Ivan Starkov 68a28b4eee experimental: Proof of concept of the Animation component using ScrollTimeline (#4797)
## Description

ref #2645

Proof of Concept for the Animation Component Using ScrollTimeline

For FF and Safari `scroll-timeline-polyfill` is used.

SSR Support https://animate.development.webstudio.is/playground
Storybook Part 1. 


Next steps:

- Add stories with additional examples i.e. closest usage, images etc.
- Add support to view animations
- Add view animations examples
- Add enter/leave actions and animations support
- Builder UI
- Add lottie, rive etc compatibility (should work through

## Steps for reproduction

1. click button
2. expect xyz

## Code Review

- [ ] hi @kof, I need you to do
  - conceptual review (architecture, feature-correctness)
  - detailed review (read every line)
  - test it on preview

## Before requesting a review

- [ ] made a self-review
- [ ] added inline comments where things may be not obvious (the "why",
not "what")

## Before merging

- [ ] tested locally and on preview environment (preview dev login:
- [ ] updated [test
- [ ] added tests
- [ ] if any new env variables are added, added them to `.env` file
2025-02-01 14:57:36 +03:00

96 lines
3.6 KiB

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