Spike Curtis fc09077b7b feat!: add interface report to coder netcheck (#13562)
re: #13327

Adds local interfaces to `coder netcheck` and checks their MTUs for potential problems.

This is mostly relevant for end-user systems where VPNs are common.  We _could_ also add it to coderd healthcheck, but until I see coderd connecting to workspaces over a VPN in the wild, I don't think its worth the UX effort.

Netcheck results get the following:

  "interfaces": {
    "error": null,
    "severity": "ok",
    "warnings": null,
    "dismissed": false,
    "interfaces": [
        "name": "lo0",
        "mtu": 16384,
        "addresses": [
        "name": "en8",
        "mtu": 1500,
        "addresses": [

_Technically_ not back compatible if anyone is parsing `coder netcheck` output as JSON, since the original output is now under `"derp"` in the output.
2024-06-13 10:19:36 +04:00

39 lines
934 B

package cli_test
import (
func TestNetcheck(t *testing.T) {
pty := ptytest.New(t)
config := login(t, pty)
var out bytes.Buffer
inv, _ := clitest.New(t, "netcheck", "--global-config", string(config))
inv.Stdout = &out
clitest.StartWithWaiter(t, inv).RequireSuccess()
b := out.Bytes()
var report healthsdk.ClientNetcheckReport
require.NoError(t, json.Unmarshal(b, &report))
// We do not assert that the report is healthy, just that
// it has the expected number of reports per region.
require.Len(t, report.DERP.Regions, 1+1) // 1 built-in region + 1 test-managed STUN region
for _, v := range report.DERP.Regions {
require.Len(t, v.NodeReports, len(v.Region.Nodes))