## Description
See readme. Project created to be able to test/develop cli app.
Whats changed in cli
- [x] - preview flag added (to use preview env to sownload assets)
- [x] - package.json is now merged (deepmerge) when added to the repo
- Next PR
- [ ] - Flag like `"customConditions": ["source"],` could not work
## Steps for reproduction
1. click button
2. expect xyz
## Code Review
- [ ] hi @kof, I need you to do
- conceptual review (architecture, feature-correctness)
- detailed review (read every line)
- test it on preview
## Before requesting a review
- [ ] made a self-review
- [ ] added inline comments where things may be not obvious (the "why",
not "what")
## Before merging
- [ ] tested locally and on preview environment (preview dev login:
- [ ] updated [test
- [ ] added tests
- [ ] if any new env variables are added, added them to `.env.example`
and the `builder/env-check.js` if mandatory