YouLL d551a1a10b
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CI / test (app) (push) Has been cancelled
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feat: collection mentions (#8529)
* feat: init collection mention

* refactor: dedicated search helper function for collection mentions

* feat: add test for collection search function helper

* feat: parseCollectionSlug

* feat: isCollectionUrl

* feat: add collection mention to paste handler

* fix: update translation of mention keyboard shortcut

* fix: keyboard shortcut mention label

* fix: missing teamId in search helper functioN

* chore: update translations


Co-authored-by: Tom Moor <tom@getoutline.com>
2025-03-03 19:03:27 -08:00

491 lines
13 KiB

export enum UserRole {
Admin = "admin",
Member = "member",
Viewer = "viewer",
Guest = "guest",
export type DateFilter = "day" | "week" | "month" | "year";
export enum StatusFilter {
Published = "published",
Archived = "archived",
Draft = "draft",
export enum CollectionStatusFilter {
Archived = "archived",
export enum CommentStatusFilter {
Resolved = "resolved",
Unresolved = "unresolved",
export enum Client {
Web = "web",
Desktop = "desktop",
export enum ExportContentType {
Markdown = "text/markdown",
Html = "text/html",
Pdf = "application/pdf",
export enum FileOperationFormat {
JSON = "json",
MarkdownZip = "outline-markdown",
HTMLZip = "html",
PDF = "pdf",
Notion = "notion",
export enum FileOperationType {
Import = "import",
Export = "export",
export enum FileOperationState {
Creating = "creating",
Uploading = "uploading",
Complete = "complete",
Error = "error",
Expired = "expired",
export enum MentionType {
User = "user",
Document = "document",
Collection = "collection",
export type PublicEnv = {
ROOT_SHARE_ID?: string;
analytics: {
service: IntegrationService;
settings: IntegrationSettings<IntegrationType.Analytics>;
export enum AttachmentPreset {
DocumentAttachment = "documentAttachment",
WorkspaceImport = "workspaceImport",
Import = "import",
Avatar = "avatar",
export enum IntegrationType {
/** An integration that posts updates to an external system. */
Post = "post",
/** An integration that listens for commands from an external system. */
Command = "command",
/** An integration that embeds content from an external system. */
Embed = "embed",
/** An integration that captures analytics data. */
Analytics = "analytics",
/** An integration that maps an Outline user to an external service. */
LinkedAccount = "linkedAccount",
export enum IntegrationService {
Diagrams = "diagrams",
Grist = "grist",
Slack = "slack",
GoogleAnalytics = "google-analytics",
Matomo = "matomo",
Umami = "umami",
GitHub = "github",
export type UserCreatableIntegrationService = Extract<
| IntegrationService.Diagrams
| IntegrationService.Grist
| IntegrationService.GoogleAnalytics
| IntegrationService.Matomo
| IntegrationService.Umami
export const UserCreatableIntegrationService = {
Diagrams: IntegrationService.Diagrams,
Grist: IntegrationService.Grist,
GoogleAnalytics: IntegrationService.GoogleAnalytics,
Matomo: IntegrationService.Matomo,
Umami: IntegrationService.Umami,
} as const;
export enum CollectionPermission {
Read = "read",
ReadWrite = "read_write",
Admin = "admin",
export enum DocumentPermission {
Read = "read",
ReadWrite = "read_write",
Admin = "admin",
export type IntegrationSettings<T> = T extends IntegrationType.Embed
? {
url: string;
github?: {
installation: {
id: number;
account: { id: number; name: string; avatarUrl: string };
: T extends IntegrationType.Analytics
? { measurementId: string; instanceUrl?: string; scriptName?: string }
: T extends IntegrationType.Post
? { url: string; channel: string; channelId: string }
: T extends IntegrationType.Command
? { serviceTeamId: string }
| { url: string }
| {
github?: {
installation: {
id: number;
account: { id?: number; name: string; avatarUrl?: string };
| { url: string; channel: string; channelId: string }
| { serviceTeamId: string }
| { measurementId: string }
| { slack: { serviceTeamId: string; serviceUserId: string } }
| undefined;
export enum UserPreference {
/** Whether reopening the app should redirect to the last viewed document. */
RememberLastPath = "rememberLastPath",
/** If web-style hand pointer should be used on interactive elements. */
UseCursorPointer = "useCursorPointer",
/** Whether code blocks should show line numbers. */
CodeBlockLineNumers = "codeBlockLineNumbers",
/** Whether documents have a separate edit mode instead of always editing. */
SeamlessEdit = "seamlessEdit",
/** Whether documents should start in full-width mode. */
FullWidthDocuments = "fullWidthDocuments",
/** Whether to sort the comments by their order in the document. */
SortCommentsByOrderInDocument = "sortCommentsByOrderInDocument",
/** Whether smart text replacements should be enabled. */
EnableSmartText = "enableSmartText",
export type UserPreferences = { [key in UserPreference]?: boolean };
export type SourceMetadata = {
/** The original source file name. */
fileName?: string;
/** The original source mime type. */
mimeType?: string;
/** The creator of the original external source. */
createdByName?: string;
/** An ID in the external source. */
externalId?: string;
/** Whether the item was created through a trial license. */
trial?: boolean;
export type CustomTheme = {
accent: string;
accentText: string;
export type PublicTeam = {
avatarUrl: string;
name: string;
customTheme: Partial<CustomTheme>;
tocPosition: TOCPosition;
export enum TOCPosition {
Left = "left",
Right = "right",
export enum TeamPreference {
/** Whether documents have a separate edit mode instead of always editing. */
SeamlessEdit = "seamlessEdit",
/** Whether to use team logo across the app for branding. */
PublicBranding = "publicBranding",
/** Whether viewers should see download options. */
ViewersCanExport = "viewersCanExport",
/** Whether members can invite new users. */
MembersCanInvite = "membersCanInvite",
/** Whether members can create API keys. */
MembersCanCreateApiKey = "membersCanCreateApiKey",
/** Whether members can delete their user account. */
MembersCanDeleteAccount = "membersCanDeleteAccount",
/** Whether notification emails include document and comment content. */
PreviewsInEmails = "previewsInEmails",
/** Whether users can comment on documents. */
Commenting = "commenting",
/** The custom theme for the team. */
CustomTheme = "customTheme",
/** Side to display the document's table of contents in relation to the main content. */
TocPosition = "tocPosition",
export type TeamPreferences = {
[TeamPreference.SeamlessEdit]?: boolean;
[TeamPreference.PublicBranding]?: boolean;
[TeamPreference.ViewersCanExport]?: boolean;
[TeamPreference.MembersCanInvite]?: boolean;
[TeamPreference.MembersCanCreateApiKey]?: boolean;
[TeamPreference.MembersCanDeleteAccount]?: boolean;
[TeamPreference.PreviewsInEmails]?: boolean;
[TeamPreference.Commenting]?: boolean;
[TeamPreference.CustomTheme]?: Partial<CustomTheme>;
[TeamPreference.TocPosition]?: TOCPosition;
export enum NavigationNodeType {
Collection = "collection",
Document = "document",
UserMembership = "userMembership",
GroupMembership = "groupMembership",
export type NavigationNode = {
id: string;
title: string;
url: string;
emoji?: string;
icon?: string;
color?: string;
children: NavigationNode[];
isDraft?: boolean;
collectionId?: string;
type?: NavigationNodeType;
parent?: NavigationNode | null;
depth?: number;
export type CollectionSort = {
field: string;
direction: "asc" | "desc";
export enum SubscriptionType {
Document = "documents.update",
export enum NotificationEventType {
PublishDocument = "documents.publish",
UpdateDocument = "documents.update",
AddUserToDocument = "documents.add_user",
AddUserToCollection = "collections.add_user",
CreateRevision = "revisions.create",
CreateCollection = "collections.create",
CreateComment = "comments.create",
ResolveComment = "comments.resolve",
MentionedInDocument = "documents.mentioned",
MentionedInComment = "comments.mentioned",
InviteAccepted = "emails.invite_accepted",
Onboarding = "emails.onboarding",
Features = "emails.features",
ExportCompleted = "emails.export_completed",
export enum NotificationChannelType {
App = "app",
Email = "email",
Chat = "chat",
export type NotificationSettings = {
[event in NotificationEventType]?:
| {
[type in NotificationChannelType]?: boolean;
| boolean;
export const NotificationEventDefaults: Record<NotificationEventType, boolean> =
[NotificationEventType.PublishDocument]: false,
[NotificationEventType.UpdateDocument]: true,
[NotificationEventType.CreateCollection]: false,
[NotificationEventType.CreateComment]: true,
[NotificationEventType.ResolveComment]: true,
[NotificationEventType.CreateRevision]: false,
[NotificationEventType.MentionedInDocument]: true,
[NotificationEventType.MentionedInComment]: true,
[NotificationEventType.InviteAccepted]: true,
[NotificationEventType.Onboarding]: true,
[NotificationEventType.Features]: true,
[NotificationEventType.ExportCompleted]: true,
[NotificationEventType.AddUserToDocument]: true,
[NotificationEventType.AddUserToCollection]: true,
export enum UnfurlResourceType {
OEmbed = "oembed",
Mention = "mention",
Document = "document",
Issue = "issue",
PR = "pull",
export type UnfurlResponse = {
[UnfurlResourceType.OEmbed]: {
/** The resource type */
type: UnfurlResourceType.OEmbed;
/** URL pointing to the resource */
url: string;
/** A text title, describing the resource */
title: string;
/** A brief description about the resource */
description: string;
/** A URL to a thumbnail image representing the resource */
thumbnailUrl: string;
[UnfurlResourceType.Mention]: {
/** The resource type */
type: UnfurlResourceType.Mention;
/** Mentioned user's name */
name: string;
/** Mentioned user's email */
email: string | null;
/** Mentioned user's avatar URL */
avatarUrl: string | null;
/** Used to create mentioned user's avatar if no avatar URL provided */
color: string;
/** Mentiond user's recent activity */
lastActive: string;
[UnfurlResourceType.Document]: {
/** The resource type */
type: UnfurlResourceType.Document;
/** URL pointing to the resource */
url: string;
/** Document id */
id: string;
/** Document title */
title: string;
/** Document summary */
summary: string;
/** Viewer's last activity on this document */
lastActivityByViewer: string;
[UnfurlResourceType.Issue]: {
/** The resource type */
type: UnfurlResourceType.Issue;
/** Issue link */
url: string;
/** Issue identifier */
id: string;
/** Issue title */
title: string;
/** Issue description */
description: string;
/** Issue's author */
author: { name: string; avatarUrl: string };
/** Issue's labels */
labels: Array<{ name: string; color: string }>;
/** Issue's status */
state: { name: string; color: string };
/** Issue's creation time */
createdAt: string;
[UnfurlResourceType.PR]: {
/** The resource type */
type: UnfurlResourceType.PR;
/** Pull Request link */
url: string;
/** Pull Request identifier */
id: string;
/** Pull Request title */
title: string;
/** Pull Request description */
description: string;
/** Pull Request author */
author: { name: string; avatarUrl: string };
/** Pull Request status */
state: { name: string; color: string };
/** Pull Request creation time */
createdAt: string;
export enum QueryNotices {
UnsubscribeDocument = "unsubscribe-document",
export type JSONValue =
| string
| number
| boolean
| undefined
| null
| { [x: string]: JSONValue }
| Array<JSONValue>;
export type JSONObject = { [x: string]: JSONValue };
export type ProsemirrorData = {
type: string;
content: ProsemirrorData[];
text?: string;
attrs?: JSONObject;
marks?: {
type: string;
attrs: JSONObject;
export type ProsemirrorDoc = {
type: "doc";
content: ProsemirrorData[];
export enum IconType {
SVG = "svg",
Emoji = "emoji",
export enum EmojiCategory {
People = "People",
Nature = "Nature",
Foods = "Foods",
Activity = "Activity",
Places = "Places",
Objects = "Objects",
Symbols = "Symbols",
Flags = "Flags",
export enum EmojiSkinTone {
Default = "Default",
Light = "Light",
MediumLight = "MediumLight",
Medium = "Medium",
MediumDark = "MediumDark",
Dark = "Dark",
export type Emoji = {
id: string;
name: string;
value: string;
export type EmojiVariants = {
[EmojiSkinTone.Default]: Emoji;
[EmojiSkinTone.Light]?: Emoji;
[EmojiSkinTone.MediumLight]?: Emoji;
[EmojiSkinTone.Medium]?: Emoji;
[EmojiSkinTone.MediumDark]?: Emoji;
[EmojiSkinTone.Dark]?: Emoji;
export type ReactionSummary = {
emoji: string;
userIds: string[];