Martin Disibio 5d540e119f Move all intrinsic tag lookup to the query-frontend and prioritize them in the results (#4784)
* Move all intrinsic tag lookup to the query-frontend and prioritize them in the results

* lint, error handling, fix tests

* Fix some tests

* Revert unintended change to search/tags v1 behavior, update tests

* Reduce diff

* Revert unintended change to 'none' scope

* reduce diff

* changelog

* Update test to test intrinsic handling at the limit

* todos
2025-03-04 15:12:03 -05:00

649 lines
21 KiB

package ingester
import (
func (i *instance) Search(ctx context.Context, req *tempopb.SearchRequest) (*tempopb.SearchResponse, error) {
ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "instance.Search")
defer span.End()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
maxResults := int(req.Limit)
// if limit is not set, use a safe default
if maxResults == 0 {
maxResults = 20
span.AddEvent("SearchRequest", trace.WithAttributes(attribute.String("request", req.String())))
mostRecent := false
if len(req.Query) > 0 {
rootExpr, err := traceql.Parse(req.Query)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("error parsing query: %w", err)
ok := false
if mostRecent, ok = rootExpr.Hints.GetBool(traceql.HintMostRecent, false); !ok {
mostRecent = false
var (
resultsMtx = sync.Mutex{}
combiner = traceql.NewMetadataCombiner(maxResults, mostRecent)
metrics = &tempopb.SearchMetrics{}
opts = common.DefaultSearchOptions()
anyErr atomic.Error
search := func(blockMeta *backend.BlockMeta, block common.Searcher, spanName string) {
ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "instance.searchBlock."+spanName)
defer span.End()
span.AddEvent("block entry mtx acquired")
span.SetAttributes(attribute.String("blockID", blockMeta.BlockID.String()))
var resp *tempopb.SearchResponse
var err error
// if the combiner is complete for the block's end time, we can skip searching it
if combiner.IsCompleteFor(uint32(blockMeta.EndTime.Unix())) {
if api.IsTraceQLQuery(req) {
// note: we are creating new engine for each wal block,
// and engine.ExecuteSearch is parsing the query for each block
resp, err = traceql.NewEngine().ExecuteSearch(ctx, req, traceql.NewSpansetFetcherWrapper(func(ctx context.Context, req traceql.FetchSpansRequest) (traceql.FetchSpansResponse, error) {
return block.Fetch(ctx, req, opts)
} else {
resp, err = block.Search(ctx, req, opts)
if errors.Is(err, common.ErrUnsupported) {
level.Warn(log.Logger).Log("msg", "block does not support search", "blockID", blockMeta.BlockID)
if errors.Is(err, context.Canceled) {
// Ignore
if err != nil {
level.Error(log.Logger).Log("msg", "error searching block", "blockID", blockMeta.BlockID, "err", err)
if resp == nil {
defer resultsMtx.Unlock()
if resp.Metrics != nil {
metrics.InspectedTraces += resp.Metrics.InspectedTraces
metrics.InspectedBytes += resp.Metrics.InspectedBytes
for _, tr := range resp.Traces {
if combiner.IsCompleteFor(traceql.TimestampNever) {
// Search headblock (synchronously)
// Lock headblock separately from other blocks and release it as quickly as possible.
// A warning about deadlocks!! This area does a hard-acquire of both mutexes.
// To avoid deadlocks this function and all others must acquire them in
// the ** same_order ** or else!!! i.e. another function can't acquire blocksMtx
// then headblockMtx. Even if the likelihood is low it is a statistical certainly
// that eventually a deadlock will occur.
span.AddEvent("acquired headblock mtx")
if includeBlock(i.headBlock.BlockMeta(), req) {
search(i.headBlock.BlockMeta(), i.headBlock, "headBlock")
if err := anyErr.Load(); err != nil {
return nil, err
// Search all other blocks (concurrently)
// Lock blocks mutex until all search tasks are finished and this function exits. This avoids
// deadlocking with other activity (ingest, flushing), caused by releasing
// and then attempting to retake the lock.
defer i.blocksMtx.RUnlock()
span.AddEvent("acquired blocks mtx")
wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
for _, b := range i.completingBlocks {
if !includeBlock(b.BlockMeta(), req) {
go func(b common.WALBlock) {
defer wg.Done()
search(b.BlockMeta(), b, "completingBlock")
for _, b := range i.completeBlocks {
if !includeBlock(b.BlockMeta(), req) {
go func(b *LocalBlock) {
defer wg.Done()
search(b.BlockMeta(), b, "completeBlock")
if err := anyErr.Load(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &tempopb.SearchResponse{
Traces: combiner.Metadata(),
Metrics: metrics,
}, nil
func (i *instance) SearchTags(ctx context.Context, scope string) (*tempopb.SearchTagsResponse, error) {
v2Response, err := i.SearchTagsV2(ctx, &tempopb.SearchTagsRequest{Scope: scope})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
distinctValues := collector.NewDistinctString(0, 0, 0) // search tags v2 enforces the limit
// flatten v2 response
for _, s := range v2Response.Scopes {
for _, t := range s.Tags {
return &tempopb.SearchTagsResponse{
TagNames: distinctValues.Strings(),
Metrics: v2Response.Metrics, // send metrics with response
}, nil
// SearchTagsV2 calls SearchTags for each scope and returns the results.
func (i *instance) SearchTagsV2(ctx context.Context, req *tempopb.SearchTagsRequest) (*tempopb.SearchTagsV2Response, error) {
ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "instance.SearchTagsV2")
defer span.End()
userID, err := user.ExtractOrgID(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
scope := req.Scope
if scope == api.ParamScopeIntrinsic {
// For the intrinsic scope there is nothing to do in the ingester,
// these are always added by the frontend.
return &tempopb.SearchTagsV2Response{}, nil
// parse for normal scopes
attributeScope := traceql.AttributeScopeFromString(scope)
if attributeScope == traceql.AttributeScopeUnknown {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unknown scope: %s", scope)
maxBytestPerTags := i.limiter.Limits().MaxBytesPerTagValuesQuery(userID)
distinctValues := collector.NewScopedDistinctString(maxBytestPerTags, req.MaxTagsPerScope, req.StaleValuesThreshold)
mc := collector.NewMetricsCollector()
engine := traceql.NewEngine()
query := traceql.ExtractMatchers(req.Query)
searchBlock := func(ctx context.Context, s common.Searcher, spanName string) error {
ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "instance.SearchTagsV2."+spanName)
defer span.End()
if s == nil {
return nil
if distinctValues.Exceeded() {
return nil
// if the query is empty, use the old search
if traceql.IsEmptyQuery(query) {
err = s.SearchTags(ctx, attributeScope, func(t string, scope traceql.AttributeScope) {
distinctValues.Collect(scope.String(), t)
}, mc.Add, common.DefaultSearchOptions())
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, common.ErrUnsupported) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected error searching tags: %w", err)
return nil
// otherwise use the filtered search
fetcher := traceql.NewTagNamesFetcherWrapper(func(ctx context.Context, req traceql.FetchTagsRequest, cb traceql.FetchTagsCallback) error {
return s.FetchTagNames(ctx, req, cb, mc.Add, common.DefaultSearchOptions())
return engine.ExecuteTagNames(ctx, attributeScope, query, func(tag string, scope traceql.AttributeScope) bool {
return distinctValues.Collect(scope.String(), tag)
}, fetcher)
span.AddEvent("acquired headblock mtx")
err = searchBlock(ctx, i.headBlock, "headBlock")
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected error searching head block (%s): %w", i.headBlock.BlockMeta().BlockID, err)
defer i.blocksMtx.RUnlock()
span.AddEvent("acquired blocks mtx")
for _, b := range i.completingBlocks {
if err = searchBlock(ctx, b, "completingBlock"); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected error searching completing block (%s): %w", b.BlockMeta().BlockID, err)
for _, b := range i.completeBlocks {
if err = searchBlock(ctx, b, "completeBlock"); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected error searching complete block (%s): %w", b.BlockMeta().BlockID, err)
if distinctValues.Exceeded() {
level.Warn(log.Logger).Log("msg", "Search of tags exceeded limit, reduce cardinality or size of tags", "orgID", userID, "stopReason", distinctValues.StopReason())
collected := distinctValues.Strings()
resp := &tempopb.SearchTagsV2Response{
Scopes: make([]*tempopb.SearchTagsV2Scope, 0, len(collected)+1), // +1 for intrinsic below
Metrics: &tempopb.MetadataMetrics{
InspectedBytes: mc.TotalValue(), // capture metrics
for scope, vals := range collected {
resp.Scopes = append(resp.Scopes, &tempopb.SearchTagsV2Scope{
Name: scope,
Tags: vals,
return resp, nil
func (i *instance) SearchTagValues(ctx context.Context, tagName string, limit uint32, staleValueThreshold uint32) (*tempopb.SearchTagValuesResponse, error) {
userID, err := user.ExtractOrgID(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
maxBytesPerTagValues := i.limiter.Limits().MaxBytesPerTagValuesQuery(userID)
distinctValues := collector.NewDistinctString(maxBytesPerTagValues, limit, staleValueThreshold)
mc := collector.NewMetricsCollector()
var inspectedBlocks, maxBlocks int
if limit := i.limiter.Limits().MaxBlocksPerTagValuesQuery(userID); limit > 0 {
maxBlocks = limit
search := func(s common.Searcher, dv *collector.DistinctString) error {
if maxBlocks > 0 && inspectedBlocks >= maxBlocks {
return nil
if s == nil {
return nil
if dv.Exceeded() {
return nil
err = s.SearchTagValues(ctx, tagName, dv.Collect, mc.Add, common.DefaultSearchOptions())
if err != nil && !errors.Is(err, common.ErrUnsupported) {
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected error searching tag values (%s): %w", tagName, err)
return nil
err = search(i.headBlock, distinctValues)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected error searching head block (%s): %w", i.headBlock.BlockMeta().BlockID, err)
defer i.blocksMtx.RUnlock()
for _, b := range i.completingBlocks {
if err = search(b, distinctValues); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected error searching completing block (%s): %w", b.BlockMeta().BlockID, err)
for _, b := range i.completeBlocks {
if err = search(b, distinctValues); err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected error searching complete block (%s): %w", b.BlockMeta().BlockID, err)
if distinctValues.Exceeded() {
level.Warn(log.Logger).Log("msg", "Search of tags exceeded limit, reduce cardinality or size of tags", "tag", tagName, "orgID", userID, "stopReason", distinctValues.StopReason())
return &tempopb.SearchTagValuesResponse{
TagValues: distinctValues.Strings(),
Metrics: &tempopb.MetadataMetrics{InspectedBytes: mc.TotalValue()},
}, nil
func (i *instance) SearchTagValuesV2(ctx context.Context, req *tempopb.SearchTagValuesRequest) (*tempopb.SearchTagValuesV2Response, error) {
userID, err := user.ExtractOrgID(ctx)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "instance.SearchTagValuesV2")
defer span.End()
limit := i.limiter.Limits().MaxBytesPerTagValuesQuery(userID)
valueCollector := collector.NewDistinctValue(limit, req.MaxTagValues, req.StaleValueThreshold, func(v tempopb.TagValue) int { return len(v.Type) + len(v.Value) })
mc := collector.NewMetricsCollector() // to collect bytesRead metric
engine := traceql.NewEngine()
// we usually have 5-10 blocks on an ingester so cap of 20 is more than enough and usually more than the blocks
// we need to search, and this also acts as the limit on the amount of search load on the ingester.
wg := boundedwaitgroup.New(20)
var anyErr atomic.Error
var inspectedBlocks atomic.Int32
var maxBlocks int32
if limit := i.limiter.Limits().MaxBlocksPerTagValuesQuery(userID); limit > 0 {
maxBlocks = int32(limit)
tag, err := traceql.ParseIdentifier(req.TagName)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if tag == traceql.IntrinsicLinkTraceIDAttribute ||
tag == traceql.IntrinsicLinkSpanIDAttribute ||
tag == traceql.IntrinsicSpanIDAttribute ||
tag == traceql.IntrinsicTraceIDAttribute ||
tag == traceql.IntrinsicParentIDAttribute {
// do not return tag values for IDs
return &tempopb.SearchTagValuesV2Response{}, nil
query := traceql.ExtractMatchers(req.Query)
// cacheKey will be same for all blocks in a request so only compute it once
// NOTE: cacheKey tag name and query, so if we start respecting start and end, add them to the cacheKey
cacheKey := searchTagValuesV2CacheKey(req, limit, "cache_search_tagvaluesv2")
// helper functions as closures, to access local variables
performSearch := func(ctx context.Context, s common.Searcher, collector *collector.DistinctValue[tempopb.TagValue]) error {
if traceql.IsEmptyQuery(query) {
return s.SearchTagValuesV2(ctx, tag, traceql.MakeCollectTagValueFunc(collector.Collect), mc.Add, common.DefaultSearchOptions())
// Otherwise, use the filtered search
fetcher := traceql.NewTagValuesFetcherWrapper(func(ctx context.Context, req traceql.FetchTagValuesRequest, cb traceql.FetchTagValuesCallback) error {
return s.FetchTagValues(ctx, req, cb, mc.Add, common.DefaultSearchOptions())
return engine.ExecuteTagValues(ctx, tag, query, traceql.MakeCollectTagValueFunc(collector.Collect), fetcher)
exitEarly := func() bool {
if anyErr.Load() != nil {
return true // Early exit if any error has occurred
if maxBlocks > 0 && inspectedBlocks.Inc() > maxBlocks {
return true
return false // Continue searching
searchBlock := func(ctx context.Context, s common.Searcher, spanName string) error {
ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "instance.SearchTagValuesV2."+spanName)
defer span.End()
if exitEarly() {
return nil
return performSearch(ctx, s, valueCollector)
searchBlockWithCache := func(ctx context.Context, b *LocalBlock, spanName string) error {
ctx, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "instance.SearchTagValuesV2."+spanName)
defer span.End()
if exitEarly() {
return nil
// check the cache first
cacheData, err := b.GetDiskCache(ctx, cacheKey)
if err != nil {
// just log the error and move on...we will search the block
_ = level.Warn(log.Logger).Log("msg", "GetDiskCache failed", "err", err)
// we got data...unmarshall, and add values to central collector and add bytesRead
if len(cacheData) > 0 && err == nil {
resp := &tempopb.SearchTagValuesV2Response{}
err = proto.Unmarshal(cacheData, resp)
if err != nil {
return err
span.SetAttributes(attribute.Bool("cached", true))
// Instead of the reporting the InspectedBytes of the cached response.
// we report the size of cacheData as the Inspected bytes in case we hit disk cache.
// we do this because, because it's incorrect and misleading to report the metrics of cachedResponse
// we report the size of the cacheData as the amount of data was read to search this block.
// this can skew our metrics because this will be lower than the data read to search the block.
// we can remove this if this becomes an issue but leave it in for now to more accurate.
for _, v := range resp.TagValues {
if valueCollector.Collect(*v) {
break // we have reached the limit, so stop
return nil
// cache miss, search the block. We will cache the results if we find any.
span.SetAttributes(attribute.Bool("cached", false))
// using local collector to collect values from the block and cache them.
localCol := collector.NewDistinctValue[tempopb.TagValue](limit, req.MaxTagValues, req.StaleValueThreshold, func(v tempopb.TagValue) int { return len(v.Type) + len(v.Value) })
localErr := performSearch(ctx, b, localCol)
if localErr != nil {
return localErr
// marshal the values local collector and set the cache
values := localCol.Values()
v2RespProto, err := valuesToTagValuesV2RespProto(values)
if err == nil && len(v2RespProto) > 0 {
err2 := b.SetDiskCache(ctx, cacheKey, v2RespProto)
if err2 != nil {
_ = level.Warn(log.Logger).Log("msg", "SetDiskCache failed", "err", err2)
// now add values to the central collector to make sure they are included in the response.
for _, v := range values {
if valueCollector.Collect(v) {
break // we have reached the limit, so stop
return nil
// head block
// A warning about deadlocks!! This area does a hard-acquire of both mutexes.
// To avoid deadlocks this function and all others must acquire them in
// the ** same_order ** or else!!! i.e. another function can't acquire blocksMtx
// then headblockMtx. Even if the likelihood is low it is a statistical certainly
// that eventually a deadlock will occur.
span.AddEvent("acquired headblock mtx")
if i.headBlock != nil {
go func() {
defer i.headBlockMtx.RUnlock()
defer wg.Done()
if err := searchBlock(ctx, i.headBlock, "headBlock"); err != nil {
anyErr.Store(fmt.Errorf("unexpected error searching head block (%s): %w", i.headBlock.BlockMeta().BlockID, err))
defer i.blocksMtx.RUnlock()
span.AddEvent("acquired blocks mtx")
// completed blocks
for _, b := range i.completeBlocks {
go func(b *LocalBlock) {
defer wg.Done()
if err := searchBlockWithCache(ctx, b, "completeBlocks"); err != nil {
anyErr.Store(fmt.Errorf("unexpected error searching complete block (%s): %w", b.BlockMeta().BlockID, err))
// completing blocks
for _, b := range i.completingBlocks {
go func(b common.WALBlock) {
defer wg.Done()
if err := searchBlock(ctx, b, "completingBlocks"); err != nil {
anyErr.Store(fmt.Errorf("unexpected error searching completing block (%s): %w", b.BlockMeta().BlockID, err))
if err := anyErr.Load(); err != nil {
return nil, err
if valueCollector.Exceeded() {
_ = level.Warn(log.Logger).Log("msg", "size of tag values exceeded limit, reduce cardinality or size of tags", "tag", req.TagName, "tenant", userID, "limit", limit, "size", valueCollector.Size())
resp := &tempopb.SearchTagValuesV2Response{
Metrics: &tempopb.MetadataMetrics{InspectedBytes: mc.TotalValue()}, // include metrics in response
for _, v := range valueCollector.Values() {
v2 := v
resp.TagValues = append(resp.TagValues, &v2)
return resp, nil
// includeBlock uses the provided time range to determine if the block should be included in the search.
func includeBlock(b *backend.BlockMeta, req *tempopb.SearchRequest) bool {
start := int64(req.Start)
end := int64(req.End)
if start == 0 || end == 0 {
return true
return b.StartTime.Unix() <= end && b.EndTime.Unix() >= start
// searchTagValuesV2CacheKey generates a cache key for the searchTagValuesV2 request
// cache key is used as the filename to store the protobuf data on disk
func searchTagValuesV2CacheKey(req *tempopb.SearchTagValuesRequest, limit int, prefix string) string {
query := req.Query
if req.Query != "" {
ast, err := traceql.Parse(req.Query)
if err == nil {
// forces the query into a canonical form
query = ast.String()
} else {
// In case of a bad TraceQL query, we ignore the query and return unfiltered results.
// if we fail to parse the query, we will assume query is empty and compute the cache key.
query = ""
// NOTE: we are not adding req.Start and req.End to the cache key because we don't respect the start and end
// please add them to cacheKey if we start respecting them
h := fnv1a.HashString64(req.TagName)
h = fnv1a.AddString64(h, query)
h = fnv1a.AddUint64(h, uint64(limit))
return fmt.Sprintf("%s_%v.buf", prefix, h)
// valuesToTagValuesV2RespProto converts TagValues to a protobuf marshalled bytes
// this is slightly modified version of valuesToV2Response from querier.go
func valuesToTagValuesV2RespProto(tagValues []tempopb.TagValue) ([]byte, error) {
// NOTE: we only cache TagValues and don't Marshal Metrics
resp := &tempopb.SearchTagValuesV2Response{}
resp.TagValues = make([]*tempopb.TagValue, 0, len(tagValues))
for _, v := range tagValues {
v2 := &v
resp.TagValues = append(resp.TagValues, v2)
data, err := proto.Marshal(resp)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return data, nil