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synced 2025-03-15 09:20:00 +00:00
* chore: skip creating one span-traces for every pushed spans in metrics generator * changelog
442 lines
15 KiB
442 lines
15 KiB
package servicegraphs
import (
semconv "go.opentelemetry.io/otel/semconv/v1.25.0"
gen "github.com/grafana/tempo/modules/generator/processor"
processor_util "github.com/grafana/tempo/modules/generator/processor/util"
v1_common "github.com/grafana/tempo/pkg/tempopb/common/v1"
v1_trace "github.com/grafana/tempo/pkg/tempopb/trace/v1"
tempo_util "github.com/grafana/tempo/pkg/util"
var (
metricDroppedSpans = promauto.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: "tempo",
Name: "metrics_generator_processor_service_graphs_dropped_spans",
Help: "Number of spans dropped when trying to add edges",
}, []string{"tenant"})
metricTotalEdges = promauto.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: "tempo",
Name: "metrics_generator_processor_service_graphs_edges",
Help: "Total number of unique edges",
}, []string{"tenant"})
metricExpiredEdges = promauto.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: "tempo",
Name: "metrics_generator_processor_service_graphs_expired_edges",
Help: "Number of edges that expired before finding its matching span",
}, []string{"tenant"})
const (
metricRequestTotal = "traces_service_graph_request_total"
metricRequestFailedTotal = "traces_service_graph_request_failed_total"
metricRequestServerSeconds = "traces_service_graph_request_server_seconds"
metricRequestClientSeconds = "traces_service_graph_request_client_seconds"
metricRequestMessagingSystemSeconds = "traces_service_graph_request_messaging_system_seconds"
const virtualNodeLabel = "virtual_node"
var defaultPeerAttributes = []attribute.Key{
semconv.PeerServiceKey, semconv.DBNameKey, semconv.DBSystemKey,
type tooManySpansError struct {
droppedSpans int
func (t *tooManySpansError) Error() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("dropped %d spans", t.droppedSpans)
type Processor struct {
Cfg Config
registry registry.Registry
labels []string
store store.Store
closeCh chan struct{}
serviceGraphRequestTotal registry.Counter
serviceGraphRequestFailedTotal registry.Counter
serviceGraphRequestServerSecondsHistogram registry.Histogram
serviceGraphRequestClientSecondsHistogram registry.Histogram
serviceGraphRequestMessagingSystemSecondsHistogram registry.Histogram
metricDroppedSpans prometheus.Counter
metricTotalEdges prometheus.Counter
metricExpiredEdges prometheus.Counter
logger log.Logger
func New(cfg Config, tenant string, reg registry.Registry, logger log.Logger) gen.Processor {
labels := []string{"client", "server", "connection_type"}
if cfg.EnableVirtualNodeLabel {
cfg.Dimensions = append(cfg.Dimensions, virtualNodeLabel)
for _, d := range cfg.Dimensions {
if cfg.EnableClientServerPrefix {
if cfg.EnableVirtualNodeLabel {
// leave the extra label for this feature as-is
if d == virtualNodeLabel {
labels = append(labels, strutil.SanitizeLabelName(d))
labels = append(labels, strutil.SanitizeLabelName("client_"+d), strutil.SanitizeLabelName("server_"+d))
} else {
labels = append(labels, strutil.SanitizeLabelName(d))
p := &Processor{
Cfg: cfg,
registry: reg,
labels: labels,
closeCh: make(chan struct{}, 1),
serviceGraphRequestTotal: reg.NewCounter(metricRequestTotal),
serviceGraphRequestFailedTotal: reg.NewCounter(metricRequestFailedTotal),
serviceGraphRequestServerSecondsHistogram: reg.NewHistogram(metricRequestServerSeconds, cfg.HistogramBuckets, cfg.HistogramOverride),
serviceGraphRequestClientSecondsHistogram: reg.NewHistogram(metricRequestClientSeconds, cfg.HistogramBuckets, cfg.HistogramOverride),
serviceGraphRequestMessagingSystemSecondsHistogram: reg.NewHistogram(metricRequestMessagingSystemSeconds, cfg.HistogramBuckets, cfg.HistogramOverride),
metricDroppedSpans: metricDroppedSpans.WithLabelValues(tenant),
metricTotalEdges: metricTotalEdges.WithLabelValues(tenant),
metricExpiredEdges: metricExpiredEdges.WithLabelValues(tenant),
logger: log.With(logger, "component", "service-graphs"),
p.store = store.NewStore(cfg.Wait, cfg.MaxItems, p.onComplete, p.onExpire)
expirationTicker := time.NewTicker(2 * time.Second)
for i := 0; i < cfg.Workers; i++ {
go func() {
for {
select {
// Periodically clean expired edges from the store
case <-expirationTicker.C:
case <-p.closeCh:
return p
func (p *Processor) Name() string {
return Name
func (p *Processor) PushSpans(_ context.Context, req *tempopb.PushSpansRequest) {
if err := p.consume(req.Batches); err != nil {
var tmsErr *tooManySpansError
if errors.As(err, &tmsErr) {
level.Warn(p.logger).Log("msg", "skipped processing of spans", "maxItems", p.Cfg.MaxItems, "err", err)
} else {
level.Error(p.logger).Log("msg", "failed consuming traces", "err", err)
func (p *Processor) consume(resourceSpans []*v1_trace.ResourceSpans) (err error) {
var (
isNew bool
totalDroppedSpans int
for _, rs := range resourceSpans {
svcName, ok := processor_util.FindServiceName(rs.Resource.Attributes)
if !ok {
for _, ils := range rs.ScopeSpans {
for _, span := range ils.Spans {
connectionType := store.Unknown
spanMultiplier := processor_util.GetSpanMultiplier(p.Cfg.SpanMultiplierKey, span, rs.Resource)
switch span.Kind {
case v1_trace.Span_SPAN_KIND_PRODUCER:
// override connection type and continue processing as span kind client
connectionType = store.MessagingSystem
case v1_trace.Span_SPAN_KIND_CLIENT:
key := buildKey(hex.EncodeToString(span.TraceId), hex.EncodeToString(span.SpanId))
isNew, err = p.store.UpsertEdge(key, func(e *store.Edge) {
e.TraceID = tempo_util.TraceIDToHexString(span.TraceId)
e.ConnectionType = connectionType
e.ClientService = svcName
e.ClientLatencySec = spanDurationSec(span)
e.ClientEndTimeUnixNano = span.EndTimeUnixNano
e.Failed = e.Failed || p.spanFailed(span)
p.upsertDimensions("client_", e.Dimensions, rs.Resource.Attributes, span.Attributes)
e.SpanMultiplier = spanMultiplier
p.upsertPeerNode(e, span.Attributes)
p.upsertDatabaseRequest(e, rs.Resource.Attributes, span)
case v1_trace.Span_SPAN_KIND_CONSUMER:
// override connection type and continue processing as span kind server
connectionType = store.MessagingSystem
case v1_trace.Span_SPAN_KIND_SERVER:
key := buildKey(hex.EncodeToString(span.TraceId), hex.EncodeToString(span.ParentSpanId))
isNew, err = p.store.UpsertEdge(key, func(e *store.Edge) {
e.TraceID = tempo_util.TraceIDToHexString(span.TraceId)
e.ConnectionType = connectionType
e.ServerService = svcName
e.ServerLatencySec = spanDurationSec(span)
e.ServerStartTimeUnixNano = span.StartTimeUnixNano
e.Failed = e.Failed || p.spanFailed(span)
p.upsertDimensions("server_", e.Dimensions, rs.Resource.Attributes, span.Attributes)
e.SpanMultiplier = spanMultiplier
p.upsertPeerNode(e, span.Attributes)
// this span is not part of an edge
if errors.Is(err, store.ErrTooManyItems) {
// UpsertEdge will only return ErrTooManyItems
if err != nil {
return err
if isNew {
if totalDroppedSpans > 0 {
return &tooManySpansError{
droppedSpans: totalDroppedSpans,
return nil
func (p *Processor) upsertDimensions(prefix string, m map[string]string, resourceAttr, spanAttr []*v1_common.KeyValue) {
for _, dim := range p.Cfg.Dimensions {
if v, ok := processor_util.FindAttributeValue(dim, resourceAttr, spanAttr); ok {
if p.Cfg.EnableClientServerPrefix {
m[prefix+dim] = v
} else {
m[dim] = v
func (p *Processor) upsertPeerNode(e *store.Edge, spanAttr []*v1_common.KeyValue) {
for _, peerKey := range p.Cfg.PeerAttributes {
if v, ok := processor_util.FindAttributeValue(peerKey, spanAttr); ok {
e.PeerNode = v
// upsertDatabaseRequest handles the logic of adding a database edge on the
// graph. If we have a db.name or db.system attribute, we assume this is a
// database request. The name of the edge is determined by the following
// order:
// if we have a peer.service, use it as the database ServerService
// if we have a server.address, use it as the database ServerService
// if we have a network.peer.address, use it as the database ServerService. Include :port if network.peer.port is present
// if we have a db.name, use it as the database ServerService, which is the backwards-compatible behavior
func (p *Processor) upsertDatabaseRequest(e *store.Edge, resourceAttr []*v1_common.KeyValue, span *v1_trace.Span) {
var (
isDatabase bool
// The fallback database name
dbName string
// Check for db.name first. The dbName is set initially to maintain backwards compatbility.
if name, ok := processor_util.FindAttributeValue(string(semconv.DBNameKey), resourceAttr, span.Attributes); ok {
dbName = name
isDatabase = true
// Check for db.system only if we don't have db.name above
if !isDatabase {
if _, ok := processor_util.FindAttributeValue(string(semconv.DBSystemKey), resourceAttr, span.Attributes); ok {
isDatabase = true
// If neither db.system nor db.name are present, we can't determine if this is a database request
if !isDatabase {
e.ConnectionType = store.Database
e.ServerLatencySec = spanDurationSec(span)
// Set the service name by order of precedence
// Check for peer.service
if name, ok := processor_util.FindAttributeValue(string(semconv.PeerServiceKey), resourceAttr, span.Attributes); ok {
e.ServerService = name
// Check for server.address
if name, ok := processor_util.FindAttributeValue(string(semconv.ServerAddressKey), resourceAttr, span.Attributes); ok {
e.ServerService = name
// Check for network.peer.address and network.peer.port. Use port if it is present.
if host, ok := processor_util.FindAttributeValue(string(semconv.NetworkPeerAddressKey), resourceAttr, span.Attributes); ok {
if port, ok := processor_util.FindAttributeValue(string(semconv.NetworkPeerPortKey), resourceAttr, span.Attributes); ok {
e.ServerService = fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s", host, port)
e.ServerService = host
// Fallback to db.name
if dbName != "" {
e.ServerService = dbName
func (p *Processor) Shutdown(_ context.Context) {
func (p *Processor) onComplete(e *store.Edge) {
labelValues := make([]string, 0, 2+len(p.Cfg.Dimensions))
labelValues = append(labelValues, e.ClientService, e.ServerService, string(e.ConnectionType))
for _, dimension := range p.Cfg.Dimensions {
if p.Cfg.EnableClientServerPrefix {
if p.Cfg.EnableVirtualNodeLabel {
// leave the extra label for this feature as-is
if dimension == virtualNodeLabel {
labelValues = append(labelValues, e.Dimensions[dimension])
labelValues = append(labelValues, e.Dimensions["client_"+dimension], e.Dimensions["server_"+dimension])
} else {
labelValues = append(labelValues, e.Dimensions[dimension])
labels := append([]string{}, p.labels...)
registryLabelValues := p.registry.NewLabelValueCombo(labels, labelValues)
p.serviceGraphRequestTotal.Inc(registryLabelValues, 1*e.SpanMultiplier)
if e.Failed {
p.serviceGraphRequestFailedTotal.Inc(registryLabelValues, 1*e.SpanMultiplier)
p.serviceGraphRequestServerSecondsHistogram.ObserveWithExemplar(registryLabelValues, e.ServerLatencySec, e.TraceID, e.SpanMultiplier)
p.serviceGraphRequestClientSecondsHistogram.ObserveWithExemplar(registryLabelValues, e.ClientLatencySec, e.TraceID, e.SpanMultiplier)
if p.Cfg.EnableMessagingSystemLatencyHistogram && e.ConnectionType == store.MessagingSystem {
messagingSystemLatencySec := unixNanosDiffSec(e.ClientEndTimeUnixNano, e.ServerStartTimeUnixNano)
if messagingSystemLatencySec == 0 {
level.Warn(p.logger).Log("msg", "producerSpanEndTime must be smaller than consumerSpanStartTime. maybe the peers clocks are not synced", "messagingSystemLatencySec", messagingSystemLatencySec, "traceID", e.TraceID)
} else {
p.serviceGraphRequestMessagingSystemSecondsHistogram.ObserveWithExemplar(registryLabelValues, messagingSystemLatencySec, e.TraceID, e.SpanMultiplier)
func (p *Processor) onExpire(e *store.Edge) {
// If an edge is expired, we check if there are signs that the missing span is belongs to a "virtual node".
// These are nodes that are outside the user's reach (eg. an external service for payment processing),
// or that are not instrumented (eg. a frontend application).
e.ConnectionType = store.VirtualNode
if len(e.ClientService) == 0 {
// If the client service is not set, it means that the span could have been initiated by an external system,
// like a frontend application or an engineer via `curl`.
// We check if the span we have is the root span, and if so, we set the client service to "user".
if _, parentSpan := parseKey(e.Key()); len(parentSpan) == 0 {
e.ClientService = "user"
if p.Cfg.EnableVirtualNodeLabel {
e.Dimensions[virtualNodeLabel] = "client"
} else if len(e.ServerService) == 0 && len(e.PeerNode) > 0 {
// If client span does not have its matching server span, but has a peer attribute present,
// we make the assumption that a call was made to an external service, for which Tempo won't receive spans.
e.ServerService = e.PeerNode
if p.Cfg.EnableVirtualNodeLabel {
e.Dimensions[virtualNodeLabel] = "server"
func (p *Processor) spanFailed(span *v1_trace.Span) bool {
return span.GetStatus().GetCode() == v1_trace.Status_STATUS_CODE_ERROR
func unixNanosDiffSec(unixNanoStart uint64, unixNanoEnd uint64) float64 {
if unixNanoStart > unixNanoEnd {
// To prevent underflow, return 0.
return 0
// Safe subtraction.
return float64(unixNanoEnd-unixNanoStart) / float64(time.Second)
func spanDurationSec(span *v1_trace.Span) float64 {
return unixNanosDiffSec(span.StartTimeUnixNano, span.EndTimeUnixNano)
func buildKey(k1, k2 string) string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", k1, k2)
func parseKey(key string) (string, string) {
parts := strings.Split(key, "-")
return parts[0], parts[1]