홍성욱 b0d70a26d1 [#6372] Fixed nullable constraint bug for columns during auto migration (#7269)
* [#6372] Fixed nullable constraint bug for columns during auto migration

* [#6372] fix comment

* [#6372] Add test code

* [#6372] Add test code

* [#6372] Fix failed test case

* [#6372] Fix failed test case

* [#6372] wip

* [#6372] wip

* [#6372] wip

* [#6372] wip
2024-11-14 17:40:18 +08:00

1025 lines
29 KiB

package migrator
import (
// This regular expression seeks to find a sequence of digits (\d+) among zero or more non-digit characters (\D*),
// with a possible trailing non-digit character (\D?).
// For example, values that can pass this regular expression are:
// - "123"
// - "abc456"
// -"%$#@789"
var regFullDataType = regexp.MustCompile(`\D*(\d+)\D?`)
// TODO:? Create const vars for raw sql queries ?
var _ gorm.Migrator = (*Migrator)(nil)
// Migrator m struct
type Migrator struct {
// Config schema config
type Config struct {
CreateIndexAfterCreateTable bool
DB *gorm.DB
type printSQLLogger struct {
func (l *printSQLLogger) Trace(ctx context.Context, begin time.Time, fc func() (sql string, rowsAffected int64), err error) {
sql, _ := fc()
fmt.Println(sql + ";")
l.Interface.Trace(ctx, begin, fc, err)
// GormDataTypeInterface gorm data type interface
type GormDataTypeInterface interface {
GormDBDataType(*gorm.DB, *schema.Field) string
// RunWithValue run migration with statement value
func (m Migrator) RunWithValue(value interface{}, fc func(*gorm.Statement) error) error {
stmt := &gorm.Statement{DB: m.DB}
if m.DB.Statement != nil {
stmt.Table = m.DB.Statement.Table
stmt.TableExpr = m.DB.Statement.TableExpr
if table, ok := value.(string); ok {
stmt.Table = table
} else if err := stmt.ParseWithSpecialTableName(value, stmt.Table); err != nil {
return err
return fc(stmt)
// DataTypeOf return field's db data type
func (m Migrator) DataTypeOf(field *schema.Field) string {
fieldValue := reflect.New(field.IndirectFieldType)
if dataTyper, ok := fieldValue.Interface().(GormDataTypeInterface); ok {
if dataType := dataTyper.GormDBDataType(m.DB, field); dataType != "" {
return dataType
return m.Dialector.DataTypeOf(field)
// FullDataTypeOf returns field's db full data type
func (m Migrator) FullDataTypeOf(field *schema.Field) (expr clause.Expr) {
expr.SQL = m.DataTypeOf(field)
if field.NotNull {
expr.SQL += " NOT NULL"
if field.HasDefaultValue && (field.DefaultValueInterface != nil || field.DefaultValue != "") {
if field.DefaultValueInterface != nil {
defaultStmt := &gorm.Statement{Vars: []interface{}{field.DefaultValueInterface}}
m.Dialector.BindVarTo(defaultStmt, defaultStmt, field.DefaultValueInterface)
expr.SQL += " DEFAULT " + m.Dialector.Explain(defaultStmt.SQL.String(), field.DefaultValueInterface)
} else if field.DefaultValue != "(-)" {
expr.SQL += " DEFAULT " + field.DefaultValue
func (m Migrator) GetQueryAndExecTx() (queryTx, execTx *gorm.DB) {
queryTx = m.DB.Session(&gorm.Session{})
execTx = queryTx
if m.DB.DryRun {
queryTx.DryRun = false
execTx = m.DB.Session(&gorm.Session{Logger: &printSQLLogger{Interface: m.DB.Logger}})
return queryTx, execTx
// AutoMigrate auto migrate values
func (m Migrator) AutoMigrate(values ...interface{}) error {
for _, value := range m.ReorderModels(values, true) {
queryTx, execTx := m.GetQueryAndExecTx()
if !queryTx.Migrator().HasTable(value) {
if err := execTx.Migrator().CreateTable(value); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
if stmt.Schema == nil {
return errors.New("failed to get schema")
columnTypes, err := queryTx.Migrator().ColumnTypes(value)
if err != nil {
return err
var (
parseIndexes = stmt.Schema.ParseIndexes()
parseCheckConstraints = stmt.Schema.ParseCheckConstraints()
for _, dbName := range stmt.Schema.DBNames {
var foundColumn gorm.ColumnType
for _, columnType := range columnTypes {
if columnType.Name() == dbName {
foundColumn = columnType
if foundColumn == nil {
// not found, add column
if err = execTx.Migrator().AddColumn(value, dbName); err != nil {
return err
} else {
// found, smartly migrate
field := stmt.Schema.FieldsByDBName[dbName]
if err = execTx.Migrator().MigrateColumn(value, field, foundColumn); err != nil {
return err
if !m.DB.DisableForeignKeyConstraintWhenMigrating && !m.DB.IgnoreRelationshipsWhenMigrating {
for _, rel := range stmt.Schema.Relationships.Relations {
if rel.Field.IgnoreMigration {
if constraint := rel.ParseConstraint(); constraint != nil &&
constraint.Schema == stmt.Schema && !queryTx.Migrator().HasConstraint(value, constraint.Name) {
if err := execTx.Migrator().CreateConstraint(value, constraint.Name); err != nil {
return err
for _, chk := range parseCheckConstraints {
if !queryTx.Migrator().HasConstraint(value, chk.Name) {
if err := execTx.Migrator().CreateConstraint(value, chk.Name); err != nil {
return err
for _, idx := range parseIndexes {
if !queryTx.Migrator().HasIndex(value, idx.Name) {
if err := execTx.Migrator().CreateIndex(value, idx.Name); err != nil {
return err
return nil
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// GetTables returns tables
func (m Migrator) GetTables() (tableList []string, err error) {
err = m.DB.Raw("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM information_schema.tables where TABLE_SCHEMA=?", m.CurrentDatabase()).
// CreateTable create table in database for values
func (m Migrator) CreateTable(values ...interface{}) error {
for _, value := range m.ReorderModels(values, false) {
tx := m.DB.Session(&gorm.Session{})
if err := m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) (err error) {
if stmt.Schema == nil {
return errors.New("failed to get schema")
var (
createTableSQL = "CREATE TABLE ? ("
values = []interface{}{m.CurrentTable(stmt)}
hasPrimaryKeyInDataType bool
for _, dbName := range stmt.Schema.DBNames {
field := stmt.Schema.FieldsByDBName[dbName]
if !field.IgnoreMigration {
createTableSQL += "? ?"
hasPrimaryKeyInDataType = hasPrimaryKeyInDataType || strings.Contains(strings.ToUpper(m.DataTypeOf(field)), "PRIMARY KEY")
values = append(values, clause.Column{Name: dbName}, m.DB.Migrator().FullDataTypeOf(field))
createTableSQL += ","
if !hasPrimaryKeyInDataType && len(stmt.Schema.PrimaryFields) > 0 {
createTableSQL += "PRIMARY KEY ?,"
primaryKeys := make([]interface{}, 0, len(stmt.Schema.PrimaryFields))
for _, field := range stmt.Schema.PrimaryFields {
primaryKeys = append(primaryKeys, clause.Column{Name: field.DBName})
values = append(values, primaryKeys)
for _, idx := range stmt.Schema.ParseIndexes() {
if m.CreateIndexAfterCreateTable {
defer func(value interface{}, name string) {
if err == nil {
err = tx.Migrator().CreateIndex(value, name)
}(value, idx.Name)
} else {
if idx.Class != "" {
createTableSQL += idx.Class + " "
createTableSQL += "INDEX ? ?"
if idx.Comment != "" {
createTableSQL += fmt.Sprintf(" COMMENT '%s'", idx.Comment)
if idx.Option != "" {
createTableSQL += " " + idx.Option
createTableSQL += ","
values = append(values, clause.Column{Name: idx.Name}, tx.Migrator().(BuildIndexOptionsInterface).BuildIndexOptions(idx.Fields, stmt))
if !m.DB.DisableForeignKeyConstraintWhenMigrating && !m.DB.IgnoreRelationshipsWhenMigrating {
for _, rel := range stmt.Schema.Relationships.Relations {
if rel.Field.IgnoreMigration {
if constraint := rel.ParseConstraint(); constraint != nil {
if constraint.Schema == stmt.Schema {
sql, vars := constraint.Build()
createTableSQL += sql + ","
values = append(values, vars...)
for _, uni := range stmt.Schema.ParseUniqueConstraints() {
createTableSQL += "CONSTRAINT ? UNIQUE (?),"
values = append(values, clause.Column{Name: uni.Name}, clause.Expr{SQL: stmt.Quote(uni.Field.DBName)})
for _, chk := range stmt.Schema.ParseCheckConstraints() {
createTableSQL += "CONSTRAINT ? CHECK (?),"
values = append(values, clause.Column{Name: chk.Name}, clause.Expr{SQL: chk.Constraint})
createTableSQL = strings.TrimSuffix(createTableSQL, ",")
createTableSQL += ")"
if tableOption, ok := m.DB.Get("gorm:table_options"); ok {
createTableSQL += fmt.Sprint(tableOption)
err = tx.Exec(createTableSQL, values...).Error
return err
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// DropTable drop table for values
func (m Migrator) DropTable(values ...interface{}) error {
values = m.ReorderModels(values, false)
for i := len(values) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
tx := m.DB.Session(&gorm.Session{})
if err := m.RunWithValue(values[i], func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
return tx.Exec("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ?", m.CurrentTable(stmt)).Error
}); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// HasTable returns table exists or not for value, value could be a struct or string
func (m Migrator) HasTable(value interface{}) bool {
var count int64
m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
currentDatabase := m.DB.Migrator().CurrentDatabase()
return m.DB.Raw("SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND table_type = ?", currentDatabase, stmt.Table, "BASE TABLE").Row().Scan(&count)
return count > 0
// RenameTable rename table from oldName to newName
func (m Migrator) RenameTable(oldName, newName interface{}) error {
var oldTable, newTable interface{}
if v, ok := oldName.(string); ok {
oldTable = clause.Table{Name: v}
} else {
stmt := &gorm.Statement{DB: m.DB}
if err := stmt.Parse(oldName); err == nil {
oldTable = m.CurrentTable(stmt)
} else {
return err
if v, ok := newName.(string); ok {
newTable = clause.Table{Name: v}
} else {
stmt := &gorm.Statement{DB: m.DB}
if err := stmt.Parse(newName); err == nil {
newTable = m.CurrentTable(stmt)
} else {
return err
return m.DB.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? RENAME TO ?", oldTable, newTable).Error
// AddColumn create `name` column for value
func (m Migrator) AddColumn(value interface{}, name string) error {
return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
// avoid using the same name field
if stmt.Schema == nil {
return errors.New("failed to get schema")
f := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(name)
if f == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to look up field with name: %s", name)
if !f.IgnoreMigration {
return m.DB.Exec(
m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: f.DBName}, m.DB.Migrator().FullDataTypeOf(f),
return nil
// DropColumn drop value's `name` column
func (m Migrator) DropColumn(value interface{}, name string) error {
return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
if stmt.Schema != nil {
if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(name); field != nil {
name = field.DBName
return m.DB.Exec(
"ALTER TABLE ? DROP COLUMN ?", m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: name},
// AlterColumn alter value's `field` column' type based on schema definition
func (m Migrator) AlterColumn(value interface{}, field string) error {
return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
if stmt.Schema != nil {
if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(field); field != nil {
fileType := m.FullDataTypeOf(field)
return m.DB.Exec(
m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: field.DBName}, fileType,
return fmt.Errorf("failed to look up field with name: %s", field)
// HasColumn check has column `field` for value or not
func (m Migrator) HasColumn(value interface{}, field string) bool {
var count int64
m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
currentDatabase := m.DB.Migrator().CurrentDatabase()
name := field
if stmt.Schema != nil {
if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(field); field != nil {
name = field.DBName
return m.DB.Raw(
"SELECT count(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.columns WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND column_name = ?",
currentDatabase, stmt.Table, name,
return count > 0
// RenameColumn rename value's field name from oldName to newName
func (m Migrator) RenameColumn(value interface{}, oldName, newName string) error {
return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
if stmt.Schema != nil {
if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(oldName); field != nil {
oldName = field.DBName
if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(newName); field != nil {
newName = field.DBName
return m.DB.Exec(
m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: oldName}, clause.Column{Name: newName},
// MigrateColumn migrate column
func (m Migrator) MigrateColumn(value interface{}, field *schema.Field, columnType gorm.ColumnType) error {
if field.IgnoreMigration {
return nil
// found, smart migrate
fullDataType := strings.TrimSpace(strings.ToLower(m.DB.Migrator().FullDataTypeOf(field).SQL))
realDataType := strings.ToLower(columnType.DatabaseTypeName())
var (
alterColumn bool
isSameType = fullDataType == realDataType
if !field.PrimaryKey {
// check type
if !strings.HasPrefix(fullDataType, realDataType) {
// check type aliases
aliases := m.DB.Migrator().GetTypeAliases(realDataType)
for _, alias := range aliases {
if strings.HasPrefix(fullDataType, alias) {
isSameType = true
if !isSameType {
alterColumn = true
if !isSameType {
// check size
if length, ok := columnType.Length(); length != int64(field.Size) {
if length > 0 && field.Size > 0 {
alterColumn = true
} else {
// has size in data type and not equal
// Since the following code is frequently called in the for loop, reg optimization is needed here
matches2 := regFullDataType.FindAllStringSubmatch(fullDataType, -1)
if !field.PrimaryKey &&
(len(matches2) == 1 && matches2[0][1] != fmt.Sprint(length) && ok) {
alterColumn = true
// check precision
if precision, _, ok := columnType.DecimalSize(); ok && int64(field.Precision) != precision {
if regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf("[^0-9]%d[^0-9]", field.Precision)).MatchString(m.DataTypeOf(field)) {
alterColumn = true
// check nullable
if nullable, ok := columnType.Nullable(); ok && nullable == field.NotNull {
// not primary key & current database is non-nullable(to be nullable)
if !field.PrimaryKey && !nullable {
alterColumn = true
// check default value
if !field.PrimaryKey {
currentDefaultNotNull := field.HasDefaultValue && (field.DefaultValueInterface != nil || !strings.EqualFold(field.DefaultValue, "NULL"))
dv, dvNotNull := columnType.DefaultValue()
if dvNotNull && !currentDefaultNotNull {
// default value -> null
alterColumn = true
} else if !dvNotNull && currentDefaultNotNull {
// null -> default value
alterColumn = true
} else if currentDefaultNotNull || dvNotNull {
switch field.GORMDataType {
case schema.Time:
if !strings.EqualFold(strings.TrimSuffix(dv, "()"), strings.TrimSuffix(field.DefaultValue, "()")) {
alterColumn = true
case schema.Bool:
v1, _ := strconv.ParseBool(dv)
v2, _ := strconv.ParseBool(field.DefaultValue)
alterColumn = v1 != v2
alterColumn = dv != field.DefaultValue
// check comment
if comment, ok := columnType.Comment(); ok && comment != field.Comment {
// not primary key
if !field.PrimaryKey {
alterColumn = true
if alterColumn {
if err := m.DB.Migrator().AlterColumn(value, field.DBName); err != nil {
return err
if err := m.DB.Migrator().MigrateColumnUnique(value, field, columnType); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (m Migrator) MigrateColumnUnique(value interface{}, field *schema.Field, columnType gorm.ColumnType) error {
unique, ok := columnType.Unique()
if !ok || field.PrimaryKey {
return nil // skip primary key
// By default, ColumnType's Unique is not affected by UniqueIndex, so we don't care about UniqueIndex.
return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
// We're currently only receiving boolean values on `Unique` tag,
// so the UniqueConstraint name is fixed
constraint := m.DB.NamingStrategy.UniqueName(stmt.Table, field.DBName)
if unique && !field.Unique {
return m.DB.Migrator().DropConstraint(value, constraint)
if !unique && field.Unique {
return m.DB.Migrator().CreateConstraint(value, constraint)
return nil
// ColumnTypes return columnTypes []gorm.ColumnType and execErr error
func (m Migrator) ColumnTypes(value interface{}) ([]gorm.ColumnType, error) {
columnTypes := make([]gorm.ColumnType, 0)
execErr := m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) (err error) {
rows, err := m.DB.Session(&gorm.Session{}).Table(stmt.Table).Limit(1).Rows()
if err != nil {
return err
defer func() {
err = rows.Close()
var rawColumnTypes []*sql.ColumnType
rawColumnTypes, err = rows.ColumnTypes()
if err != nil {
return err
for _, c := range rawColumnTypes {
columnTypes = append(columnTypes, ColumnType{SQLColumnType: c})
return columnTypes, execErr
// CreateView create view from Query in gorm.ViewOption.
// Query in gorm.ViewOption is a [subquery]
// // CREATE VIEW `user_view` AS SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE age > 20
// q := DB.Model(&User{}).Where("age > ?", 20)
// DB.Debug().Migrator().CreateView("user_view", gorm.ViewOption{Query: q})
// q := DB.Model(&User{})
// DB.Debug().Migrator().CreateView("user_view", gorm.ViewOption{Query: q, Replace: true, CheckOption: "WITH CHECK OPTION"})
// [subquery]: https://gorm.io/docs/advanced_query.html#SubQuery
func (m Migrator) CreateView(name string, option gorm.ViewOption) error {
if option.Query == nil {
return gorm.ErrSubQueryRequired
sql := new(strings.Builder)
sql.WriteString("CREATE ")
if option.Replace {
sql.WriteString("OR REPLACE ")
sql.WriteString("VIEW ")
m.QuoteTo(sql, name)
sql.WriteString(" AS ")
m.DB.Statement.AddVar(sql, option.Query)
if option.CheckOption != "" {
sql.WriteString(" ")
return m.DB.Exec(m.Explain(sql.String(), m.DB.Statement.Vars...)).Error
// DropView drop view
func (m Migrator) DropView(name string) error {
return m.DB.Exec("DROP VIEW IF EXISTS ?", clause.Table{Name: name}).Error
// GuessConstraintAndTable guess statement's constraint and it's table based on name
// Deprecated: use GuessConstraintInterfaceAndTable instead.
func (m Migrator) GuessConstraintAndTable(stmt *gorm.Statement, name string) (*schema.Constraint, *schema.CheckConstraint, string) {
constraint, table := m.GuessConstraintInterfaceAndTable(stmt, name)
switch c := constraint.(type) {
case *schema.Constraint:
return c, nil, table
case *schema.CheckConstraint:
return nil, c, table
return nil, nil, table
// GuessConstraintInterfaceAndTable guess statement's constraint and it's table based on name
// nolint:cyclop
func (m Migrator) GuessConstraintInterfaceAndTable(stmt *gorm.Statement, name string) (_ schema.ConstraintInterface, table string) {
if stmt.Schema == nil {
return nil, stmt.Table
checkConstraints := stmt.Schema.ParseCheckConstraints()
if chk, ok := checkConstraints[name]; ok {
return &chk, stmt.Table
uniqueConstraints := stmt.Schema.ParseUniqueConstraints()
if uni, ok := uniqueConstraints[name]; ok {
return &uni, stmt.Table
getTable := func(rel *schema.Relationship) string {
switch rel.Type {
case schema.HasOne, schema.HasMany:
return rel.FieldSchema.Table
case schema.Many2Many:
return rel.JoinTable.Table
return stmt.Table
for _, rel := range stmt.Schema.Relationships.Relations {
if constraint := rel.ParseConstraint(); constraint != nil && constraint.Name == name {
return constraint, getTable(rel)
if field := stmt.Schema.LookUpField(name); field != nil {
for k := range checkConstraints {
if checkConstraints[k].Field == field {
v := checkConstraints[k]
return &v, stmt.Table
for k := range uniqueConstraints {
if uniqueConstraints[k].Field == field {
v := uniqueConstraints[k]
return &v, stmt.Table
for _, rel := range stmt.Schema.Relationships.Relations {
if constraint := rel.ParseConstraint(); constraint != nil && rel.Field == field {
return constraint, getTable(rel)
return nil, stmt.Schema.Table
// CreateConstraint create constraint
func (m Migrator) CreateConstraint(value interface{}, name string) error {
return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
constraint, table := m.GuessConstraintInterfaceAndTable(stmt, name)
if constraint != nil {
vars := []interface{}{clause.Table{Name: table}}
if stmt.TableExpr != nil {
vars[0] = stmt.TableExpr
sql, values := constraint.Build()
return m.DB.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? ADD "+sql, append(vars, values...)...).Error
return nil
// DropConstraint drop constraint
func (m Migrator) DropConstraint(value interface{}, name string) error {
return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
constraint, table := m.GuessConstraintInterfaceAndTable(stmt, name)
if constraint != nil {
name = constraint.GetName()
return m.DB.Exec("ALTER TABLE ? DROP CONSTRAINT ?", clause.Table{Name: table}, clause.Column{Name: name}).Error
// HasConstraint check has constraint or not
func (m Migrator) HasConstraint(value interface{}, name string) bool {
var count int64
m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
currentDatabase := m.DB.Migrator().CurrentDatabase()
constraint, table := m.GuessConstraintInterfaceAndTable(stmt, name)
if constraint != nil {
name = constraint.GetName()
return m.DB.Raw(
"SELECT count(*) FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.table_constraints WHERE constraint_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND constraint_name = ?",
currentDatabase, table, name,
return count > 0
// BuildIndexOptions build index options
func (m Migrator) BuildIndexOptions(opts []schema.IndexOption, stmt *gorm.Statement) (results []interface{}) {
for _, opt := range opts {
str := stmt.Quote(opt.DBName)
if opt.Expression != "" {
str = opt.Expression
} else if opt.Length > 0 {
str += fmt.Sprintf("(%d)", opt.Length)
if opt.Collate != "" {
str += " COLLATE " + opt.Collate
if opt.Sort != "" {
str += " " + opt.Sort
results = append(results, clause.Expr{SQL: str})
// BuildIndexOptionsInterface build index options interface
type BuildIndexOptionsInterface interface {
BuildIndexOptions([]schema.IndexOption, *gorm.Statement) []interface{}
// CreateIndex create index `name`
func (m Migrator) CreateIndex(value interface{}, name string) error {
return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
if stmt.Schema == nil {
return errors.New("failed to get schema")
if idx := stmt.Schema.LookIndex(name); idx != nil {
opts := m.DB.Migrator().(BuildIndexOptionsInterface).BuildIndexOptions(idx.Fields, stmt)
values := []interface{}{clause.Column{Name: idx.Name}, m.CurrentTable(stmt), opts}
createIndexSQL := "CREATE "
if idx.Class != "" {
createIndexSQL += idx.Class + " "
createIndexSQL += "INDEX ? ON ??"
if idx.Type != "" {
createIndexSQL += " USING " + idx.Type
if idx.Comment != "" {
createIndexSQL += fmt.Sprintf(" COMMENT '%s'", idx.Comment)
if idx.Option != "" {
createIndexSQL += " " + idx.Option
return m.DB.Exec(createIndexSQL, values...).Error
return fmt.Errorf("failed to create index with name %s", name)
// DropIndex drop index `name`
func (m Migrator) DropIndex(value interface{}, name string) error {
return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
if stmt.Schema != nil {
if idx := stmt.Schema.LookIndex(name); idx != nil {
name = idx.Name
return m.DB.Exec("DROP INDEX ? ON ?", clause.Column{Name: name}, m.CurrentTable(stmt)).Error
// HasIndex check has index `name` or not
func (m Migrator) HasIndex(value interface{}, name string) bool {
var count int64
m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
currentDatabase := m.DB.Migrator().CurrentDatabase()
if stmt.Schema != nil {
if idx := stmt.Schema.LookIndex(name); idx != nil {
name = idx.Name
return m.DB.Raw(
"SELECT count(*) FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema = ? AND table_name = ? AND index_name = ?",
currentDatabase, stmt.Table, name,
return count > 0
// RenameIndex rename index from oldName to newName
func (m Migrator) RenameIndex(value interface{}, oldName, newName string) error {
return m.RunWithValue(value, func(stmt *gorm.Statement) error {
return m.DB.Exec(
m.CurrentTable(stmt), clause.Column{Name: oldName}, clause.Column{Name: newName},
// CurrentDatabase returns current database name
func (m Migrator) CurrentDatabase() (name string) {
m.DB.Raw("SELECT DATABASE()").Row().Scan(&name)
// ReorderModels reorder models according to constraint dependencies
func (m Migrator) ReorderModels(values []interface{}, autoAdd bool) (results []interface{}) {
type Dependency struct {
Depends []*schema.Schema
var (
modelNames, orderedModelNames []string
orderedModelNamesMap = map[string]bool{}
parsedSchemas = map[*schema.Schema]bool{}
valuesMap = map[string]Dependency{}
insertIntoOrderedList func(name string)
parseDependence func(value interface{}, addToList bool)
parseDependence = func(value interface{}, addToList bool) {
dep := Dependency{
Statement: &gorm.Statement{DB: m.DB, Dest: value},
beDependedOn := map[*schema.Schema]bool{}
// support for special table name
if err := dep.ParseWithSpecialTableName(value, m.DB.Statement.Table); err != nil {
m.DB.Logger.Error(context.Background(), "failed to parse value %#v, got error %v", value, err)
if _, ok := parsedSchemas[dep.Statement.Schema]; ok {
parsedSchemas[dep.Statement.Schema] = true
if !m.DB.IgnoreRelationshipsWhenMigrating {
for _, rel := range dep.Schema.Relationships.Relations {
if rel.Field.IgnoreMigration {
if c := rel.ParseConstraint(); c != nil && c.Schema == dep.Statement.Schema && c.Schema != c.ReferenceSchema {
dep.Depends = append(dep.Depends, c.ReferenceSchema)
if rel.Type == schema.HasOne || rel.Type == schema.HasMany {
beDependedOn[rel.FieldSchema] = true
if rel.JoinTable != nil {
// append join value
defer func(rel *schema.Relationship, joinValue interface{}) {
if !beDependedOn[rel.FieldSchema] {
dep.Depends = append(dep.Depends, rel.FieldSchema)
} else {
fieldValue := reflect.New(rel.FieldSchema.ModelType).Interface()
parseDependence(fieldValue, autoAdd)
parseDependence(joinValue, autoAdd)
}(rel, reflect.New(rel.JoinTable.ModelType).Interface())
valuesMap[dep.Schema.Table] = dep
if addToList {
modelNames = append(modelNames, dep.Schema.Table)
insertIntoOrderedList = func(name string) {
if _, ok := orderedModelNamesMap[name]; ok {
return // avoid loop
orderedModelNamesMap[name] = true
if autoAdd {
dep := valuesMap[name]
for _, d := range dep.Depends {
if _, ok := valuesMap[d.Table]; ok {
} else {
parseDependence(reflect.New(d.ModelType).Interface(), autoAdd)
orderedModelNames = append(orderedModelNames, name)
for _, value := range values {
if v, ok := value.(string); ok {
results = append(results, v)
} else {
parseDependence(value, true)
for _, name := range modelNames {
for _, name := range orderedModelNames {
results = append(results, valuesMap[name].Statement.Dest)
// CurrentTable returns current statement's table expression
func (m Migrator) CurrentTable(stmt *gorm.Statement) interface{} {
if stmt.TableExpr != nil {
return *stmt.TableExpr
return clause.Table{Name: stmt.Table}
// GetIndexes return Indexes []gorm.Index and execErr error
func (m Migrator) GetIndexes(dst interface{}) ([]gorm.Index, error) {
return nil, errors.New("not support")
// GetTypeAliases return database type aliases
func (m Migrator) GetTypeAliases(databaseTypeName string) []string {
return nil
// TableType return tableType gorm.TableType and execErr error
func (m Migrator) TableType(dst interface{}) (gorm.TableType, error) {
return nil, errors.New("not support")