if user.ID != uuid.Nil && user.LoginType != params.LoginType {
return wrongLoginTypeHTTPError(user.LoginType, params.LoginType)
// This can happen if a user is a built-in user but is signing in
// with OIDC for the first time.
if user.ID == uuid.Nil {
_, err = tx.GetUserByEmailOrUsername(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.GetUserByEmailOrUsernameParams{
Username: params.Username,
if err == nil {
var (
original = params.Username
validUsername bool
for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
alternate := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", original, namesgenerator.GetRandomName(1))
params.Username = codersdk.UsernameFrom(alternate)
_, err := tx.GetUserByEmailOrUsername(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.GetUserByEmailOrUsernameParams{
Username: params.Username,
if xerrors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
validUsername = true
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("get user by email/username: %w", err)
if !validUsername {
return &idpsync.HTTPError{
Code: http.StatusConflict,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("exhausted alternatives for taken username %q", original),
defaultOrganization, err := tx.GetDefaultOrganization(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx))
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unable to fetch default organization: %w", err)
rbacRoles := []string{}
// If this is the first user, add the owner role.
if userCount == 0 {
rbacRoles = append(rbacRoles, rbac.RoleOwner().String())
user, err = api.CreateUser(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), tx, CreateUserRequest{
CreateUserRequestWithOrgs: codersdk.CreateUserRequestWithOrgs{
Email: params.Email,
Username: params.Username,
// This is a kludge, but all users are defaulted into the default
// organization. This exists as the default behavior.
// If org sync is enabled and configured, the user's groups
// will change based on the org sync settings.
OrganizationIDs: []uuid.UUID{defaultOrganization.ID},
UserStatus: ptr.Ref(codersdk.UserStatusActive),
LoginType: params.LoginType,
accountCreatorName: "oauth",
RBACRoles: rbacRoles,
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("create user: %w", err)
if userCount == 0 {
telemetryUser := telemetry.ConvertUser(user)
// The email is not anonymized for the first user.
telemetryUser.Email = &user.Email
Users: []telemetry.User{telemetryUser},
// Activate dormant user on sign-in
if user.Status == database.UserStatusDormant {
// This is necessary because transactions can be retried, and we
// only want to add the audit log a single time.
dormantConvertAudit.UserID = user.ID
dormantConvertAudit.Old = user
//nolint:gocritic // System needs to update status of the user account (dormant -> active).
user, err = tx.UpdateUserStatus(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.UpdateUserStatusParams{
ID: user.ID,
Status: database.UserStatusActive,
UpdatedAt: dbtime.Now(),
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "unable to update user status to active", slog.Error(err))
return xerrors.Errorf("update user status: %w", err)
dormantConvertAudit.New = user
if link.UserID == uuid.Nil {
//nolint:gocritic // System needs to insert the user link (linked_id, oauth_token, oauth_expiry).
link, err = tx.InsertUserLink(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.InsertUserLinkParams{
UserID: user.ID,
LoginType: params.LoginType,
LinkedID: params.LinkedID,
OAuthAccessToken: params.State.Token.AccessToken,
OAuthAccessTokenKeyID: sql.NullString{}, // set by dbcrypt if required
OAuthRefreshToken: params.State.Token.RefreshToken,
OAuthRefreshTokenKeyID: sql.NullString{}, // set by dbcrypt if required
OAuthExpiry: params.State.Token.Expiry,
Claims: params.UserClaims,
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("insert user link: %w", err)
if link.UserID != uuid.Nil {
//nolint:gocritic // System needs to update the user link (linked_id, oauth_token, oauth_expiry).
link, err = tx.UpdateUserLink(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.UpdateUserLinkParams{
UserID: user.ID,
LoginType: params.LoginType,
OAuthAccessToken: params.State.Token.AccessToken,
OAuthAccessTokenKeyID: sql.NullString{}, // set by dbcrypt if required
OAuthRefreshToken: params.State.Token.RefreshToken,
OAuthRefreshTokenKeyID: sql.NullString{}, // set by dbcrypt if required
OAuthExpiry: params.State.Token.Expiry,
Claims: params.UserClaims,
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("update user link: %w", err)
err = api.IDPSync.SyncOrganizations(ctx, tx, user, params.OrganizationSync)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("sync organizations: %w", err)
// Group sync needs to occur after org sync, since a user can join an org,
// then have their groups sync to said org.
err = api.IDPSync.SyncGroups(ctx, tx, user, params.GroupSync)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("sync groups: %w", err)
// Role sync needs to occur after org sync.
err = api.IDPSync.SyncRoles(ctx, tx, user, params.RoleSync)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("sync roles: %w", err)
needsUpdate := false
if user.AvatarURL != params.AvatarURL {
user.AvatarURL = params.AvatarURL
needsUpdate = true
if user.Name != params.Name {
user.Name = params.Name
needsUpdate = true
// If the upstream email or username has changed we should mirror
// that in Coder. Many enterprises use a user's email/username as
// security auditing fields so they need to stay synced.
// NOTE: username updating has been halted since it can have infrastructure
// provisioning consequences (updates to usernames may delete persistent
// resources such as user home volumes).
if user.Email != params.Email {
user.Email = params.Email
needsUpdate = true
if needsUpdate {
// TODO(JonA): Since we're processing updates to a user's upstream
// email/username, it's possible for a different built-in user to
// have already claimed the username.
// In such cases in the current implementation this user can now no
// longer sign in until an administrator finds the offending built-in
// user and changes their username.
user, err = tx.UpdateUserProfile(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.UpdateUserProfileParams{
ID: user.ID,
Email: user.Email,
Name: user.Name,
Username: user.Username,
UpdatedAt: dbtime.Now(),
AvatarURL: user.AvatarURL,
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("update user profile: %w", err)
return nil
}, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, database.User{}, database.APIKey{}, xerrors.Errorf("in tx: %w", err)
var key database.APIKey
oldKey, _, ok := httpmw.APIKeyFromRequest(ctx, api.Database, nil, r)
if ok && oldKey != nil && isConvertLoginType {
// If this is a convert login type, and it succeeds, then delete the old
// session. Force the user to log back in.
err := api.Database.DeleteAPIKeyByID(r.Context(), oldKey.ID)
if err != nil {
// Do not block this login if we fail to delete the old API key.
// Just delete the cookie and continue.
api.Logger.Warn(r.Context(), "failed to delete old API key in convert to oidc",
slog.F("old_api_key_id", oldKey.ID),
slog.F("user_id", user.ID),
cookies = append(cookies, &http.Cookie{
Name: codersdk.SessionTokenCookie,
Path: "/",
MaxAge: -1,
Secure: api.SecureAuthCookie,
HttpOnly: true,
// This is intentional setting the key to the deleted old key,
// as the user needs to be forced to log back in.
key = *oldKey
} else {
cookie, newKey, err := api.createAPIKey(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), apikey.CreateParams{
UserID: user.ID,
LoginType: params.LoginType,
DefaultLifetime: api.DeploymentValues.Sessions.DefaultDuration.Value(),
RemoteAddr: r.RemoteAddr,
if err != nil {
return nil, database.User{}, database.APIKey{}, xerrors.Errorf("create API key: %w", err)
cookies = append(cookies, cookie)
key = *newKey
return cookies, user, key, nil
// convertUserToOauth will convert a user from password base loginType to
// an oauth login type. If it fails, it will return a httpError
func (api *API) convertUserToOauth(ctx context.Context, r *http.Request, db database.Store, params *oauthLoginParams) (database.User, error) {
user := params.User
// Trying to convert to OIDC, but the email does not match.
// So do not make a new user, just block the request.
if user.ID == uuid.Nil {
return database.User{}, idpsync.HTTPError{
Code: http.StatusBadRequest,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("The oidc account with the email %q does not match the email of the account you are trying to convert. Contact your administrator to resolve this issue.", params.Email),
jwtCookie, err := r.Cookie(OAuthConvertCookieValue)
if err != nil {
return database.User{}, idpsync.HTTPError{
Code: http.StatusBadRequest,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("Convert to oauth cookie not found. Missing signed jwt to authorize this action. " +
"Please try again."),
var claims OAuthConvertStateClaims
err = jwtutils.Verify(ctx, api.OIDCConvertKeyCache, jwtCookie.Value, &claims)
if xerrors.Is(err, cryptokeys.ErrKeyNotFound) || xerrors.Is(err, cryptokeys.ErrKeyInvalid) || xerrors.Is(err, jose.ErrCryptoFailure) || xerrors.Is(err, jwtutils.ErrMissingKeyID) {
// These errors are probably because the user is mixing 2 coder deployments.
return database.User{}, idpsync.HTTPError{
Code: http.StatusBadRequest,
Msg: "Using an invalid jwt to authorize this action. Ensure there is only 1 coder deployment and try again.",
if err != nil {
return database.User{}, idpsync.HTTPError{
Code: http.StatusInternalServerError,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("Error parsing jwt: %v", err),
// At this point, this request could be an attempt to convert from
// password auth to oauth auth. Always log these attempts.
var (
auditor = *api.Auditor.Load()
oauthConvertAudit = params.initAuditRequest(&audit.RequestParams{
Audit: auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionWrite,
oauthConvertAudit.UserID = claims.UserID
oauthConvertAudit.Old = user
if claims.Issuer != api.DeploymentID {
return database.User{}, idpsync.HTTPError{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
Msg: "Request to convert login type failed. Issuer mismatch. Found a cookie from another coder deployment, please try again.",
if params.State.StateString != claims.State {
return database.User{}, idpsync.HTTPError{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
Msg: "Request to convert login type failed. State mismatch.",
// Make sure the merge state generated matches this OIDC login request.
// It needs to have the correct login type information for this
// user.
if user.ID != claims.UserID ||
codersdk.LoginType(user.LoginType) != claims.FromLoginType ||
codersdk.LoginType(params.LoginType) != claims.ToLoginType {
return database.User{}, idpsync.HTTPError{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
Msg: fmt.Sprintf("Request to convert login type from %s to %s failed", user.LoginType, params.LoginType),
// Convert the user and default to the normal login flow.
// If the login succeeds, this transaction will commit and the user
// will be converted.
// nolint:gocritic // system query to update user login type. The user already
// provided their password to authenticate this request.
user, err = db.UpdateUserLoginType(dbauthz.AsSystemRestricted(ctx), database.UpdateUserLoginTypeParams{
NewLoginType: params.LoginType,
UserID: user.ID,
if err != nil {
return database.User{}, idpsync.HTTPError{
Code: http.StatusInternalServerError,
Msg: "Failed to convert user to new login type",
oauthConvertAudit.New = user
return user, nil
// githubLinkedID returns the unique ID for a GitHub user.
func githubLinkedID(u *github.User) string {
return strconv.FormatInt(u.GetID(), 10)
// oidcLinkedID returns the uniqued ID for an OIDC user.
// See https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#ClaimStability .
func oidcLinkedID(tok *oidc.IDToken) string {
return strings.Join([]string{tok.Issuer, tok.Subject}, "||")
// findLinkedUser tries to find a user by their unique OAuth-linked ID.
// If it doesn't not find it, it returns the user by their email.
func findLinkedUser(ctx context.Context, db database.Store, linkedID string, emails ...string) (database.User, database.UserLink, error) {
var (
user database.User
link database.UserLink
link, err := db.GetUserLinkByLinkedID(ctx, linkedID)
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return user, link, xerrors.Errorf("get user auth by linked ID: %w", err)
if err == nil {
user, err = db.GetUserByID(ctx, link.UserID)
if err != nil {
return database.User{}, database.UserLink{}, xerrors.Errorf("get user by id: %w", err)
if !user.Deleted {
return user, link, nil
// If the user was deleted, act as if no account link exists.
user = database.User{}
for _, email := range emails {
user, err = db.GetUserByEmailOrUsername(ctx, database.GetUserByEmailOrUsernameParams{
Email: email,
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return user, link, xerrors.Errorf("get user by email: %w", err)
if errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
if user.ID == uuid.Nil {
// No user found.
return database.User{}, database.UserLink{}, nil
// LEGACY: This is annoying but we have to search for the user_link
// again except this time we search by user_id and login_type. It's
// possible that a user_link exists without a populated 'linked_id'.
link, err = db.GetUserLinkByUserIDLoginType(ctx, database.GetUserLinkByUserIDLoginTypeParams{
UserID: user.ID,
LoginType: user.LoginType,
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, sql.ErrNoRows) {
return database.User{}, database.UserLink{}, xerrors.Errorf("get user link by user id and login type: %w", err)
return user, link, nil
func isMergeStateString(state string) bool {
return strings.HasPrefix(state, mergeStateStringPrefix)
func clearOAuthConvertCookie() *http.Cookie {
return &http.Cookie{
Name: OAuthConvertCookieValue,
Path: "/",
MaxAge: -1,
func wrongLoginTypeHTTPError(user database.LoginType, params database.LoginType) idpsync.HTTPError {
addedMsg := ""
if user == database.LoginTypePassword {
addedMsg = " You can convert your account to use this login type by visiting your account settings."
return idpsync.HTTPError{
Code: http.StatusForbidden,
RenderStaticPage: true,
Msg: "Incorrect login type",
Detail: fmt.Sprintf("Attempting to use login type %q, but the user has the login type %q.%s",
params, user, addedMsg),