2024-05-10 12:08:16 +02:00
// Copyright (c) 2024 Sidero Labs, Inc.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// Package storage implements persistent storage for the state of the discovery service.
package storage
import (
prom "github.com/prometheus/client_golang/prometheus"
storagepb "github.com/siderolabs/discovery-service/api/storage"
const (
labelOperation = "operation"
labelStatus = "status"
operationSave = "save"
operationLoad = "load"
statusSuccess = "success"
statusError = "error"
// Storage is a persistent storage for the state of the discovery service.
type Storage struct {
state Snapshotter
logger * zap . Logger
operationsMetric * prom . CounterVec
lastSnapshotSizeMetric * prom . GaugeVec
lastOperationClustersMetric * prom . GaugeVec
lastOperationAffiliatesMetric * prom . GaugeVec
lastOperationEndpointsMetric * prom . GaugeVec
lastOperationDurationMetric * prom . GaugeVec
path string
// Describe implements prometheus.Collector interface.
func ( storage * Storage ) Describe ( descs chan <- * prom . Desc ) {
prom . DescribeByCollect ( storage , descs )
// Collect implements prometheus.Collector interface.
func ( storage * Storage ) Collect ( metrics chan <- prom . Metric ) {
storage . operationsMetric . Collect ( metrics )
storage . lastSnapshotSizeMetric . Collect ( metrics )
storage . lastOperationClustersMetric . Collect ( metrics )
storage . lastOperationAffiliatesMetric . Collect ( metrics )
storage . lastOperationEndpointsMetric . Collect ( metrics )
storage . lastOperationDurationMetric . Collect ( metrics )
// Snapshotter is an interface for exporting and importing cluster state.
type Snapshotter interface {
// ExportClusterSnapshots exports cluster snapshots to the given function.
ExportClusterSnapshots ( f func ( * storagepb . ClusterSnapshot ) error ) error
// ImportClusterSnapshots imports cluster snapshots from the given function.
ImportClusterSnapshots ( f func ( ) ( * storagepb . ClusterSnapshot , bool , error ) ) error
// New creates a new instance of Storage.
func New ( path string , state Snapshotter , logger * zap . Logger ) * Storage {
return & Storage {
state : state ,
logger : logger . With ( zap . String ( "component" , "storage" ) , zap . String ( "path" , path ) ) ,
path : path ,
operationsMetric : prom . NewCounterVec ( prom . CounterOpts {
Name : "discovery_storage_operations_total" ,
Help : "The total number of storage operations." ,
} , [ ] string { labelOperation , labelStatus } ) ,
lastSnapshotSizeMetric : prom . NewGaugeVec ( prom . GaugeOpts {
Name : "discovery_storage_last_snapshot_size_bytes" ,
Help : "The size of the last processed snapshot in bytes." ,
} , [ ] string { labelOperation } ) ,
lastOperationClustersMetric : prom . NewGaugeVec ( prom . GaugeOpts {
Name : "discovery_storage_last_operation_clusters" ,
Help : "The number of clusters in the snapshot of the last operation." ,
} , [ ] string { labelOperation } ) ,
lastOperationAffiliatesMetric : prom . NewGaugeVec ( prom . GaugeOpts {
Name : "discovery_storage_last_operation_affiliates" ,
Help : "The number of affiliates in the snapshot of the last operation." ,
} , [ ] string { labelOperation } ) ,
lastOperationEndpointsMetric : prom . NewGaugeVec ( prom . GaugeOpts {
Name : "discovery_storage_last_operation_endpoints" ,
Help : "The number of endpoints in the snapshot of the last operation." ,
} , [ ] string { labelOperation } ) ,
lastOperationDurationMetric : prom . NewGaugeVec ( prom . GaugeOpts {
Name : "discovery_storage_last_operation_duration_seconds" ,
Help : "The duration of the last operation in seconds." ,
} , [ ] string { labelOperation } ) ,
// Start starts the storage loop that periodically saves the state.
func ( storage * Storage ) Start ( ctx context . Context , clock clockwork . Clock , interval time . Duration ) error {
storage . logger . Info ( "start storage loop" , zap . Duration ( "interval" , interval ) )
ticker := clock . NewTicker ( interval )
defer ticker . Stop ( )
for {
select {
case <- ctx . Done ( ) :
storage . logger . Info ( "received shutdown signal" )
if err := storage . Save ( ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to save state on shutdown: %w" , err )
if errors . Is ( ctx . Err ( ) , context . Canceled ) {
return nil
return ctx . Err ( )
case <- ticker . Chan ( ) :
if err := storage . Save ( ) ; err != nil {
storage . logger . Error ( "failed to save state" , zap . Error ( err ) )
// Save saves all clusters' states into the persistent storage.
func ( storage * Storage ) Save ( ) ( err error ) {
start := time . Now ( )
defer func ( ) {
if err != nil {
storage . operationsMetric . WithLabelValues ( operationSave , statusError ) . Inc ( )
} ( )
2024-05-28 18:45:20 +02:00
// never panic, convert it into an error instead
defer func ( ) {
if recovered := recover ( ) ; recovered != nil {
err = fmt . Errorf ( "save panicked: %v" , recovered )
} ( )
2024-05-10 12:08:16 +02:00
if err = os . MkdirAll ( filepath . Dir ( storage . path ) , 0 o755 ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to create directory path: %w" , err )
tmpFile , err := getTempFile ( storage . path )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to create temporary file: %w" , err )
defer func ( ) {
tmpFile . Close ( ) //nolint:errcheck
os . Remove ( tmpFile . Name ( ) ) //nolint:errcheck
} ( )
stats , err := storage . Export ( tmpFile )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to write snapshot: %w" , err )
if err = commitTempFile ( tmpFile , storage . path ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to commit temporary file: %w" , err )
duration := time . Since ( start )
storage . logger . Info ( "state saved" , zap . Int ( "clusters" , stats . NumClusters ) , zap . Int ( "affiliates" , stats . NumAffiliates ) ,
2024-05-29 10:15:59 +02:00
zap . Int ( "endpoints" , stats . NumEndpoints ) , zap . Duration ( "duration" , duration ) , zap . Int ( "size_bytes" , stats . Size ) )
2024-05-10 12:08:16 +02:00
storage . operationsMetric . WithLabelValues ( operationSave , statusSuccess ) . Inc ( )
storage . lastSnapshotSizeMetric . WithLabelValues ( operationSave ) . Set ( float64 ( stats . Size ) )
storage . lastOperationClustersMetric . WithLabelValues ( operationSave ) . Set ( float64 ( stats . NumClusters ) )
storage . lastOperationAffiliatesMetric . WithLabelValues ( operationSave ) . Set ( float64 ( stats . NumAffiliates ) )
storage . lastOperationEndpointsMetric . WithLabelValues ( operationSave ) . Set ( float64 ( stats . NumEndpoints ) )
storage . lastOperationDurationMetric . WithLabelValues ( operationSave ) . Set ( duration . Seconds ( ) )
return nil
// Load loads all clusters' states from the persistent storage.
func ( storage * Storage ) Load ( ) ( err error ) {
defer func ( ) {
if err != nil {
storage . operationsMetric . WithLabelValues ( operationLoad , statusError ) . Inc ( )
} ( )
2024-05-28 18:45:20 +02:00
// never panic, convert it into an error instead
defer func ( ) {
if recovered := recover ( ) ; recovered != nil {
err = fmt . Errorf ( "load panicked: %v" , recovered )
} ( )
2024-05-10 12:08:16 +02:00
start := time . Now ( )
// open file for reading
file , err := os . Open ( storage . path )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to open file: %w" , err )
defer file . Close ( ) //nolint:errcheck
stats , err := storage . Import ( file )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to read snapshot: %w" , err )
if err = file . Close ( ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to close file: %w" , err )
duration := time . Since ( start )
storage . logger . Info ( "state loaded" , zap . Int ( "clusters" , stats . NumClusters ) , zap . Int ( "affiliates" , stats . NumAffiliates ) ,
2024-05-29 10:15:59 +02:00
zap . Int ( "endpoints" , stats . NumEndpoints ) , zap . Duration ( "duration" , duration ) , zap . Int ( "size_bytes" , stats . Size ) )
2024-05-10 12:08:16 +02:00
storage . operationsMetric . WithLabelValues ( operationLoad , statusSuccess ) . Inc ( )
storage . lastSnapshotSizeMetric . WithLabelValues ( operationLoad ) . Set ( float64 ( stats . Size ) )
storage . lastOperationClustersMetric . WithLabelValues ( operationLoad ) . Set ( float64 ( stats . NumClusters ) )
storage . lastOperationAffiliatesMetric . WithLabelValues ( operationLoad ) . Set ( float64 ( stats . NumAffiliates ) )
storage . lastOperationEndpointsMetric . WithLabelValues ( operationLoad ) . Set ( float64 ( stats . NumEndpoints ) )
storage . lastOperationDurationMetric . WithLabelValues ( operationLoad ) . Set ( duration . Seconds ( ) )
return nil
// Import imports all clusters' states from the given reader.
// When importing, we avoid unmarshalling to the storagepb.StateSnapshot type directly, as it causes an allocation of all the cluster snapshots at once.
// Instead, we process clusters in a streaming manner, unmarshaling them one by one and importing them into the state.
func ( storage * Storage ) Import ( reader io . Reader ) ( SnapshotStats , error ) {
size := 0
numClusters := 0
numAffiliates := 0
numEndpoints := 0
buffer := make ( [ ] byte , 256 )
bufferedReader := bufio . NewReader ( reader )
// unmarshal the clusters in a streaming manner and import them into the state
if err := storage . state . ImportClusterSnapshots ( func ( ) ( * storagepb . ClusterSnapshot , bool , error ) {
headerSize , clusterSize , err := decodeClusterSnapshotHeader ( bufferedReader )
if err != nil {
if err == io . EOF { //nolint:errorlint
return nil , false , nil
return nil , false , fmt . Errorf ( "failed to decode cluster header: %w" , err )
if clusterSize > cap ( buffer ) {
2024-05-28 18:45:20 +02:00
buffer = slices . Grow ( buffer , clusterSize )
2024-05-10 12:08:16 +02:00
buffer = buffer [ : clusterSize ]
if _ , err = io . ReadFull ( bufferedReader , buffer ) ; err != nil {
return nil , false , fmt . Errorf ( "failed to read bytes: %w" , err )
clusterSnapshot , err := decodeClusterSnapshot ( buffer )
if err != nil {
return nil , false , fmt . Errorf ( "failed to decode cluster: %w" , err )
buffer = buffer [ : 0 ]
// update stats
size += headerSize + clusterSize
numClusters ++
numAffiliates += len ( clusterSnapshot . Affiliates )
for _ , affiliate := range clusterSnapshot . Affiliates {
numEndpoints += len ( affiliate . Endpoints )
return clusterSnapshot , true , nil
} ) ; err != nil {
return SnapshotStats { } , fmt . Errorf ( "failed to import clusters: %w" , err )
return SnapshotStats {
Size : size ,
NumClusters : numClusters ,
NumAffiliates : numAffiliates ,
NumEndpoints : numEndpoints ,
} , nil
// Export exports all clusters' states into the given writer.
// When exporting, we avoid marshaling to the storagepb.StateSnapshot type directly, as it causes an allocation of all the cluster snapshots at once.
// Instead, we process clusters in a streaming manner, marshaling them one by one and exporting them into the writer.
func ( storage * Storage ) Export ( writer io . Writer ) ( SnapshotStats , error ) {
numClusters := 0
numAffiliates := 0
numEndpoints := 0
size := 0
var buffer [ ] byte
bufferedWriter := bufio . NewWriter ( writer )
// marshal the clusters in a streaming manner and export them into the writer
if err := storage . state . ExportClusterSnapshots ( func ( snapshot * storagepb . ClusterSnapshot ) error {
var err error
buffer , err = encodeClusterSnapshot ( buffer , snapshot )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to encode cluster: %w" , err )
written , err := bufferedWriter . Write ( buffer )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to write cluster: %w" , err )
// prepare the buffer for the next iteration - reset it
buffer = buffer [ : 0 ]
// update stats
size += written
numClusters ++
numAffiliates += len ( snapshot . Affiliates )
for _ , affiliate := range snapshot . Affiliates {
numEndpoints += len ( affiliate . Endpoints )
return nil
} ) ; err != nil {
return SnapshotStats { } , fmt . Errorf ( "failed to snapshot clusters: %w" , err )
if err := bufferedWriter . Flush ( ) ; err != nil {
return SnapshotStats { } , fmt . Errorf ( "failed to flush writer: %w" , err )
return SnapshotStats {
Size : size ,
NumClusters : numClusters ,
NumAffiliates : numAffiliates ,
NumEndpoints : numEndpoints ,
} , nil
func getTempFile ( dst string ) ( * os . File , error ) {
tmpFile , err := os . OpenFile ( dst + ".tmp" , os . O_RDWR | os . O_CREATE | os . O_TRUNC , 0 o666 )
if err != nil {
return nil , fmt . Errorf ( "failed to create file: %w" , err )
return tmpFile , nil
// commitTempFile commits the temporary file to the destination and removes it.
func commitTempFile ( tmpFile * os . File , dst string ) error {
renamed := false
closer := sync . OnceValue ( tmpFile . Close )
defer func ( ) {
closer ( ) //nolint:errcheck
if ! renamed {
os . Remove ( tmpFile . Name ( ) ) //nolint:errcheck
} ( )
if err := tmpFile . Sync ( ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to sync data: %w" , err )
if err := closer ( ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to close file: %w" , err )
if err := os . Rename ( tmpFile . Name ( ) , dst ) ; err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to rename file: %w" , err )
renamed = true
return nil
// SnapshotStats contains statistics about a snapshot.
type SnapshotStats struct {
Size int
NumClusters int
NumAffiliates int
NumEndpoints int