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synced 2025-03-14 10:09:57 +00:00
This PR is [resolving the dispatch part of Coder Inbocx](https://github.com/coder/internal/issues/403). Since the DB layer has been merged - we now want to insert notifications into Coder Inbox in parallel of the other delivery target. To do so, we push two messages instead of one using the `Enqueue` method.
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package coderd
import (
// @Summary Get notifications settings
// @ID get-notifications-settings
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Produce json
// @Tags Notifications
// @Success 200 {object} codersdk.NotificationsSettings
// @Router /notifications/settings [get]
func (api *API) notificationsSettings(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
settingsJSON, err := api.Database.GetNotificationsSettings(r.Context())
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to fetch current notifications settings.",
Detail: err.Error(),
var settings codersdk.NotificationsSettings
if len(settingsJSON) > 0 {
err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(settingsJSON), &settings)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to unmarshal notifications settings.",
Detail: err.Error(),
httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, http.StatusOK, settings)
// @Summary Update notifications settings
// @ID update-notifications-settings
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Tags Notifications
// @Param request body codersdk.NotificationsSettings true "Notifications settings request"
// @Success 200 {object} codersdk.NotificationsSettings
// @Success 304
// @Router /notifications/settings [put]
func (api *API) putNotificationsSettings(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
var settings codersdk.NotificationsSettings
if !httpapi.Read(ctx, rw, r, &settings) {
settingsJSON, err := json.Marshal(&settings)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to marshal notifications settings.",
Detail: err.Error(),
currentSettingsJSON, err := api.Database.GetNotificationsSettings(ctx)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to fetch current notifications settings.",
Detail: err.Error(),
if bytes.Equal(settingsJSON, []byte(currentSettingsJSON)) {
// See: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7232#section-4.1
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusNotModified, nil)
auditor := api.Auditor.Load()
aReq, commitAudit := audit.InitRequest[database.NotificationsSettings](rw, &audit.RequestParams{
Audit: *auditor,
Log: api.Logger,
Request: r,
Action: database.AuditActionWrite,
defer commitAudit()
aReq.New = database.NotificationsSettings{
ID: uuid.New(),
NotifierPaused: settings.NotifierPaused,
err = api.Database.UpsertNotificationsSettings(ctx, string(settingsJSON))
if err != nil {
if rbac.IsUnauthorizedError(err) {
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to update notifications settings.",
Detail: err.Error(),
httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, http.StatusOK, settings)
// @Summary Get system notification templates
// @ID get-system-notification-templates
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Produce json
// @Tags Notifications
// @Success 200 {array} codersdk.NotificationTemplate
// @Router /notifications/templates/system [get]
func (api *API) systemNotificationTemplates(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
templates, err := api.Database.GetNotificationTemplatesByKind(ctx, database.NotificationTemplateKindSystem)
if err != nil {
httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to retrieve system notifications templates.",
Detail: err.Error(),
out := convertNotificationTemplates(templates)
httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, http.StatusOK, out)
// @Summary Get notification dispatch methods
// @ID get-notification-dispatch-methods
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Produce json
// @Tags Notifications
// @Success 200 {array} codersdk.NotificationMethodsResponse
// @Router /notifications/dispatch-methods [get]
func (api *API) notificationDispatchMethods(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var methods []string
for _, nm := range database.AllNotificationMethodValues() {
// Skip inbox method as for now this is an implicit delivery target and should not appear
// anywhere in the Web UI.
if nm == database.NotificationMethodInbox {
methods = append(methods, string(nm))
httpapi.Write(r.Context(), rw, http.StatusOK, codersdk.NotificationMethodsResponse{
AvailableNotificationMethods: methods,
DefaultNotificationMethod: api.DeploymentValues.Notifications.Method.Value(),
// @Summary Send a test notification
// @ID send-a-test-notification
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Tags Notifications
// @Success 200
// @Router /notifications/test [post]
func (api *API) postTestNotification(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
key = httpmw.APIKey(r)
if !api.Authorize(r, policy.ActionUpdate, rbac.ResourceDeploymentConfig) {
if _, err := api.NotificationsEnqueuer.EnqueueWithData(
//nolint:gocritic // We need to be notifier to send the notification.
// NOTE(DanielleMaywood):
// When notifications are enqueued, they are checked to be
// unique within a single day. This means that if we attempt
// to send two test notifications to the same user on
// the same day, the enqueuer will prevent us from sending
// a second one. We are injecting a timestamp to make the
// notifications appear different enough to circumvent this
// deduplication logic.
"timestamp": api.Clock.Now(),
); err != nil {
api.Logger.Error(ctx, "send notification", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to send test notification",
Detail: err.Error(),
// @Summary Get user notification preferences
// @ID get-user-notification-preferences
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Produce json
// @Tags Notifications
// @Param user path string true "User ID, name, or me"
// @Success 200 {array} codersdk.NotificationPreference
// @Router /users/{user}/notifications/preferences [get]
func (api *API) userNotificationPreferences(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
user = httpmw.UserParam(r)
logger = api.Logger.Named("notifications.preferences").With(slog.F("user_id", user.ID))
prefs, err := api.Database.GetUserNotificationPreferences(ctx, user.ID)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "failed to retrieve preferences", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to retrieve user notification preferences.",
Detail: err.Error(),
out := convertNotificationPreferences(prefs)
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusOK, out)
// @Summary Update user notification preferences
// @ID update-user-notification-preferences
// @Security CoderSessionToken
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Tags Notifications
// @Param request body codersdk.UpdateUserNotificationPreferences true "Preferences"
// @Param user path string true "User ID, name, or me"
// @Success 200 {array} codersdk.NotificationPreference
// @Router /users/{user}/notifications/preferences [put]
func (api *API) putUserNotificationPreferences(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
var (
ctx = r.Context()
user = httpmw.UserParam(r)
logger = api.Logger.Named("notifications.preferences").With(slog.F("user_id", user.ID))
// Parse request.
var prefs codersdk.UpdateUserNotificationPreferences
if !httpapi.Read(ctx, rw, r, &prefs) {
// Build query params.
input := database.UpdateUserNotificationPreferencesParams{
UserID: user.ID,
NotificationTemplateIds: make([]uuid.UUID, 0, len(prefs.TemplateDisabledMap)),
Disableds: make([]bool, 0, len(prefs.TemplateDisabledMap)),
for tmplID, disabled := range prefs.TemplateDisabledMap {
id, err := uuid.Parse(tmplID)
if err != nil {
logger.Warn(ctx, "failed to parse notification template UUID", slog.F("input", tmplID), slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusBadRequest, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Unable to parse notification template UUID.",
Detail: err.Error(),
input.NotificationTemplateIds = append(input.NotificationTemplateIds, id)
input.Disableds = append(input.Disableds, disabled)
// Update preferences with params.
updated, err := api.Database.UpdateUserNotificationPreferences(ctx, input)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "failed to update preferences", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to update user notifications preferences.",
Detail: err.Error(),
// Preferences updated, now fetch all preferences belonging to this user.
logger.Info(ctx, "updated preferences", slog.F("count", updated))
userPrefs, err := api.Database.GetUserNotificationPreferences(ctx, user.ID)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(ctx, "failed to retrieve preferences", slog.Error(err))
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusInternalServerError, codersdk.Response{
Message: "Failed to retrieve user notifications preferences.",
Detail: err.Error(),
out := convertNotificationPreferences(userPrefs)
httpapi.Write(ctx, rw, http.StatusOK, out)
func convertNotificationTemplates(in []database.NotificationTemplate) (out []codersdk.NotificationTemplate) {
for _, tmpl := range in {
out = append(out, codersdk.NotificationTemplate{
ID: tmpl.ID,
Name: tmpl.Name,
TitleTemplate: tmpl.TitleTemplate,
BodyTemplate: tmpl.BodyTemplate,
Actions: string(tmpl.Actions),
Group: tmpl.Group.String,
Method: string(tmpl.Method.NotificationMethod),
Kind: string(tmpl.Kind),
EnabledByDefault: tmpl.EnabledByDefault,
return out
func convertNotificationPreferences(in []database.NotificationPreference) (out []codersdk.NotificationPreference) {
for _, pref := range in {
out = append(out, codersdk.NotificationPreference{
NotificationTemplateID: pref.NotificationTemplateID,
Disabled: pref.Disabled,
UpdatedAt: pref.UpdatedAt,
return out