Alternatively, you can instruct the docker container to save the logs to a directory on the host by mapping a host directory to `/var/log/` in the container. Add `-v /where/to/save/logs:/var/log` to the `docker run` command.
4. Update [TinodeWeb](/tinode/webapp/) config [`firebase-init.js`]( update `apiKey`, `messagingSenderId`, `projectId`, `appId`, `messagingVapidKey`. See more info at
1. If you are using an Android client, add `google-services.json` to [Tindroid](/tinode/tindroid/) by following instructions at and recompile the client.
See more info at
2. If you are using an iOS client, add `GoogleService-Info.plist` to [Tinodios](/tinode/ios/) by following instructions at and recompile the client.
See more info at
* If the user already exists in an external database, the Tinode account can be automatically created on the first login using the [rest authenticator](../server/auth/rest/).
**A**: The `root` access can be granted to a user only by executing a database query. First create or choose the user you want to promote to `root` then execute the query: