2023-04-05 09:12:40 -07:00

580 lines
12 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package pbx;
option go_package = "github.com/tinode/chat/pbx";
// This is the single method that needs to be implemented by a gRPC client.
service Node {
// Client sends a stream of ClientMsg, server responds with a stream of ServerMsg
rpc MessageLoop(stream ClientMsg) returns (stream ServerMsg) {}
// Plugin interface.
service Plugin {
// This plugin method is called by Tinode server for every message received from the clients. The
// method returns a ServerCtrl message. Non-zero ServerCtrl.code indicates that no further
// processing is needed. The Tinode server will generate a {ctrl} message from the returned ServerCtrl
// and forward it to the client session.
// ServerCtrl.code equals to 0 instructs the server to continue with default processing of the client message.
rpc FireHose(ClientReq) returns (ServerResp) {}
// An alteranative user and topic discovery mechanism.
// A search request issued on a 'fnd' topic. This method is called to generate an alternative result set.
rpc Find(SearchQuery) returns (SearchFound) {}
// The following methods are for the Tinode server to report individual events.
// Account created, updated or deleted
rpc Account(AccountEvent) returns (Unused) {}
// Topic created, updated [or deleted -- not supported yet]
rpc Topic(TopicEvent) returns (Unused) {}
// Subscription created, updated or deleted
rpc Subscription(SubscriptionEvent) returns (Unused) {}
// Message published or deleted
rpc Message(MessageEvent) returns (Unused) {}
// Dummy placeholder message.
message Unused {
// Common client/server messages
// Authentication level
enum AuthLevel {
NONE = 0;
ANON = 10;
AUTH = 20;
ROOT = 30;
// Client messages
// Topic default access mode
message DefaultAcsMode {
string auth = 1;
string anon = 2;
// Actual access mode
message AccessMode {
// Access mode requested by the user
string want = 1;
// Access mode granted to the user by the admin
string given = 2;
// SetSub: payload in set.sub request to update current subscription or invite another user, {sub.what} == "sub"
message SetSub {
// User affected by this request. Default (empty): current user
string user_id = 1;
// Access mode change, either Given or Want depending on context
string mode = 2;
// Credentials such as email or phone number
message ClientCred {
// Credential type, i.e. `email` or `tel`.
string method = 1;
// Value to verify, i.e. `user@example.com` or `+18003287448`
string value = 2;
// Verification response
string response = 3;
// Request parameters, such as preferences or country code.
map<string, bytes> params = 4;
// SetDesc: C2S in set.what == "desc" and sub.init message
message SetDesc {
DefaultAcsMode default_acs = 1;
bytes public = 2;
bytes private = 3;
bytes trusted = 4;
message GetOpts {
// Timestamp in milliseconds since epoch 01/01/1970
int64 if_modified_since = 1;
// Limit search to this user ID
string user = 2;
// Limit search results to one topic;
string topic = 3;
// Load messages with seq id equal or greater than this
int32 since_id = 4;
// Load messages with seq id lower than this
int32 before_id = 5;
// Maximum number of results to return
int32 limit = 6;
message GetQuery {
string what = 1;
// Parameters of "desc" request
GetOpts desc = 2;
// Parameters of "sub" request
GetOpts sub = 3;
// Parameters of "data" request
GetOpts data = 4;
message SetQuery {
// Topic metadata, new topic & new subscriptions only
SetDesc desc = 1;
// Subscription parameters
SetSub sub = 2;
// Indexable tags
repeated string tags = 3;
// Credential being updated.
ClientCred cred = 4;
message SeqRange {
int32 low = 1;
int32 hi = 2;
// Client handshake
message ClientHi {
string id = 1;
string user_agent = 2;
string ver = 3;
string device_id = 4;
string lang = 5;
string platform = 6;
bool background = 7;
// User creation message {acc}
message ClientAcc {
string id = 1;
// User being created or updated
string user_id = 2;
// The initial authentication scheme the account can use
string scheme = 3;
// Shared secret
bytes secret = 4;
// Authenticate session with the newly created account
bool login = 5;
// Indexable tags for user discovery
repeated string tags = 6;
// User initialization data when creating a new user, otherwise ignored
SetDesc desc = 7;
// Credentials for verification.
repeated ClientCred cred = 8;
// Authentication token used for resetting a password.
bytes token = 9;
// Account state: normal ("ok"), suspended
string state = 10;
// AuthLevel
AuthLevel auth_level = 11;
// Temporary auth params for one-off actions like password reset.
string tmp_scheme = 12;
bytes tmp_secret = 13;
// Login {login} message
message ClientLogin {
string id = 1;
// Authentication scheme
string scheme = 2;
// Shared secret
bytes secret = 3;
// Credentials for verification.
repeated ClientCred cred = 4;
// Subscription request {sub} message
message ClientSub {
string id = 1;
string topic = 2;
// mirrors {set}
SetQuery set_query = 3;
// mirrors {get}
GetQuery get_query = 4;
// Unsubscribe {leave} request message
message ClientLeave {
string id = 1;
string topic = 2;
bool unsub = 3;
// ClientPub is client's request to publish data to topic subscribers {pub}
message ClientPub {
string id = 1;
string topic = 2;
bool no_echo = 3;
map<string, bytes> head = 4;
bytes content = 5;
// Query topic state {get}
message ClientGet {
string id = 1;
string topic = 2;
GetQuery query = 3;
// Update topic state {set}
message ClientSet {
string id = 1;
string topic = 2;
SetQuery query = 3;
// ClientDel delete messages or topic
message ClientDel {
string id = 1;
string topic = 2;
// What to delete, either "msg" to delete messages (default) or "topic" to delete the topic or "sub"
// to delete a subscription to topic.
enum What {
// Invalid value. The name must be globally unique.
X0 = 0;
MSG = 1;
TOPIC = 2;
SUB = 3;
USER = 4;
CRED = 5;
What what = 3;
// Delete messages by id or range of ids
repeated SeqRange del_seq = 4;
// User ID of the subscription to delete
string user_id = 5;
// Credential to delete.
ClientCred cred = 6;
// Request to hard-delete messages for all users, if such option is available.
bool hard = 7;
enum InfoNote {
// Invalid value. The name must be globally unique.
X1 = 0;
READ = 1;
RECV = 2;
KP = 3;
CALL = 4;
enum CallEvent {
// Invalid value. The name must be globally unique.
X2 = 0;
HANG_UP = 3;
OFFER = 6;
// ClientNote is a client-generated notification for topic subscribers
message ClientNote {
string topic = 1;
// what is being reported: "recv" - message received, "read" - message read,
// "kp" - typing notification, "call" - voice/video call
InfoNote what = 2;
// Server-issued message ID being reported
int32 seq_id = 3;
// Client's count of unread messages to report back to the server. Used in push notifications on iOS.
int32 unread = 4;
// Call event.
CallEvent event = 5;
// Arbitrary json payload (used in video calls).
bytes payload = 6;
message ClientExtra {
repeated string attachments = 1;
// Root user may send messages on behalf of other users.
string on_behalf_of = 2;
AuthLevel auth_level = 3;
message ClientMsg {
oneof Message {
ClientHi hi = 1;
ClientAcc acc = 2;
ClientLogin login = 3;
ClientSub sub = 4;
ClientLeave leave = 5;
ClientPub pub = 6;
ClientGet get = 7;
ClientSet set = 8;
ClientDel del = 9;
ClientNote note = 10;
// Additional message parameters.
ClientExtra extra = 13;
// ************************
// Server response messages
// Credentials
message ServerCred {
// Credential type, i.e. `email` or `tel`.
string method = 1;
// Value to verify, i.e. `user@example.com` or `+18003287448`
string value = 2;
// Indicator that the credential is validated
bool done = 3;
// Topic description, S2C in Meta message
message TopicDesc {
int64 created_at = 1;
int64 updated_at = 2;
int64 touched_at = 3;
DefaultAcsMode defacs = 4;
AccessMode acs = 5;
int32 seq_id = 6;
int32 read_id = 7;
int32 recv_id = 8;
int32 del_id = 9;
bytes public = 10;
bytes private = 11;
string state = 12;
int64 state_at = 13;
bytes trusted = 14;
bool is_chan = 17; // 17!
bool online = 18;
// P2P only: other user's last online timestamp & user agent
int64 last_seen_time = 15;
string last_seen_user_agent = 16;
// MsgTopicSub: topic subscription details, sent in Meta message
message TopicSub {
int64 updated_at = 1;
int64 deleted_at = 2;
bool online = 3;
AccessMode acs = 4;
int32 read_id = 5;
int32 recv_id = 6;
bytes public = 7;
bytes trusted = 16; // 16!
bytes private = 8;
// Response to non-'me' topic
// Uid of the subscribed user
string user_id = 9;
// 'me' topic only
// Topic name of this subscription
string topic = 10;
int64 touched_at = 11;
// ID of the last {data} message in a topic
int32 seq_id = 12;
// Messages are deleted up to this ID
int32 del_id = 13;
// P2P topics only:
// Other user's last online timestamp & user agent
int64 last_seen_time = 14;
string last_seen_user_agent = 15;
message DelValues {
int32 del_id = 1;
repeated SeqRange del_seq = 2;
// {ctrl} message
message ServerCtrl {
string id = 1;
string topic = 2;
int32 code = 3;
string text = 4;
map<string, bytes> params = 5;
// {data} message
message ServerData {
string topic = 1;
// ID of the user who originated the message as {pub}, could be empty if sent by the system
string from_user_id = 2;
// Timestamp when the message was sent.
int64 timestamp = 7;
// Timestamp when the message was deleted or 0. Milliseconds since the epoch 01/01/1970
int64 deleted_at = 3;
int32 seq_id = 4;
map<string, bytes> head = 5;
bytes content = 6;
// {pres} message
message ServerPres {
string topic = 1;
string src = 2;
enum What {
// Invalid value. The name must be globally unique.
X3 = 0;
ON = 1;
OFF = 2;
UA = 3;
UPD = 4;
GONE = 5;
ACS = 6;
TERM = 7;
MSG = 8;
READ = 9;
RECV = 10;
DEL = 11;
TAGS = 12;
What what = 3;
string user_agent = 4;
int32 seq_id = 5;
int32 del_id = 6;
repeated SeqRange del_seq = 7;
string target_user_id = 8;
string actor_user_id = 9;
AccessMode acs = 10;
// {meta} message
message ServerMeta {
string id = 1;
string topic = 2;
TopicDesc desc = 3;
repeated TopicSub sub = 4;
DelValues del = 5;
repeated string tags = 6;
repeated ServerCred cred = 7;
// {info} message: server-side copy of ClientNote with From and optional Src added.
message ServerInfo {
string topic = 1;
string from_user_id = 2;
InfoNote what = 3;
int32 seq_id = 4;
string src = 5;
CallEvent event = 6;
bytes payload = 7;
// Cumulative message
message ServerMsg {
oneof Message {
ServerCtrl ctrl = 1;
ServerData data = 2;
ServerPres pres = 3;
ServerMeta meta = 4;
ServerInfo info = 5;
// DEPRECATED. Will be removed soon.
// When response is sent to Root, send internal topic name too.
string topic = 6 [deprecated = true];
// Plugin response codes
enum RespCode {
// Instruct Tinode server to continue with default processing of the client request.
// Drop the request as if the client did not send it
DROP = 1;
// Send the the provided response to the client.
// Replace client's original request with the provided request then continue with
// processing.
message ServerResp {
RespCode status = 1;
ServerMsg srvmsg = 2;
ClientMsg clmsg = 3;
// Context message
message Session {
string session_id = 1;
string user_id = 2;
AuthLevel auth_level = 3;
string remote_addr = 4;
string user_agent = 5;
string device_id = 6;
string language = 7;
message ClientReq {
ClientMsg msg = 1;
Session sess = 2;
// Search
message SearchQuery {
string user_id = 1;
string query = 2;
message SearchFound {
RespCode status = 1;
// New search query If status == REPLACE, otherwise unset.
string query = 2;
// Search results.
repeated TopicSub result = 3;
// CRUD event messages
enum Crud {
message TopicEvent {
Crud action = 1;
string name = 2;
TopicDesc desc = 3;
message AccountEvent {
Crud action = 1;
string user_id = 2;
DefaultAcsMode default_acs = 3;
bytes public = 4;
// Indexable tags for user discovery
repeated string tags = 8;
message SubscriptionEvent {
Crud action = 1;
string topic = 2;
string user_id = 3;
int32 del_id = 4;
int32 read_id = 5;
int32 recv_id = 6;
AccessMode mode = 7;
bytes private = 8;
message MessageEvent {
Crud action = 1;
ServerData msg = 2;