Drafting blog post early allows to spot issues early,
and avoid putting a pressure on others for review.
Blog post and `musicbrainz-docker` release notes
have been published together for a long time.
Since Schema Change 2024 Q2, a prebuilt Docker image of MusicBrainz
Server is made available with each release of Docker Compose project.
This commit documents this additional step in the releasing process, and
further detail the steps for releasing this companion repository.
Reference: https://tickets.metabrainz.org/browse/MBVM-42
Git tag message used to link to the corresponding blog post URL.
However such URL depends on the date the blog post is published.
As a consequence, the tag could be set at the last minute only.
This is more of an issue now that the companion MusicBrainz Docker
Compose project relies on this tag for prebuilding a Docker image.
This patch replaces the blog post URL with the MBS version URL in Jira.
Such URL just uses a serial number, and can be retrieved via a REST API.
Version’s description can be set manually to the blog post URL later on.
It assumes that the version in Jira is marked as released after tagging.
The Git tag can now be set before building Docker images.
It also paves the way for further automation.
This document covers steps for releasing new versions of MusicBrainz
Server which is performed by maintainers only.
It includes discussion about private servers, repositories and tools
which other contributors don’t have access to.
It is made public for transparency and to allow for improvement
Co-authored-by: Nicolás Tamargo <reosarevok@gmail.com>