Eng Zer Jun 04c33968cf refactor: replace with slices (#16772)
The experimental functions in `` are now
available in the standard library since Go 1.21.


Signed-off-by: Eng Zer Jun <>
2025-03-04 00:46:49 +11:00

523 lines
19 KiB

package codersdk
import (
type LogSource string
type LogLevel string
const (
LogSourceProvisionerDaemon LogSource = "provisioner_daemon"
LogSourceProvisioner LogSource = "provisioner"
LogLevelTrace LogLevel = "trace"
LogLevelDebug LogLevel = "debug"
LogLevelInfo LogLevel = "info"
LogLevelWarn LogLevel = "warn"
LogLevelError LogLevel = "error"
// ProvisionerDaemonStatus represents the status of a provisioner daemon.
type ProvisionerDaemonStatus string
// ProvisionerDaemonStatus enums.
const (
ProvisionerDaemonOffline ProvisionerDaemonStatus = "offline"
ProvisionerDaemonIdle ProvisionerDaemonStatus = "idle"
ProvisionerDaemonBusy ProvisionerDaemonStatus = "busy"
type ProvisionerDaemon struct {
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" format:"uuid" table:"id"`
OrganizationID uuid.UUID `json:"organization_id" format:"uuid" table:"organization id"`
KeyID uuid.UUID `json:"key_id" format:"uuid" table:"-"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" format:"date-time" table:"created at"`
LastSeenAt NullTime `json:"last_seen_at,omitempty" format:"date-time" table:"last seen at"`
Name string `json:"name" table:"name,default_sort"`
Version string `json:"version" table:"version"`
APIVersion string `json:"api_version" table:"api version"`
Provisioners []ProvisionerType `json:"provisioners" table:"-"`
Tags map[string]string `json:"tags" table:"tags"`
// Optional fields.
KeyName *string `json:"key_name" table:"key name"`
Status *ProvisionerDaemonStatus `json:"status" enums:"offline,idle,busy" table:"status"`
CurrentJob *ProvisionerDaemonJob `json:"current_job" table:"current job,recursive"`
PreviousJob *ProvisionerDaemonJob `json:"previous_job" table:"previous job,recursive"`
type ProvisionerDaemonJob struct {
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" format:"uuid" table:"id"`
Status ProvisionerJobStatus `json:"status" enums:"pending,running,succeeded,canceling,canceled,failed" table:"status"`
TemplateName string `json:"template_name" table:"template name"`
TemplateIcon string `json:"template_icon" table:"template icon"`
TemplateDisplayName string `json:"template_display_name" table:"template display name"`
// MatchedProvisioners represents the number of provisioner daemons
// available to take a job at a specific point in time.
// Introduced in Coder version 2.18.0.
type MatchedProvisioners struct {
// Count is the number of provisioner daemons that matched the given
// tags. If the count is 0, it means no provisioner daemons matched the
// requested tags.
Count int `json:"count"`
// Available is the number of provisioner daemons that are available to
// take jobs. This may be less than the count if some provisioners are
// busy or have been stopped.
Available int `json:"available"`
// MostRecentlySeen is the most recently seen time of the set of matched
// provisioners. If no provisioners matched, this field will be null.
MostRecentlySeen NullTime `json:"most_recently_seen,omitempty" format:"date-time"`
// ProvisionerJobStatus represents the at-time state of a job.
type ProvisionerJobStatus string
// Active returns whether the job is still active or not.
// It returns true if canceling as well, since the job isn't
// in an entirely inactive state yet.
func (p ProvisionerJobStatus) Active() bool {
return p == ProvisionerJobPending ||
p == ProvisionerJobRunning ||
p == ProvisionerJobCanceling
const (
ProvisionerJobPending ProvisionerJobStatus = "pending"
ProvisionerJobRunning ProvisionerJobStatus = "running"
ProvisionerJobSucceeded ProvisionerJobStatus = "succeeded"
ProvisionerJobCanceling ProvisionerJobStatus = "canceling"
ProvisionerJobCanceled ProvisionerJobStatus = "canceled"
ProvisionerJobFailed ProvisionerJobStatus = "failed"
ProvisionerJobUnknown ProvisionerJobStatus = "unknown"
func ProvisionerJobStatusEnums() []ProvisionerJobStatus {
return []ProvisionerJobStatus{
// ProvisionerJobInput represents the input for the job.
type ProvisionerJobInput struct {
TemplateVersionID *uuid.UUID `json:"template_version_id,omitempty" format:"uuid" table:"template version id"`
WorkspaceBuildID *uuid.UUID `json:"workspace_build_id,omitempty" format:"uuid" table:"workspace build id"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty" table:"-"`
// ProvisionerJobMetadata contains metadata for the job.
type ProvisionerJobMetadata struct {
TemplateVersionName string `json:"template_version_name" table:"template version name"`
TemplateID uuid.UUID `json:"template_id" format:"uuid" table:"template id"`
TemplateName string `json:"template_name" table:"template name"`
TemplateDisplayName string `json:"template_display_name" table:"template display name"`
TemplateIcon string `json:"template_icon" table:"template icon"`
WorkspaceID *uuid.UUID `json:"workspace_id,omitempty" format:"uuid" table:"workspace id"`
WorkspaceName string `json:"workspace_name,omitempty" table:"workspace name"`
// ProvisionerJobType represents the type of job.
type ProvisionerJobType string
const (
ProvisionerJobTypeTemplateVersionImport ProvisionerJobType = "template_version_import"
ProvisionerJobTypeWorkspaceBuild ProvisionerJobType = "workspace_build"
ProvisionerJobTypeTemplateVersionDryRun ProvisionerJobType = "template_version_dry_run"
// JobErrorCode defines the error code returned by job runner.
type JobErrorCode string
const (
RequiredTemplateVariables JobErrorCode = "REQUIRED_TEMPLATE_VARIABLES"
// JobIsMissingParameterErrorCode returns whether the error is a missing parameter error.
// This can indicate to consumers that they should check parameters.
func JobIsMissingParameterErrorCode(code JobErrorCode) bool {
return string(code) == runner.MissingParameterErrorCode
// ProvisionerJob describes the job executed by the provisioning daemon.
type ProvisionerJob struct {
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" format:"uuid" table:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" format:"date-time" table:"created at"`
StartedAt *time.Time `json:"started_at,omitempty" format:"date-time" table:"started at"`
CompletedAt *time.Time `json:"completed_at,omitempty" format:"date-time" table:"completed at"`
CanceledAt *time.Time `json:"canceled_at,omitempty" format:"date-time" table:"canceled at"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty" table:"error"`
ErrorCode JobErrorCode `json:"error_code,omitempty" enums:"REQUIRED_TEMPLATE_VARIABLES" table:"error code"`
Status ProvisionerJobStatus `json:"status" enums:"pending,running,succeeded,canceling,canceled,failed" table:"status"`
WorkerID *uuid.UUID `json:"worker_id,omitempty" format:"uuid" table:"worker id"`
FileID uuid.UUID `json:"file_id" format:"uuid" table:"file id"`
Tags map[string]string `json:"tags" table:"tags"`
QueuePosition int `json:"queue_position" table:"queue position"`
QueueSize int `json:"queue_size" table:"queue size"`
OrganizationID uuid.UUID `json:"organization_id" format:"uuid" table:"organization id"`
Input ProvisionerJobInput `json:"input" table:"input,recursive_inline"`
Type ProvisionerJobType `json:"type" table:"type"`
AvailableWorkers []uuid.UUID `json:"available_workers,omitempty" format:"uuid" table:"available workers"`
Metadata ProvisionerJobMetadata `json:"metadata" table:"metadata,recursive_inline"`
// ProvisionerJobLog represents the provisioner log entry annotated with source and level.
type ProvisionerJobLog struct {
ID int64 `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" format:"date-time"`
Source LogSource `json:"log_source"`
Level LogLevel `json:"log_level" enums:"trace,debug,info,warn,error"`
Stage string `json:"stage"`
Output string `json:"output"`
// provisionerJobLogsAfter streams logs that occurred after a specific time.
func (c *Client) provisionerJobLogsAfter(ctx context.Context, path string, after int64) (<-chan ProvisionerJobLog, io.Closer, error) {
afterQuery := ""
if after != 0 {
afterQuery = fmt.Sprintf("&after=%d", after)
followURL, err := c.URL.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("%s?follow%s", path, afterQuery))
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
jar, err := cookiejar.New(nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, xerrors.Errorf("create cookie jar: %w", err)
jar.SetCookies(followURL, []*http.Cookie{{
Name: SessionTokenCookie,
Value: c.SessionToken(),
httpClient := &http.Client{
Jar: jar,
Transport: c.HTTPClient.Transport,
conn, res, err := websocket.Dial(ctx, followURL.String(), &websocket.DialOptions{
HTTPClient: httpClient,
CompressionMode: websocket.CompressionDisabled,
if err != nil {
if res == nil {
return nil, nil, err
return nil, nil, ReadBodyAsError(res)
d := wsjson.NewDecoder[ProvisionerJobLog](conn, websocket.MessageText, c.logger)
return d.Chan(), d, nil
// ServeProvisionerDaemonRequest are the parameters to call ServeProvisionerDaemon with
// @typescript-ignore ServeProvisionerDaemonRequest
type ServeProvisionerDaemonRequest struct {
// ID is a unique ID for a provisioner daemon.
// Deprecated: this field has always been ignored.
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" format:"uuid"`
// Name is the human-readable unique identifier for the daemon.
Name string `json:"name" example:"my-cool-provisioner-daemon"`
// Organization is the organization for the URL. If no orgID is provided,
// then it is assumed to use the default organization.
Organization uuid.UUID `json:"organization" format:"uuid"`
// Provisioners is a list of provisioner types hosted by the provisioner daemon
Provisioners []ProvisionerType `json:"provisioners"`
// Tags is a map of key-value pairs that tag the jobs this provisioner daemon can handle
Tags map[string]string `json:"tags"`
// PreSharedKey is an authentication key to use on the API instead of the normal session token from the client.
PreSharedKey string `json:"pre_shared_key"`
// ProvisionerKey is an authentication key to use on the API instead of the normal session token from the client.
ProvisionerKey string `json:"provisioner_key"`
// ServeProvisionerDaemon returns the gRPC service for a provisioner daemon
// implementation. The context is during dial, not during the lifetime of the
// client. Client should be closed after use.
func (c *Client) ServeProvisionerDaemon(ctx context.Context, req ServeProvisionerDaemonRequest) (proto.DRPCProvisionerDaemonClient, error) {
orgParam := req.Organization.String()
if req.Organization == uuid.Nil {
orgParam = DefaultOrganization
serverURL, err := c.URL.Parse(fmt.Sprintf("/api/v2/organizations/%s/provisionerdaemons/serve", orgParam))
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("parse url: %w", err)
query := serverURL.Query()
query.Add("version", proto.CurrentVersion.String())
query.Add("name", req.Name)
query.Add("version", proto.CurrentVersion.String())
for _, provisioner := range req.Provisioners {
query.Add("provisioner", string(provisioner))
for key, value := range req.Tags {
query.Add("tag", fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", key, value))
serverURL.RawQuery = query.Encode()
httpClient := &http.Client{
Transport: c.HTTPClient.Transport,
headers := http.Header{}
headers.Set(BuildVersionHeader, buildinfo.Version())
if req.ProvisionerKey != "" {
headers.Set(ProvisionerDaemonKey, req.ProvisionerKey)
if req.PreSharedKey != "" {
headers.Set(ProvisionerDaemonPSK, req.PreSharedKey)
if req.ProvisionerKey == "" && req.PreSharedKey == "" {
// use session token if we don't have a PSK or provisioner key.
jar, err := cookiejar.New(nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("create cookie jar: %w", err)
jar.SetCookies(serverURL, []*http.Cookie{{
Name: SessionTokenCookie,
Value: c.SessionToken(),
httpClient.Jar = jar
conn, res, err := websocket.Dial(ctx, serverURL.String(), &websocket.DialOptions{
HTTPClient: httpClient,
// Need to disable compression to avoid a data-race.
CompressionMode: websocket.CompressionDisabled,
HTTPHeader: headers,
if err != nil {
if res == nil {
return nil, err
return nil, ReadBodyAsError(res)
// Align with the frame size of yamux.
conn.SetReadLimit(256 * 1024)
config := yamux.DefaultConfig()
config.LogOutput = io.Discard
// Use background context because caller should close the client.
_, wsNetConn := WebsocketNetConn(context.Background(), conn, websocket.MessageBinary)
session, err := yamux.Client(wsNetConn, config)
if err != nil {
_ = conn.Close(websocket.StatusGoingAway, "")
_ = wsNetConn.Close()
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("multiplex client: %w", err)
return proto.NewDRPCProvisionerDaemonClient(drpc.MultiplexedConn(session)), nil
type ProvisionerKeyTags map[string]string
func (p ProvisionerKeyTags) String() string {
keys := maps.Keys(p)
tags := []string{}
for _, key := range keys {
tags = append(tags, fmt.Sprintf("%s=%s", key, p[key]))
return strings.Join(tags, " ")
type ProvisionerKey struct {
ID uuid.UUID `json:"id" table:"-" format:"uuid"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"created_at" table:"created at" format:"date-time"`
OrganizationID uuid.UUID `json:"organization" table:"-" format:"uuid"`
Name string `json:"name" table:"name,default_sort"`
Tags ProvisionerKeyTags `json:"tags" table:"tags"`
// HashedSecret - never include the access token in the API response
type ProvisionerKeyDaemons struct {
Key ProvisionerKey `json:"key"`
Daemons []ProvisionerDaemon `json:"daemons"`
const (
ProvisionerKeyIDBuiltIn = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001"
ProvisionerKeyIDUserAuth = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000002"
ProvisionerKeyIDPSK = "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000003"
var (
ProvisionerKeyUUIDBuiltIn = uuid.MustParse(ProvisionerKeyIDBuiltIn)
ProvisionerKeyUUIDUserAuth = uuid.MustParse(ProvisionerKeyIDUserAuth)
ProvisionerKeyUUIDPSK = uuid.MustParse(ProvisionerKeyIDPSK)
const (
ProvisionerKeyNameBuiltIn = "built-in"
ProvisionerKeyNameUserAuth = "user-auth"
ProvisionerKeyNamePSK = "psk"
func ReservedProvisionerKeyNames() []string {
return []string{
type CreateProvisionerKeyRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Tags map[string]string `json:"tags"`
type CreateProvisionerKeyResponse struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
// CreateProvisionerKey creates a new provisioner key for an organization.
func (c *Client) CreateProvisionerKey(ctx context.Context, organizationID uuid.UUID, req CreateProvisionerKeyRequest) (CreateProvisionerKeyResponse, error) {
res, err := c.Request(ctx, http.MethodPost,
fmt.Sprintf("/api/v2/organizations/%s/provisionerkeys", organizationID.String()),
if err != nil {
return CreateProvisionerKeyResponse{}, xerrors.Errorf("make request: %w", err)
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusCreated {
return CreateProvisionerKeyResponse{}, ReadBodyAsError(res)
var resp CreateProvisionerKeyResponse
return resp, json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&resp)
// ListProvisionerKeys lists all provisioner keys for an organization.
func (c *Client) ListProvisionerKeys(ctx context.Context, organizationID uuid.UUID) ([]ProvisionerKey, error) {
res, err := c.Request(ctx, http.MethodGet,
fmt.Sprintf("/api/v2/organizations/%s/provisionerkeys", organizationID.String()),
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("make request: %w", err)
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, ReadBodyAsError(res)
var resp []ProvisionerKey
return resp, json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&resp)
// GetProvisionerKey returns the provisioner key.
func (c *Client) GetProvisionerKey(ctx context.Context, pk string) (ProvisionerKey, error) {
res, err := c.Request(ctx, http.MethodGet,
fmt.Sprintf("/api/v2/provisionerkeys/%s", pk), nil,
func(req *http.Request) {
req.Header.Add(ProvisionerDaemonKey, pk)
if err != nil {
return ProvisionerKey{}, xerrors.Errorf("request to fetch provisioner key failed: %w", err)
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return ProvisionerKey{}, ReadBodyAsError(res)
var resp ProvisionerKey
return resp, json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&resp)
// ListProvisionerKeyDaemons lists all provisioner keys with their associated daemons for an organization.
func (c *Client) ListProvisionerKeyDaemons(ctx context.Context, organizationID uuid.UUID) ([]ProvisionerKeyDaemons, error) {
res, err := c.Request(ctx, http.MethodGet,
fmt.Sprintf("/api/v2/organizations/%s/provisionerkeys/daemons", organizationID.String()),
if err != nil {
return nil, xerrors.Errorf("make request: %w", err)
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusOK {
return nil, ReadBodyAsError(res)
var resp []ProvisionerKeyDaemons
return resp, json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&resp)
// DeleteProvisionerKey deletes a provisioner key.
func (c *Client) DeleteProvisionerKey(ctx context.Context, organizationID uuid.UUID, name string) error {
res, err := c.Request(ctx, http.MethodDelete,
fmt.Sprintf("/api/v2/organizations/%s/provisionerkeys/%s", organizationID.String(), name),
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("make request: %w", err)
defer res.Body.Close()
if res.StatusCode != http.StatusNoContent {
return ReadBodyAsError(res)
return nil
func ConvertWorkspaceStatus(jobStatus ProvisionerJobStatus, transition WorkspaceTransition) WorkspaceStatus {
switch jobStatus {
case ProvisionerJobPending:
return WorkspaceStatusPending
case ProvisionerJobRunning:
switch transition {
case WorkspaceTransitionStart:
return WorkspaceStatusStarting
case WorkspaceTransitionStop:
return WorkspaceStatusStopping
case WorkspaceTransitionDelete:
return WorkspaceStatusDeleting
case ProvisionerJobSucceeded:
switch transition {
case WorkspaceTransitionStart:
return WorkspaceStatusRunning
case WorkspaceTransitionStop:
return WorkspaceStatusStopped
case WorkspaceTransitionDelete:
return WorkspaceStatusDeleted
case ProvisionerJobCanceling:
return WorkspaceStatusCanceling
case ProvisionerJobCanceled:
return WorkspaceStatusCanceled
case ProvisionerJobFailed:
return WorkspaceStatusFailed
// return error status since we should never get here
return WorkspaceStatusFailed