mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 13:59:21 +00:00
493 lines
18 KiB
493 lines
18 KiB
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
'use strict';
const gulp = require('gulp');
const path = require('path');
const es = require('event-stream');
const util = require('./lib/util');
const { getVersion } = require('./lib/getVersion');
const task = require('./lib/task');
const optimize = require('./lib/optimize');
const { inlineMeta } = require('./lib/inlineMeta');
const product = require('../product.json');
const rename = require('gulp-rename');
const replace = require('gulp-replace');
const filter = require('gulp-filter');
const { getProductionDependencies } = require('./lib/dependencies');
const { readISODate } = require('./lib/date');
const vfs = require('vinyl-fs');
const packageJson = require('../package.json');
const flatmap = require('gulp-flatmap');
const gunzip = require('gulp-gunzip');
const File = require('vinyl');
const fs = require('fs');
const glob = require('glob');
const { compileBuildTask } = require('./gulpfile.compile');
const { cleanExtensionsBuildTask, compileNonNativeExtensionsBuildTask, compileNativeExtensionsBuildTask, compileExtensionMediaBuildTask } = require('./gulpfile.extensions');
const { vscodeWebResourceIncludes, createVSCodeWebFileContentMapper } = require('./gulpfile.vscode.web');
const cp = require('child_process');
const log = require('fancy-log');
const buildfile = require('./buildfile');
const REPO_ROOT = path.dirname(__dirname);
const commit = getVersion(REPO_ROOT);
const BUILD_ROOT = path.dirname(REPO_ROOT);
const REMOTE_FOLDER = path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'remote');
// Targets
{ platform: 'win32', arch: 'x64' },
{ platform: 'win32', arch: 'arm64' },
{ platform: 'darwin', arch: 'x64' },
{ platform: 'darwin', arch: 'arm64' },
{ platform: 'linux', arch: 'x64' },
{ platform: 'linux', arch: 'armhf' },
{ platform: 'linux', arch: 'arm64' },
{ platform: 'alpine', arch: 'arm64' },
// legacy: we use to ship only one alpine so it was put in the arch, but now we ship
// multiple alpine images and moved to a better model (alpine as the platform)
{ platform: 'linux', arch: 'alpine' },
const serverResourceIncludes = [
// NLS
// Process monitor
// External Terminal
// Terminal shell integration
const serverResourceExcludes = [
const serverResources = [
const serverWithWebResourceIncludes = [
const serverWithWebResourceExcludes = [
const serverWithWebResources = [
const serverEntryPoints = buildfile.codeServer;
const webEntryPoints = [
const serverWithWebEntryPoints = [
// Include all of server
// Include all of web
const bootstrapEntryPoints = [
function getNodeVersion() {
const npmrc = fs.readFileSync(path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'remote', '.npmrc'), 'utf8');
const nodeVersion = /^target="(.*)"$/m.exec(npmrc)[1];
const internalNodeVersion = /^ms_build_id="(.*)"$/m.exec(npmrc)[1];
return { nodeVersion, internalNodeVersion };
function getNodeChecksum(expectedName) {
const nodeJsChecksums = fs.readFileSync(path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'build', 'checksums', 'nodejs.txt'), 'utf8');
for (const line of nodeJsChecksums.split('\n')) {
const [checksum, name] = line.split(/\s+/);
if (name === expectedName) {
return checksum;
return undefined;
function extractAlpinefromDocker(nodeVersion, platform, arch) {
const imageName = arch === 'arm64' ? 'arm64v8/node' : 'node';
log(`Downloading node.js ${nodeVersion} ${platform} ${arch} from docker image ${imageName}`);
const contents = cp.execSync(`docker run --rm ${imageName}:${nodeVersion}-alpine /bin/sh -c 'cat \`which node\`'`, { maxBuffer: 100 * 1024 * 1024, encoding: 'buffer' });
return es.readArray([new File({ path: 'node', contents, stat: { mode: parseInt('755', 8) } })]);
const { nodeVersion, internalNodeVersion } = getNodeVersion();
BUILD_TARGETS.forEach(({ platform, arch }) => {
gulp.task(task.define(`node-${platform}-${arch}`, () => {
const nodePath = path.join('.build', 'node', `v${nodeVersion}`, `${platform}-${arch}`);
if (!fs.existsSync(nodePath)) {
return nodejs(platform, arch)
return Promise.resolve(null);
const defaultNodeTask = gulp.task(`node-${process.platform}-${process.arch}`);
if (defaultNodeTask) {
gulp.task(task.define('node', defaultNodeTask));
function nodejs(platform, arch) {
const { fetchUrls, fetchGithub } = require('./lib/fetch');
const untar = require('gulp-untar');
if (arch === 'armhf') {
arch = 'armv7l';
} else if (arch === 'alpine') {
platform = 'alpine';
arch = 'x64';
log(`Downloading node.js ${nodeVersion} ${platform} ${arch} from ${product.nodejsRepository}...`);
const glibcPrefix = process.env['VSCODE_NODE_GLIBC'] ?? '';
let expectedName;
switch (platform) {
case 'win32':
expectedName = product.nodejsRepository !== 'https://nodejs.org' ?
`win-${arch}-node.exe` : `win-${arch}/node.exe`;
case 'darwin':
expectedName = `node-v${nodeVersion}-${platform}-${arch}.tar.gz`;
case 'linux':
expectedName = `node-v${nodeVersion}${glibcPrefix}-${platform}-${arch}.tar.gz`;
case 'alpine':
expectedName = `node-v${nodeVersion}-linux-${arch}-musl.tar.gz`;
const checksumSha256 = getNodeChecksum(expectedName);
if (checksumSha256) {
log(`Using SHA256 checksum for checking integrity: ${checksumSha256}`);
} else {
log.warn(`Unable to verify integrity of downloaded node.js binary because no SHA256 checksum was found!`);
switch (platform) {
case 'win32':
return (product.nodejsRepository !== 'https://nodejs.org' ?
fetchGithub(product.nodejsRepository, { version: `${nodeVersion}-${internalNodeVersion}`, name: expectedName, checksumSha256 }) :
fetchUrls(`/dist/v${nodeVersion}/win-${arch}/node.exe`, { base: 'https://nodejs.org', checksumSha256 }))
case 'darwin':
case 'linux':
return (product.nodejsRepository !== 'https://nodejs.org' ?
fetchGithub(product.nodejsRepository, { version: `${nodeVersion}-${internalNodeVersion}`, name: expectedName, checksumSha256 }) :
fetchUrls(`/dist/v${nodeVersion}/node-v${nodeVersion}-${platform}-${arch}.tar.gz`, { base: 'https://nodejs.org', checksumSha256 })
).pipe(flatmap(stream => stream.pipe(gunzip()).pipe(untar())))
case 'alpine':
return product.nodejsRepository !== 'https://nodejs.org' ?
fetchGithub(product.nodejsRepository, { version: `${nodeVersion}-${internalNodeVersion}`, name: expectedName, checksumSha256 })
.pipe(flatmap(stream => stream.pipe(gunzip()).pipe(untar())))
: extractAlpinefromDocker(nodeVersion, platform, arch);
function packageTask(type, platform, arch, sourceFolderName, destinationFolderName) {
const destination = path.join(BUILD_ROOT, destinationFolderName);
return () => {
const json = require('gulp-json-editor');
const src = gulp.src(sourceFolderName + '/**', { base: '.' })
.pipe(rename(function (path) { path.dirname = path.dirname.replace(new RegExp('^' + sourceFolderName), 'out'); }))
.pipe(filter(['**', '!**/*.js.map']));
const workspaceExtensionPoints = ['debuggers', 'jsonValidation'];
const isUIExtension = (manifest) => {
switch (manifest.extensionKind) {
case 'ui': return true;
case 'workspace': return false;
default: {
if (manifest.main) {
return false;
if (manifest.contributes && Object.keys(manifest.contributes).some(key => workspaceExtensionPoints.indexOf(key) !== -1)) {
return false;
// Default is UI Extension
return true;
const localWorkspaceExtensions = glob.sync('extensions/*/package.json')
.filter((extensionPath) => {
if (type === 'reh-web') {
return true; // web: ship all extensions for now
// Skip shipping UI extensions because the client side will have them anyways
// and they'd just increase the download without being used
const manifest = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(REPO_ROOT, extensionPath)).toString());
return !isUIExtension(manifest);
}).map((extensionPath) => path.basename(path.dirname(extensionPath)))
.filter(name => name !== 'vscode-api-tests' && name !== 'vscode-test-resolver'); // Do not ship the test extensions
const marketplaceExtensions = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.join(REPO_ROOT, 'product.json'), 'utf8')).builtInExtensions
.filter(entry => !entry.platforms || new Set(entry.platforms).has(platform))
.filter(entry => !entry.clientOnly)
.map(entry => entry.name);
const extensionPaths = [...localWorkspaceExtensions, ...marketplaceExtensions]
.map(name => `.build/extensions/${name}/**`);
const extensions = gulp.src(extensionPaths, { base: '.build', dot: true });
const extensionsCommonDependencies = gulp.src('.build/extensions/node_modules/**', { base: '.build', dot: true });
const sources = es.merge(src, extensions, extensionsCommonDependencies)
.pipe(filter(['**', '!**/*.js.map'], { dot: true }));
let version = packageJson.version;
const quality = product.quality;
if (quality && quality !== 'stable') {
version += '-' + quality;
const name = product.nameShort;
let packageJsonContents;
const packageJsonStream = gulp.src(['remote/package.json'], { base: 'remote' })
.pipe(json({ name, version, dependencies: undefined, optionalDependencies: undefined, type: 'module' }))
.pipe(es.through(function (file) {
packageJsonContents = file.contents.toString();
this.emit('data', file);
let productJsonContents;
const productJsonStream = gulp.src(['product.json'], { base: '.' })
.pipe(json({ commit, date: readISODate('out-build'), version }))
.pipe(es.through(function (file) {
productJsonContents = file.contents.toString();
this.emit('data', file);
const license = gulp.src(['remote/LICENSE'], { base: 'remote', allowEmpty: true });
const jsFilter = util.filter(data => !data.isDirectory() && /\.js$/.test(data.path));
const productionDependencies = getProductionDependencies(REMOTE_FOLDER);
const dependenciesSrc = productionDependencies.map(d => path.relative(REPO_ROOT, d)).map(d => [`${d}/**`, `!${d}/**/{test,tests}/**`, `!${d}/.bin/**`]).flat();
const deps = gulp.src(dependenciesSrc, { base: 'remote', dot: true })
// filter out unnecessary files, no source maps in server build
.pipe(filter(['**', '!**/package-lock.json', '!**/*.js.map']))
.pipe(util.cleanNodeModules(path.join(__dirname, '.moduleignore')))
.pipe(util.cleanNodeModules(path.join(__dirname, `.moduleignore.${process.platform}`)))
const nodePath = `.build/node/v${nodeVersion}/${platform}-${arch}`;
const node = gulp.src(`${nodePath}/**`, { base: nodePath, dot: true });
let web = [];
if (type === 'reh-web') {
web = [
].map(resource => gulp.src(resource, { base: '.' }).pipe(rename(resource)));
const all = es.merge(
let result = all
if (platform === 'win32') {
result = es.merge(result,
gulp.src('resources/server/bin/remote-cli/code.cmd', { base: '.' })
.pipe(replace('@@VERSION@@', version))
.pipe(replace('@@COMMIT@@', commit))
.pipe(replace('@@APPNAME@@', product.applicationName))
gulp.src('resources/server/bin/helpers/browser.cmd', { base: '.' })
.pipe(replace('@@VERSION@@', version))
.pipe(replace('@@COMMIT@@', commit))
.pipe(replace('@@APPNAME@@', product.applicationName))
gulp.src('resources/server/bin/code-server.cmd', { base: '.' })
} else if (platform === 'linux' || platform === 'alpine' || platform === 'darwin') {
result = es.merge(result,
gulp.src(`resources/server/bin/remote-cli/${platform === 'darwin' ? 'code-darwin.sh' : 'code-linux.sh'}`, { base: '.' })
.pipe(replace('@@VERSION@@', version))
.pipe(replace('@@COMMIT@@', commit))
.pipe(replace('@@APPNAME@@', product.applicationName))
gulp.src(`resources/server/bin/helpers/${platform === 'darwin' ? 'browser-darwin.sh' : 'browser-linux.sh'}`, { base: '.' })
.pipe(replace('@@VERSION@@', version))
.pipe(replace('@@COMMIT@@', commit))
.pipe(replace('@@APPNAME@@', product.applicationName))
gulp.src(`resources/server/bin/${platform === 'darwin' ? 'code-server-darwin.sh' : 'code-server-linux.sh'}`, { base: '.' })
if (platform === 'linux' && process.env['VSCODE_NODE_GLIBC'] === '-glibc-2.17') {
result = es.merge(result,
gulp.src(`resources/server/bin/helpers/check-requirements-linux-legacy.sh`, { base: '.' })
} else if (platform === 'linux' || platform === 'alpine') {
result = es.merge(result,
gulp.src(`resources/server/bin/helpers/check-requirements-linux.sh`, { base: '.' })
result = inlineMeta(result, {
targetPaths: bootstrapEntryPoints,
packageJsonFn: () => packageJsonContents,
productJsonFn: () => productJsonContents
return result.pipe(vfs.dest(destination));
* @param {object} product The parsed product.json file contents
function tweakProductForServerWeb(product) {
const result = { ...product };
delete result.webEndpointUrlTemplate;
return result;
['reh', 'reh-web'].forEach(type => {
const bundleTask = task.define(`bundle-vscode-${type}`, task.series(
out: `out-vscode-${type}`,
esm: {
src: 'out-build',
entryPoints: [
...(type === 'reh' ? serverEntryPoints : serverWithWebEntryPoints),
resources: type === 'reh' ? serverResources : serverWithWebResources,
fileContentMapper: createVSCodeWebFileContentMapper('.build/extensions', type === 'reh-web' ? tweakProductForServerWeb(product) : product)
const minifyTask = task.define(`minify-vscode-${type}`, task.series(
optimize.minifyTask(`out-vscode-${type}`, `https://main.vscode-cdn.net/sourcemaps/${commit}/core`)
BUILD_TARGETS.forEach(buildTarget => {
const dashed = (str) => (str ? `-${str}` : ``);
const platform = buildTarget.platform;
const arch = buildTarget.arch;
['', 'min'].forEach(minified => {
const sourceFolderName = `out-vscode-${type}${dashed(minified)}`;
const destinationFolderName = `vscode-${type}${dashed(platform)}${dashed(arch)}`;
const serverTaskCI = task.define(`vscode-${type}${dashed(platform)}${dashed(arch)}${dashed(minified)}-ci`, task.series(
util.rimraf(path.join(BUILD_ROOT, destinationFolderName)),
packageTask(type, platform, arch, sourceFolderName, destinationFolderName)
const serverTask = task.define(`vscode-${type}${dashed(platform)}${dashed(arch)}${dashed(minified)}`, task.series(
minified ? minifyTask : bundleTask,