import { PrismaClient } from "./client"; type BaseProp = { id: string; instanceId: string; name: string; required?: boolean; }; type Prop = BaseProp & ( | { type: "number"; value: number } | { type: "string"; value: string } | { type: "boolean"; value: boolean } | { type: "asset"; value: string } | { type: "page"; value: string | { pageId: string; instanceId: string } } | { type: "string[]"; value: string[] } | { type: "dataSource"; value: string } | { type: "expression"; value: string } | { type: "action"; value: Array<{ type: "execute"; args: string[]; code: string }>; } ); type PropsList = Prop[]; type DataSourceVariableValue = | { type: "number"; value: number } | { type: "string"; value: string } | { type: "boolean"; value: boolean } | { type: "string[]"; value: string[] } | { type: "json"; value: unknown }; type DataSource = | { type: "variable"; id: string; scopeInstanceId?: string; name: string; value: DataSourceVariableValue; } | { type: "expression"; id: string; scopeInstanceId?: string; name: string; code: string; }; type DataSourcesList = DataSource[]; const dataSourceVariablePrefix = "$ws$dataSource$"; const encodeDataSourceVariable = (id: string) => { const encoded = id.replaceAll("-", "__DASH__"); return `${dataSourceVariablePrefix}${encoded}`; }; export default async () => { const client = new PrismaClient({ // Uncomment to see the queries in console as the migration runs // log: ["query", "info", "warn", "error"], }); await client.$transaction( async (prisma) => { const chunkSize = 1000; let cursor: undefined | string = undefined; let hasNext = true; while (hasNext) {"CHUNK", cursor); console.time("read"); const cursorOptions: {} = cursor ? { skip: 1, // Skip the cursor cursor: { id: cursor }, } : {}; const builds = await{ select: { id: true, props: true, dataSources: true, }, take: chunkSize, orderBy: { id: "asc", }, where: { AND: [ { OR: [ { props: { not: "[]", }, }, { dataSources: { not: "[]", }, }, ], }, { deployment: null, }, ], }, ...cursorOptions, }); console.timeEnd("read"); console.time("parse-change"); cursor =; hasNext = builds.length === chunkSize; const changedBuilds: typeof builds = []; for (const build of builds) { const buildId =; try { let dataSourcesList: DataSourcesList = JSON.parse( build.dataSources ); let propsList: PropsList = JSON.parse(build.props); let changed = false; const dataSources = new Map( => [, dataSource]) ); // convert type=dataSource to type=expression propsList = => { if (prop.type === "dataSource") { changed = true; const dataSourceId = prop.value; const dataSource = dataSources.get(dataSourceId); if (dataSource?.type === "variable") { return { ...prop, type: "expression", value: encodeDataSourceVariable(dataSourceId), }; } if (dataSource?.type === "expression") { return { ...prop, type: "expression", value: dataSource.code, }; } } return prop; }); // delete all expression data sources dataSourcesList = dataSourcesList.filter((dataSource) => { if (dataSource.type === "variable") { changed = true; return true; } return false; }); if (changed) { build.dataSources = JSON.stringify(dataSourcesList); build.props = JSON.stringify(propsList); changedBuilds.push(build); } } catch {`build ${buildId} cannot be converted`); } } console.timeEnd("parse-change");"changedBuilds.length", changedBuilds.length); console.time("update"); const sql = ` UPDATE "Build" SET "props" = data."props", "dataSources" = data."dataSources" FROM unnest(ARRAY[$1], ARRAY[$2], ARRAY[$3]) as data(id, props, "dataSources") WHERE "Build"."id" = data."id" `; if (changedBuilds.length === 0) { return; } const res = await prisma.$executeRawUnsafe( sql, =>, => changedBuild.props), => changedBuild.dataSources) ); console.timeEnd("update");"res", res); } }, { timeout: 3600000 } ); };