
This example aims to make it easier to measure and analyze Tempo performance in micro-services mode. There are already many examples for running Tempo under load, but they use the single-binary approach and are not representative of what is occurring in larger installations. Here Tempo is run with separate containers for distributor and ingesters, and replication factor = 3, meaning that the distributor will mirror all incoming traces to 3 ingesters.


What this example contains

  1. Tempo in micro-services mode
    1. 1x distributor
    2. 3x ingesters
    3. ReplicationFactor=3 meaning that the distributor mirrors incoming traces
  2. S3/Min.IO virtual storage
  3. Dashboard and metrics using
    1. Prometheus
    2. Grafana
    3. cadvisor - to gather container CPU usage and other metrics


This example is expected to be used in conjunction with tempo development in a rapid feedback loop. It is assumed you have a working Go installation and a copy of tempo already cloned somewhere.

  1. Build the tempo container
    1. Run make docker-tempo
    2. This tags a local image tempo:latest
  2. Run this repo with docker compose
    1. docker compose up -d
    2. Browse to dashboard at http://localhost:3000/d/iaJI4FxMk/tempo-benchmarking
    3. When finished run docker compose down

Repeat steps 1-2 to see how code changes affect performance.

Controlling load

The synthetic-load-generator is included and configured to issue 1000 spans/s per instance. To increase load, use the --scale flag as shown below:

docker-compose up -d --scale synthetic-load-generator=4

Key Metrics

As Tempo is designed to be very horizontally scalable, the key metrics are per volume unit, i.e. spans / s / cpu core.