mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 03:06:42 +00:00
Some checks failed
docker / get-tag (push) Waiting to run
docker / docker (tempo, map[arch:amd64 runner:ubuntu-24.04]) (push) Blocked by required conditions
docker / docker (tempo, map[arch:arm64 runner:github-hosted-ubuntu-arm64]) (push) Blocked by required conditions
docker / docker (tempo-cli, map[arch:amd64 runner:ubuntu-24.04]) (push) Blocked by required conditions
docker / docker (tempo-cli, map[arch:arm64 runner:github-hosted-ubuntu-arm64]) (push) Blocked by required conditions
docker / docker (tempo-query, map[arch:amd64 runner:ubuntu-24.04]) (push) Blocked by required conditions
docker / docker (tempo-query, map[arch:arm64 runner:github-hosted-ubuntu-arm64]) (push) Blocked by required conditions
docker / docker (tempo-vulture, map[arch:amd64 runner:ubuntu-24.04]) (push) Blocked by required conditions
docker / docker (tempo-vulture, map[arch:arm64 runner:github-hosted-ubuntu-arm64]) (push) Blocked by required conditions
docker / manifest (tempo) (push) Blocked by required conditions
docker / manifest (tempo-cli) (push) Blocked by required conditions
docker / manifest (tempo-query) (push) Blocked by required conditions
docker / manifest (tempo-vulture) (push) Blocked by required conditions
docker / cd-to-dev-env (push) Blocked by required conditions
Snyk Monitor Scanning / snyk-scan-ci (push) Waiting to run
Stale check / stale (push) Has been cancelled
Update `make docs` procedure / main (push) Has been cancelled
Co-authored-by: grafanabot <bot@grafana.com>
132 lines
4.8 KiB
132 lines
4.8 KiB
# The source of this file is https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grafana/writers-toolkit/main/docs/docs.mk.
# A changelog is included in the head of the `make-docs` script.
include variables.mk
-include variables.mk.local
export SHELL := bash
export SHELLOPTS := pipefail:errexit
MAKEFLAGS += --warn-undefined-variables
MAKEFLAGS += --no-builtin-rule
# Adapted from https://www.thapaliya.com/en/writings/well-documented-makefiles/
.PHONY: help
help: ## Display this help.
@awk 'BEGIN { \
FS = ": ##"; \
printf "Usage:\n make <target>\n\nTargets:\n" \
} \
/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-\/%]+: ##/ { printf " %-15s %s\n", $$1, $$2 }' \
GIT_ROOT := $(shell git rev-parse --show-toplevel)
PODMAN := $(shell if command -v podman >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo podman; else echo docker; fi)
ifeq ($(PROJECTS),)
$(error "PROJECTS variable must be defined in variables.mk")
# First project is considered the primary one used for doc-validator.
PRIMARY_PROJECT := $(subst /,-,$(firstword $(subst :, ,$(firstword $(PROJECTS)))))
# Host port to publish container port to.
ifeq ($(origin DOCS_HOST_PORT), undefined)
export DOCS_HOST_PORT := 3002
# Container image used to perform Hugo build.
ifeq ($(origin DOCS_IMAGE), undefined)
export DOCS_IMAGE := grafana/docs-base:latest
# Container image used for doc-validator linting.
ifeq ($(origin DOC_VALIDATOR_IMAGE), undefined)
export DOC_VALIDATOR_IMAGE := grafana/doc-validator:latest
# Container image used for vale linting.
ifeq ($(origin VALE_IMAGE), undefined)
export VALE_IMAGE := grafana/vale:latest
# PATH-like list of directories within which to find projects.
# If all projects are checked out into the same directory, ~/repos/ for example, then the default should work.
ifeq ($(origin REPOS_PATH), undefined)
export REPOS_PATH := $(realpath $(GIT_ROOT)/..)
# How to treat Hugo relref errors.
ifeq ($(origin HUGO_REFLINKSERRORLEVEL), undefined)
# Whether to pull the latest container image before running the container.
ifeq ($(origin PULL), undefined)
export PULL := true
.PHONY: docs-rm
docs-rm: ## Remove the docs container.
.PHONY: docs-pull
docs-pull: ## Pull documentation base image.
$(PODMAN) pull -q $(DOCS_IMAGE)
make-docs: ## Fetch the latest make-docs script.
if [[ ! -f "$(CURDIR)/make-docs" ]]; then
echo 'WARN: No make-docs script found in the working directory. Run `make update` to download it.' >&2
exit 1
.PHONY: docs
docs: ## Serve documentation locally, which includes pulling the latest `DOCS_IMAGE` (default: `grafana/docs-base:latest`) container image. To not pull the image, set `PULL=false`.
ifeq ($(PULL), true)
docs: docs-pull make-docs
docs: make-docs
$(CURDIR)/make-docs $(PROJECTS)
.PHONY: docs-debug
docs-debug: ## Run Hugo web server with debugging enabled. TODO: support all SERVER_FLAGS defined in website Makefile.
docs-debug: make-docs
WEBSITE_EXEC='hugo server --bind --port 3002 --debug' $(CURDIR)/make-docs $(PROJECTS)
.PHONY: doc-validator
doc-validator: ## Run doc-validator on the entire docs folder which includes pulling the latest `DOC_VALIDATOR_IMAGE` (default: `grafana/doc-validator:latest`) container image. To not pull the image, set `PULL=false`.
doc-validator: make-docs
ifeq ($(PULL), true)
.PHONY: vale
vale: ## Run vale on the entire docs folder which includes pulling the latest `VALE_IMAGE` (default: `grafana/vale:latest`) container image. To not pull the image, set `PULL=false`.
vale: make-docs
ifeq ($(PULL), true)
$(PODMAN) pull -q $(VALE_IMAGE)
.PHONY: update
update: ## Fetch the latest version of this Makefile and the `make-docs` script from Writers' Toolkit.
curl -s -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grafana/writers-toolkit/main/docs/docs.mk
curl -s -LO https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grafana/writers-toolkit/main/docs/make-docs
chmod +x make-docs
# ls static/templates/ | sed 's/-template\.md//' | xargs
TOPIC_TYPES := concept multiple-tasks reference section task tutorial visualization
.PHONY: $(patsubst %,topic/%,$(TOPIC_TYPES))
topic/%: ## Create a topic from the Writers' Toolkit template. Specify the topic type as the target, for example, `make topic/task TOPIC_PATH=sources/my-new-topic.md`.
$(patsubst %,topic/%,$(TOPIC_TYPES)):
$(if $(TOPIC_PATH),,$(error "You must set the TOPIC_PATH variable to the path where the $(@F) topic will be created. For example: make $(@) TOPIC_PATH=sources/my-new-topic.md"))
mkdir -p $(dir $(TOPIC_PATH))
curl -s -o $(TOPIC_PATH) https://raw.githubusercontent.com/grafana/writers-toolkit/refs/heads/main/docs/static/templates/$(@F)-template.md