import { CSSProperties } from "react"; import type { SupportedImage } from "./types"; interface TestElType { (type: string, el: unknown): boolean; } const testElType: TestElType = (type, el) => type === (el as Element)?.tagName?.toUpperCase?.(); export const testDiv = (el: unknown): el is HTMLDivElement | HTMLSpanElement => testElType("DIV", el) || testElType("SPAN", el); export const testImg = (el: unknown): el is HTMLImageElement => testElType("IMG", el); export const testSvg = (el: unknown): el is SVGElement => testElType("SVG", el); export interface GetScaleToWindow { (data: { width: number; height: number; offset: number }): number; } export const getScaleToWindow: GetScaleToWindow = ({ height, offset, width }) => Math.min( (window.innerWidth - offset * 2) / width, // scale X-axis (window.innerHeight - offset * 2) / height // scale Y-axis ); export interface GetScaleToWindowMax { (data: { containerHeight: number; containerWidth: number; offset: number; targetHeight: number; targetWidth: number; }): number; } export const getScaleToWindowMax: GetScaleToWindowMax = ({ containerHeight, containerWidth, offset, targetHeight, targetWidth, }) => { const scale = getScaleToWindow({ height: targetHeight, offset, width: targetWidth, }); const ratio = targetWidth > targetHeight ? targetWidth / containerWidth : targetHeight / containerHeight; return scale > 1 ? ratio : scale * ratio; }; export interface GetScale { (data: { containerHeight: number; containerWidth: number; hasScalableSrc: boolean; offset: number; targetHeight: number; targetWidth: number; }): number; } export const getScale: GetScale = ({ containerHeight, containerWidth, hasScalableSrc, offset, targetHeight, targetWidth, }) => { if (!containerHeight || !containerWidth) { return 1; } return !hasScalableSrc && targetHeight && targetWidth ? getScaleToWindowMax({ containerHeight, containerWidth, offset, targetHeight, targetWidth, }) : getScaleToWindow({ height: containerHeight, offset, width: containerWidth, }); }; const URL_REGEX = /url(?:\(['"]?)(.*?)(?:['"]?\))/; export interface GetImgSrc { (imgEl: SupportedImage | null): string | undefined; } export const getImgSrc: GetImgSrc = (imgEl) => { if (imgEl) { if (testImg(imgEl)) { return imgEl.currentSrc; } else if (testDiv(imgEl)) { const bgImg = window.getComputedStyle(imgEl).backgroundImage; if (bgImg) { return URL_REGEX.exec(bgImg)?.[1]; } } } return; }; export interface GetImgAlt { (imgEl: SupportedImage | null): string | undefined; } export const getImgAlt: GetImgAlt = (imgEl) => { if (imgEl) { if (testImg(imgEl)) { return imgEl.alt ?? undefined; } else { return imgEl.getAttribute("aria-label") ?? undefined; } } return; }; export interface GetImgRegularStyle { (data: { containerHeight: number; containerLeft: number; containerTop: number; containerWidth: number; hasScalableSrc: boolean; offset: number; targetHeight: number; targetWidth: number; }): CSSProperties; } export const getImgRegularStyle: GetImgRegularStyle = ({ containerHeight, containerLeft, containerTop, containerWidth, hasScalableSrc, offset, targetHeight, targetWidth, }) => { const scale = getScale({ containerHeight, containerWidth, hasScalableSrc, offset, targetHeight, targetWidth, }); return { top: containerTop, left: containerLeft, width: containerWidth * scale, height: containerHeight * scale, transform: `translate(0,0) scale(${1 / scale})`, }; }; export interface ParsePosition { (data: { position: string; relativeNum: number }): number; } export const parsePosition: ParsePosition = ({ position, relativeNum }) => { const positionNum = parseFloat(position); return position.endsWith("%") ? (relativeNum * positionNum) / 100 : positionNum; }; export interface GetImgObjectFitStyle { (data: { containerHeight: number; containerLeft: number; containerTop: number; containerWidth: number; hasScalableSrc: boolean; objectFit: string; objectPosition: string; offset: number; targetHeight: number; targetWidth: number; }): CSSProperties; } export const getImgObjectFitStyle: GetImgObjectFitStyle = ({ containerHeight, containerLeft, containerTop, containerWidth, hasScalableSrc, objectFit, objectPosition, offset, targetHeight, targetWidth, }) => { if (objectFit === "scale-down") { if (targetWidth <= containerWidth && targetHeight <= containerHeight) { objectFit = "none"; } else { objectFit = "contain"; } } if (objectFit === "cover" || objectFit === "contain") { const widthRatio = containerWidth / targetWidth; const heightRatio = containerHeight / targetHeight; const ratio = objectFit === "cover" ? Math.max(widthRatio, heightRatio) : Math.min(widthRatio, heightRatio); const [posLeft = "50%", posTop = "50%"] = objectPosition.split(" "); const posX = parsePosition({ position: posLeft, relativeNum: containerWidth - targetWidth * ratio, }); const posY = parsePosition({ position: posTop, relativeNum: containerHeight - targetHeight * ratio, }); const scale = getScale({ containerHeight: targetHeight * ratio, containerWidth: targetWidth * ratio, hasScalableSrc, offset, targetHeight, targetWidth, }); return { top: containerTop + posY, left: containerLeft + posX, width: targetWidth * ratio * scale, height: targetHeight * ratio * scale, transform: `translate(0,0) scale(${1 / scale})`, }; } else if (objectFit === "none") { const [posLeft = "50%", posTop = "50%"] = objectPosition.split(" "); const posX = parsePosition({ position: posLeft, relativeNum: containerWidth - targetWidth, }); const posY = parsePosition({ position: posTop, relativeNum: containerHeight - targetHeight, }); const scale = getScale({ containerHeight: targetHeight, containerWidth: targetWidth, hasScalableSrc, offset, targetHeight, targetWidth, }); return { top: containerTop + posY, left: containerLeft + posX, width: targetWidth * scale, height: targetHeight * scale, transform: `translate(0,0) scale(${1 / scale})`, }; } else if (objectFit === "fill") { const widthRatio = containerWidth / targetWidth; const heightRatio = containerHeight / targetHeight; const ratio = Math.max(widthRatio, heightRatio); const scale = getScale({ containerHeight: targetHeight * ratio, containerWidth: targetWidth * ratio, hasScalableSrc, offset, targetHeight, targetWidth, }); return { width: containerWidth * scale, height: containerHeight * scale, transform: `translate(0,0) scale(${1 / scale})`, }; } else { return {}; } }; export interface GetDivImgStyle { (data: { backgroundPosition: string; backgroundSize: string; containerHeight: number; containerLeft: number; containerTop: number; containerWidth: number; hasScalableSrc: boolean; offset: number; targetHeight: number; targetWidth: number; }): CSSProperties; } export const getDivImgStyle: GetDivImgStyle = ({ backgroundPosition, backgroundSize, containerHeight, containerLeft, containerTop, containerWidth, hasScalableSrc, offset, targetHeight, targetWidth, }) => { if (backgroundSize === "cover" || backgroundSize === "contain") { const widthRatio = containerWidth / targetWidth; const heightRatio = containerHeight / targetHeight; const ratio = backgroundSize === "cover" ? Math.max(widthRatio, heightRatio) : Math.min(widthRatio, heightRatio); const [posLeft = "50%", posTop = "50%"] = backgroundPosition.split(" "); const posX = parsePosition({ position: posLeft, relativeNum: containerWidth - targetWidth * ratio, }); const posY = parsePosition({ position: posTop, relativeNum: containerHeight - targetHeight * ratio, }); const scale = getScale({ containerHeight: targetHeight * ratio, containerWidth: targetWidth * ratio, hasScalableSrc, offset, targetHeight, targetWidth, }); return { top: containerTop + posY, left: containerLeft + posX, width: targetWidth * ratio * scale, height: targetHeight * ratio * scale, transform: `translate(0,0) scale(${1 / scale})`, }; } else if (backgroundSize === "auto") { const [posLeft = "50%", posTop = "50%"] = backgroundPosition.split(" "); const posX = parsePosition({ position: posLeft, relativeNum: containerWidth - targetWidth, }); const posY = parsePosition({ position: posTop, relativeNum: containerHeight - targetHeight, }); const scale = getScale({ containerHeight: targetHeight, containerWidth: targetWidth, hasScalableSrc, offset, targetHeight, targetWidth, }); return { top: containerTop + posY, left: containerLeft + posX, width: targetWidth * scale, height: targetHeight * scale, transform: `translate(0,0) scale(${1 / scale})`, }; } else { const [sizeW = "50%", sizeH = "50%"] = backgroundSize.split(" "); const sizeWidth = parsePosition({ position: sizeW, relativeNum: containerWidth, }); const sizeHeight = parsePosition({ position: sizeH, relativeNum: containerHeight, }); const widthRatio = sizeWidth / targetWidth; const heightRatio = sizeHeight / targetHeight; // @TODO: something funny is happening with this ratio const ratio = Math.min(widthRatio, heightRatio); const [posLeft = "50%", posTop = "50%"] = backgroundPosition.split(" "); const posX = parsePosition({ position: posLeft, relativeNum: containerWidth - targetWidth * ratio, }); const posY = parsePosition({ position: posTop, relativeNum: containerHeight - targetHeight * ratio, }); const scale = getScale({ containerHeight: targetHeight * ratio, containerWidth: targetWidth * ratio, hasScalableSrc, offset, targetHeight, targetWidth, }); return { top: containerTop + posY, left: containerLeft + posX, width: targetWidth * ratio * scale, height: targetHeight * ratio * scale, transform: `translate(0,0) scale(${1 / scale})`, }; } }; const SRC_SVG_REGEX = /\.svg$/i; export interface GetStyleModalImg { (data: { hasZoomImg: boolean; imgSrc: string | undefined; isSvg: boolean; isZoomed: boolean; loadedImgEl: HTMLImageElement | undefined; offset: number; shouldRefresh: boolean; targetEl: SupportedImage; }): CSSProperties; } export const getStyleModalImg: GetStyleModalImg = ({ hasZoomImg, imgSrc, isSvg, isZoomed, loadedImgEl, offset, shouldRefresh, targetEl, }) => { const hasScalableSrc = isSvg || imgSrc?.slice?.(0, 18) === "data:image/svg+xml" || hasZoomImg || !!(imgSrc && SRC_SVG_REGEX.test(imgSrc)); const imgRect = targetEl.getBoundingClientRect(); const targetElComputedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(targetEl); const styleImgRegular = getImgRegularStyle({ containerHeight: imgRect.height, containerLeft: imgRect.left, containerTop:, containerWidth: imgRect.width, hasScalableSrc, offset, targetHeight: loadedImgEl?.naturalHeight ?? imgRect.height, targetWidth: loadedImgEl?.naturalWidth ?? imgRect.width, }); const styleImgObjectFit = loadedImgEl && targetElComputedStyle.objectFit ? getImgObjectFitStyle({ containerHeight: imgRect.height, containerLeft: imgRect.left, containerTop:, containerWidth: imgRect.width, hasScalableSrc, objectFit: targetElComputedStyle.objectFit, objectPosition: targetElComputedStyle.objectPosition, offset, targetHeight: loadedImgEl.naturalHeight, targetWidth: loadedImgEl.naturalWidth, }) : undefined; const styleDivImg = loadedImgEl && testDiv(targetEl) ? getDivImgStyle({ backgroundPosition: targetElComputedStyle.backgroundPosition, backgroundSize: targetElComputedStyle.backgroundSize, containerHeight: imgRect.height, containerLeft: imgRect.left, containerTop:, containerWidth: imgRect.width, hasScalableSrc, offset, targetHeight: loadedImgEl.naturalHeight, targetWidth: loadedImgEl.naturalWidth, }) : undefined; const style = Object.assign( {}, styleImgRegular, styleImgObjectFit, styleDivImg ); if (isZoomed) { const viewportX = window.innerWidth / 2; const viewportY = window.innerHeight / 2; const childCenterX = parseFloat(String(style.left || 0)) + parseFloat(String(style.width || 0)) / 2; const childCenterY = parseFloat(String( || 0)) + parseFloat(String(style.height || 0)) / 2; const translateX = viewportX - childCenterX; const translateY = viewportY - childCenterY; // For scenarios like resizing the browser window if (shouldRefresh) { style.transitionDuration = "0.01ms"; } style.transform = `translate(${translateX}px,${translateY}px) scale(1)`; } return style; }; export interface GetStyleGhost { (imgEl: SupportedImage | null): CSSProperties; }