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synced 2025-03-14 10:09:57 +00:00
637 lines
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637 lines
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package codersdk_test
import (
type exclusion struct {
flag bool
env bool
yaml bool
func TestDeploymentValues_HighlyConfigurable(t *testing.T) {
// This test ensures that every deployment option has
// a corresponding Flag, Env, and YAML name, unless explicitly excluded.
excludes := map[string]exclusion{
// These are used to configure YAML support itself, so
// they make no sense within the YAML file.
"Config Path": {
yaml: true,
"Write Config": {
yaml: true,
env: true,
// Dangerous values? Not sure we should help users
// persistent their configuration.
"DANGEROUS: Allow Path App Sharing": {
yaml: true,
"DANGEROUS: Allow Site Owners to Access Path Apps": {
yaml: true,
// Secrets
"Trace Honeycomb API Key": {
yaml: true,
"OAuth2 GitHub Client Secret": {
yaml: true,
"OIDC Client Secret": {
yaml: true,
"Postgres Connection URL": {
yaml: true,
"SCIM API Key": {
yaml: true,
"External Token Encryption Keys": {
yaml: true,
"External Auth Providers": {
// Technically External Auth Providers can be provided through the env,
// but bypassing serpent. See cli.ReadExternalAuthProvidersFromEnv.
flag: true,
env: true,
"Provisioner Daemon Pre-shared Key (PSK)": {
yaml: true,
"Email Auth: Password": {
yaml: true,
"Notifications: Email Auth: Password": {
yaml: true,
set := (&codersdk.DeploymentValues{}).Options()
for _, opt := range set {
// These are generally for development, so their configurability is
// not relevant.
if opt.Hidden {
delete(excludes, opt.Name)
if codersdk.IsSecretDeploymentOption(opt) && opt.YAML != "" {
// Secrets should not be written to YAML and instead should continue
// to be read from the environment.
// Unfortunately, secrets are still accepted through flags for
// legacy purposes. Eventually, we should prevent that.
t.Errorf("Option %q is a secret but has a YAML name", opt.Name)
excluded := excludes[opt.Name]
switch {
case opt.YAML == "" && !excluded.yaml:
t.Errorf("Option %q should have a YAML name", opt.Name)
case opt.YAML != "" && excluded.yaml:
t.Errorf("Option %q is excluded but has a YAML name", opt.Name)
case opt.Flag == "" && !excluded.flag:
t.Errorf("Option %q should have a flag name", opt.Name)
case opt.Flag != "" && excluded.flag:
t.Errorf("Option %q is excluded but has a flag name", opt.Name)
case opt.Env == "" && !excluded.env:
t.Errorf("Option %q should have an env name", opt.Name)
case opt.Env != "" && excluded.env:
t.Errorf("Option %q is excluded but has an env name", opt.Name)
// Also check all env vars are prefixed with CODER_
const prefix = "CODER_"
if opt.Env != "" && !strings.HasPrefix(opt.Env, prefix) {
t.Errorf("Option %q has an env name (%q) that is not prefixed with %s", opt.Name, opt.Env, prefix)
delete(excludes, opt.Name)
for opt := range excludes {
t.Errorf("Excluded option %q is not in the deployment config. Remove it?", opt)
func TestSSHConfig_ParseOptions(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
Name string
ConfigOptions serpent.StringArray
ExpectError bool
Expect map[string]string
Name: "Empty",
ConfigOptions: []string{},
Expect: map[string]string{},
Name: "Whitespace",
ConfigOptions: []string{
"test value",
Expect: map[string]string{
"test": "value",
Name: "SimpleValueEqual",
ConfigOptions: []string{
Expect: map[string]string{
"test": "value",
Name: "SimpleValues",
ConfigOptions: []string{
Expect: map[string]string{
"test": "value",
"foo": "bar",
Name: "ValueWithQuote",
ConfigOptions: []string{
Expect: map[string]string{
"bar": "buzz=bazz",
Name: "NoEquals",
ConfigOptions: []string{
ExpectError: true,
for _, tt := range testCases {
tt := tt
t.Run(tt.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
c := codersdk.SSHConfig{
SSHConfigOptions: tt.ConfigOptions,
got, err := c.ParseOptions()
if tt.ExpectError {
require.Error(t, err, tt.ConfigOptions.String())
} else {
require.NoError(t, err, tt.ConfigOptions.String())
require.Equalf(t, tt.Expect, got, tt.ConfigOptions.String())
func TestTimezoneOffsets(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
Name string
Now time.Time
Loc *time.Location
ExpectedOffset int
Name: "UTC",
Loc: time.UTC,
ExpectedOffset: 0,
Name: "Eastern",
Now: time.Date(2021, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
Loc: must(time.LoadLocation("America/New_York")),
ExpectedOffset: 5,
// Daylight savings is on the 14th of March to Nov 7 in 2021
Name: "EasternDaylightSavings",
Now: time.Date(2021, 3, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
Loc: must(time.LoadLocation("America/New_York")),
ExpectedOffset: 4,
Name: "Central",
Now: time.Date(2021, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
Loc: must(time.LoadLocation("America/Chicago")),
ExpectedOffset: 6,
Name: "CentralDaylightSavings",
Now: time.Date(2021, 3, 16, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
Loc: must(time.LoadLocation("America/Chicago")),
ExpectedOffset: 5,
Name: "Ireland",
Now: time.Date(2021, 2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
Loc: must(time.LoadLocation("Europe/Dublin")),
ExpectedOffset: 0,
Name: "IrelandDaylightSavings",
Now: time.Date(2021, 4, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC),
Loc: must(time.LoadLocation("Europe/Dublin")),
ExpectedOffset: -1,
Name: "HalfHourTz",
Now: time.Date(2024, 1, 20, 6, 0, 0, 0, must(time.LoadLocation("Asia/Yangon"))),
// This timezone is +6:30, but the function rounds to the nearest hour.
// This is intentional because our DAUs endpoint only covers 1-hour offsets.
// If the user is in a non-hour timezone, they get the closest hour bucket.
Loc: must(time.LoadLocation("Asia/Yangon")),
ExpectedOffset: -6,
for _, c := range testCases {
c := c
t.Run(c.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
offset := codersdk.TimezoneOffsetHourWithTime(c.Now, c.Loc)
require.Equal(t, c.ExpectedOffset, offset)
func must[T any](value T, err error) T {
if err != nil {
return value
func TestDeploymentValues_DurationFormatNanoseconds(t *testing.T) {
set := (&codersdk.DeploymentValues{}).Options()
for _, s := range set {
if s.Value.Type() != "duration" {
// Just make sure the annotation is set.
// If someone wants to not format a duration, they can
// explicitly set the annotation to false.
if s.Annotations.IsSet("format_duration") {
t.Logf("Option %q is a duration but does not have the format_duration annotation.", s.Name)
t.Log("To fix this, add the following to the option declaration:")
t.Log(`Annotations: serpent.Annotations{}.Mark(annotationFormatDurationNS, "true"),`)
//go:embed testdata/*
var testData embed.FS
func TestExternalAuthYAMLConfig(t *testing.T) {
if runtime.GOOS == "windows" {
// The windows marshal function uses different line endings.
// Not worth the effort getting this to work on windows.
file := func(t *testing.T, name string) string {
data, err := testData.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("testdata/%s", name))
require.NoError(t, err, "read testdata file %q", name)
return string(data)
githubCfg := codersdk.ExternalAuthConfig{
Type: "github",
ClientID: "client_id",
ClientSecret: "client_secret",
ID: "id",
AuthURL: "https://example.com/auth",
TokenURL: "https://example.com/token",
ValidateURL: "https://example.com/validate",
AppInstallURL: "https://example.com/install",
AppInstallationsURL: "https://example.com/installations",
NoRefresh: true,
Scopes: []string{"user:email", "read:org"},
ExtraTokenKeys: []string{"extra", "token"},
DeviceFlow: true,
DeviceCodeURL: "https://example.com/device",
Regex: "^https://example.com/.*$",
DisplayName: "GitHub",
DisplayIcon: "/static/icons/github.svg",
// Input the github section twice for testing a slice of configs.
inputYAML := func() string {
f := file(t, "githubcfg.yaml")
lines := strings.SplitN(f, "\n", 2)
// Append github config twice
return f + lines[1]
expected := []codersdk.ExternalAuthConfig{
githubCfg, githubCfg,
dv := codersdk.DeploymentValues{}
opts := dv.Options()
// replace any tabs with the proper space indentation
inputYAML = strings.ReplaceAll(inputYAML, "\t", " ")
// This is the order things are done in the cli, so just
// keep it the same.
var n yaml.Node
err := yaml.Unmarshal([]byte(inputYAML), &n)
require.NoError(t, err)
err = n.Decode(&opts)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.ElementsMatchf(t, expected, dv.ExternalAuthConfigs.Value, "from yaml")
var out bytes.Buffer
enc := yaml.NewEncoder(&out)
err = enc.Encode(dv.ExternalAuthConfigs)
require.NoError(t, err)
// Because we only marshal the 1 section, the correct section name is not applied.
output := strings.Replace(out.String(), "value:", "externalAuthProviders:", 1)
require.Equal(t, inputYAML, output, "re-marshaled is the same as input")
func TestFeatureComparison(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
Name string
A codersdk.Feature
B codersdk.Feature
Expected int
Name: "Empty",
Expected: 0,
// Entitlement check
// Entitled
Name: "EntitledVsGracePeriod",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementGracePeriod},
Expected: 1,
Name: "EntitledVsGracePeriodLimits",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled},
// Entitled should still win here
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementGracePeriod, Limit: ptr.Ref[int64](100), Actual: ptr.Ref[int64](50)},
Expected: 1,
Name: "EntitledVsNotEntitled",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementNotEntitled},
Expected: 3,
Name: "EntitledVsUnknown",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: ""},
Expected: 4,
// GracePeriod
Name: "GracefulVsNotEntitled",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementGracePeriod},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementNotEntitled},
Expected: 2,
Name: "GracefulVsUnknown",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementGracePeriod},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: ""},
Expected: 3,
// NotEntitled
Name: "NotEntitledVsUnknown",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementNotEntitled},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: ""},
Expected: 1,
// --
Name: "EntitledVsGracePeriodCapable",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: ptr.Ref[int64](100), Actual: ptr.Ref[int64](200)},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementGracePeriod, Limit: ptr.Ref[int64](300), Actual: ptr.Ref[int64](200)},
Expected: -1,
// UserLimits
// Tests an exceeded limit that is entitled vs a graceful limit that
// is not exceeded. This is the edge case that we should use the graceful period
// instead of the entitled.
Name: "UserLimitExceeded",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(100)), Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(200))},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementGracePeriod, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(300)), Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(200))},
Expected: -1,
Name: "UserLimitExceededNoEntitled",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(100)), Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(200))},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementNotEntitled, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(300)), Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(200))},
Expected: 3,
Name: "HigherLimit",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(110)), Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(200))},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(100)), Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(200))},
Expected: 10, // Diff in the limit #
Name: "HigherActual",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(100)), Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(300))},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(100)), Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(200))},
Expected: 100, // Diff in the actual #
Name: "LimitExists",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(100)), Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(50))},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: nil, Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(200))},
Expected: 1,
Name: "LimitExistsGrace",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementGracePeriod, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(100)), Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(50))},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementGracePeriod, Limit: nil, Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(200))},
Expected: 1,
Name: "ActualExists",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(100)), Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(50))},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(100)), Actual: nil},
Expected: 1,
Name: "NotNils",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(100)), Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(50))},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: nil, Actual: nil},
Expected: 1,
Name: "EnabledVsDisabled",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Enabled: true, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(300)), Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(200))},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(300)), Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(200))},
Expected: 1,
Name: "NotNils",
A: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: ptr.Ref(int64(100)), Actual: ptr.Ref(int64(50))},
B: codersdk.Feature{Entitlement: codersdk.EntitlementEntitled, Limit: nil, Actual: nil},
Expected: 1,
for _, tc := range testCases {
tc := tc
t.Run(tc.Name, func(t *testing.T) {
r := tc.A.Compare(tc.B)
logIt := !assert.Equal(t, tc.Expected, r)
// Comparisons should be like addition. A - B = -1 * (B - A)
r = tc.B.Compare(tc.A)
logIt = logIt || !assert.Equalf(t, tc.Expected*-1, r, "the inverse comparison should also be true")
if logIt {
ad, _ := json.Marshal(tc.A)
bd, _ := json.Marshal(tc.B)
t.Logf("a = %s\nb = %s", ad, bd)
// TestPremiumSuperSet tests that the "premium" feature set is a superset of the
// "enterprise" feature set.
func TestPremiumSuperSet(t *testing.T) {
enterprise := codersdk.FeatureSetEnterprise
premium := codersdk.FeatureSetPremium
// Premium > Enterprise
require.Greater(t, len(premium.Features()), len(enterprise.Features()), "premium should have more features than enterprise")
// Premium ⊃ Enterprise
require.Subset(t, premium.Features(), enterprise.Features(), "premium should be a superset of enterprise. If this fails, update the premium feature set to include all enterprise features.")
// Premium = All Features
// This is currently true. If this assertion changes, update this test
// to reflect the change in feature sets.
require.ElementsMatch(t, premium.Features(), codersdk.FeatureNames, "premium should contain all features")
// This check exists because if you misuse the slices.Delete, you can end up
// with zero'd values.
require.NotContains(t, enterprise.Features(), "", "enterprise should not contain empty string")
require.NotContains(t, premium.Features(), "", "premium should not contain empty string")
func TestNotificationsCanBeDisabled(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
name string
expectNotificationsEnabled bool
environment []serpent.EnvVar
name: "NoDeliveryMethodSet",
environment: []serpent.EnvVar{},
expectNotificationsEnabled: false,
name: "SMTP_DeliveryMethodSet",
environment: []serpent.EnvVar{
Value: "localhost:587",
expectNotificationsEnabled: true,
name: "Webhook_DeliveryMethodSet",
environment: []serpent.EnvVar{
Value: "https://example.com/webhook",
expectNotificationsEnabled: true,
name: "WebhookAndSMTP_DeliveryMethodSet",
environment: []serpent.EnvVar{
Value: "https://example.com/webhook",
Value: "localhost:587",
expectNotificationsEnabled: true,
for _, tt := range tests {
tt := tt
t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {
dv := codersdk.DeploymentValues{}
opts := dv.Options()
err := opts.ParseEnv(tt.environment)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, tt.expectNotificationsEnabled, dv.Notifications.Enabled())