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synced 2025-03-31 19:04:23 +00:00
The changes to result locations and generic calls has caused mild changes to some compile errors. Some are slightly better, some slightly worse, but none of the changes are major.
223 lines
7.1 KiB
223 lines
7.1 KiB
const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const Cases = @import("src/Cases.zig");
pub fn addCases(ctx: *Cases) !void {
const case = ctx.obj("multiline error messages", .{});
\\comptime {
\\ @compileError("hello\nworld");
, &[_][]const u8{
\\:2:5: error: hello
\\ world
\\comptime {
\\ @compileError(
\\ \\
\\ \\hello!
\\ \\I'm a multiline error message.
\\ \\I hope to be very useful!
\\ \\
\\ \\also I will leave this trailing newline here if you don't mind
\\ \\
\\ );
, &[_][]const u8{
\\:2:5: error:
\\ hello!
\\ I'm a multiline error message.
\\ I hope to be very useful!
\\ also I will leave this trailing newline here if you don't mind
const case = ctx.obj("isolated carriage return in multiline string literal", .{});
case.addError("const foo = \\\\\test\r\r rogue carriage return\n;", &[_][]const u8{
":1:19: error: expected ';' after declaration",
":1:20: note: invalid byte: '\\r'",
const case = ctx.obj("missing semicolon at EOF", .{});
\\const foo = 1
, &[_][]const u8{
\\:1:14: error: expected ';' after declaration
const case = ctx.obj("argument causes error", .{});
\\pub export fn entry() void {
\\ var lib: @import("b.zig").ElfDynLib = undefined;
\\ _ = lib.lookup(fn () void);
, &[_][]const u8{
":3:12: error: unable to resolve comptime value",
":3:12: note: argument to function being called at comptime must be comptime-known",
":2:55: note: expression is evaluated at comptime because the generic function was instantiated with a comptime-only return type",
\\pub const ElfDynLib = struct {
\\ pub fn lookup(self: *ElfDynLib, comptime T: type) ?T {
\\ _ = self;
\\ return undefined;
\\ }
const case = ctx.obj("astgen failure in file struct", .{});
\\pub export fn entry() void {
\\ _ = (@sizeOf(@import("b.zig")));
, &[_][]const u8{
":1:1: error: expected type expression, found '+'",
const case = ctx.obj("invalid store to comptime field", .{});
\\const a = @import("a.zig");
\\export fn entry() void {
\\ _ = a.S.foo(a.S{ .foo = 2, .bar = 2 });
, &[_][]const u8{
":4:23: error: value stored in comptime field does not match the default value of the field",
":2:25: note: default value set here",
\\pub const S = struct {
\\ comptime foo: u32 = 1,
\\ bar: u32,
\\ pub fn foo(x: @This()) void {
\\ _ = x;
\\ }
const case = ctx.obj("file in multiple modules", .{});
case.addDepModule("foo", "foo.zig");
\\comptime {
\\ _ = @import("foo");
\\ _ = @import("foo.zig");
, &[_][]const u8{
":1:1: error: file exists in multiple modules",
":1:1: note: root of module root.foo",
":3:17: note: imported from module root",
\\const dummy = 0;
const case = ctx.obj("wrong same named struct", .{});
\\const a = @import("a.zig");
\\const b = @import("b.zig");
\\export fn entry() void {
\\ var a1: a.Foo = undefined;
\\ bar(&a1);
\\fn bar(_: *b.Foo) void {}
, &[_][]const u8{
":6:9: error: expected type '*b.Foo', found '*a.Foo'",
":6:9: note: pointer type child 'a.Foo' cannot cast into pointer type child 'b.Foo'",
":1:17: note: struct declared here",
":1:17: note: struct declared here",
":9:11: note: parameter type declared here",
\\pub const Foo = struct {
\\ x: i32,
\\pub const Foo = struct {
\\ z: f64,
const case = ctx.obj("non-printable invalid character", .{});
case.addError("\xff\xfe" ++
\\export fn foo() bool {
\\ return true;
, &[_][]const u8{
":1:1: error: expected type expression, found 'invalid bytes'",
":1:1: note: invalid byte: '\\xff'",
const case = ctx.obj("imported generic method call with invalid param", .{});
\\pub const import = @import("import.zig");
\\export fn callComptimeBoolFunctionWithRuntimeBool(x: bool) void {
\\ import.comptimeBoolFunction(x);
\\export fn callComptimeAnytypeFunctionWithRuntimeBool(x: bool) void {
\\ import.comptimeAnytypeFunction(x);
\\export fn callAnytypeFunctionWithRuntimeComptimeOnlyType(x: u32) void {
\\ const S = struct { x: u32, y: type };
\\ import.anytypeFunction(S{ .x = x, .y = u32 });
, &[_][]const u8{
":4:33: error: runtime-known argument passed to comptime parameter",
":1:38: note: declared comptime here",
":8:36: error: runtime-known argument passed to comptime parameter",
":2:41: note: declared comptime here",
":13:29: error: runtime-known argument passed to parameter of comptime-only type",
":3:24: note: declared here",
":12:35: note: struct requires comptime because of this field",
":12:35: note: types are not available at runtime",
\\pub fn comptimeBoolFunction(comptime _: bool) void {}
\\pub fn comptimeAnytypeFunction(comptime _: anytype) void {}
\\pub fn anytypeFunction(_: anytype) void {}