2023-03-25 11:36:16 -07:00
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2018-09-27 18:06:07 +03:00

Protocol Buffer and gRPC definitions

Definitions for Tinode gRPC client and plugins.

Tinode gRPC clients must implement rpc service Node, Tinode plugins Plugin.

Generated Go and Python code is included. For a sample Python implementation of a command line client see tn-cli. For a partial plugin implementation see chatbot.

If you want to make changes, you have to install protobuffers tool chain and gRPC:

$ python -m pip install grpcio grpcio-tools googleapis-common-protos

To generate Go bindings add the following comment to your code and run go generate (your actual path to /pbx may be different):

//go:generate protoc --proto_path=../pbx --go_out=plugins=grpc:../pbx ../pbx/model.proto

To generate Python bindings:

python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I../pbx --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. ../pbx/model.proto