Installing it from git is very likely to be the cause of issues such as which are outside
of our control, as we cannot guarantee that yarn will generate an identical
tarball on all platforms.
I've published our fork of xgettext-js to the metabrainz org on npm, and have
updated our code to reference that instead.
The only change I made to the fork in the meantime was bumping the version of
hermes-parser used.
This introduces a crash in no-unused-vars in some flow type pages
which might or might not get fixed on eslint or hermes.
That said, for now we are fine just disabling the no-unused-vars rule
on the three affected files.
A few new issues were detected for no-unused-vars for errors.
I explicitly indicated now that we're ignoring the error by using the variable
name ignoredError and ignoring that name for the rule.
As a new feature, this version of eslint now lets us know where the rules that
we are disabling are no longer warning or erroring (probably due to now fixed
eslint bugs). As such, we can remove those disable lines.
This is supposed to work with eslint9 - we'll see.
It allows a new checkTypeImports option for import/extensions
which we might as well include.
Some new warnings were being shown for /unambiguous and /no-cycle.
/unambiguous turns out to be way too whiny and we decided to
turn it off. /no-cycle required a fairly large rewriting of the
guess case code, which was a mess and is certainly somewhat better
(if not quite yet *good*) because of it.
"React.RefSetter now includes null and void" which was causing new
errors in the forwardRef type in withLoadedTypeInfo. I chose
to just mirror the React type exactly, which seems fine here.
This vulnerability is addressed starting from the version 7.119.1.
The version 7.119.2 is the latest version that preceeds the version 8.x
(which drops support for browsers not providing ES2018+ compatibility).
yarn up '@sentry/*@7.119.2'
This vulnerability is addressed starting from the version 0.7.0.
The version 0.7.2 is the latest version that preceeds the version 1.0.0
(which has been released with breaking changes that must be checked).
yarn up cookie@0.7.2