# This file contains all available configuration options # with their default values. # options for analysis running run: # default concurrency is a available CPU number concurrency: 16 # timeout for analysis, e.g. 30s, 5m, default is 1m timeout: 5m # exit code when at least one issue was found, default is 1 issues-exit-code: 1 # include test files or not, default is true tests: true # list of build tags, all linters use it. Default is empty list. build-tags: # which dirs to skip: they won't be analyzed; # can use regexp here: generated.*, regexp is applied on full path; # default value is empty list, but next dirs are always skipped independently # from this option's value: # vendor$, third_party$, testdata$, examples$, Godeps$, builtin$ skip-dirs: # which files to skip: they will be analyzed, but issues from them # won't be reported. Default value is empty list, but there is # no need to include all autogenerated files, we confidently recognize # autogenerated files. If it's not please let us know. skip-files: # output configuration options output: # colored-line-number|line-number|json|tab|checkstyle, default is "colored-line-number" formats: - format: colored-line-number # print lines of code with issue, default is true print-issued-lines: true # print linter name in the end of issue text, default is true print-linter-name: true linters: enable: - errcheck - errorlint - goconst - gofmt - goimports - gosimple - govet - ineffassign - megacheck - misspell - revive - typecheck - unconvert - unparam - unused linters-settings: errcheck: exclude-functions: - (github.com/go-kit/kit/log.Logger).Log - (github.com/go-kit/log.Logger).Log errorlint: errorf: false # don't check whether fmt.Errorf uses %w to wrap errors goconst: ignore-tests: true issues: exclude: - Error return value of .*log\.Logger\)\.Log\x60 is not checked - package github.com/golang/protobuf/proto is deprecated - package github.com/golang/protobuf/jsonpb is deprecated exclude-rules: # Exclude some linters from running on tests files. - path: integration/e2e linters: - unused