A. Stoewer 3f420b6a4a vParquet4: update opentelemetry-proto and add scope attrs (#3649)
* Update opentelemetry-proto submodule to v1.3.0

* Generate proto

* Populate scope attributes

* Mention breaking change in CHANGELOG.md

* Run make check-fmt
2024-05-10 09:34:13 +10:00

1767 lines
61 KiB

package vparquet4
import (
v1 "github.com/grafana/tempo/pkg/tempopb/trace/v1"
func TestOne(t *testing.T) {
wantTr := fullyPopulatedTestTrace(nil)
b := makeBackendBlockWithTraces(t, []*Trace{wantTr})
ctx := context.Background()
q := `{ resource.region != nil && resource.service.name = "bar" }`
req := traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(q)
req.StartTimeUnixNanos = uint64(1000 * time.Second)
req.EndTimeUnixNanos = uint64(1001 * time.Second)
resp, err := b.Fetch(ctx, req, common.DefaultSearchOptions())
require.NoError(t, err, "search request:", req)
spanSet, err := resp.Results.Next(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err, "search request:", req)
func TestBackendBlockSearchTraceQL(t *testing.T) {
numTraces := 250
traces := make([]*Trace, 0, numTraces)
wantTraceIdx := rand.Intn(numTraces)
wantTraceID := test.ValidTraceID(nil)
for i := 0; i < numTraces; i++ {
if i == wantTraceIdx {
traces = append(traces, fullyPopulatedTestTrace(wantTraceID))
id := test.ValidTraceID(nil)
tr, _ := traceToParquet(&backend.BlockMeta{}, id, test.MakeTrace(1, id), nil)
traces = append(traces, tr)
b := makeBackendBlockWithTraces(t, traces)
ctx := context.Background()
searchesThatMatch := []struct {
name string
req traceql.FetchSpansRequest
{"empty request", traceql.FetchSpansRequest{}},
"Time range inside trace",
StartTimeUnixNanos: uint64(1100 * time.Second),
EndTimeUnixNanos: uint64(1200 * time.Second),
"Time range overlap start",
StartTimeUnixNanos: uint64(900 * time.Second),
EndTimeUnixNanos: uint64(1100 * time.Second),
"Time range overlap end",
StartTimeUnixNanos: uint64(1900 * time.Second),
EndTimeUnixNanos: uint64(2100 * time.Second),
// Intrinsics
{"Intrinsic: name", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{` + LabelName + ` = "hello"}`)},
{"Intrinsic: duration = 100s", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{` + LabelDuration + ` = 100s}`)},
{"Intrinsic: duration > 99s", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{` + LabelDuration + ` > 99s}`)},
{"Intrinsic: duration >= 100s", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{` + LabelDuration + ` >= 100s}`)},
{"Intrinsic: duration < 101s", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{` + LabelDuration + ` < 101s}`)},
{"Intrinsic: duration <= 100s", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{` + LabelDuration + ` <= 100s}`)},
{"Intrinsic: status = error", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{` + LabelStatus + ` = error}`)},
{"Intrinsic: status = 2", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{` + LabelStatus + ` = 2}`)},
{"Intrinsic: statusMessage = STATUS_CODE_ERROR", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{` + "statusMessage" + ` = "STATUS_CODE_ERROR"}`)},
{"Intrinsic: kind = client", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{` + LabelKind + ` = client }`)},
// Resource well-known attributes
{".service.name", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelServiceName + ` = "spanservicename"}`)}, // Overridden at span},
{".cluster", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelCluster + ` = "cluster"}`)},
{".namespace", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelNamespace + ` = "namespace"}`)},
{".pod", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelPod + ` = "pod"}`)},
{".container", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelContainer + ` = "container"}`)},
{".k8s.namespace.name", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelK8sNamespaceName + ` = "k8snamespace"}`)},
{".k8s.cluster.name", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelK8sClusterName + ` = "k8scluster"}`)},
{".k8s.pod.name", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelK8sPodName + ` = "k8spod"}`)},
{".k8s.container.name", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelK8sContainerName + ` = "k8scontainer"}`)},
{"resource.service.name", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.` + LabelServiceName + ` = "myservice"}`)},
{"resource.cluster", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.` + LabelCluster + ` = "cluster"}`)},
{"resource.namespace", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.` + LabelNamespace + ` = "namespace"}`)},
{"resource.pod", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.` + LabelPod + ` = "pod"}`)},
{"resource.container", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.` + LabelContainer + ` = "container"}`)},
{"resource.k8s.namespace.name", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.` + LabelK8sNamespaceName + ` = "k8snamespace"}`)},
{"resource.k8s.cluster.name", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.` + LabelK8sClusterName + ` = "k8scluster"}`)},
{"resource.k8s.pod.name", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.` + LabelK8sPodName + ` = "k8spod"}`)},
{"resource.k8s.container.name", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.` + LabelK8sContainerName + ` = "k8scontainer"}`)},
// Resource dedicated attributes
{"resource.dedicated.resource.3", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.dedicated.resource.3 = "dedicated-resource-attr-value-3"}`)},
{"resource.dedicated.resource.5", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.dedicated.resource.5 = "dedicated-resource-attr-value-5"}`)},
// Comparing strings
{"resource.service.name > myservice", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.` + LabelServiceName + ` > "myservic"}`)},
{"resource.service.name >= myservice", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.` + LabelServiceName + ` >= "myservic"}`)},
{"resource.service.name < myservice1", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.` + LabelServiceName + ` < "myservice1"}`)},
{"resource.service.name <= myservice1", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.` + LabelServiceName + ` <= "myservice1"}`)},
// Span well-known attributes
{".http.status_code", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelHTTPStatusCode + ` = 500}`)},
{".http.method", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelHTTPMethod + ` = "get"}`)},
{".http.url", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelHTTPUrl + ` = "url/hello/world"}`)},
{"span.http.status_code", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{span.` + LabelHTTPStatusCode + ` = 500}`)},
{"span.http.method", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{span.` + LabelHTTPMethod + ` = "get"}`)},
{"span.http.url", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{span.` + LabelHTTPUrl + ` = "url/hello/world"}`)},
// Span dedicated attributes
{"span.dedicated.span.2", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{span.dedicated.span.2 = "dedicated-span-attr-value-2"}`)},
{"span.dedicated.span.4", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{span.dedicated.span.4 = "dedicated-span-attr-value-4"}`)},
// Basic data types and operations
{".float = 456.78", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.float = 456.78}`)}, // Float ==
{".float != 456.79", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.float != 456.79}`)}, // Float !=
{".float > 456.7", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.float > 456.7}`)}, // Float >
{".float >= 456.78", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.float >= 456.78}`)}, // Float >=
{".float < 456.781", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.float < 456.781}`)}, // Float <
{".bool = false", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.bool = false}`)}, // Bool ==
{".bool != true", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.bool != true}`)}, // Bool !=
{".bar = 123", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.bar = 123}`)}, // Int ==
{".bar != 124", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.bar != 124}`)}, // Int !=
{".bar > 122", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.bar > 122}`)}, // Int >
{".bar >= 123", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.bar >= 123}`)}, // Int >=
{".bar < 124", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.bar < 124}`)}, // Int <
{".bar <= 123", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.bar <= 123}`)}, // Int <=
{".foo = \"def\"", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.foo = "def"}`)}, // String ==
{".foo != \"deg\"", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.foo != "deg"}`)}, // String !=
{".foo =~ \"d.*\"", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.foo =~ "d.*"}`)}, // String Regex
{".foo !~ \"x.*\"", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.foo !~ "x.*"}`)}, // String Not Regex
{"resource.foo = \"abc\"", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.foo = "abc"}`)}, // Resource-level only
{"span.foo = \"def\"", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{span.foo = "def"}`)}, // Span-level only
{".foo", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.foo}`)}, // Projection only
{"Matches either condition", makeReq(
parse(t, `{.foo = "baz"}`),
parse(t, `{.`+LabelHTTPStatusCode+` > 100}`),
{"Same as above but reversed order", makeReq(
parse(t, `{.`+LabelHTTPStatusCode+` > 100}`),
parse(t, `{.foo = "baz"}`),
{"Same attribute with mixed types", makeReq(
parse(t, `{.foo > 100}`),
parse(t, `{.foo = "def"}`),
{"Multiple conditions on same well-known attribute, matches either", makeReq(
parse(t, `{.`+LabelHTTPStatusCode+` = 500}`),
parse(t, `{.`+LabelHTTPStatusCode+` > 500}`),
"Mix of duration with other conditions", makeReq(
parse(t, `{`+LabelName+` = "hello"}`), // Match
parse(t, `{`+LabelDuration+` < 100s }`), // No match
// Edge cases
{"Almost conflicts with intrinsic but still works", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.name = "Bob"}`)},
{"service.name doesn't match type of dedicated column", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.` + LabelServiceName + ` = 123}`)},
{"service.name present on span", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelServiceName + ` = "spanservicename"}`)},
{"http.status_code doesn't match type of dedicated column", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelHTTPStatusCode + ` = "500ouch"}`)},
{`.foo = "def"`, traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.foo = "def"}`)},
name: "Range at unscoped",
req: traceql.FetchSpansRequest{
AllConditions: true,
Conditions: []traceql.Condition{
parse(t, `{.`+LabelHTTPStatusCode+` >= 500}`),
parse(t, `{.`+LabelHTTPStatusCode+` <= 600}`),
name: "Range at span scope",
req: traceql.FetchSpansRequest{
AllConditions: true,
Conditions: []traceql.Condition{
parse(t, `{span.`+LabelHTTPStatusCode+` >= 500}`),
parse(t, `{span.`+LabelHTTPStatusCode+` <= 600}`),
name: "Range at resource scope",
req: traceql.FetchSpansRequest{
AllConditions: true,
Conditions: []traceql.Condition{
parse(t, `{resource.`+LabelServiceName+` >= 122}`),
parse(t, `{resource.`+LabelServiceName+` <= 124}`),
for _, tc := range searchesThatMatch {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
req := tc.req
if req.SecondPass == nil {
req.SecondPass = func(s *traceql.Spanset) ([]*traceql.Spanset, error) { return []*traceql.Spanset{s}, nil }
req.SecondPassConditions = traceql.SearchMetaConditions()
resp, err := b.Fetch(ctx, req, common.DefaultSearchOptions())
require.NoError(t, err, "search request:%v", req)
found := false
for {
spanSet, err := resp.Results.Next(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err, "search request:%v", req)
if spanSet == nil {
found = bytes.Equal(spanSet.TraceID, wantTraceID)
if found {
require.True(t, found, "search request:%v", req)
searchesThatDontMatch := []struct {
name string
req traceql.FetchSpansRequest
// TODO - Should the below query return data or not? It does match the resource
// makeReq(parse(t, `{.foo = "abc"}`)), // This should not return results because the span has overridden this attribute to "def".
{"Regex IN", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.foo =~ "xyz.*"}`)},
{"String Not Regex", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.foo !~ ".*"}`)},
{"Bool not match", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{span.bool = true && name = "hello"}`)}, // name = "hello" only matches the first span
{"Intrinsic: duration", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{` + LabelDuration + ` > 1000s}`)},
{"Intrinsic: status", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{` + LabelStatus + ` = unset}`)},
{"Intrinsic: statusMessage", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{` + "statusMessage" + ` = "abc"}`)},
{"Intrinsic: name", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{` + LabelName + ` = "nothello"}`)},
{"Intrinsic: kind", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{` + LabelKind + ` = producer }`)},
{"Well-known attribute: service.name not match", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelServiceName + ` = "notmyservice"}`)},
{"Well-known attribute: http.status_code not match", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelHTTPStatusCode + ` = 200}`)},
{"Well-known attribute: http.status_code not match", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.` + LabelHTTPStatusCode + ` > 600}`)},
{"Matches neither condition", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{.foo = "xyz" || .` + LabelHTTPStatusCode + " = 1000}")},
{"Resource dedicated attributes does not match", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{resource.dedicated.resource.3 = "dedicated-resource-attr-value-4"}`)},
{"Resource dedicated attributes does not match", traceql.MustExtractFetchSpansRequestWithMetadata(`{span.dedicated.span.2 = "dedicated-span-attr-value-5"}`)},
name: "Time range after trace",
req: traceql.FetchSpansRequest{
StartTimeUnixNanos: uint64(20000 * time.Second),
EndTimeUnixNanos: uint64(30000 * time.Second),
name: "Time range before trace",
req: traceql.FetchSpansRequest{
StartTimeUnixNanos: uint64(600 * time.Second),
EndTimeUnixNanos: uint64(700 * time.Second),
name: "Matches some conditions but not all. Mix of span-level columns",
req: traceql.FetchSpansRequest{
AllConditions: true,
Conditions: []traceql.Condition{
parse(t, `{span.foo = "baz"}`), // no match
parse(t, `{span.`+LabelHTTPStatusCode+` > 100}`), // match
parse(t, `{name = "hello"}`), // match
name: "Matches some conditions but not all. Only span generic attr lookups",
req: traceql.FetchSpansRequest{
AllConditions: true,
Conditions: []traceql.Condition{
parse(t, `{span.foo = "baz"}`), // no match
parse(t, `{span.bar = 123}`), // match
name: "Matches some conditions but not all. Mix of span and resource columns",
req: traceql.FetchSpansRequest{
AllConditions: true,
Conditions: []traceql.Condition{
parse(t, `{resource.cluster = "cluster"}`), // match
parse(t, `{resource.namespace = "namespace"}`), // match
parse(t, `{span.foo = "baz"}`), // no match
name: "Matches some conditions but not all. Mix of resource columns",
req: traceql.FetchSpansRequest{
AllConditions: true,
Conditions: []traceql.Condition{
parse(t, `{resource.cluster = "notcluster"}`), // no match
parse(t, `{resource.namespace = "namespace"}`), // match
parse(t, `{resource.foo = "abc"}`), // match
name: "Matches some conditions but not all. Only resource generic attr lookups",
req: traceql.FetchSpansRequest{
AllConditions: true,
Conditions: []traceql.Condition{
parse(t, `{resource.foo = "abc"}`), // match
parse(t, `{resource.bar = 123}`), // no match
name: "Mix of duration with other conditions",
req: traceql.FetchSpansRequest{
AllConditions: true,
Conditions: []traceql.Condition{
parse(t, `{`+LabelName+` = "nothello"}`), // No match
parse(t, `{`+LabelDuration+` = 100s }`), // Match
for _, tc := range searchesThatDontMatch {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
req := tc.req
if req.SecondPass == nil {
req.SecondPass = func(s *traceql.Spanset) ([]*traceql.Spanset, error) { return []*traceql.Spanset{s}, nil }
req.SecondPassConditions = traceql.SearchMetaConditions()
resp, err := b.Fetch(ctx, req, common.DefaultSearchOptions())
require.NoError(t, err, "search request:", req)
for {
spanSet, err := resp.Results.Next(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err, "search request:", req)
if spanSet == nil {
require.NotEqual(t, wantTraceID, spanSet.TraceID, "search request:", req)
func makeReq(conditions ...traceql.Condition) traceql.FetchSpansRequest {
return traceql.FetchSpansRequest{
Conditions: conditions,
SecondPass: func(s *traceql.Spanset) ([]*traceql.Spanset, error) {
return []*traceql.Spanset{s}, nil
SecondPassConditions: traceql.SearchMetaConditions(),
func parse(t *testing.T, q string) traceql.Condition {
req, err := traceql.ExtractFetchSpansRequest(q)
require.NoError(t, err, "query:", q)
return req.Conditions[0]
func fullyPopulatedTestTrace(id common.ID) *Trace {
links := []Link{
TraceID: []byte{0x01},
SpanID: []byte{0x02},
TraceState: "state",
DroppedAttributesCount: 3,
Attrs: []Attribute{
attr("link-attr-key-1", "link-value-1"),
mixedArrayAttrValue := "{\"arrayValue\":{\"values\":[{\"stringValue\":\"value-one\"},{\"intValue\":\"100\"}]}}"
kvListValue := "{\"kvlistValue\":{\"values\":[{\"key\":\"key-one\",\"value\":{\"stringValue\":\"value-one\"}},{\"key\":\"key-two\",\"value\":{\"stringValue\":\"value-two\"}}]}}"
return &Trace{
TraceID: test.ValidTraceID(id),
StartTimeUnixNano: uint64(1000 * time.Second),
EndTimeUnixNano: uint64(2000 * time.Second),
DurationNano: uint64((100 * time.Millisecond).Nanoseconds()),
RootServiceName: "RootService",
RootSpanName: "RootSpan",
ServiceStats: map[string]ServiceStats{
"myservice": {
SpanCount: 1,
ErrorCount: 0,
"service2": {
SpanCount: 1,
ErrorCount: 0,
ResourceSpans: []ResourceSpans{
Resource: Resource{
ServiceName: "myservice",
Cluster: ptr("cluster"),
Namespace: ptr("namespace"),
Pod: ptr("pod"),
Container: ptr("container"),
K8sClusterName: ptr("k8scluster"),
K8sNamespaceName: ptr("k8snamespace"),
K8sPodName: ptr("k8spod"),
K8sContainerName: ptr("k8scontainer"),
Attrs: []Attribute{
attr("foo", "abc"),
attr("str-array", []string{"value-one", "value-two"}),
attr(LabelServiceName, 123), // Different type than dedicated column
// Unsupported attributes
{Key: "unsupported-mixed-array", ValueUnsupported: &mixedArrayAttrValue, IsArray: false},
{Key: "unsupported-kv-list", ValueUnsupported: &kvListValue, IsArray: false},
DroppedAttributesCount: 22,
DedicatedAttributes: DedicatedAttributes{
String01: ptr("dedicated-resource-attr-value-1"),
String02: ptr("dedicated-resource-attr-value-2"),
String03: ptr("dedicated-resource-attr-value-3"),
String04: ptr("dedicated-resource-attr-value-4"),
String05: ptr("dedicated-resource-attr-value-5"),
ScopeSpans: []ScopeSpans{
Scope: InstrumentationScope{
Name: "scope-1",
Version: "version-1",
DroppedAttributesCount: 1,
Attrs: []Attribute{
attr("scope-attr-str", "scope-attr-1"),
attr("scope-attr-int", 101),
attr("scope-attr-float", 3.14),
attr("scope-attr-bool", true),
Spans: []Span{
SpanID: []byte("spanid"),
Name: "hello",
StartTimeUnixNano: uint64(100 * time.Second),
DurationNano: uint64(100 * time.Second),
HttpMethod: ptr("get"),
HttpUrl: ptr("url/hello/world"),
HttpStatusCode: ptr(int64(500)),
ParentSpanID: []byte{},
StatusCode: int(v1.Status_STATUS_CODE_ERROR),
StatusMessage: v1.Status_STATUS_CODE_ERROR.String(),
TraceState: "tracestate",
Kind: int(v1.Span_SPAN_KIND_CLIENT),
DroppedAttributesCount: 42,
DroppedEventsCount: 43,
Attrs: []Attribute{
attr("foo", "def"),
attr("bar", 123),
attr("float", 456.78),
attr("bool", false),
attr("string-array", []string{"value-one"}),
attr("int-array", []int64{11, 22}),
attr("double-array", []float64{1.1, 2.2, 3.3}),
attr("bool-array", []bool{true, false, true, false}),
// Edge-cases
attr(LabelName, "Bob"), // Conflicts with intrinsic but still looked up by .name
attr(LabelServiceName, "spanservicename"), // Overrides resource-level dedicated column
attr(LabelHTTPStatusCode, "500ouch"), // Different type than dedicated column
// Unsupported attributes
{Key: "unsupported-mixed-array", ValueUnsupported: &mixedArrayAttrValue, IsArray: false},
{Key: "unsupported-kv-list", ValueUnsupported: &kvListValue, IsArray: false},
Events: []Event{
TimeSinceStartNano: 1,
Name: "e1",
Attrs: []Attribute{
attr("event-attr-key-1", "event-value-1"),
attr("event-attr-key-2", "event-value-2"),
{TimeSinceStartNano: 2, Name: "e2", Attrs: []Attribute{}},
Links: links,
DedicatedAttributes: DedicatedAttributes{
String01: ptr("dedicated-span-attr-value-1"),
String02: ptr("dedicated-span-attr-value-2"),
String03: ptr("dedicated-span-attr-value-3"),
String04: ptr("dedicated-span-attr-value-4"),
String05: ptr("dedicated-span-attr-value-5"),
Resource: Resource{
ServiceName: "service2",
Cluster: ptr("cluster2"),
Namespace: ptr("namespace2"),
Pod: ptr("pod2"),
Container: ptr("container2"),
K8sClusterName: ptr("k8scluster2"),
K8sNamespaceName: ptr("k8snamespace2"),
K8sPodName: ptr("k8spod2"),
K8sContainerName: ptr("k8scontainer2"),
Attrs: []Attribute{
attr("foo", "abc2"),
attr(LabelServiceName, 1234), // Different type than dedicated column
DedicatedAttributes: DedicatedAttributes{
String01: ptr("dedicated-resource-attr-value-6"),
String02: ptr("dedicated-resource-attr-value-7"),
String03: ptr("dedicated-resource-attr-value-8"),
String04: ptr("dedicated-resource-attr-value-9"),
String05: ptr("dedicated-resource-attr-value-10"),
ScopeSpans: []ScopeSpans{
Scope: InstrumentationScope{
Name: "scope-2",
Version: "version-2",
Spans: []Span{
SpanID: []byte("spanid2"),
Name: "world",
StartTimeUnixNano: uint64(200 * time.Second),
DurationNano: uint64(200 * time.Second),
HttpMethod: ptr("PUT"),
HttpUrl: ptr("url/hello/world/2"),
HttpStatusCode: ptr(int64(501)),
StatusCode: int(v1.Status_STATUS_CODE_OK),
StatusMessage: v1.Status_STATUS_CODE_OK.String(),
TraceState: "tracestate2",
Kind: int(v1.Span_SPAN_KIND_SERVER),
DroppedAttributesCount: 45,
DroppedEventsCount: 46,
Attrs: []Attribute{
attr("foo", "ghi"),
attr("bar", 1234),
attr("float", 456.789),
attr("bool", true),
// Edge-cases
attr(LabelName, "Bob2"), // Conflicts with intrinsic but still looked up by .name
attr(LabelServiceName, "spanservicename2"), // Overrides resource-level dedicated column
attr(LabelHTTPStatusCode, "500ouch2"), // Different type than dedicated column
func BenchmarkBackendBlockTraceQL(b *testing.B) {
testCases := []struct {
name string
query string
// span
{"spanAttValMatch", "{ span.component = `net/http` }"},
{"spanAttValNoMatch", "{ span.bloom = `does-not-exit-6c2408325a45` }"},
{"spanAttIntrinsicMatch", "{ name = `/cortex.Ingester/Push` }"},
{"spanAttIntrinsicNoMatch", "{ name = `does-not-exit-6c2408325a45` }"},
// resource
{"resourceAttValMatch", "{ resource.opencensus.exporterversion = `Jaeger-Go-2.30.0` }"},
{"resourceAttValNoMatch", "{ resource.module.path = `does-not-exit-6c2408325a45` }"},
{"resourceAttIntrinsicMatch", "{ resource.service.name = `tempo-gateway` }"},
{"resourceAttIntrinsicMatch", "{ resource.service.name = `does-not-exit-6c2408325a45` }"},
// mixed
{"mixedValNoMatch", "{ .bloom = `does-not-exit-6c2408325a45` }"},
{"mixedValMixedMatchAnd", "{ resource.foo = `bar` && name = `gcs.ReadRange` }"},
{"mixedValMixedMatchOr", "{ resource.foo = `bar` || name = `gcs.ReadRange` }"},
{"count", "{ } | count() > 1"},
{"struct", "{ resource.service.name != `loki-querier` } >> { resource.service.name = `loki-gateway` && status = error }"},
{"||", "{ resource.service.name = `loki-querier` } || { resource.service.name = `loki-gateway` }"},
{"mixed", `{resource.namespace!="" && resource.service.name="cortex-gateway" && duration>50ms && resource.cluster=~"prod.*"}`},
{"complex", `{resource.cluster=~"prod.*" && resource.namespace = "tempo-prod" && resource.container="query-frontend" && name = "HTTP GET - tempo_api_v2_search_tags" && span.http.status_code = 200 && duration > 1s}`},
ctx := context.TODO()
tenantID := "1"
// blockID := uuid.MustParse("06ebd383-8d4e-4289-b0e9-cf2197d611d5")
blockID := uuid.MustParse("0008e57d-069d-4510-a001-b9433b2da08c")
r, _, _, err := local.New(&local.Config{
// Path: path.Join("/Users/marty/src/tmp"),
Path: path.Join("/Users/mapno/workspace/testblock"),
require.NoError(b, err)
rr := backend.NewReader(r)
meta, err := rr.BlockMeta(ctx, blockID, tenantID)
require.NoError(b, err)
opts := common.DefaultSearchOptions()
opts.StartPage = 3
opts.TotalPages = 2
block := newBackendBlock(meta, rr)
_, _, err = block.openForSearch(ctx, opts)
require.NoError(b, err)
for _, tc := range testCases {
b.Run(tc.name, func(b *testing.B) {
bytesRead := 0
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
e := traceql.NewEngine()
resp, err := e.ExecuteSearch(ctx, &tempopb.SearchRequest{Query: tc.query}, traceql.NewSpansetFetcherWrapper(func(ctx context.Context, req traceql.FetchSpansRequest) (traceql.FetchSpansResponse, error) {
return block.Fetch(ctx, req, opts)
require.NoError(b, err)
require.NotNil(b, resp)
// Read first 20 results (if any)
bytesRead += int(resp.Metrics.InspectedBytes)
b.SetBytes(int64(bytesRead) / int64(b.N))
b.ReportMetric(float64(bytesRead)/float64(b.N)/1000.0/1000.0, "MB_io/op")
// BenchmarkBackendBlockGetMetrics This doesn't really belong here but I can't think of
// a better place that has access to all of the packages, especially the backend.
func BenchmarkBackendBlockGetMetrics(b *testing.B) {
testCases := []struct {
query string
groupby string
//{"{ resource.service.name = `gme-ingester` }", "resource.cluster"},
{"{}", "name"},
ctx := context.TODO()
tenantID := "1"
blockID := uuid.MustParse("06ebd383-8d4e-4289-b0e9-cf2197d611d5")
r, _, _, err := local.New(&local.Config{
Path: path.Join("/Users/marty/src/tmp/"),
require.NoError(b, err)
rr := backend.NewReader(r)
meta, err := rr.BlockMeta(ctx, blockID, tenantID)
require.NoError(b, err)
require.Equal(b, VersionString, meta.Version)
opts := common.DefaultSearchOptions()
opts.StartPage = 10
opts.TotalPages = 10
block := newBackendBlock(meta, rr)
_, _, err = block.openForSearch(ctx, opts)
require.NoError(b, err)
for _, tc := range testCases {
b.Run(tc.query+"/"+tc.groupby, func(b *testing.B) {
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
f := traceql.NewSpansetFetcherWrapper(func(ctx context.Context, req traceql.FetchSpansRequest) (traceql.FetchSpansResponse, error) {
return block.Fetch(ctx, req, opts)
r, err := traceqlmetrics.GetMetrics(ctx, tc.query, tc.groupby, 0, 0, 0, f)
require.NoError(b, err)
require.NotNil(b, r)
func BenchmarkBackendBlockQueryRange(b *testing.B) {
testCases := []string{
"{} | rate()",
"{} | rate() by (name)",
"{} | rate() by (resource.service.name)",
"{} | rate() by (span.http.url)", // High cardinality attribute
"{resource.service.name=`loki-ingester`} | rate()",
"{status=error} | rate()",
var (
ctx = context.TODO()
e = traceql.NewEngine()
opts = common.DefaultSearchOptions()
tenantID = "1"
// blockID = uuid.MustParse("06ebd383-8d4e-4289-b0e9-cf2197d611d5")
blockID = uuid.MustParse("0008e57d-069d-4510-a001-b9433b2da08c")
path = "/Users/marty/src/tmp/"
r, _, _, err := local.New(&local.Config{
Path: path,
require.NoError(b, err)
rr := backend.NewReader(r)
meta, err := rr.BlockMeta(ctx, blockID, tenantID)
require.NoError(b, err)
require.Equal(b, VersionString, meta.Version)
block := newBackendBlock(meta, rr)
_, _, err = block.openForSearch(ctx, opts)
require.NoError(b, err)
f := traceql.NewSpansetFetcherWrapper(func(ctx context.Context, req traceql.FetchSpansRequest) (traceql.FetchSpansResponse, error) {
return block.Fetch(ctx, req, opts)
for _, tc := range testCases {
b.Run(tc, func(b *testing.B) {
for _, minutes := range []int{5, 7} {
b.Run(strconv.Itoa(minutes), func(b *testing.B) {
st := meta.StartTime
end := st.Add(time.Duration(minutes) * time.Minute)
if end.After(meta.EndTime) {
req := &tempopb.QueryRangeRequest{
Query: tc,
Step: uint64(time.Minute),
Start: uint64(st.UnixNano()),
End: uint64(end.UnixNano()),
ShardID: 30,
ShardCount: 65,
eval, err := e.CompileMetricsQueryRange(req, false, 0, false)
require.NoError(b, err)
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
err := eval.Do(ctx, f, uint64(block.meta.StartTime.UnixNano()), uint64(block.meta.EndTime.UnixNano()))
require.NoError(b, err)
bytes, spansTotal, _ := eval.Metrics()
b.ReportMetric(float64(bytes)/float64(b.N)/1024.0/1024.0, "MB_IO/op")
b.ReportMetric(float64(spansTotal)/float64(b.N), "spans/op")
b.ReportMetric(float64(spansTotal)/b.Elapsed().Seconds(), "spans/s")
func TestTraceIDShardingQuality(t *testing.T) {
// Use debug=1 go test -v -run=TestTraceIDShardingQuality
if os.Getenv("debug") != "1" {
var (
ctx = context.TODO()
opts = common.DefaultSearchOptions()
tenantID = "1"
// blockID = uuid.MustParse("06ebd383-8d4e-4289-b0e9-cf2197d611d5")
blockID = uuid.MustParse("18364616-f80d-45a6-b2a3-cb63e203edff")
path = "/Users/marty/src/tmp/"
r, _, _, err := local.New(&local.Config{
Path: path,
require.NoError(t, err)
rr := backend.NewReader(r)
meta, err := rr.BlockMeta(ctx, blockID, tenantID)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, VersionString, meta.Version)
block := newBackendBlock(meta, rr)
pf, _, err := block.openForSearch(ctx, opts)
require.NoError(t, err)
fetchReq := traceql.FetchSpansRequest{
AllConditions: true,
Conditions: []traceql.Condition{
{Attribute: traceql.IntrinsicTraceIDAttribute},
f := traceql.NewSpansetFetcherWrapper(func(ctx context.Context, req traceql.FetchSpansRequest) (traceql.FetchSpansResponse, error) {
return block.Fetch(ctx, req, opts)
summarizeCounts := func(prefix string, cs []int) {
count := len(cs)
sum := 0
l := math.MaxInt
h := math.MinInt
for _, v := range cs {
sum += v
l = min(l, v)
h = max(h, v)
fmt.Printf("Shards:%d %s: Min:%d Max:%d Total:%d Avg:%.1f Quality:%.1f %%\n",
count, prefix, l, h, sum, float64(sum)/float64(count), float64(l)/float64(h)*100.0)
shardsToTest := []int{10, 100, 1000}
for _, shards := range shardsToTest {
t.Run(strconv.Itoa(shards), func(t *testing.T) {
var (
rgCounts = make([]int, shards)
trCounts = make([]int, shards)
pairs = make([][]traceidboundary.Boundary, shards)
funcs = make([]func([]byte) bool, shards)
for s := 1; s <= shards; s++ {
pairs[s-1], _ = traceidboundary.Pairs(uint32(s), uint32(shards))
funcs[s-1], _ = traceidboundary.Funcs(uint32(s), uint32(shards))
rgs, err := block.rowGroupsForShard(ctx, pf, *meta, uint32(s), uint32(shards))
require.NoError(t, err)
rgCounts[s-1] = len(rgs)
resp, err := f.Fetch(ctx, fetchReq)
require.NoError(t, err)
defer resp.Results.Close()
for {
ss, err := resp.Results.Next(ctx)
require.NoError(t, err)
if ss == nil {
// Match the trace ID against every shard
matched := []int{}
for i := 0; i < shards; i++ {
if funcs[i](ss.TraceID) {
matched = append(matched, i)
// Check for missing or overlapping ranges
if len(matched) > 1 {
fmt.Printf("TraceID %X matched %d shards\n", ss.TraceID, len(matched))
for _, s := range matched {
for i, b := range pairs[s] {
fmt.Printf(" Bucket %d %d: %X %X\n", s, i, b.Min, b.Max)
panic("trace matched multiple shards")
} else if len(matched) == 0 {
fmt.Println("TraceID not matched by any shard:", ss.TraceID)
panic("trace id not matched by any shard")
summarizeCounts("Traces", trCounts)
summarizeCounts("RowGroups", rgCounts)
func ptr[T any](v T) *T {
return &v
func attr(key string, val any) Attribute {
switch val := val.(type) {
case string:
return Attribute{Key: key, Value: []string{val}, IsArray: false}
case []string:
return Attribute{Key: key, Value: val, IsArray: true}
case int:
return Attribute{Key: key, ValueInt: []int64{int64(val)}, IsArray: false}
case []int64:
return Attribute{Key: key, ValueInt: val, IsArray: true}
case float64:
return Attribute{Key: key, ValueDouble: []float64{val}, IsArray: false}
case []float64:
return Attribute{Key: key, ValueDouble: val, IsArray: true}
case bool:
return Attribute{Key: key, ValueBool: []bool{val}, IsArray: false}
case []bool:
return Attribute{Key: key, ValueBool: val, IsArray: true}
panic(fmt.Sprintf("type %T not supported for attribute '%s'", val, key))
func TestDescendantOf(t *testing.T) {
ancestor1 := &span{nestedSetLeft: 3, nestedSetRight: 8}
descendant1a := &span{nestedSetLeft: 4, nestedSetRight: 5}
descendant1b := &span{nestedSetLeft: 6, nestedSetRight: 7}
ancestor2 := &span{nestedSetLeft: 11, nestedSetRight: 19}
descendant2a := &span{nestedSetLeft: 12, nestedSetRight: 13}
descendant2b := &span{nestedSetLeft: 14, nestedSetRight: 17}
descendant2bb := &span{nestedSetLeft: 15, nestedSetRight: 16}
// adding disconnected spans that purposefully show up before, between and
// after the above trees
disconnectedBefore := &span{nestedSetLeft: 1, nestedSetRight: 2}
disconnectedBetween := &span{nestedSetLeft: 9, nestedSetRight: 10}
disconnectedAfter := &span{nestedSetLeft: 20, nestedSetRight: 21}
allDisconnected := []traceql.Span{disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween, disconnectedAfter}
tcs := []struct {
name string
lhs []traceql.Span
rhs []traceql.Span
falseForAll bool // !<< or !>>
invert bool // <<
union bool // &>> or &<<
expected []traceql.Span
name: "empty",
lhs: []traceql.Span{},
rhs: []traceql.Span{},
expected: nil,
// >>
name: "descendant: basic",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b},
expected: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b},
name: "descendant: multiple matching trees",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2},
rhs: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b},
expected: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b},
name: "descendant: all",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2, descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2, descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
expected: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
name: "descendant: don't match self",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
expected: nil,
// <<
name: "ancestor: basic",
lhs: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
invert: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
name: "ancestor: multiple matching trees",
lhs: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2},
invert: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2},
name: "ancestor: all",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2, descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2, descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
invert: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2, descendant2b},
name: "ancestor: don't match self",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
invert: true,
expected: nil,
// !>>
name: "!descendant: basic",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b},
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{descendant2a, descendant2b},
name: "!descendant: multiple matching trees",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2},
rhs: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b, disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween, disconnectedAfter},
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween, disconnectedAfter},
name: "!descendant: all",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2, descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2, descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2},
name: "!descendant: match self",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
// !<<
name: "!ancestor: basic",
lhs: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween, disconnectedAfter},
invert: true,
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween, disconnectedAfter},
name: "!ancestor: multiple matching trees",
lhs: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2, disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween, disconnectedAfter},
invert: true,
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween, disconnectedAfter},
name: "!ancestor: all",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2, descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2, descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
invert: true,
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2bb},
name: "!ancestor: match self",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
invert: true,
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
// &>>
name: "&descendant: basic",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b},
expected: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, ancestor1, descendant1b},
union: true,
name: "&descendant: multiple matching trees",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2},
rhs: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b},
expected: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, ancestor1, descendant1b, descendant2a, ancestor2, descendant2b},
union: true,
name: "&descendant: all",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2, descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2, descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
expected: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, ancestor1, descendant1b, descendant2a, ancestor2, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
union: true,
name: "&descendant: multi-tier",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor2, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor2, descendant2bb},
union: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{descendant2bb, ancestor2, descendant2b},
name: "&descendant: don't match self",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
expected: nil,
union: true,
// |<<
name: "&ancestor: basic",
lhs: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
invert: true,
union: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, ancestor1, descendant1b},
name: "&ancestor: multiple matching trees",
lhs: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2},
invert: true,
union: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, ancestor1, descendant1b, descendant2a, ancestor2, descendant2b},
name: "&ancestor: multi-tier",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor2, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor2, descendant2bb},
invert: true,
union: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{descendant2b, descendant2bb, ancestor2},
name: "&ancestor: all",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2, descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1, ancestor2, descendant1a, descendant1b, descendant2a, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
invert: true,
union: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{descendant1a, ancestor1, descendant1b, descendant2a, ancestor2, descendant2b, descendant2bb},
name: "&ancestor: don't match self",
lhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{ancestor1},
invert: true,
union: true,
expected: nil,
for _, tc := range tcs {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s := &span{}
actual := s.DescendantOf(tc.lhs, tc.rhs, tc.falseForAll, tc.invert, tc.union, nil)
require.Equal(t, tc.expected, actual)
// if !falseForAll we can safe insert disconnected spans and get the same results
if !tc.falseForAll {
t.Run(tc.name+"-disconnected", func(t *testing.T) {
s := &span{}
lhs := append(tc.lhs, allDisconnected...)
rhs := append(tc.rhs, allDisconnected...)
actual := s.DescendantOf(lhs, rhs, tc.falseForAll, tc.invert, tc.union, nil)
require.Equal(t, tc.expected, actual)
func TestChildOf(t *testing.T) {
root := &span{nestedSetLeft: 1, nestedSetParent: -1}
parent1 := &span{nestedSetLeft: 2, nestedSetParent: 1}
child1a := &span{nestedSetLeft: 5, nestedSetParent: 2}
child1aa := &span{nestedSetLeft: 6, nestedSetParent: 5}
child1b := &span{nestedSetLeft: 10, nestedSetParent: 2}
parent2 := &span{nestedSetLeft: 15, nestedSetParent: 1}
child2a := &span{nestedSetLeft: 20, nestedSetParent: 15}
child2b := &span{nestedSetLeft: 25, nestedSetParent: 15}
child2bb := &span{nestedSetLeft: 26, nestedSetParent: 25}
disconnectedBefore := &span{nestedSetLeft: 4, nestedSetParent: 3}
disconnectedBetween := &span{nestedSetLeft: 12, nestedSetParent: 11}
disconnectedAfter := &span{nestedSetLeft: 30, nestedSetRight: 29}
allDisconnected := []traceql.Span{disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween, disconnectedAfter}
tcs := []struct {
name string
lhs []traceql.Span
rhs []traceql.Span
falseForAll bool // !< or !>
invert bool // <
union bool // &< or &>
expected []traceql.Span
name: "empty",
lhs: []traceql.Span{},
rhs: []traceql.Span{},
expected: nil,
// >
name: "child: basic",
lhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, child2a, child2b},
expected: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b},
name: "child: multiple matching trees",
lhs: []traceql.Span{parent1, parent2},
rhs: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, child2a, child2b},
expected: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, child2a, child2b},
name: "child: all",
lhs: []traceql.Span{root, parent1, parent2, child1a, child1aa, child1b, child2a, child2b, child2bb},
rhs: []traceql.Span{root, parent1, parent2, child1a, child1aa, child1b, child2a, child2b, child2bb},
expected: []traceql.Span{parent1, parent2, child1a, child1aa, child1b, child2a, child2b, child2bb},
name: "child: don't match self",
lhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
expected: nil,
// <
name: "parent: basic",
lhs: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, child2a, child2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
invert: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{parent1},
name: "parent: multiple matching trees",
lhs: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, child2a, child2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{parent1, parent2},
invert: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{parent1, parent2},
name: "parent: all",
lhs: []traceql.Span{root, parent1, parent2, child1a, child1aa, child1b, child2a, child2b, child2bb},
rhs: []traceql.Span{root, parent1, parent2, child1a, child1aa, child1b, child2a, child2b, child2bb},
invert: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{root, parent1, parent2, child1a, child2b},
name: "parent: don't match self",
lhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
invert: true,
expected: nil,
// !>
name: "!child: basic",
lhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, child2a, child2b},
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{child2a, child2b},
name: "!child: multiple matching trees",
lhs: []traceql.Span{parent1, parent2},
rhs: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, child2a, child2b, disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween, disconnectedAfter},
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween, disconnectedAfter},
name: "!child: match self",
lhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{parent1},
// !<
name: "!parent: basic",
lhs: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, child2a, child2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{parent1, disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween, disconnectedAfter},
invert: true,
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween, disconnectedAfter},
name: "!parent: multiple matching trees",
lhs: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, child2a, child2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{parent1, parent2, disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween, disconnectedAfter},
invert: true,
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween, disconnectedAfter},
name: "!parent: match self",
lhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
invert: true,
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{parent1},
// &>
name: "&child: basic",
lhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, child2a, child2b},
expected: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, parent1},
union: true,
name: "&child: multiple matching trees",
lhs: []traceql.Span{parent1, parent2},
rhs: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, child2a, child2b},
expected: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, parent1, child2a, child2b, parent2},
union: true,
name: "&child: don't match self",
lhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
expected: nil,
union: true,
// |<
name: "&parent: basic",
lhs: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, child2a, child2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
invert: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, parent1},
union: true,
name: "&parent: multiple matching trees",
lhs: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, child2a, child2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{parent1, parent2},
invert: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{child1a, child1b, parent1, child2a, child2b, parent2},
union: true,
name: "&parent: don't match self",
lhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
rhs: []traceql.Span{parent1},
invert: true,
expected: nil,
union: true,
for _, tc := range tcs {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s := &span{}
actual := s.ChildOf(tc.lhs, tc.rhs, tc.falseForAll, tc.invert, tc.union, nil)
require.Equal(t, tc.expected, actual)
// if !falseForAll we can safe insert disconnected spans and get the same results
if !tc.falseForAll {
t.Run(tc.name+"-disconnected", func(t *testing.T) {
s := &span{}
lhs := append(tc.lhs, allDisconnected...)
rhs := append(tc.rhs, allDisconnected...)
actual := s.ChildOf(lhs, rhs, tc.falseForAll, tc.invert, tc.union, nil)
require.Equal(t, tc.expected, actual)
func TestSiblingOf(t *testing.T) {
sibling1a := &span{nestedSetParent: 2}
sibling1b := &span{nestedSetParent: 2}
sibling2a := &span{nestedSetParent: 4}
sibling2b := &span{nestedSetParent: 4}
sibling2c := &span{nestedSetParent: 4}
disconnectedBefore := &span{nestedSetParent: 1}
disconnectedBetween := &span{nestedSetParent: 3}
disconnectedAfter := &span{nestedSetParent: 5}
allDisconnected := []traceql.Span{disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween, disconnectedAfter}
tcs := []struct {
name string
lhs []traceql.Span
rhs []traceql.Span
falseForAll bool // !~ or !~
union bool
expected []traceql.Span
name: "empty",
lhs: []traceql.Span{},
rhs: []traceql.Span{},
expected: nil,
// ~
name: "sibling: basic",
lhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1a},
rhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1b, sibling2a, sibling2b},
expected: []traceql.Span{sibling1b},
name: "sibling: multiple matching trees",
lhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1a, sibling1b, sibling2a, sibling2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1a, sibling1b, sibling2a, sibling2b},
expected: []traceql.Span{sibling1a, sibling1b, sibling2a, sibling2b},
name: "sibling: match self",
lhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1a},
rhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1a},
expected: nil,
// !~
name: "!sibling: basic",
lhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1a},
rhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1b, sibling2a, sibling2b, disconnectedAfter, disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween},
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{sibling2a, sibling2b, disconnectedAfter, disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween},
name: "!sibling: multiple matching trees",
lhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1a, sibling1b, sibling2a, sibling2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1b, sibling2a, sibling2b, disconnectedAfter, disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween},
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{disconnectedAfter, disconnectedBefore, disconnectedBetween},
name: "!sibling: match self",
lhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1a},
rhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1a},
falseForAll: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{sibling1a},
// &~
name: "&sibling: basic",
lhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1a},
rhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1b, sibling2a, sibling2b},
union: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{sibling1b, sibling1a},
name: "&sibling: multiple left",
lhs: []traceql.Span{sibling2a, sibling2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{sibling2c},
union: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{sibling2a, sibling2b, sibling2c},
name: "&sibling: multiple matching trees",
lhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1a, sibling1b, sibling2a, sibling2b},
rhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1b, sibling2a, sibling2b},
union: true,
expected: []traceql.Span{sibling1a, sibling1b, sibling2a, sibling2b},
name: "&sibling: match self",
lhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1a},
rhs: []traceql.Span{sibling1a},
union: true,
expected: nil,
for _, tc := range tcs {
t.Run(tc.name, func(t *testing.T) {
s := &span{}
actual := s.SiblingOf(tc.lhs, tc.rhs, tc.falseForAll, tc.union, nil)
require.Equal(t, tc.expected, actual)
// if !falseForAll we can safe insert disconnected spans and get the same results
if !tc.falseForAll {
t.Run(tc.name+"-disconnected-lhs", func(t *testing.T) {
s := &span{}
lhs := append(tc.lhs, allDisconnected...)
actual := s.SiblingOf(lhs, tc.rhs, tc.falseForAll, tc.union, nil)
require.Equal(t, tc.expected, actual)
t.Run(tc.name+"-disconnected-rhs", func(t *testing.T) {
s := &span{}
rhs := append(tc.rhs, allDisconnected...)
actual := s.SiblingOf(tc.lhs, rhs, tc.falseForAll, tc.union, nil)
require.Equal(t, tc.expected, actual)
func TestStructuralSameSlice(t *testing.T) {
root := &span{nestedSetLeft: 1, nestedSetRight: 10, nestedSetParent: -1}
parent1 := &span{nestedSetLeft: 2, nestedSetRight: 9, nestedSetParent: 1}
child1a := &span{nestedSetLeft: 3, nestedSetRight: 6, nestedSetParent: 2}
child1aa := &span{nestedSetLeft: 4, nestedSetRight: 5, nestedSetParent: 3}
child1b := &span{nestedSetLeft: 7, nestedSetRight: 8, nestedSetParent: 2}
all := []traceql.Span{root, parent1, child1a, child1aa, child1b}
expectedChildOf := []traceql.Span{parent1, child1a, child1aa, child1b}
exepectedDescendantOf := []traceql.Span{child1b, child1aa, child1a, parent1}
expectedSiblingOf := []traceql.Span{child1b, child1a}
actualChildOf := child1a.ChildOf(all, all, false, false, false, nil)
require.Equal(t, expectedChildOf, actualChildOf)
actualDescendantOf := child1a.DescendantOf(all, all, false, false, false, nil)
require.Equal(t, exepectedDescendantOf, actualDescendantOf)
actualSiblingOf := child1a.SiblingOf(all, all, false, false, nil)
require.Equal(t, expectedSiblingOf, actualSiblingOf)
func BenchmarkDescendantOf(b *testing.B) {
for _, count := range []int{10, 100, 1000, 10000} {
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", count), func(b *testing.B) {
totalSpans := count
// create 1k s1 in a direct line
s1 := randomTree(totalSpans)
// copy the same slice to s2
s2 := make([]traceql.Span, totalSpans)
copy(s2, s1)
for _, tc := range []struct {
name string
falseForAll bool
invert bool
union bool
name: ">>",
name: "<<",
invert: true,
name: "!>>",
falseForAll: true,
name: "!<<",
falseForAll: true,
invert: true,
name: "&>>",
union: true,
name: "&<<",
invert: true,
union: true,
} {
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s : %d", tc.name, count), func(b *testing.B) {
s := &span{}
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
s.DescendantOf(s1, s1, tc.falseForAll, tc.invert, tc.union, nil)
func BenchmarkSiblingOf(b *testing.B) {
for _, count := range []int{10, 100, 1000, 10000} {
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", count), func(b *testing.B) {
totalSpans := count
// create 1k s1 with random siblings
s1 := make([]traceql.Span, totalSpans)
for i := 0; i < totalSpans; i++ {
s1[i] = &span{nestedSetParent: rand.Int31n(10)}
// copy the same slice to s2
s2 := make([]traceql.Span, totalSpans)
copy(s2, s1)
for _, tc := range []struct {
name string
falseForAll bool
union bool
name: "~",
name: "!~",
falseForAll: true,
name: "&~",
union: true,
} {
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s : %d", tc.name, count), func(b *testing.B) {
s := &span{}
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
s.SiblingOf(s1, s2, tc.falseForAll, tc.union, nil)
func BenchmarkChildOf(b *testing.B) {
for _, count := range []int{10, 100, 1000, 10000} {
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%d", count), func(b *testing.B) {
totalSpans := count
// create 1k s1 in a direct line
s1 := randomTree(totalSpans)
// copy the same slice to s2
s2 := make([]traceql.Span, totalSpans)
copy(s2, s1)
for _, tc := range []struct {
name string
falseForAll bool
invert bool
union bool
name: ">",
name: "<",
invert: true,
name: "!>",
falseForAll: true,
name: "!<",
falseForAll: true,
invert: true,
name: "&>",
union: true,
name: "&<",
invert: true,
union: true,
} {
b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s : %d", tc.name, count), func(b *testing.B) {
s := &span{}
for i := 0; i < b.N; i++ {
s.ChildOf(s1, s1, tc.falseForAll, tc.invert, tc.union, nil)
func shuffleSpans(spans []traceql.Span) {
rand.Shuffle(len(spans), func(i, j int) {
spans[i], spans[j] = spans[j], spans[i]
func randomTree(N int) []traceql.Span {
nodes := make([]traceql.Span, 0, N)
// Helper function to recursively generate nodes
var generateNodes func(parent int) int
generateNodes = func(parent int) int {
left := parent
for N > 0 {
// make sibling
right := left + 1
nodes = append(nodes, &span{
nestedSetLeft: int32(left),
nestedSetRight: int32(right),
nestedSetParent: int32(parent),
if rand.Intn(3) > 1 {
continue // keep making siblings
if rand.Intn(3) > 1 {
break // stop making children
// descend and make children
right = generateNodes(left)
nodes = append(nodes, &span{
nestedSetLeft: int32(left),
nestedSetRight: int32(right),
nestedSetParent: int32(parent),
left = right + 1
return left
// Start with root node
return nodes