Andrey Smirnov c55142668f feat: migrate grpc-middleware to v2, update deps
Update removing multiple old middlewares, rework
the way data is passed through the context, logging fields, etc.

Fix minimum keepalive interval enforcement.

Signed-off-by: Andrey Smirnov <>
2024-03-12 18:14:14 +04:00

177 lines
4.7 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2024 Sidero Labs, Inc.
// Use of this software is governed by the Business Source License
// included in the LICENSE file.
// Package state implements server state with clusters, affiliates, subscriptions, etc.
package state
import (
prom ""
// State keeps the discovery service state.
type State struct { //nolint:govet
clusters containers.SyncMap[string, *Cluster]
logger *zap.Logger
mClustersDesc *prom.Desc
mAffiliatesDesc *prom.Desc
mEndpointsDesc *prom.Desc
mSubscriptionsDesc *prom.Desc
mGCRuns prom.Counter
mGCClusters prom.Counter
mGCAffiliates prom.Counter
// NewState create new instance of State.
func NewState(logger *zap.Logger) *State {
return &State{
logger: logger,
mClustersDesc: prom.NewDesc(
"The current number of clusters in the state.",
nil, nil,
mAffiliatesDesc: prom.NewDesc(
"The current number of affiliates in the state.",
nil, nil,
mEndpointsDesc: prom.NewDesc(
"The current number of endpoints in the state.",
nil, nil,
mSubscriptionsDesc: prom.NewDesc(
"The current number of subscriptions in the state.",
nil, nil,
mGCRuns: prom.NewCounter(prom.CounterOpts{
Name: "discovery_state_gc_runs_total",
Help: "The number of GC runs.",
mGCClusters: prom.NewCounter(prom.CounterOpts{
Name: "discovery_state_gc_clusters_total",
Help: "The total number of GC'ed clusters.",
mGCAffiliates: prom.NewCounter(prom.CounterOpts{
Name: "discovery_state_gc_affiliates_total",
Help: "The total number of GC'ed affiliates.",
// GetCluster returns cluster by ID, creating it if needed.
func (state *State) GetCluster(id string) *Cluster {
if cluster, ok := state.clusters.Load(id); ok {
return cluster
cluster, loaded := state.clusters.LoadOrStore(id, NewCluster(id))
if !loaded {
state.logger.Debug("cluster created", zap.String("cluster_id", id))
return cluster
// GarbageCollect recursively each cluster, and remove empty clusters.
func (state *State) GarbageCollect(now time.Time) (removedClusters, removedAffiliates int) {
state.clusters.Range(func(key string, cluster *Cluster) bool {
ra, empty := cluster.GarbageCollect(now)
removedAffiliates += ra
if empty {
state.logger.Debug("cluster removed", zap.String("cluster_id", key))
return true
// RunGC runs the garbage collection on interval.
func (state *State) RunGC(ctx context.Context, logger *zap.Logger, interval time.Duration) {
ticker := time.NewTicker(interval)
defer ticker.Stop()
for ctx.Err() == nil {
removedClusters, removedAffiliates := state.GarbageCollect(time.Now())
clusters, affiliates, endpoints, subscriptions := state.stats()
logFunc := logger.Debug
if removedClusters > 0 || removedAffiliates > 0 {
logFunc = logger.Info
"garbage collection run",
zap.Int("removed_clusters", removedClusters),
zap.Int("removed_affiliates", removedAffiliates),
zap.Int("current_clusters", clusters),
zap.Int("current_affiliates", affiliates),
zap.Int("current_endpoints", endpoints),
zap.Int("current_subscriptions", subscriptions),
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
case <-ticker.C:
func (state *State) stats() (clusters, affiliates, endpoints, subscriptions int) {
state.clusters.Range(func(_ string, cluster *Cluster) bool {
a, e, s := cluster.stats()
affiliates += a
endpoints += e
subscriptions += s
return true
// Describe implements prom.Collector interface.
func (state *State) Describe(ch chan<- *prom.Desc) {
prom.DescribeByCollect(state, ch)
// Collect implements prom.Collector interface.
func (state *State) Collect(ch chan<- prom.Metric) {
clusters, affiliates, endpoints, subscriptions := state.stats()
ch <- prom.MustNewConstMetric(state.mClustersDesc, prom.GaugeValue, float64(clusters))
ch <- prom.MustNewConstMetric(state.mAffiliatesDesc, prom.GaugeValue, float64(affiliates))
ch <- prom.MustNewConstMetric(state.mEndpointsDesc, prom.GaugeValue, float64(endpoints))
ch <- prom.MustNewConstMetric(state.mSubscriptionsDesc, prom.GaugeValue, float64(subscriptions))
ch <- state.mGCRuns
ch <- state.mGCClusters
ch <- state.mGCAffiliates
// Check interfaces.
var (
_ prom.Collector = (*State)(nil)