2023-11-16 16:52:04 +01:00

353 lines
9.7 KiB

package provisionersdk
import (
const (
// ReadmeFile is the location we look for to extract documentation from template versions.
ReadmeFile = ""
sessionDirPrefix = "Session"
staleSessionRetention = 7 * 24 * time.Hour
// protoServer is a wrapper that translates the dRPC protocol into a Session with method calls into the Server.
type protoServer struct {
server Server
opts ServeOptions
func (p *protoServer) Session(stream proto.DRPCProvisioner_SessionStream) error {
sessID := uuid.New().String()
s := &Session{
Logger: p.opts.Logger.With(slog.F("session_id", sessID)),
stream: stream,
server: p.server,
err := CleanStaleSessions(s.Context(), p.opts.WorkDirectory, afero.NewOsFs(), time.Now(), s.Logger)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("unable to clean stale sessions %q: %w", s.WorkDirectory, err)
s.WorkDirectory = filepath.Join(p.opts.WorkDirectory, SessionDir(sessID))
err = os.MkdirAll(s.WorkDirectory, 0o700)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("create work directory %q: %w", s.WorkDirectory, err)
defer func() {
var err error
// Cleanup the work directory after execution.
for attempt := 0; attempt < 5; attempt++ {
err = os.RemoveAll(s.WorkDirectory)
if err != nil {
// On Windows, open files cannot be removed.
// When the provisioner daemon is shutting down,
// it may take a few milliseconds for processes to exit.
// See:
s.Logger.Debug(s.Context(), "failed to clean work directory; trying again", slog.Error(err))
time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond)
s.Logger.Debug(s.Context(), "cleaned up work directory")
s.Logger.Error(s.Context(), "failed to clean up work directory after multiple attempts",
slog.F("path", s.WorkDirectory), slog.Error(err))
req, err := stream.Recv()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("receive config: %w", err)
config := req.GetConfig()
if config == nil {
return xerrors.New("first request must be Config")
s.Config = config
if s.Config.ProvisionerLogLevel != "" {
s.logLevel = proto.LogLevel_value[strings.ToUpper(s.Config.ProvisionerLogLevel)]
err = s.extractArchive()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("extract archive: %w", err)
return s.handleRequests()
func (s *Session) requestReader(done <-chan struct{}) <-chan *proto.Request {
ch := make(chan *proto.Request)
go func() {
defer close(ch)
for {
req, err :=
if err != nil {
s.Logger.Info(s.Context(), "recv done on Session", slog.Error(err))
select {
case ch <- req:
case <-done:
return ch
func (s *Session) handleRequests() error {
done := make(chan struct{})
defer close(done)
requests := s.requestReader(done)
planned := false
for req := range requests {
if req.GetCancel() != nil {
s.Logger.Warn(s.Context(), "ignoring cancel before request or after complete")
resp := &proto.Response{}
if parse := req.GetParse(); parse != nil {
r := &request[*proto.ParseRequest, *proto.ParseComplete]{
req: parse,
session: s,
serverFn: s.server.Parse,
cancels: requests,
complete, err :=
if err != nil {
return err
// Handle README centrally, so that individual provisioners don't need to mess with it.
readme, err := os.ReadFile(filepath.Join(s.WorkDirectory, ReadmeFile))
if err == nil {
complete.Readme = readme
} else {
s.Logger.Debug(s.Context(), "failed to parse readme (missing ok)", slog.Error(err))
resp.Type = &proto.Response_Parse{Parse: complete}
if plan := req.GetPlan(); plan != nil {
r := &request[*proto.PlanRequest, *proto.PlanComplete]{
req: plan,
session: s,
serverFn: s.server.Plan,
cancels: requests,
complete, err :=
if err != nil {
return err
resp.Type = &proto.Response_Plan{Plan: complete}
if complete.Error == "" {
planned = true
if apply := req.GetApply(); apply != nil {
if !planned {
return xerrors.New("cannot apply before successful plan")
r := &request[*proto.ApplyRequest, *proto.ApplyComplete]{
req: apply,
session: s,
serverFn: s.server.Apply,
cancels: requests,
complete, err :=
if err != nil {
return err
resp.Type = &proto.Response_Apply{Apply: complete}
err :=
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("send response: %w", err)
return nil
type Session struct {
Logger slog.Logger
WorkDirectory string
Config *proto.Config
server Server
stream proto.DRPCProvisioner_SessionStream
logLevel int32
func (s *Session) Context() context.Context {
func (s *Session) extractArchive() error {
ctx := s.Context()
s.Logger.Info(ctx, "unpacking template source archive",
slog.F("size_bytes", len(s.Config.TemplateSourceArchive)),
reader := tar.NewReader(bytes.NewBuffer(s.Config.TemplateSourceArchive))
// for safety, nil out the reference on Config, since the reader now owns it.
s.Config.TemplateSourceArchive = nil
for {
header, err := reader.Next()
if err != nil {
if xerrors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
return xerrors.Errorf("read template source archive: %w", err)
s.Logger.Debug(context.Background(), "read archive entry",
slog.F("name", header.Name),
slog.F("mod_time", header.ModTime),
slog.F("size", header.Size))
// Security: don't untar absolute or relative paths, as this can allow a malicious tar to overwrite
// files outside the workdir.
if !filepath.IsLocal(header.Name) {
return xerrors.Errorf("refusing to extract to non-local path")
// nolint: gosec
headerPath := filepath.Join(s.WorkDirectory, header.Name)
if !strings.HasPrefix(headerPath, filepath.Clean(s.WorkDirectory)) {
return xerrors.New("tar attempts to target relative upper directory")
mode := header.FileInfo().Mode()
if mode == 0 {
mode = 0o600
// Always check for context cancellation before reading the next header.
// This is mainly important for unit tests, since a canceled context means
// the underlying directory is going to be deleted. There still exists
// the small race condition that the context is canceled after this, and
// before the disk write.
if ctx.Err() != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("context canceled: %w", ctx.Err())
switch header.Typeflag {
case tar.TypeDir:
err = os.MkdirAll(headerPath, mode)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("mkdir %q: %w", headerPath, err)
s.Logger.Debug(context.Background(), "extracted directory",
slog.F("path", headerPath),
slog.F("mode", fmt.Sprintf("%O", mode)))
case tar.TypeReg:
file, err := os.OpenFile(headerPath, os.O_CREATE|os.O_RDWR, mode)
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("create file %q (mode %s): %w", headerPath, mode, err)
hash := crc32.NewIEEE()
hashReader := io.TeeReader(reader, hash)
// Max file size of 10MiB.
size, err := io.CopyN(file, hashReader, 10<<20)
if xerrors.Is(err, io.EOF) {
err = nil
if err != nil {
_ = file.Close()
return xerrors.Errorf("copy file %q: %w", headerPath, err)
err = file.Close()
if err != nil {
return xerrors.Errorf("close file %q: %s", headerPath, err)
s.Logger.Debug(context.Background(), "extracted file",
slog.F("size_bytes", size),
slog.F("path", headerPath),
slog.F("mode", mode),
slog.F("checksum", fmt.Sprintf("%x", hash.Sum(nil))))
return nil
func (s *Session) ProvisionLog(level proto.LogLevel, output string) {
if int32(level) < s.logLevel {
err :={Type: &proto.Response_Log{Log: &proto.Log{
Level: level,
Output: output,
if err != nil {
s.Logger.Error(s.Context(), "failed to transmit log",
slog.F("level", level), slog.F("output", output))
type pRequest interface {
*proto.ParseRequest | *proto.PlanRequest | *proto.ApplyRequest
type pComplete interface {
*proto.ParseComplete | *proto.PlanComplete | *proto.ApplyComplete
// request processes a single request call to the Server and returns its complete result, while also processing cancel
// requests from the daemon. Provisioner implementations read from canceledOrComplete to be asynchronously informed
// of cancel.
type request[R pRequest, C pComplete] struct {
req R
session *Session
cancels <-chan *proto.Request
serverFn func(*Session, R, <-chan struct{}) C
func (r *request[R, C]) do() (C, error) {
canceledOrComplete := make(chan struct{})
result := make(chan C)
go func() {
c := r.serverFn(r.session, r.req, canceledOrComplete)
result <- c
select {
case req := <-r.cancels:
// wait for server to complete the request, even though we have canceled,
// so that we can't start a new request, and so that if the job was close
// to completion and the cancel was ignored, we return to complete.
c := <-result
// verify we got a cancel instead of another request or closed channel --- which is an error!
if req.GetCancel() != nil {
return c, nil
if req == nil {
return c, xerrors.New("got nil while old request still processing")
return c, xerrors.Errorf("got new request %T while old request still processing", req.Type)
case c := <-result:
return c, nil
// SessionDir returns the directory name with mandatory prefix.
func SessionDir(sessID string) string {
return sessionDirPrefix + sessID