mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 03:06:42 +00:00
* Allow compaction disable per tenant * Update mock * Rename legacy yaml key * Rename methods and fields for clarity about disablement * Rename methods and fields for clarity about disablement * Update changelog
900 lines
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900 lines
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package tempodb
import (
proto "github.com/gogo/protobuf/proto"
v1 "github.com/grafana/tempo/pkg/model/v1"
type mockSharder struct{}
func (m *mockSharder) Owns(string) bool {
return true
func (m *mockSharder) Combine(dataEncoding string, _ string, objs ...[]byte) ([]byte, bool, error) {
return model.StaticCombiner.Combine(dataEncoding, objs...)
func (m *mockSharder) RecordDiscardedSpans(int, string, string, string, string) {}
type mockJobSharder struct{}
func (m *mockJobSharder) Owns(string) bool { return true }
type mockOverrides struct {
blockRetention time.Duration
disabled bool
maxBytesPerTrace int
maxCompactionWindow time.Duration
func (m *mockOverrides) BlockRetentionForTenant(_ string) time.Duration {
return m.blockRetention
func (m *mockOverrides) CompactionDisabledForTenant(_ string) bool {
return m.disabled
func (m *mockOverrides) MaxBytesPerTraceForTenant(_ string) int {
return m.maxBytesPerTrace
func (m *mockOverrides) MaxCompactionRangeForTenant(_ string) time.Duration {
return m.maxCompactionWindow
func TestCompactionRoundtrip(t *testing.T) {
for _, enc := range encoding.AllEncodings() {
version := enc.Version()
t.Run(version, func(t *testing.T) {
testCompactionRoundtrip(t, version)
func testCompactionRoundtrip(t *testing.T, targetBlockVersion string) {
tempDir := t.TempDir()
r, w, c, err := New(&Config{
Backend: backend.Local,
Pool: &pool.Config{
MaxWorkers: 10,
QueueDepth: 100,
Local: &local.Config{
Path: path.Join(tempDir, "traces"),
Block: &common.BlockConfig{
IndexDownsampleBytes: 11,
BloomFP: .01,
BloomShardSizeBytes: 100_000,
Version: targetBlockVersion,
Encoding: backend.EncLZ4_4M,
IndexPageSizeBytes: 1000,
RowGroupSizeBytes: 30_000_000,
DedicatedColumns: backend.DedicatedColumns{{Scope: "span", Name: "key", Type: "string"}},
WAL: &wal.Config{
Filepath: path.Join(tempDir, "wal"),
BlocklistPoll: 0,
}, nil, log.NewNopLogger())
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx := context.Background()
err = c.EnableCompaction(ctx, &CompactorConfig{
ChunkSizeBytes: 10_000_000,
FlushSizeBytes: 10_000_000,
MaxCompactionRange: 24 * time.Hour,
BlockRetention: 0,
CompactedBlockRetention: 0,
}, &mockSharder{}, &mockOverrides{})
require.NoError(t, err)
r.EnablePolling(ctx, &mockJobSharder{})
wal := w.WAL()
require.NoError(t, err)
blockCount := 4
recordCount := 100
dec := model.MustNewSegmentDecoder(model.CurrentEncoding)
allReqs := make([]*tempopb.Trace, 0, blockCount*recordCount)
allIds := make([]common.ID, 0, blockCount*recordCount)
for i := 0; i < blockCount; i++ {
blockID := uuid.New()
meta := &backend.BlockMeta{BlockID: blockID, TenantID: testTenantID, DataEncoding: model.CurrentEncoding}
head, err := wal.NewBlock(meta, model.CurrentEncoding)
require.NoError(t, err)
for j := 0; j < recordCount; j++ {
id := test.ValidTraceID(nil)
req := test.MakeTrace(10, id)
writeTraceToWal(t, head, dec, id, req, 0, 0)
allReqs = append(allReqs, req)
allIds = append(allIds, id)
_, err = w.CompleteBlock(ctx, head)
require.NoError(t, err)
rw := r.(*readerWriter)
expectedBlockCount := blockCount
expectedCompactedCount := 0
checkBlocklists(t, uuid.Nil, expectedBlockCount, expectedCompactedCount, rw)
blocksPerCompaction := (inputBlocks - outputBlocks)
blocklist := rw.blocklist.Metas(testTenantID)
blockSelector := newTimeWindowBlockSelector(blocklist, rw.compactorCfg.MaxCompactionRange, 10000, 1024*1024*1024, defaultMinInputBlocks, 2)
expectedCompactions := len(blocklist) / inputBlocks
compactions := 0
for {
blocks, _ := blockSelector.BlocksToCompact()
if len(blocks) == 0 {
require.Len(t, blocks, inputBlocks)
err := rw.compact(context.Background(), blocks, testTenantID)
require.NoError(t, err)
expectedBlockCount -= blocksPerCompaction
expectedCompactedCount += inputBlocks
checkBlocklists(t, uuid.Nil, expectedBlockCount, expectedCompactedCount, rw)
require.Equal(t, expectedCompactions, compactions)
// do we have the right number of records
var records int
for _, meta := range rw.blocklist.Metas(testTenantID) {
records += meta.TotalObjects
require.Equal(t, blockCount*recordCount, records)
// now see if we can find our ids
for i, id := range allIds {
trs, failedBlocks, err := rw.Find(context.Background(), testTenantID, id, BlockIDMin, BlockIDMax, 0, 0, common.DefaultSearchOptions())
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Nil(t, failedBlocks)
require.NotNil(t, trs)
c := trace.NewCombiner(0)
for _, tr := range trs {
_, err = c.Consume(tr)
require.NoError(t, err)
tr, _ := c.Result()
// Sort all traces to check equality consistently.
if !proto.Equal(allReqs[i], tr) {
wantJSON, _ := json.MarshalIndent(allReqs[i], "", " ")
gotJSON, _ := json.MarshalIndent(tr, "", " ")
require.Equal(t, wantJSON, gotJSON)
func TestSameIDCompaction(t *testing.T) {
for _, enc := range encoding.AllEncodings() {
version := enc.Version()
t.Run(version, func(t *testing.T) {
testSameIDCompaction(t, version)
// TestSameIDCompaction is a bit gross in that it has a bad dependency with on the /pkg/model
// module to do a full e2e compaction/combination test.
func testSameIDCompaction(t *testing.T, targetBlockVersion string) {
tempDir := t.TempDir()
r, w, c, err := New(&Config{
Backend: backend.Local,
Pool: &pool.Config{
MaxWorkers: 10,
QueueDepth: 100,
Local: &local.Config{
Path: path.Join(tempDir, "traces"),
Block: &common.BlockConfig{
IndexDownsampleBytes: 11,
BloomFP: .01,
BloomShardSizeBytes: 100_000,
Version: targetBlockVersion,
Encoding: backend.EncSnappy,
IndexPageSizeBytes: 1000,
RowGroupSizeBytes: 30_000_000,
WAL: &wal.Config{
Filepath: path.Join(tempDir, "wal"),
BlocklistPoll: 0,
}, nil, log.NewNopLogger())
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx := context.Background()
err = c.EnableCompaction(ctx, &CompactorConfig{
ChunkSizeBytes: 10_000_000,
MaxCompactionRange: 24 * time.Hour,
BlockRetention: 0,
CompactedBlockRetention: 0,
FlushSizeBytes: 10_000_000,
}, &mockSharder{}, &mockOverrides{})
require.NoError(t, err)
r.EnablePolling(ctx, &mockJobSharder{})
wal := w.WAL()
require.NoError(t, err)
dec := model.MustNewSegmentDecoder(v1.Encoding)
blockCount := 5
recordCount := 100
// make a bunch of sharded requests
allReqs := make([][][]byte, 0, recordCount)
allIds := make([][]byte, 0, recordCount)
sharded := 0
for i := 0; i < recordCount; i++ {
id := test.ValidTraceID(nil)
requestShards := rand.Intn(blockCount) + 1
reqs := make([][]byte, 0, requestShards)
for j := 0; j < requestShards; j++ {
buff, err := dec.PrepareForWrite(test.MakeTrace(1, id), 0, 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
buff2, err := dec.ToObject([][]byte{buff})
require.NoError(t, err)
reqs = append(reqs, buff2)
if requestShards > 1 {
allReqs = append(allReqs, reqs)
allIds = append(allIds, id)
// and write them to different blocks
for i := 0; i < blockCount; i++ {
blockID := uuid.New()
meta := &backend.BlockMeta{BlockID: blockID, TenantID: testTenantID, DataEncoding: v1.Encoding}
head, err := wal.NewBlock(meta, v1.Encoding)
require.NoError(t, err)
for j := 0; j < recordCount; j++ {
req := allReqs[j]
id := allIds[j]
if i < len(req) {
err = head.Append(id, req[i], 0, 0)
require.NoError(t, err, "unexpected error writing req")
_, err = w.CompleteBlock(context.Background(), head)
require.NoError(t, err)
rw := r.(*readerWriter)
// check blocklists, force compaction and check again
checkBlocklists(t, uuid.Nil, blockCount, 0, rw)
var blocks []*backend.BlockMeta
list := rw.blocklist.Metas(testTenantID)
blockSelector := newTimeWindowBlockSelector(list, rw.compactorCfg.MaxCompactionRange, 10000, 1024*1024*1024, defaultMinInputBlocks, blockCount)
blocks, _ = blockSelector.BlocksToCompact()
require.Len(t, blocks, blockCount)
combinedStart, err := test.GetCounterVecValue(metricCompactionObjectsCombined, "0")
require.NoError(t, err)
err = rw.compact(ctx, blocks, testTenantID)
require.NoError(t, err)
checkBlocklists(t, uuid.Nil, 1, blockCount, rw)
// force clear compacted blocks to guarantee that we're only querying the new blocks that went through the combiner
metas := rw.blocklist.Metas(testTenantID)
rw.blocklist.ApplyPollResults(blocklist.PerTenant{testTenantID: metas}, blocklist.PerTenantCompacted{})
// search for all ids
for i, id := range allIds {
trs, failedBlocks, err := rw.Find(context.Background(), testTenantID, id, BlockIDMin, BlockIDMax, 0, 0, common.DefaultSearchOptions())
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Nil(t, failedBlocks)
c := trace.NewCombiner(0)
for _, tr := range trs {
_, err = c.Consume(tr)
require.NoError(t, err)
tr, _ := c.Result()
b1, err := dec.PrepareForWrite(tr, 0, 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
b2, err := dec.ToObject([][]byte{b1})
require.NoError(t, err)
expectedBytes, _, err := model.StaticCombiner.Combine(v1.Encoding, allReqs[i]...)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, expectedBytes, b2)
combinedEnd, err := test.GetCounterVecValue(metricCompactionObjectsCombined, "0")
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Equal(t, float64(sharded), combinedEnd-combinedStart)
func TestCompactionUpdatesBlocklist(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := t.TempDir()
r, w, c, err := New(&Config{
Backend: backend.Local,
Pool: &pool.Config{
MaxWorkers: 10,
QueueDepth: 100,
Local: &local.Config{
Path: path.Join(tempDir, "traces"),
Block: &common.BlockConfig{
IndexDownsampleBytes: 11,
BloomFP: .01,
BloomShardSizeBytes: 100_000,
Version: encoding.DefaultEncoding().Version(),
Encoding: backend.EncNone,
IndexPageSizeBytes: 1000,
WAL: &wal.Config{
Filepath: path.Join(tempDir, "wal"),
BlocklistPoll: 0,
}, nil, log.NewNopLogger())
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx := context.Background()
err = c.EnableCompaction(ctx, &CompactorConfig{
ChunkSizeBytes: 10,
MaxCompactionRange: 24 * time.Hour,
BlockRetention: 0,
CompactedBlockRetention: 0,
}, &mockSharder{}, &mockOverrides{})
require.NoError(t, err)
r.EnablePolling(ctx, &mockJobSharder{})
// Cut x blocks with y records each
blockCount := 5
recordCount := 1
cutTestBlocks(t, w, testTenantID, blockCount, recordCount)
rw := r.(*readerWriter)
// compact everything
err = rw.compact(ctx, rw.blocklist.Metas(testTenantID), testTenantID)
require.NoError(t, err)
// New blocklist contains 1 compacted block with everything
blocks := rw.blocklist.Metas(testTenantID)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(blocks))
require.Equal(t, uint8(1), blocks[0].CompactionLevel)
require.Equal(t, blockCount*recordCount, blocks[0].TotalObjects)
// Compacted list contains all old blocks
require.Equal(t, blockCount, len(rw.blocklist.CompactedMetas(testTenantID)))
// Make sure all expected traces are found.
for i := 0; i < blockCount; i++ {
for j := 0; j < recordCount; j++ {
trace, failedBlocks, err := rw.Find(context.TODO(), testTenantID, makeTraceID(i, j), BlockIDMin, BlockIDMax, 0, 0, common.DefaultSearchOptions())
require.NotNil(t, trace)
require.Greater(t, len(trace), 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
require.Nil(t, failedBlocks)
func TestCompactionMetrics(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := t.TempDir()
r, w, c, err := New(&Config{
Backend: backend.Local,
Pool: &pool.Config{
MaxWorkers: 10,
QueueDepth: 100,
Local: &local.Config{
Path: path.Join(tempDir, "traces"),
Block: &common.BlockConfig{
IndexDownsampleBytes: 11,
BloomFP: .01,
BloomShardSizeBytes: 100_000,
Version: encoding.DefaultEncoding().Version(),
Encoding: backend.EncNone,
IndexPageSizeBytes: 1000,
WAL: &wal.Config{
Filepath: path.Join(tempDir, "wal"),
BlocklistPoll: 0,
}, nil, log.NewNopLogger())
assert.NoError(t, err)
ctx := context.Background()
err = c.EnableCompaction(ctx, &CompactorConfig{
ChunkSizeBytes: 10,
MaxCompactionRange: 24 * time.Hour,
BlockRetention: 0,
CompactedBlockRetention: 0,
}, &mockSharder{}, &mockOverrides{})
require.NoError(t, err)
r.EnablePolling(ctx, &mockJobSharder{})
// Cut x blocks with y records each
blockCount := 5
recordCount := 10
cutTestBlocks(t, w, testTenantID, blockCount, recordCount)
rw := r.(*readerWriter)
// Get starting metrics
processedStart, err := test.GetCounterVecValue(metricCompactionObjectsWritten, "0")
assert.NoError(t, err)
blocksStart, err := test.GetCounterVecValue(metricCompactionBlocks, "0")
assert.NoError(t, err)
bytesStart, err := test.GetCounterVecValue(metricCompactionBytesWritten, "0")
assert.NoError(t, err)
// compact everything
err = rw.compact(ctx, rw.blocklist.Metas(testTenantID), testTenantID)
assert.NoError(t, err)
// Check metric
processedEnd, err := test.GetCounterVecValue(metricCompactionObjectsWritten, "0")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, float64(blockCount*recordCount), processedEnd-processedStart)
blocksEnd, err := test.GetCounterVecValue(metricCompactionBlocks, "0")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Equal(t, float64(blockCount), blocksEnd-blocksStart)
bytesEnd, err := test.GetCounterVecValue(metricCompactionBytesWritten, "0")
assert.NoError(t, err)
assert.Greater(t, bytesEnd, bytesStart) // calculating the exact bytes requires knowledge of the bytes as written in the blocks. just make sure it goes up
func TestCompactionIteratesThroughTenants(t *testing.T) {
tempDir := t.TempDir()
r, w, c, err := New(&Config{
Backend: backend.Local,
Pool: &pool.Config{
MaxWorkers: 10,
QueueDepth: 100,
Local: &local.Config{
Path: path.Join(tempDir, "traces"),
Block: &common.BlockConfig{
IndexDownsampleBytes: 11,
BloomFP: .01,
BloomShardSizeBytes: 100_000,
Version: encoding.DefaultEncoding().Version(),
Encoding: backend.EncLZ4_64k,
IndexPageSizeBytes: 1000,
WAL: &wal.Config{
Filepath: path.Join(tempDir, "wal"),
BlocklistPoll: 0,
}, nil, log.NewNopLogger())
assert.NoError(t, err)
ctx := context.Background()
err = c.EnableCompaction(ctx, &CompactorConfig{
ChunkSizeBytes: 10,
MaxCompactionRange: 24 * time.Hour,
MaxCompactionObjects: 1000,
MaxBlockBytes: 1024 * 1024 * 1024,
BlockRetention: 0,
CompactedBlockRetention: 0,
}, &mockSharder{}, &mockOverrides{})
require.NoError(t, err)
r.EnablePolling(ctx, &mockJobSharder{})
// Cut blocks for multiple tenants
cutTestBlocks(t, w, testTenantID, 2, 2)
cutTestBlocks(t, w, testTenantID2, 2, 2)
rw := r.(*readerWriter)
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(rw.blocklist.Metas(testTenantID)))
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(rw.blocklist.Metas(testTenantID2)))
// Verify that tenant 2 compacted, tenant 1 is not
// Compaction starts at index 1 for simplicity
assert.Equal(t, 2, len(rw.blocklist.Metas(testTenantID)))
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(rw.blocklist.Metas(testTenantID2)))
// Verify both tenants compacted after second run
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(rw.blocklist.Metas(testTenantID)))
assert.Equal(t, 1, len(rw.blocklist.Metas(testTenantID2)))
func TestCompactionHonorsBlockStartEndTimes(t *testing.T) {
for _, enc := range encoding.AllEncodings() {
version := enc.Version()
t.Run(version, func(t *testing.T) {
testCompactionHonorsBlockStartEndTimes(t, version)
func testCompactionHonorsBlockStartEndTimes(t *testing.T, targetBlockVersion string) {
tempDir := t.TempDir()
r, w, c, err := New(&Config{
Backend: backend.Local,
Pool: &pool.Config{
MaxWorkers: 10,
QueueDepth: 100,
Local: &local.Config{
Path: path.Join(tempDir, "traces"),
Block: &common.BlockConfig{
IndexDownsampleBytes: 11,
BloomFP: .01,
BloomShardSizeBytes: 100_000,
Version: targetBlockVersion,
Encoding: backend.EncNone,
IndexPageSizeBytes: 1000,
RowGroupSizeBytes: 30_000_000,
WAL: &wal.Config{
Filepath: path.Join(tempDir, "wal"),
IngestionSlack: time.Since(time.Unix(0, 0)), // Let us use obvious start/end times below
BlocklistPoll: 0,
}, nil, log.NewNopLogger())
require.NoError(t, err)
ctx := context.Background()
err = c.EnableCompaction(ctx, &CompactorConfig{
ChunkSizeBytes: 10_000_000,
FlushSizeBytes: 10_000_000,
MaxCompactionRange: 24 * time.Hour,
BlockRetention: 0,
CompactedBlockRetention: 0,
}, &mockSharder{}, &mockOverrides{})
require.NoError(t, err)
r.EnablePolling(ctx, &mockJobSharder{})
cutTestBlockWithTraces(t, w, testTenantID, []testData{
{test.ValidTraceID(nil), test.MakeTrace(10, nil), 100, 101},
{test.ValidTraceID(nil), test.MakeTrace(10, nil), 102, 103},
cutTestBlockWithTraces(t, w, testTenantID, []testData{
{test.ValidTraceID(nil), test.MakeTrace(10, nil), 104, 105},
{test.ValidTraceID(nil), test.MakeTrace(10, nil), 106, 107},
rw := r.(*readerWriter)
// compact everything
err = rw.compact(ctx, rw.blocklist.Metas(testTenantID), testTenantID)
require.NoError(t, err)
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
// New blocklist contains 1 compacted block with min start and max end
blocks := rw.blocklist.Metas(testTenantID)
require.Equal(t, 1, len(blocks))
require.Equal(t, uint8(1), blocks[0].CompactionLevel)
require.Equal(t, 100, int(blocks[0].StartTime.Unix()))
require.Equal(t, 107, int(blocks[0].EndTime.Unix()))
func TestCompactionDropsTraces(t *testing.T) {
for _, enc := range encoding.AllEncodings() {
version := enc.Version()
t.Run(version, func(t *testing.T) {
testCompactionDropsTraces(t, version)
func testCompactionDropsTraces(t *testing.T, targetBlockVersion string) {
tempDir := t.TempDir()
r, w, _, err := New(&Config{
Backend: backend.Local,
Pool: &pool.Config{
MaxWorkers: 10,
QueueDepth: 100,
Local: &local.Config{
Path: path.Join(tempDir, "traces"),
Block: &common.BlockConfig{
IndexDownsampleBytes: 11,
BloomFP: .01,
BloomShardSizeBytes: 100_000,
Version: targetBlockVersion,
Encoding: backend.EncSnappy,
IndexPageSizeBytes: 1000,
RowGroupSizeBytes: 30_000_000,
WAL: &wal.Config{
Filepath: path.Join(tempDir, "wal"),
BlocklistPoll: 0,
}, nil, log.NewNopLogger())
require.NoError(t, err)
wal := w.WAL()
require.NoError(t, err)
dec := model.MustNewSegmentDecoder(v1.Encoding)
recordCount := 100
allIDs := make([]common.ID, 0, recordCount)
// write a bunch of dummy data
blockID := uuid.New()
meta := &backend.BlockMeta{BlockID: blockID, TenantID: testTenantID, DataEncoding: v1.Encoding}
head, err := wal.NewBlock(meta, v1.Encoding)
require.NoError(t, err)
for j := 0; j < recordCount; j++ {
id := test.ValidTraceID(nil)
allIDs = append(allIDs, id)
obj, err := dec.PrepareForWrite(test.MakeTrace(1, id), 0, 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
obj2, err := dec.ToObject([][]byte{obj})
require.NoError(t, err)
err = head.Append(id, obj2, 0, 0)
require.NoError(t, err, "unexpected error writing req")
firstBlock, err := w.CompleteBlock(context.Background(), head)
require.NoError(t, err)
// choose a random id to drop
dropID := allIDs[rand.Intn(len(allIDs))]
rw := r.(*readerWriter)
// force compact to a new block
opts := common.CompactionOptions{
BlockConfig: *rw.cfg.Block,
ChunkSizeBytes: DefaultChunkSizeBytes,
FlushSizeBytes: DefaultFlushSizeBytes,
IteratorBufferSize: DefaultIteratorBufferSize,
OutputBlocks: 1,
Combiner: model.StaticCombiner,
MaxBytesPerTrace: 0,
// hook to drop the trace
DropObject: func(id common.ID) bool {
return bytes.Equal(id, dropID)
// setting to prevent panics.
BytesWritten: func(_, _ int) {},
ObjectsCombined: func(_, _ int) {},
ObjectsWritten: func(_, _ int) {},
SpansDiscarded: func(_, _, _ string, _ int) {},
DisconnectedTrace: func() {},
RootlessTrace: func() {},
enc, err := encoding.FromVersion(targetBlockVersion)
require.NoError(t, err)
compactor := enc.NewCompactor(opts)
newMetas, err := compactor.Compact(context.Background(), log.NewNopLogger(), rw.r, rw.w, []*backend.BlockMeta{firstBlock.BlockMeta()})
require.NoError(t, err)
// require new meta has len 1
require.Len(t, newMetas, 1)
secondBlock, err := enc.OpenBlock(newMetas[0], rw.r)
require.NoError(t, err)
// search for all ids. confirm they all return except the dropped one
for _, id := range allIDs {
tr, err := secondBlock.FindTraceByID(context.Background(), id, common.DefaultSearchOptions())
require.NoError(t, err)
if bytes.Equal(id, dropID) {
require.Nil(t, tr)
} else {
require.NotNil(t, tr)
type testData struct {
id common.ID
t *tempopb.Trace
start, end uint32
func cutTestBlockWithTraces(t testing.TB, w Writer, tenantID string, data []testData) common.BackendBlock {
dec := model.MustNewSegmentDecoder(model.CurrentEncoding)
wal := w.WAL()
meta := &backend.BlockMeta{BlockID: uuid.New(), TenantID: testTenantID}
head, err := wal.NewBlock(meta, model.CurrentEncoding)
require.NoError(t, err)
for _, d := range data {
writeTraceToWal(t, head, dec, d.id, d.t, d.start, d.end)
b, err := w.CompleteBlock(context.Background(), head)
require.NoError(t, err)
return b
func cutTestBlocks(t testing.TB, w Writer, tenantID string, blockCount int, recordCount int) []common.BackendBlock {
blocks := make([]common.BackendBlock, 0)
dec := model.MustNewSegmentDecoder(model.CurrentEncoding)
wal := w.WAL()
for i := 0; i < blockCount; i++ {
meta := &backend.BlockMeta{BlockID: uuid.New(), TenantID: tenantID}
head, err := wal.NewBlock(meta, model.CurrentEncoding)
require.NoError(t, err)
for j := 0; j < recordCount; j++ {
id := makeTraceID(i, j)
tr := test.MakeTrace(1, id)
now := uint32(time.Now().Unix())
writeTraceToWal(t, head, dec, id, tr, now, now)
b, err := w.CompleteBlock(context.Background(), head)
require.NoError(t, err)
blocks = append(blocks, b)
return blocks
func makeTraceID(i int, j int) []byte {
id := make([]byte, 16)
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(id, uint64(i))
binary.LittleEndian.PutUint64(id[8:], uint64(j))
return id
func BenchmarkCompaction(b *testing.B) {
for _, enc := range encoding.AllEncodings() {
version := enc.Version()
b.Run(version, func(b *testing.B) {
benchmarkCompaction(b, version)
func benchmarkCompaction(b *testing.B, targetBlockVersion string) {
tempDir := b.TempDir()
_, w, c, err := New(&Config{
Backend: backend.Local,
Pool: &pool.Config{
MaxWorkers: 10,
QueueDepth: 100,
Local: &local.Config{
Path: path.Join(tempDir, "traces"),
Block: &common.BlockConfig{
IndexDownsampleBytes: 11,
BloomFP: .01,
BloomShardSizeBytes: 100_000,
Version: targetBlockVersion,
Encoding: backend.EncZstd,
IndexPageSizeBytes: 1000,
RowGroupSizeBytes: 30_000_000,
WAL: &wal.Config{
Filepath: path.Join(tempDir, "wal"),
BlocklistPoll: 0,
}, nil, log.NewNopLogger())
require.NoError(b, err)
rw := c.(*readerWriter)
ctx := context.Background()
err = c.EnableCompaction(ctx, &CompactorConfig{
ChunkSizeBytes: 10_000_000,
FlushSizeBytes: 10_000_000,
IteratorBufferSize: DefaultIteratorBufferSize,
}, &mockSharder{}, &mockOverrides{})
require.NoError(b, err)
traceCount := 20_000
blockCount := 8
// Cut input blocks
blocks := cutTestBlocks(b, w, testTenantID, blockCount, traceCount)
metas := make([]*backend.BlockMeta, 0)
for _, b := range blocks {
metas = append(metas, b.BlockMeta())
err = rw.compact(ctx, metas, testTenantID)
require.NoError(b, err)