mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 10:08:32 +00:00
c.f. https://android.googlesource.com/platform/bionic/+/refs/heads/main/libc/include/bits/sysconf.h
11217 lines
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11217 lines
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const std = @import("std");
const builtin = @import("builtin");
const c = @This();
const maxInt = std.math.maxInt;
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const page_size = std.heap.page_size_min;
const native_abi = builtin.abi;
const native_arch = builtin.cpu.arch;
const native_os = builtin.os.tag;
const linux = std.os.linux;
const emscripten = std.os.emscripten;
const wasi = std.os.wasi;
const windows = std.os.windows;
const ws2_32 = std.os.windows.ws2_32;
const darwin = @import("c/darwin.zig");
const freebsd = @import("c/freebsd.zig");
const solaris = @import("c/solaris.zig");
const netbsd = @import("c/netbsd.zig");
const dragonfly = @import("c/dragonfly.zig");
const haiku = @import("c/haiku.zig");
const openbsd = @import("c/openbsd.zig");
const serenity = @import("c/serenity.zig");
// These constants are shared among all operating systems even when not linking
// libc.
pub const iovec = std.posix.iovec;
pub const iovec_const = std.posix.iovec_const;
pub const LOCK = std.posix.LOCK;
pub const winsize = std.posix.winsize;
/// The value of the link editor defined symbol _MH_EXECUTE_SYM is the address
/// of the mach header in a Mach-O executable file type. It does not appear in
/// any file type other than a MH_EXECUTE file type. The type of the symbol is
/// absolute as the header is not part of any section.
/// This symbol is populated when linking the system's libc, which is guaranteed
/// on this operating system. However when building object files or libraries,
/// the system libc won't be linked until the final executable. So we
/// export a weak symbol here, to be overridden by the real one.
pub extern var _mh_execute_header: mach_hdr;
var dummy_execute_header: mach_hdr = undefined;
comptime {
if (native_os.isDarwin()) {
@export(&dummy_execute_header, .{ .name = "_mh_execute_header", .linkage = .weak });
/// * If not linking libc, returns `false`.
/// * If linking musl libc, returns `true`.
/// * If linking GNU libc (glibc), returns `true` if the target version is greater than or equal to
/// `version`.
/// * If linking Android libc (bionic), returns `true` if the target API level is greater than or
/// equal to `version.major`, ignoring other components.
/// * If linking a libc other than these, returns `false`.
pub inline fn versionCheck(comptime version: std.SemanticVersion) bool {
return comptime blk: {
if (!builtin.link_libc) break :blk false;
if (native_abi.isMusl()) break :blk true;
if (builtin.target.isGnuLibC()) {
const ver = builtin.os.versionRange().gnuLibCVersion().?;
break :blk switch (ver.order(version)) {
.gt, .eq => true,
.lt => false,
} else if (builtin.abi.isAndroid()) {
break :blk builtin.os.version_range.linux.android >= version.major;
} else {
break :blk false;
pub const ino_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.ino_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.ino_t,
.wasi => wasi.inode_t,
.windows => windows.LARGE_INTEGER,
.haiku => i64,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L38
else => u64,
pub const off_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.off_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.off_t,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L39
else => i64,
pub const timespec = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.timespec,
.emscripten => emscripten.timespec,
.wasi => extern struct {
sec: time_t,
nsec: isize,
pub fn fromTimestamp(tm: wasi.timestamp_t) timespec {
const sec: wasi.timestamp_t = tm / 1_000_000_000;
const nsec = tm - sec * 1_000_000_000;
return .{
.sec = @as(time_t, @intCast(sec)),
.nsec = @as(isize, @intCast(nsec)),
pub fn toTimestamp(ts: timespec) wasi.timestamp_t {
return @as(wasi.timestamp_t, @intCast(ts.sec * 1_000_000_000)) +
@as(wasi.timestamp_t, @intCast(ts.nsec));
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/0a78056453578c18e0a04a0b45ebfb1c96d59005/Kernel/API/POSIX/time.h#L17-L20
.windows, .serenity => extern struct {
sec: time_t,
nsec: c_long,
.dragonfly, .freebsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
sec: isize,
nsec: isize,
.netbsd, .solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
sec: i64,
nsec: isize,
.openbsd, .haiku => extern struct {
sec: time_t,
nsec: isize,
else => void,
pub const dev_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.dev_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.dev_t,
.wasi => wasi.device_t,
.openbsd, .haiku, .solaris, .illumos, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => i32,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L43
.netbsd, .freebsd, .serenity => u64,
else => void,
pub const mode_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.mode_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.mode_t,
.openbsd, .haiku, .netbsd, .solaris, .illumos, .wasi, .windows => u32,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L44
.freebsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .dragonfly, .serenity => u16,
else => u0,
pub const nlink_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.nlink_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.nlink_t,
.wasi => c_ulonglong,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L45
.freebsd, .serenity => u64,
.openbsd, .netbsd, .solaris, .illumos => u32,
.haiku => i32,
else => void,
pub const uid_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.uid_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.uid_t,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L28
else => u32,
pub const gid_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.gid_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.gid_t,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L29
else => u32,
pub const blksize_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.blksize_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.blksize_t,
.wasi => c_long,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L42
.serenity => u64,
else => i32,
pub const passwd = switch (native_os) {
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/7442cfb5072b74a62c0e061e6e9ff44fda08780d/Userland/Libraries/LibC/pwd.h#L15-L23
.linux, .serenity => extern struct {
name: ?[*:0]const u8, // username
passwd: ?[*:0]const u8, // user password
uid: uid_t, // user ID
gid: gid_t, // group ID
gecos: ?[*:0]const u8, // user information
dir: ?[*:0]const u8, // home directory
shell: ?[*:0]const u8, // shell program
.netbsd, .openbsd, .macos => extern struct {
name: ?[*:0]const u8, // user name
passwd: ?[*:0]const u8, // encrypted password
uid: uid_t, // user uid
gid: gid_t, // user gid
change: time_t, // password change time
class: ?[*:0]const u8, // user access class
gecos: ?[*:0]const u8, // Honeywell login info
dir: ?[*:0]const u8, // home directory
shell: ?[*:0]const u8, // default shell
expire: time_t, // account expiration
else => void,
pub const blkcnt_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.blkcnt_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.blkcnt_t,
.wasi => c_longlong,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L41
.serenity => u64,
else => i64,
pub const fd_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.fd_t,
.wasi => wasi.fd_t,
.windows => windows.HANDLE,
.serenity => c_int,
else => i32,
pub const ARCH = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.ARCH,
else => void,
// For use with posix.timerfd_create()
// Actually, the parameter for the timerfd_create() function is an integer,
// which means that the developer has to figure out which value is appropriate.
// To make this easier and, above all, safer, because an incorrect value leads
// to a panic, an enum is introduced which only allows the values
// that actually work.
pub const TIMERFD_CLOCK = timerfd_clockid_t;
pub const timerfd_clockid_t = switch (native_os) {
.freebsd => enum(u32) {
.linux => linux.timerfd_clockid_t,
else => clockid_t,
pub const CLOCK = clockid_t;
pub const clockid_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => linux.clockid_t,
.wasi => wasi.clockid_t,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => enum(u32) {
.haiku => enum(i32) {
/// system-wide monotonic clock (aka system time)
/// system-wide real time clock
/// clock measuring the used CPU time of the current process
/// clock measuring the used CPU time of the current thread
.freebsd => enum(u32) {
PROF = 2,
SECOND = 13,
.solaris, .illumos => enum(u32) {
.netbsd => enum(u32) {
PROF = 2,
THREAD_CPUTIME_ID = 0x20000000,
PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID = 0x40000000,
.dragonfly => enum(u32) {
PROF = 2,
SECOND = 13,
.openbsd => enum(u32) {
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/0a78056453578c18e0a04a0b45ebfb1c96d59005/Kernel/API/POSIX/time.h#L24-L36
.serenity => enum(c_int) {
else => void,
pub const CPU_COUNT = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.CPU_COUNT,
.emscripten => emscripten.CPU_COUNT,
else => void,
pub const E = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.E,
.emscripten => emscripten.E,
.wasi => wasi.errno_t,
.windows => enum(u16) {
/// No error occurred.
PERM = 1,
NOENT = 2,
SRCH = 3,
INTR = 4,
IO = 5,
NXIO = 6,
@"2BIG" = 7,
BADF = 9,
CHILD = 10,
AGAIN = 11,
NOMEM = 12,
ACCES = 13,
FAULT = 14,
BUSY = 16,
EXIST = 17,
XDEV = 18,
NODEV = 19,
NOTDIR = 20,
ISDIR = 21,
NFILE = 23,
MFILE = 24,
NOTTY = 25,
FBIG = 27,
NOSPC = 28,
SPIPE = 29,
ROFS = 30,
MLINK = 31,
PIPE = 32,
DOM = 33,
/// Also means `DEADLOCK`.
DEADLK = 36,
NOLCK = 39,
NOSYS = 40,
INVAL = 22,
RANGE = 34,
ILSEQ = 42,
// POSIX Supplement
ALREADY = 103,
BADMSG = 104,
IDRM = 111,
ISCONN = 113,
LOOP = 114,
MSGSIZE = 115,
NETDOWN = 116,
NOBUFS = 119,
NODATA = 120,
NOLINK = 121,
NOMSG = 122,
NOSR = 124,
NOSTR = 125,
NOTCONN = 126,
NOTSOCK = 128,
NOTSUP = 129,
OTHER = 131,
PROTO = 134,
TIME = 137,
TXTBSY = 139,
DQUOT = 10069,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => darwin.E,
.freebsd => freebsd.E,
.solaris, .illumos => enum(u16) {
/// No error occurred.
/// Not super-user
PERM = 1,
/// No such file or directory
NOENT = 2,
/// No such process
SRCH = 3,
/// interrupted system call
INTR = 4,
/// I/O error
IO = 5,
/// No such device or address
NXIO = 6,
/// Arg list too long
@"2BIG" = 7,
/// Exec format error
/// Bad file number
BADF = 9,
/// No children
CHILD = 10,
/// Resource temporarily unavailable.
/// also: WOULDBLOCK: Operation would block.
AGAIN = 11,
/// Not enough core
NOMEM = 12,
/// Permission denied
ACCES = 13,
/// Bad address
FAULT = 14,
/// Block device required
NOTBLK = 15,
/// Mount device busy
BUSY = 16,
/// File exists
EXIST = 17,
/// Cross-device link
XDEV = 18,
/// No such device
NODEV = 19,
/// Not a directory
NOTDIR = 20,
/// Is a directory
ISDIR = 21,
/// Invalid argument
INVAL = 22,
/// File table overflow
NFILE = 23,
/// Too many open files
MFILE = 24,
/// Inappropriate ioctl for device
NOTTY = 25,
/// Text file busy
TXTBSY = 26,
/// File too large
FBIG = 27,
/// No space left on device
NOSPC = 28,
/// Illegal seek
SPIPE = 29,
/// Read only file system
ROFS = 30,
/// Too many links
MLINK = 31,
/// Broken pipe
PIPE = 32,
/// Math arg out of domain of func
DOM = 33,
/// Math result not representable
RANGE = 34,
/// No message of desired type
NOMSG = 35,
/// Identifier removed
IDRM = 36,
/// Channel number out of range
CHRNG = 37,
/// Level 2 not synchronized
L2NSYNC = 38,
/// Level 3 halted
L3HLT = 39,
/// Level 3 reset
L3RST = 40,
/// Link number out of range
LNRNG = 41,
/// Protocol driver not attached
UNATCH = 42,
/// No CSI structure available
NOCSI = 43,
/// Level 2 halted
L2HLT = 44,
/// Deadlock condition.
DEADLK = 45,
/// No record locks available.
NOLCK = 46,
/// Operation canceled
/// Operation not supported
NOTSUP = 48,
// Filesystem Quotas
/// Disc quota exceeded
DQUOT = 49,
// Convergent Error Returns
/// invalid exchange
BADE = 50,
/// invalid request descriptor
BADR = 51,
/// exchange full
XFULL = 52,
/// no anode
NOANO = 53,
/// invalid request code
BADRQC = 54,
/// invalid slot
BADSLT = 55,
/// file locking deadlock error
/// bad font file fmt
BFONT = 57,
// Interprocess Robust Locks
/// process died with the lock
/// lock is not recoverable
/// locked lock was unmapped
/// Facility is not active
/// multihop attempted
/// trying to read unreadable message
BADMSG = 77,
/// path name is too long
/// value too large to be stored in data type
/// given log. name not unique
/// f.d. invalid for this operation
BADFD = 81,
/// Remote address changed
REMCHG = 82,
// Stream Problems
/// Device not a stream
NOSTR = 60,
/// no data (for no delay io)
NODATA = 61,
/// timer expired
TIME = 62,
/// out of streams resources
NOSR = 63,
/// Machine is not on the network
NONET = 64,
/// Package not installed
NOPKG = 65,
/// The object is remote
REMOTE = 66,
/// the link has been severed
NOLINK = 67,
/// advertise error
ADV = 68,
/// srmount error
SRMNT = 69,
/// Communication error on send
COMM = 70,
/// Protocol error
PROTO = 71,
// Shared Library Problems
/// Can't access a needed shared lib.
LIBACC = 83,
/// Accessing a corrupted shared lib.
LIBBAD = 84,
/// .lib section in a.out corrupted.
LIBSCN = 85,
/// Attempting to link in too many libs.
LIBMAX = 86,
/// Attempting to exec a shared library.
/// Illegal byte sequence.
ILSEQ = 88,
/// Unsupported file system operation
NOSYS = 89,
/// Symbolic link loop
LOOP = 90,
/// Restartable system call
/// if pipe/FIFO, don't sleep in stream head
/// directory not empty
/// Too many users (for UFS)
USERS = 94,
// BSD Networking Software
// Argument Errors
/// Socket operation on non-socket
/// Destination address required
/// Message too long
/// Protocol wrong type for socket
/// Protocol not available
/// Protocol not supported
/// Socket type not supported
/// Operation not supported on socket
/// Protocol family not supported
/// Address family not supported by
/// Address already in use
/// Can't assign requested address
// Operational Errors
/// Network is down
NETDOWN = 127,
/// Network is unreachable
/// Network dropped connection because
/// Software caused connection abort
/// Connection reset by peer
/// No buffer space available
NOBUFS = 132,
/// Socket is already connected
ISCONN = 133,
/// Socket is not connected
NOTCONN = 134,
/// Can't send after socket shutdown
/// Too many references: can't splice
/// Connection timed out
/// Connection refused
/// Host is down
/// No route to host
/// operation already in progress
ALREADY = 149,
/// operation now in progress
// SUN Network File System
/// Stale NFS file handle
STALE = 151,
.netbsd => netbsd.E,
.dragonfly => dragonfly.E,
.haiku => haiku.E,
.openbsd => openbsd.E,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/dd59fe35c7e5bbaf6b6b3acb3f9edc56619d4b66/Kernel/API/POSIX/errno.h
.serenity => enum(c_int) {
PERM = 1,
NOENT = 2,
SRCH = 3,
INTR = 4,
IO = 5,
NXIO = 6,
@"2BIG" = 7,
BADF = 9,
CHILD = 10,
AGAIN = 11,
NOMEM = 12,
ACCES = 13,
FAULT = 14,
NOTBLK = 15,
BUSY = 16,
EXIST = 17,
XDEV = 18,
NODEV = 19,
NOTDIR = 20,
ISDIR = 21,
INVAL = 22,
NFILE = 23,
MFILE = 24,
NOTTY = 25,
TXTBSY = 26,
FBIG = 27,
NOSPC = 28,
SPIPE = 29,
ROFS = 30,
MLINK = 31,
PIPE = 32,
RANGE = 33,
LOOP = 35,
NOSYS = 38,
DOM = 44,
ISCONN = 48,
ILSEQ = 54,
NOBUFS = 59,
NOLCK = 60,
NOMSG = 61,
DEADLK = 68,
PROTO = 73,
NOTSUP = 74,
DQUOT = 77,
STALE = 81,
else => void,
pub const Elf_Symndx = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.Elf_Symndx,
else => void,
/// Command flags for fcntl(2).
pub const F = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.F,
.emscripten => emscripten.F,
.wasi => struct {
// Match `F_*` constants from lib/libc/include/wasm-wasi-musl/__header_fcntl.h
pub const GETFD = 1;
pub const SETFD = 2;
pub const GETFL = 3;
pub const SETFL = 4;
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
/// duplicate file descriptor
pub const DUPFD = 0;
/// get file descriptor flags
pub const GETFD = 1;
/// set file descriptor flags
pub const SETFD = 2;
/// get file status flags
pub const GETFL = 3;
/// set file status flags
pub const SETFL = 4;
/// get SIGIO/SIGURG proc/pgrp
pub const GETOWN = 5;
/// set SIGIO/SIGURG proc/pgrp
pub const SETOWN = 6;
/// get record locking information
pub const GETLK = 7;
/// set record locking information
pub const SETLK = 8;
/// F.SETLK; wait if blocked
pub const SETLKW = 9;
/// F.SETLK; wait if blocked, return on timeout
pub const SETLKWTIMEOUT = 10;
pub const FLUSH_DATA = 40;
/// Used for regression test
pub const CHKCLEAN = 41;
/// Preallocate storage
pub const PREALLOCATE = 42;
/// Truncate a file without zeroing space
pub const SETSIZE = 43;
/// Issue an advisory read async with no copy to user
pub const RDADVISE = 44;
/// turn read ahead off/on for this fd
pub const RDAHEAD = 45;
/// turn data caching off/on for this fd
pub const NOCACHE = 48;
/// file offset to device offset
pub const LOG2PHYS = 49;
/// return the full path of the fd
pub const GETPATH = 50;
/// fsync + ask the drive to flush to the media
pub const FULLFSYNC = 51;
/// find which component (if any) is a package
pub const PATHPKG_CHECK = 52;
/// "freeze" all fs operations
pub const FREEZE_FS = 53;
/// "thaw" all fs operations
pub const THAW_FS = 54;
/// turn data caching off/on (globally) for this file
pub const GLOBAL_NOCACHE = 55;
/// add detached signatures
pub const ADDSIGS = 59;
/// add signature from same file (used by dyld for shared libs)
pub const ADDFILESIGS = 61;
/// used in conjunction with F.NOCACHE to indicate that DIRECT, synchronous writes
/// should not be used (i.e. its ok to temporarily create cached pages)
pub const NODIRECT = 62;
/// Get the protection class of a file from the EA, returns int
/// Set the protection class of a file for the EA, requires int
/// file offset to device offset, extended
pub const LOG2PHYS_EXT = 65;
/// get record locking information, per-process
pub const GETLKPID = 66;
/// Mark the file as being the backing store for another filesystem
pub const SETBACKINGSTORE = 70;
/// return the full path of the FD, but error in specific mtmd circumstances
pub const GETPATH_MTMINFO = 71;
/// Returns the code directory, with associated hashes, to the caller
pub const GETCODEDIR = 72;
/// No SIGPIPE generated on EPIPE
pub const SETNOSIGPIPE = 73;
/// Status of SIGPIPE for this fd
pub const GETNOSIGPIPE = 74;
/// For some cases, we need to rewrap the key for AKS/MKB
pub const TRANSCODEKEY = 75;
/// file being written to a by single writer... if throttling enabled, writes
/// may be broken into smaller chunks with throttling in between
pub const SINGLE_WRITER = 76;
/// Get the protection version number for this filesystem
/// Add detached code signatures (used by dyld for shared libs)
pub const FINDSIGS = 78;
/// Add signature from same file, only if it is signed by Apple (used by dyld for simulator)
/// fsync + issue barrier to drive
pub const BARRIERFSYNC = 85;
/// Add signature from same file, return end offset in structure on success
pub const ADDFILESIGS_RETURN = 97;
/// Check if Library Validation allows this Mach-O file to be mapped into the calling process
pub const CHECK_LV = 98;
/// Deallocate a range of the file
pub const PUNCHHOLE = 99;
/// Trim an active file
pub const TRIM_ACTIVE_FILE = 100;
/// mark the dup with FD_CLOEXEC
pub const DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 67;
/// shared or read lock
pub const RDLCK = 1;
/// unlock
pub const UNLCK = 2;
/// exclusive or write lock
pub const WRLCK = 3;
.freebsd => struct {
/// Duplicate file descriptor.
pub const DUPFD = 0;
/// Get file descriptor flags.
pub const GETFD = 1;
/// Set file descriptor flags.
pub const SETFD = 2;
/// Get file status flags.
pub const GETFL = 3;
/// Set file status flags.
pub const SETFL = 4;
/// Get SIGIO/SIGURG proc/pgrrp.
pub const GETOWN = 5;
/// Set SIGIO/SIGURG proc/pgrrp.
pub const SETOWN = 6;
/// Get record locking information.
pub const GETLK = 11;
/// Set record locking information.
pub const SETLK = 12;
/// Set record locking information and wait if blocked.
pub const SETLKW = 13;
/// Debugging support for remote locks.
pub const SETLK_REMOTE = 14;
/// Read ahead.
pub const READAHEAD = 15;
/// DUPFD with FD_CLOEXEC set.
pub const DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 17;
/// DUP2FD with FD_CLOEXEC set.
pub const DUP2FD_CLOEXEC = 18;
pub const ADD_SEALS = 19;
pub const GET_SEALS = 20;
/// Return `kinfo_file` for a file descriptor.
pub const KINFO = 22;
/// Prevent adding sealings.
pub const SEAL_SEAL = 0x0001;
/// May not shrink
pub const SEAL_SHRINK = 0x0002;
/// May not grow.
pub const SEAL_GROW = 0x0004;
/// May not write.
pub const SEAL_WRITE = 0x0008;
// Record locking flags (GETLK, SETLK, SETLKW).
/// Shared or read lock.
pub const RDLCK = 1;
/// Unlock.
pub const UNLCK = 2;
/// Exclusive or write lock.
pub const WRLCK = 3;
/// Purge locks for a given system ID.
pub const UNLCKSYS = 4;
/// Cancel an async lock request.
pub const CANCEL = 5;
pub const SETOWN_EX = 15;
pub const GETOWN_EX = 16;
pub const GETOWNER_UIDS = 17;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
/// Unlock a previously locked region
pub const ULOCK = 0;
/// Lock a region for exclusive use
pub const LOCK = 1;
/// Test and lock a region for exclusive use
pub const TLOCK = 2;
/// Test a region for other processes locks
pub const TEST = 3;
/// Duplicate fildes
pub const DUPFD = 0;
/// Get fildes flags
pub const GETFD = 1;
/// Set fildes flags
pub const SETFD = 2;
/// Get file flags
pub const GETFL = 3;
/// Get file flags including open-only flags
pub const GETXFL = 45;
/// Set file flags
pub const SETFL = 4;
/// Unused
pub const CHKFL = 8;
/// Duplicate fildes at third arg
pub const DUP2FD = 9;
/// Like DUP2FD with O_CLOEXEC set EINVAL is fildes matches arg1
pub const DUP2FD_CLOEXEC = 36;
/// Like DUPFD with O_CLOEXEC set
pub const DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 37;
/// Is the file desc. a stream ?
pub const ISSTREAM = 13;
/// Turn on private access to file
pub const PRIV = 15;
/// Turn off private access to file
pub const NPRIV = 16;
/// UFS quota call
pub const QUOTACTL = 17;
/// Get number of BLKSIZE blocks allocated
pub const BLOCKS = 18;
/// Get optimal I/O block size
pub const BLKSIZE = 19;
/// Get owner (socket emulation)
pub const GETOWN = 23;
/// Set owner (socket emulation)
pub const SETOWN = 24;
/// Object reuse revoke access to file desc.
pub const REVOKE = 25;
/// Does vp have NFS locks private to lock manager
pub const HASREMOTELOCKS = 26;
/// Set file lock
pub const SETLK = 6;
/// Set file lock and wait
pub const SETLKW = 7;
/// Allocate file space
pub const ALLOCSP = 10;
/// Free file space
pub const FREESP = 11;
/// Get file lock
pub const GETLK = 14;
/// Get file lock owned by file
pub const OFD_GETLK = 47;
/// Set file lock owned by file
pub const OFD_SETLK = 48;
/// Set file lock owned by file and wait
pub const OFD_SETLKW = 49;
/// Set a file share reservation
pub const SHARE = 40;
/// Remove a file share reservation
pub const UNSHARE = 41;
/// Create Poison FD
pub const BADFD = 46;
/// Read lock
pub const RDLCK = 1;
/// Write lock
pub const WRLCK = 2;
/// Remove lock(s)
pub const UNLCK = 3;
/// remove remote locks for a given system
pub const UNLKSYS = 4;
// f_access values
/// Read-only share access
pub const RDACC = 0x1;
/// Write-only share access
pub const WRACC = 0x2;
/// Read-Write share access
pub const RWACC = 0x3;
// f_deny values
/// Don't deny others access
pub const NODNY = 0x0;
/// Deny others read share access
pub const RDDNY = 0x1;
/// Deny others write share access
pub const WRDNY = 0x2;
/// Deny others read or write share access
pub const RWDNY = 0x3;
/// private flag: Deny delete share access
pub const RMDNY = 0x4;
.netbsd => struct {
pub const DUPFD = 0;
pub const GETFD = 1;
pub const SETFD = 2;
pub const GETFL = 3;
pub const SETFL = 4;
pub const GETOWN = 5;
pub const SETOWN = 6;
pub const GETLK = 7;
pub const SETLK = 8;
pub const SETLKW = 9;
pub const CLOSEM = 10;
pub const MAXFD = 11;
pub const DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 12;
pub const GETNOSIGPIPE = 13;
pub const SETNOSIGPIPE = 14;
pub const GETPATH = 15;
pub const RDLCK = 1;
pub const WRLCK = 3;
pub const UNLCK = 2;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const ULOCK = 0;
pub const LOCK = 1;
pub const TLOCK = 2;
pub const TEST = 3;
pub const DUPFD = 0;
pub const GETFD = 1;
pub const RDLCK = 1;
pub const SETFD = 2;
pub const UNLCK = 2;
pub const WRLCK = 3;
pub const GETFL = 3;
pub const SETFL = 4;
pub const GETOWN = 5;
pub const SETOWN = 6;
pub const GETLK = 7;
pub const SETLK = 8;
pub const SETLKW = 9;
pub const DUP2FD = 10;
pub const DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 17;
pub const DUP2FD_CLOEXEC = 18;
pub const GETPATH = 19;
.haiku => struct {
pub const DUPFD = 0x0001;
pub const GETFD = 0x0002;
pub const SETFD = 0x0004;
pub const GETFL = 0x0008;
pub const SETFL = 0x0010;
pub const GETLK = 0x0020;
pub const SETLK = 0x0080;
pub const SETLKW = 0x0100;
pub const DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 0x0200;
pub const RDLCK = 0x0040;
pub const UNLCK = 0x0200;
pub const WRLCK = 0x0400;
.openbsd => struct {
pub const DUPFD = 0;
pub const GETFD = 1;
pub const SETFD = 2;
pub const GETFL = 3;
pub const SETFL = 4;
pub const GETOWN = 5;
pub const SETOWN = 6;
pub const GETLK = 7;
pub const SETLK = 8;
pub const SETLKW = 9;
pub const RDLCK = 1;
pub const UNLCK = 2;
pub const WRLCK = 3;
.serenity => struct {
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/2808b0376406a40e31293bb3bcb9170374e90506/Kernel/API/POSIX/fcntl.h#L15-L24
pub const DUPFD = 0;
pub const GETFD = 1;
pub const SETFD = 2;
pub const GETFL = 3;
pub const SETFL = 4;
pub const ISTTY = 5;
pub const GETLK = 6;
pub const SETLK = 7;
pub const SETLKW = 8;
pub const DUPFD_CLOEXEC = 9;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/2808b0376406a40e31293bb3bcb9170374e90506/Kernel/API/POSIX/fcntl.h#L45-L47
pub const RDLCK = 0;
pub const WRLCK = 1;
pub const UNLCK = 2;
else => void,
pub const FD_CLOEXEC = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.FD_CLOEXEC,
.emscripten => emscripten.FD_CLOEXEC,
else => 1,
/// Test for existence of file.
pub const F_OK = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.F_OK,
.emscripten => emscripten.F_OK,
else => 0,
/// Test for execute or search permission.
pub const X_OK = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.X_OK,
.emscripten => emscripten.X_OK,
else => 1,
/// Test for write permission.
pub const W_OK = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.W_OK,
.emscripten => emscripten.W_OK,
else => 2,
/// Test for read permission.
pub const R_OK = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.R_OK,
.emscripten => emscripten.R_OK,
else => 4,
pub const Flock = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.Flock,
.emscripten => emscripten.Flock,
.openbsd, .dragonfly, .netbsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
start: off_t,
len: off_t,
pid: pid_t,
type: i16,
whence: i16,
.freebsd => extern struct {
/// Starting offset.
start: off_t,
/// Number of consecutive bytes to be locked.
/// A value of 0 means to the end of the file.
len: off_t,
/// Lock owner.
pid: pid_t,
/// Lock type.
type: i16,
/// Type of the start member.
whence: i16,
/// Remote system id or zero for local.
sysid: i32,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
type: c_short,
whence: c_short,
start: off_t,
// len == 0 means until end of file.
len: off_t,
sysid: c_int,
pid: pid_t,
__pad: [4]c_long,
.haiku => extern struct {
type: i16,
whence: i16,
start: off_t,
len: off_t,
pid: pid_t,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/2808b0376406a40e31293bb3bcb9170374e90506/Kernel/API/POSIX/fcntl.h#L54-L60
.serenity => extern struct {
type: c_short,
whence: c_short,
start: off_t,
len: off_t,
pid: pid_t,
else => void,
pub const HOST_NAME_MAX = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.HOST_NAME_MAX,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => 72,
.openbsd, .haiku, .dragonfly, .netbsd, .solaris, .illumos, .freebsd => 255,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/c87557e9c1865fa1a6440de34ff6ce6fc858a2b7/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/limits.h#L22
.serenity => 64,
else => {},
pub const IOV_MAX = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.IOV_MAX,
.emscripten => emscripten.IOV_MAX,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/098af0f846a87b651731780ff48420205fd33754/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/uio.h#L16
.openbsd, .haiku, .solaris, .illumos, .wasi, .serenity => 1024,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => 16,
.dragonfly, .netbsd, .freebsd => KERN.IOV_MAX,
else => {},
pub const CTL = switch (native_os) {
.freebsd => struct {
pub const KERN = 1;
pub const DEBUG = 5;
.netbsd => struct {
pub const KERN = 1;
pub const DEBUG = 5;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = 0;
pub const KERN = 1;
pub const VM = 2;
pub const VFS = 3;
pub const NET = 4;
pub const DEBUG = 5;
pub const HW = 6;
pub const MACHDEP = 7;
pub const USER = 8;
pub const LWKT = 10;
pub const MAXID = 11;
pub const MAXNAME = 12;
.openbsd => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = 0;
pub const KERN = 1;
pub const VM = 2;
pub const FS = 3;
pub const NET = 4;
pub const DEBUG = 5;
pub const HW = 6;
pub const MACHDEP = 7;
pub const DDB = 9;
pub const VFS = 10;
else => void,
pub const KERN = switch (native_os) {
.freebsd => struct {
/// struct: process entries
pub const PROC = 14;
/// path to executable
pub const PROC_PATHNAME = 12;
/// file descriptors for process
pub const PROC_FILEDESC = 33;
pub const IOV_MAX = 35;
.netbsd => struct {
/// struct: process argv/env
pub const PROC_ARGS = 48;
/// path to executable
pub const PROC_PATHNAME = 5;
pub const IOV_MAX = 38;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const PROC_ALL = 0;
pub const OSTYPE = 1;
pub const PROC_PID = 1;
pub const OSRELEASE = 2;
pub const PROC_PGRP = 2;
pub const OSREV = 3;
pub const PROC_SESSION = 3;
pub const VERSION = 4;
pub const PROC_TTY = 4;
pub const MAXVNODES = 5;
pub const PROC_UID = 5;
pub const MAXPROC = 6;
pub const PROC_RUID = 6;
pub const MAXFILES = 7;
pub const PROC_ARGS = 7;
pub const ARGMAX = 8;
pub const PROC_CWD = 8;
pub const PROC_PATHNAME = 9;
pub const SECURELVL = 9;
pub const PROC_SIGTRAMP = 10;
pub const HOSTNAME = 10;
pub const HOSTID = 11;
pub const CLOCKRATE = 12;
pub const VNODE = 13;
pub const PROC = 14;
pub const FILE = 15;
pub const PROC_FLAGMASK = 16;
pub const PROF = 16;
pub const PROC_FLAG_LWP = 16;
pub const POSIX1 = 17;
pub const NGROUPS = 18;
pub const JOB_CONTROL = 19;
pub const SAVED_IDS = 20;
pub const BOOTTIME = 21;
pub const NISDOMAINNAME = 22;
pub const UPDATEINTERVAL = 23;
pub const OSRELDATE = 24;
pub const NTP_PLL = 25;
pub const BOOTFILE = 26;
pub const MAXFILESPERPROC = 27;
pub const MAXPROCPERUID = 28;
pub const DUMPDEV = 29;
pub const IPC = 30;
pub const DUMMY = 31;
pub const PS_STRINGS = 32;
pub const USRSTACK = 33;
pub const LOGSIGEXIT = 34;
pub const IOV_MAX = 35;
pub const MAXID = 37;
.openbsd => struct {
pub const OSTYPE = 1;
pub const OSRELEASE = 2;
pub const OSREV = 3;
pub const VERSION = 4;
pub const MAXVNODES = 5;
pub const MAXPROC = 6;
pub const MAXFILES = 7;
pub const ARGMAX = 8;
pub const SECURELVL = 9;
pub const HOSTNAME = 10;
pub const HOSTID = 11;
pub const CLOCKRATE = 12;
pub const PROF = 16;
pub const POSIX1 = 17;
pub const NGROUPS = 18;
pub const JOB_CONTROL = 19;
pub const SAVED_IDS = 20;
pub const BOOTTIME = 21;
pub const DOMAINNAME = 22;
pub const MAXPARTITIONS = 23;
pub const RAWPARTITION = 24;
pub const MAXTHREAD = 25;
pub const NTHREADS = 26;
pub const OSVERSION = 27;
pub const SOMAXCONN = 28;
pub const SOMINCONN = 29;
pub const NOSUIDCOREDUMP = 32;
pub const FSYNC = 33;
pub const SYSVMSG = 34;
pub const SYSVSEM = 35;
pub const SYSVSHM = 36;
pub const MSGBUFSIZE = 38;
pub const MALLOCSTATS = 39;
pub const CPTIME = 40;
pub const NCHSTATS = 41;
pub const FORKSTAT = 42;
pub const NSELCOLL = 43;
pub const TTY = 44;
pub const CCPU = 45;
pub const FSCALE = 46;
pub const NPROCS = 47;
pub const MSGBUF = 48;
pub const POOL = 49;
pub const STACKGAPRANDOM = 50;
pub const SYSVIPC_INFO = 51;
pub const ALLOWKMEM = 52;
pub const WITNESSWATCH = 53;
pub const SPLASSERT = 54;
pub const PROC_ARGS = 55;
pub const NFILES = 56;
pub const TTYCOUNT = 57;
pub const NUMVNODES = 58;
pub const MBSTAT = 59;
pub const WITNESS = 60;
pub const SEMINFO = 61;
pub const SHMINFO = 62;
pub const INTRCNT = 63;
pub const WATCHDOG = 64;
pub const ALLOWDT = 65;
pub const PROC = 66;
pub const MAXCLUSTERS = 67;
pub const EVCOUNT = 68;
pub const TIMECOUNTER = 69;
pub const MAXLOCKSPERUID = 70;
pub const CPTIME2 = 71;
pub const CACHEPCT = 72;
pub const FILE = 73;
pub const WXABORT = 74;
pub const CONSDEV = 75;
pub const NETLIVELOCKS = 76;
pub const POOL_DEBUG = 77;
pub const PROC_CWD = 78;
pub const PROC_VMMAP = 80;
pub const GLOBAL_PTRACE = 81;
pub const CONSBUFSIZE = 82;
pub const CONSBUF = 83;
pub const AUDIO = 84;
pub const CPUSTATS = 85;
pub const PFSTATUS = 86;
pub const TIMEOUT_STATS = 87;
pub const UTC_OFFSET = 88;
pub const VIDEO = 89;
pub const PROC_ALL = 0;
pub const PROC_PID = 1;
pub const PROC_PGRP = 2;
pub const PROC_SESSION = 3;
pub const PROC_TTY = 4;
pub const PROC_UID = 5;
pub const PROC_RUID = 6;
pub const PROC_KTHREAD = 7;
pub const PROC_SHOW_THREADS = 0x40000000;
pub const PROC_ARGV = 1;
pub const PROC_NARGV = 2;
pub const PROC_ENV = 3;
pub const PROC_NENV = 4;
else => void,
pub const MADV = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.MADV,
.emscripten => emscripten.MADV,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
pub const NORMAL = 0;
pub const RANDOM = 1;
pub const SEQUENTIAL = 2;
pub const WILLNEED = 3;
pub const DONTNEED = 4;
pub const FREE = 5;
pub const ZERO_WIRED_PAGES = 6;
pub const FREE_REUSABLE = 7;
pub const FREE_REUSE = 8;
pub const CAN_REUSE = 9;
pub const PAGEOUT = 10;
pub const ZERO = 11;
.freebsd => struct {
pub const NORMAL = 0;
pub const RANDOM = 1;
pub const SEQUENTIAL = 2;
pub const WILLNEED = 3;
pub const DONTNEED = 4;
pub const FREE = 5;
pub const NOSYNC = 6;
pub const AUTOSYNC = 7;
pub const NOCORE = 8;
pub const CORE = 9;
pub const PROTECT = 10;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
/// no further special treatment
pub const NORMAL = 0;
/// expect random page references
pub const RANDOM = 1;
/// expect sequential page references
pub const SEQUENTIAL = 2;
/// will need these pages
pub const WILLNEED = 3;
/// don't need these pages
pub const DONTNEED = 4;
/// contents can be freed
pub const FREE = 5;
/// default access
pub const ACCESS_DEFAULT = 6;
/// next LWP to access heavily
pub const ACCESS_LWP = 7;
/// many processes to access heavily
pub const ACCESS_MANY = 8;
/// contents will be purged
pub const PURGE = 9;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const SEQUENTIAL = 2;
pub const DONTNEED = 4;
pub const RANDOM = 1;
pub const WILLNEED = 3;
pub const NORMAL = 0;
pub const FREE = 5;
pub const NOSYNC = 6;
pub const AUTOSYNC = 7;
pub const NOCORE = 8;
pub const CORE = 9;
pub const INVAL = 10;
pub const SETMAP = 11;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/6d59d4d3d9e76e39112842ec487840828f1c9bfe/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/mman.h#L35-L41
.serenity => struct {
pub const NORMAL = 0x0;
pub const SET_VOLATILE = 0x1;
pub const SET_NONVOLATILE = 0x2;
pub const DONTNEED = 0x3;
pub const WILLNEED = 0x4;
pub const SEQUENTIAL = 0x5;
pub const RANDOM = 0x6;
else => void,
pub const MSF = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.MSF,
.emscripten => emscripten.MSF,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
pub const ASYNC = 0x1;
pub const INVALIDATE = 0x2;
/// invalidate, leave mapped
pub const KILLPAGES = 0x4;
/// deactivate, leave mapped
pub const DEACTIVATE = 0x8;
pub const SYNC = 0x10;
.openbsd, .haiku, .dragonfly, .netbsd, .solaris, .illumos, .freebsd => struct {
pub const ASYNC = 1;
pub const INVALIDATE = 2;
pub const SYNC = 4;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/6d59d4d3d9e76e39112842ec487840828f1c9bfe/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/mman.h#L50-L52
.serenity => struct {
pub const SYNC = 1;
pub const ASYNC = 2;
pub const INVALIDATE = 4;
else => void,
pub const MMAP2_UNIT = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.MMAP2_UNIT,
else => void,
pub const NAME_MAX = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.NAME_MAX,
.emscripten => emscripten.NAME_MAX,
// Haiku's headers make this 256, to contain room for the terminating null
// character, but POSIX definition says that NAME_MAX does not include the
// terminating null.
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/c87557e9c1865fa1a6440de34ff6ce6fc858a2b7/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/limits.h#L20
.haiku, .openbsd, .dragonfly, .netbsd, .solaris, .illumos, .freebsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .serenity => 255,
else => {},
pub const PATH_MAX = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.PATH_MAX,
.emscripten => emscripten.PATH_MAX,
.wasi => 4096,
.windows => 260,
.openbsd, .haiku, .dragonfly, .netbsd, .solaris, .illumos, .freebsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .serenity => 1024,
else => {},
pub const POLL = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.POLL,
.emscripten => emscripten.POLL,
.wasi => struct {
pub const RDNORM = 0x1;
pub const WRNORM = 0x2;
pub const IN = RDNORM;
pub const OUT = WRNORM;
pub const ERR = 0x1000;
pub const HUP = 0x2000;
pub const NVAL = 0x4000;
.windows => ws2_32.POLL,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
pub const IN = 0x001;
pub const PRI = 0x002;
pub const OUT = 0x004;
pub const RDNORM = 0x040;
pub const WRNORM = OUT;
pub const RDBAND = 0x080;
pub const WRBAND = 0x100;
pub const EXTEND = 0x0200;
pub const ATTRIB = 0x0400;
pub const NLINK = 0x0800;
pub const WRITE = 0x1000;
pub const ERR = 0x008;
pub const HUP = 0x010;
pub const NVAL = 0x020;
.freebsd => struct {
/// any readable data available.
pub const IN = 0x0001;
/// OOB/Urgent readable data.
pub const PRI = 0x0002;
/// file descriptor is writeable.
pub const OUT = 0x0004;
/// non-OOB/URG data available.
pub const RDNORM = 0x0040;
/// no write type differentiation.
pub const WRNORM = OUT;
/// OOB/Urgent readable data.
pub const RDBAND = 0x0080;
/// OOB/Urgent data can be written.
pub const WRBAND = 0x0100;
/// like IN, except ignore EOF.
pub const INIGNEOF = 0x2000;
/// some poll error occurred.
pub const ERR = 0x0008;
/// file descriptor was "hung up".
pub const HUP = 0x0010;
/// requested events "invalid".
pub const NVAL = 0x0020;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
pub const IN = 0x0001;
pub const PRI = 0x0002;
pub const OUT = 0x0004;
pub const RDNORM = 0x0040;
pub const WRNORM = .OUT;
pub const RDBAND = 0x0080;
pub const WRBAND = 0x0100;
/// Read-side hangup.
pub const RDHUP = 0x4000;
/// Non-testable events (may not be specified in events).
pub const ERR = 0x0008;
pub const HUP = 0x0010;
pub const NVAL = 0x0020;
/// Events to control `/dev/poll` (not specified in revents)
pub const REMOVE = 0x0800;
pub const ONESHOT = 0x1000;
pub const ET = 0x2000;
.dragonfly, .netbsd => struct {
/// Testable events (may be specified in events field).
pub const IN = 0x0001;
pub const PRI = 0x0002;
pub const OUT = 0x0004;
pub const RDNORM = 0x0040;
pub const WRNORM = OUT;
pub const RDBAND = 0x0080;
pub const WRBAND = 0x0100;
/// Non-testable events (may not be specified in events field).
pub const ERR = 0x0008;
pub const HUP = 0x0010;
pub const NVAL = 0x0020;
.haiku => struct {
/// any readable data available
pub const IN = 0x0001;
/// file descriptor is writeable
pub const OUT = 0x0002;
pub const RDNORM = IN;
pub const WRNORM = OUT;
/// priority readable data
pub const RDBAND = 0x0008;
/// priority data can be written
pub const WRBAND = 0x0010;
/// high priority readable data
pub const PRI = 0x0020;
/// errors pending
pub const ERR = 0x0004;
/// disconnected
pub const HUP = 0x0080;
/// invalid file descriptor
pub const NVAL = 0x1000;
.openbsd => struct {
pub const IN = 0x0001;
pub const PRI = 0x0002;
pub const OUT = 0x0004;
pub const ERR = 0x0008;
pub const HUP = 0x0010;
pub const NVAL = 0x0020;
pub const RDNORM = 0x0040;
pub const NORM = RDNORM;
pub const WRNORM = OUT;
pub const RDBAND = 0x0080;
pub const WRBAND = 0x0100;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/265764ff2fec038855193296588a887fc322d76a/Kernel/API/POSIX/poll.h#L15-L24
.serenity => struct {
pub const IN = 0x0001;
pub const PRI = 0x0002;
pub const OUT = 0x0004;
pub const ERR = 0x0008;
pub const HUP = 0x0010;
pub const NVAL = 0x0020;
pub const RDNORM = IN;
pub const WRNORM = OUT;
pub const WRBAND = 0x1000;
pub const RDHUP = 0x2000;
else => void,
/// Basic memory protection flags
pub const PROT = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.PROT,
.emscripten => emscripten.PROT,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/6d59d4d3d9e76e39112842ec487840828f1c9bfe/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/mman.h#L28-L31
.openbsd, .haiku, .dragonfly, .netbsd, .solaris, .illumos, .freebsd, .windows, .serenity => struct {
/// page can not be accessed
pub const NONE = 0x0;
/// page can be read
pub const READ = 0x1;
/// page can be written
pub const WRITE = 0x2;
/// page can be executed
pub const EXEC = 0x4;
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
/// [MC2] no permissions
pub const NONE: vm_prot_t = 0x00;
/// [MC2] pages can be read
pub const READ: vm_prot_t = 0x01;
/// [MC2] pages can be written
pub const WRITE: vm_prot_t = 0x02;
/// [MC2] pages can be executed
pub const EXEC: vm_prot_t = 0x04;
/// When a caller finds that they cannot obtain write permission on a
/// mapped entry, the following flag can be used. The entry will be
/// made "needs copy" effectively copying the object (using COW),
/// and write permission will be added to the maximum protections for
/// the associated entry.
pub const COPY: vm_prot_t = 0x10;
else => void,
pub const REG = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.REG,
.emscripten => emscripten.REG,
.freebsd => switch (builtin.cpu.arch) {
.aarch64 => struct {
pub const FP = 29;
pub const SP = 31;
pub const PC = 32;
.arm => struct {
pub const FP = 11;
pub const SP = 13;
pub const PC = 15;
.x86_64 => struct {
pub const RBP = 12;
pub const RIP = 21;
pub const RSP = 24;
else => struct {},
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
pub const R15 = 0;
pub const R14 = 1;
pub const R13 = 2;
pub const R12 = 3;
pub const R11 = 4;
pub const R10 = 5;
pub const R9 = 6;
pub const R8 = 7;
pub const RDI = 8;
pub const RSI = 9;
pub const RBP = 10;
pub const RBX = 11;
pub const RDX = 12;
pub const RCX = 13;
pub const RAX = 14;
pub const RIP = 17;
pub const RSP = 20;
.netbsd => switch (builtin.cpu.arch) {
.aarch64 => struct {
pub const FP = 29;
pub const SP = 31;
pub const PC = 32;
.arm => struct {
pub const FP = 11;
pub const SP = 13;
pub const PC = 15;
.x86_64 => struct {
pub const RDI = 0;
pub const RSI = 1;
pub const RDX = 2;
pub const RCX = 3;
pub const R8 = 4;
pub const R9 = 5;
pub const R10 = 6;
pub const R11 = 7;
pub const R12 = 8;
pub const R13 = 9;
pub const R14 = 10;
pub const R15 = 11;
pub const RBP = 12;
pub const RBX = 13;
pub const RAX = 14;
pub const GS = 15;
pub const FS = 16;
pub const ES = 17;
pub const DS = 18;
pub const TRAPNO = 19;
pub const ERR = 20;
pub const RIP = 21;
pub const CS = 22;
pub const RFLAGS = 23;
pub const RSP = 24;
pub const SS = 25;
else => struct {},
else => struct {},
pub const RLIM = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.RLIM,
.emscripten => emscripten.RLIM,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/aae106e37b48f2158e68902293df1e4bf7b80c0f/Userland/Libraries/LibC/sys/resource.h#L52
.openbsd, .haiku, .dragonfly, .netbsd, .freebsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .serenity => struct {
/// No limit
pub const INFINITY: rlim_t = (1 << 63) - 1;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
/// No limit
pub const INFINITY: rlim_t = (1 << 63) - 3;
pub const SAVED_MAX: rlim_t = (1 << 63) - 2;
pub const SAVED_CUR: rlim_t = (1 << 63) - 1;
else => void,
pub const S = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.S,
.emscripten => emscripten.S,
.wasi => struct {
// Match `S_*` constants from lib/libc/include/wasm-wasi-musl/__mode_t.h
pub const IFBLK = 0x6000;
pub const IFCHR = 0x2000;
pub const IFDIR = 0x4000;
pub const IFIFO = 0x1000;
pub const IFLNK = 0xa000;
pub const IFREG = 0x8000;
pub const IFSOCK = 0xc000;
pub fn ISBLK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFBLK;
pub fn ISCHR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFCHR;
pub fn ISDIR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFDIR;
pub fn ISFIFO(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFIFO;
pub fn ISLNK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFLNK;
pub fn ISREG(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFREG;
pub fn ISSOCK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFSOCK;
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
pub const IFMT = 0o170000;
pub const IFIFO = 0o010000;
pub const IFCHR = 0o020000;
pub const IFDIR = 0o040000;
pub const IFBLK = 0o060000;
pub const IFREG = 0o100000;
pub const IFLNK = 0o120000;
pub const IFSOCK = 0o140000;
pub const IFWHT = 0o160000;
pub const ISUID = 0o4000;
pub const ISGID = 0o2000;
pub const ISVTX = 0o1000;
pub const IRWXU = 0o700;
pub const IRUSR = 0o400;
pub const IWUSR = 0o200;
pub const IXUSR = 0o100;
pub const IRWXG = 0o070;
pub const IRGRP = 0o040;
pub const IWGRP = 0o020;
pub const IXGRP = 0o010;
pub const IRWXO = 0o007;
pub const IROTH = 0o004;
pub const IWOTH = 0o002;
pub const IXOTH = 0o001;
pub fn ISFIFO(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFIFO;
pub fn ISCHR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFCHR;
pub fn ISDIR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFDIR;
pub fn ISBLK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFBLK;
pub fn ISREG(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFREG;
pub fn ISLNK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFLNK;
pub fn ISSOCK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFSOCK;
pub fn IWHT(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFWHT;
.freebsd => struct {
pub const IFMT = 0o170000;
pub const IFIFO = 0o010000;
pub const IFCHR = 0o020000;
pub const IFDIR = 0o040000;
pub const IFBLK = 0o060000;
pub const IFREG = 0o100000;
pub const IFLNK = 0o120000;
pub const IFSOCK = 0o140000;
pub const IFWHT = 0o160000;
pub const ISUID = 0o4000;
pub const ISGID = 0o2000;
pub const ISVTX = 0o1000;
pub const IRWXU = 0o700;
pub const IRUSR = 0o400;
pub const IWUSR = 0o200;
pub const IXUSR = 0o100;
pub const IRWXG = 0o070;
pub const IRGRP = 0o040;
pub const IWGRP = 0o020;
pub const IXGRP = 0o010;
pub const IRWXO = 0o007;
pub const IROTH = 0o004;
pub const IWOTH = 0o002;
pub const IXOTH = 0o001;
pub fn ISFIFO(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFIFO;
pub fn ISCHR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFCHR;
pub fn ISDIR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFDIR;
pub fn ISBLK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFBLK;
pub fn ISREG(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFREG;
pub fn ISLNK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFLNK;
pub fn ISSOCK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFSOCK;
pub fn IWHT(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFWHT;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
pub const IFMT = 0o170000;
pub const IFIFO = 0o010000;
pub const IFCHR = 0o020000;
pub const IFDIR = 0o040000;
pub const IFBLK = 0o060000;
pub const IFREG = 0o100000;
pub const IFLNK = 0o120000;
pub const IFSOCK = 0o140000;
/// SunOS 2.6 Door
pub const IFDOOR = 0o150000;
/// Solaris 10 Event Port
pub const IFPORT = 0o160000;
pub const ISUID = 0o4000;
pub const ISGID = 0o2000;
pub const ISVTX = 0o1000;
pub const IRWXU = 0o700;
pub const IRUSR = 0o400;
pub const IWUSR = 0o200;
pub const IXUSR = 0o100;
pub const IRWXG = 0o070;
pub const IRGRP = 0o040;
pub const IWGRP = 0o020;
pub const IXGRP = 0o010;
pub const IRWXO = 0o007;
pub const IROTH = 0o004;
pub const IWOTH = 0o002;
pub const IXOTH = 0o001;
pub fn ISFIFO(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFIFO;
pub fn ISCHR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFCHR;
pub fn ISDIR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFDIR;
pub fn ISBLK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFBLK;
pub fn ISREG(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFREG;
pub fn ISLNK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFLNK;
pub fn ISSOCK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFSOCK;
pub fn ISDOOR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFDOOR;
pub fn ISPORT(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFPORT;
.netbsd => struct {
pub const IFMT = 0o170000;
pub const IFIFO = 0o010000;
pub const IFCHR = 0o020000;
pub const IFDIR = 0o040000;
pub const IFBLK = 0o060000;
pub const IFREG = 0o100000;
pub const IFLNK = 0o120000;
pub const IFSOCK = 0o140000;
pub const IFWHT = 0o160000;
pub const ISUID = 0o4000;
pub const ISGID = 0o2000;
pub const ISVTX = 0o1000;
pub const IRWXU = 0o700;
pub const IRUSR = 0o400;
pub const IWUSR = 0o200;
pub const IXUSR = 0o100;
pub const IRWXG = 0o070;
pub const IRGRP = 0o040;
pub const IWGRP = 0o020;
pub const IXGRP = 0o010;
pub const IRWXO = 0o007;
pub const IROTH = 0o004;
pub const IWOTH = 0o002;
pub const IXOTH = 0o001;
pub fn ISFIFO(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFIFO;
pub fn ISCHR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFCHR;
pub fn ISDIR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFDIR;
pub fn ISBLK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFBLK;
pub fn ISREG(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFREG;
pub fn ISLNK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFLNK;
pub fn ISSOCK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFSOCK;
pub fn IWHT(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFWHT;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const IREAD = IRUSR;
pub const IEXEC = IXUSR;
pub const IWRITE = IWUSR;
pub const IXOTH = 1;
pub const IWOTH = 2;
pub const IROTH = 4;
pub const IRWXO = 7;
pub const IXGRP = 8;
pub const IWGRP = 16;
pub const IRGRP = 32;
pub const IRWXG = 56;
pub const IXUSR = 64;
pub const IWUSR = 128;
pub const IRUSR = 256;
pub const IRWXU = 448;
pub const ISTXT = 512;
pub const BLKSIZE = 512;
pub const ISVTX = 512;
pub const ISGID = 1024;
pub const ISUID = 2048;
pub const IFIFO = 4096;
pub const IFCHR = 8192;
pub const IFDIR = 16384;
pub const IFBLK = 24576;
pub const IFREG = 32768;
pub const IFDB = 36864;
pub const IFLNK = 40960;
pub const IFSOCK = 49152;
pub const IFWHT = 57344;
pub const IFMT = 61440;
pub fn ISCHR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFCHR;
.haiku => struct {
pub const IFMT = 0o170000;
pub const IFSOCK = 0o140000;
pub const IFLNK = 0o120000;
pub const IFREG = 0o100000;
pub const IFBLK = 0o060000;
pub const IFDIR = 0o040000;
pub const IFCHR = 0o020000;
pub const IFIFO = 0o010000;
pub const INDEX_DIR = 0o4000000000;
pub const IUMSK = 0o7777;
pub const ISUID = 0o4000;
pub const ISGID = 0o2000;
pub const ISVTX = 0o1000;
pub const IRWXU = 0o700;
pub const IRUSR = 0o400;
pub const IWUSR = 0o200;
pub const IXUSR = 0o100;
pub const IRWXG = 0o070;
pub const IRGRP = 0o040;
pub const IWGRP = 0o020;
pub const IXGRP = 0o010;
pub const IRWXO = 0o007;
pub const IROTH = 0o004;
pub const IWOTH = 0o002;
pub const IXOTH = 0o001;
pub fn ISREG(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFREG;
pub fn ISLNK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFLNK;
pub fn ISBLK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFBLK;
pub fn ISDIR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFDIR;
pub fn ISCHR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFCHR;
pub fn ISFIFO(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFIFO;
pub fn ISSOCK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFSOCK;
pub fn ISINDEX(m: u32) bool {
return m & INDEX_DIR == INDEX_DIR;
.openbsd => struct {
pub const IFMT = 0o170000;
pub const IFIFO = 0o010000;
pub const IFCHR = 0o020000;
pub const IFDIR = 0o040000;
pub const IFBLK = 0o060000;
pub const IFREG = 0o100000;
pub const IFLNK = 0o120000;
pub const IFSOCK = 0o140000;
pub const ISUID = 0o4000;
pub const ISGID = 0o2000;
pub const ISVTX = 0o1000;
pub const IRWXU = 0o700;
pub const IRUSR = 0o400;
pub const IWUSR = 0o200;
pub const IXUSR = 0o100;
pub const IRWXG = 0o070;
pub const IRGRP = 0o040;
pub const IWGRP = 0o020;
pub const IXGRP = 0o010;
pub const IRWXO = 0o007;
pub const IROTH = 0o004;
pub const IWOTH = 0o002;
pub const IXOTH = 0o001;
pub fn ISFIFO(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFIFO;
pub fn ISCHR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFCHR;
pub fn ISDIR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFDIR;
pub fn ISBLK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFBLK;
pub fn ISREG(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFREG;
pub fn ISLNK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFLNK;
pub fn ISSOCK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFSOCK;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ec492a1a0819e6239ea44156825c4ee7234ca3db/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/stat.h#L16-L51
.serenity => struct {
pub const IFMT = 0o170000;
pub const IFDIR = 0o040000;
pub const IFCHR = 0o020000;
pub const IFBLK = 0o060000;
pub const IFREG = 0o100000;
pub const IFIFO = 0o010000;
pub const IFLNK = 0o120000;
pub const IFSOCK = 0o140000;
pub const ISUID = 0o4000;
pub const ISGID = 0o2000;
pub const ISVTX = 0o1000;
pub const IRUSR = 0o400;
pub const IWUSR = 0o200;
pub const IXUSR = 0o100;
pub const IREAD = IRUSR;
pub const IWRITE = IWUSR;
pub const IEXEC = IXUSR;
pub const IRGRP = 0o040;
pub const IWGRP = 0o020;
pub const IXGRP = 0o010;
pub const IROTH = 0o004;
pub const IWOTH = 0o002;
pub const IXOTH = 0o001;
pub const IRWXU = IRUSR | IWUSR | IXUSR;
pub const IRWXG = IRWXU >> 3;
pub const IRWXO = IRWXG >> 3;
pub fn ISDIR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFDIR;
pub fn ISCHR(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFCHR;
pub fn ISBLK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFBLK;
pub fn ISREG(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFREG;
pub fn ISFIFO(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFIFO;
pub fn ISLNK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFLNK;
pub fn ISSOCK(m: u32) bool {
return m & IFMT == IFSOCK;
else => void,
pub const SA = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.SA,
.emscripten => emscripten.SA,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
/// take signal on signal stack
pub const ONSTACK = 0x0001;
/// restart system on signal return
pub const RESTART = 0x0002;
/// reset to SIG.DFL when taking signal
pub const RESETHAND = 0x0004;
/// do not generate SIG.CHLD on child stop
pub const NOCLDSTOP = 0x0008;
/// don't mask the signal we're delivering
pub const NODEFER = 0x0010;
/// don't keep zombies around
pub const NOCLDWAIT = 0x0020;
/// signal handler with SIGINFO args
pub const SIGINFO = 0x0040;
/// do not bounce off kernel's sigtramp
pub const USERTRAMP = 0x0100;
/// signal handler with SIGINFO args with 64bit regs information
pub const @"64REGSET" = 0x0200;
.freebsd => struct {
pub const ONSTACK = 0x0001;
pub const RESTART = 0x0002;
pub const RESETHAND = 0x0004;
pub const NOCLDSTOP = 0x0008;
pub const NODEFER = 0x0010;
pub const NOCLDWAIT = 0x0020;
pub const SIGINFO = 0x0040;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
pub const ONSTACK = 0x00000001;
pub const RESETHAND = 0x00000002;
pub const RESTART = 0x00000004;
pub const SIGINFO = 0x00000008;
pub const NODEFER = 0x00000010;
pub const NOCLDWAIT = 0x00010000;
.netbsd => struct {
pub const ONSTACK = 0x0001;
pub const RESTART = 0x0002;
pub const RESETHAND = 0x0004;
pub const NOCLDSTOP = 0x0008;
pub const NODEFER = 0x0010;
pub const NOCLDWAIT = 0x0020;
pub const SIGINFO = 0x0040;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const ONSTACK = 0x0001;
pub const RESTART = 0x0002;
pub const RESETHAND = 0x0004;
pub const NODEFER = 0x0010;
pub const NOCLDWAIT = 0x0020;
pub const SIGINFO = 0x0040;
.haiku => struct {
pub const NOCLDSTOP = 0x01;
pub const NOCLDWAIT = 0x02;
pub const RESETHAND = 0x04;
pub const NODEFER = 0x08;
pub const RESTART = 0x10;
pub const ONSTACK = 0x20;
pub const SIGINFO = 0x40;
pub const NOMASK = NODEFER;
pub const STACK = ONSTACK;
.openbsd => struct {
pub const ONSTACK = 0x0001;
pub const RESTART = 0x0002;
pub const RESETHAND = 0x0004;
pub const NOCLDSTOP = 0x0008;
pub const NODEFER = 0x0010;
pub const NOCLDWAIT = 0x0020;
pub const SIGINFO = 0x0040;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ec492a1a0819e6239ea44156825c4ee7234ca3db/Kernel/API/POSIX/signal.h#L65-L71
.serenity => struct {
pub const NOCLDSTOP = 1;
pub const NOCLDWAIT = 2;
pub const SIGINFO = 4;
pub const ONSTACK = 0x08000000;
pub const RESTART = 0x10000000;
pub const NODEFER = 0x40000000;
pub const RESETHAND = 0x80000000;
pub const NOMASK = NODEFER;
else => void,
pub const sigval_t = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd, .solaris, .illumos => extern union {
int: i32,
ptr: ?*anyopaque,
else => void,
pub const SC = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.SC,
else => void,
pub const _SC = if (builtin.abi.isAndroid()) enum(c_int) {
} else switch (native_os) {
.driverkit, .ios, .macos, .tvos, .visionos, .watchos => enum(c_int) {
.dragonfly => enum(c_int) {
.freebsd => enum(c_int) {
.fuchsia => enum(c_int) {
.haiku => enum(c_int) {
.linux => enum(c_int) {
.netbsd => enum(c_int) {
.openbsd => enum(c_int) {
.solaris, .illumos => enum(c_int) {
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/1dfc9e2df39dd23f1de92530677c845aae4345f2/Kernel/API/POSIX/unistd.h#L36-L52
.serenity => enum(c_int) {
CLK_TCK = 9,
ARG_MAX = 12,
IOV_MAX = 13,
else => void,
pub const SEEK = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.SEEK,
.emscripten => emscripten.SEEK,
.wasi => struct {
pub const SET: wasi.whence_t = .SET;
pub const CUR: wasi.whence_t = .CUR;
pub const END: wasi.whence_t = .END;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/808ce594db1f2190e5212a250e900bde2ffe710b/Kernel/API/POSIX/stdio.h#L15-L17
.openbsd, .haiku, .netbsd, .freebsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .windows, .serenity => struct {
pub const SET = 0;
pub const CUR = 1;
pub const END = 2;
.dragonfly, .solaris, .illumos => struct {
pub const SET = 0;
pub const CUR = 1;
pub const END = 2;
pub const DATA = 3;
pub const HOLE = 4;
else => void,
pub const SHUT = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.SHUT,
.emscripten => emscripten.SHUT,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ac44ec5ebc707f9dd0c3d4759a1e17e91db5d74f/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/socket.h#L40-L42
else => struct {
pub const RD = 0;
pub const WR = 1;
pub const RDWR = 2;
/// Signal types
pub const SIG = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.SIG,
.emscripten => emscripten.SIG,
.windows => struct {
/// interrupt
pub const INT = 2;
/// illegal instruction - invalid function image
pub const ILL = 4;
/// floating point exception
pub const FPE = 8;
/// segment violation
pub const SEGV = 11;
/// Software termination signal from kill
pub const TERM = 15;
/// Ctrl-Break sequence
pub const BREAK = 21;
/// abnormal termination triggered by abort call
pub const ABRT = 22;
/// SIGABRT compatible with other platforms, same as SIGABRT
pub const ABRT_COMPAT = 6;
// Signal action codes
/// default signal action
pub const DFL = 0;
/// ignore signal
pub const IGN = 1;
/// return current value
pub const GET = 2;
/// signal gets error
pub const SGE = 3;
/// acknowledge
pub const ACK = 4;
/// Signal error value (returned by signal call on error)
pub const ERR = -1;
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
pub const ERR: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(maxInt(usize));
pub const DFL: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(0);
pub const IGN: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(1);
pub const HOLD: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(5);
/// block specified signal set
pub const BLOCK = 1;
/// unblock specified signal set
pub const UNBLOCK = 2;
/// set specified signal set
pub const SETMASK = 3;
/// hangup
pub const HUP = 1;
/// interrupt
pub const INT = 2;
/// quit
pub const QUIT = 3;
/// illegal instruction (not reset when caught)
pub const ILL = 4;
/// trace trap (not reset when caught)
pub const TRAP = 5;
/// abort()
pub const ABRT = 6;
/// pollable event ([XSR] generated, not supported)
pub const POLL = 7;
/// compatibility
pub const IOT = ABRT;
/// EMT instruction
pub const EMT = 7;
/// floating point exception
pub const FPE = 8;
/// kill (cannot be caught or ignored)
pub const KILL = 9;
/// bus error
pub const BUS = 10;
/// segmentation violation
pub const SEGV = 11;
/// bad argument to system call
pub const SYS = 12;
/// write on a pipe with no one to read it
pub const PIPE = 13;
/// alarm clock
pub const ALRM = 14;
/// software termination signal from kill
pub const TERM = 15;
/// urgent condition on IO channel
pub const URG = 16;
/// sendable stop signal not from tty
pub const STOP = 17;
/// stop signal from tty
pub const TSTP = 18;
/// continue a stopped process
pub const CONT = 19;
/// to parent on child stop or exit
pub const CHLD = 20;
/// to readers pgrp upon background tty read
pub const TTIN = 21;
/// like TTIN for output if (tp->t_local<OSTOP)
pub const TTOU = 22;
/// input/output possible signal
pub const IO = 23;
/// exceeded CPU time limit
pub const XCPU = 24;
/// exceeded file size limit
pub const XFSZ = 25;
/// virtual time alarm
pub const VTALRM = 26;
/// profiling time alarm
pub const PROF = 27;
/// window size changes
pub const WINCH = 28;
/// information request
pub const INFO = 29;
/// user defined signal 1
pub const USR1 = 30;
/// user defined signal 2
pub const USR2 = 31;
.freebsd => struct {
pub const HUP = 1;
pub const INT = 2;
pub const QUIT = 3;
pub const ILL = 4;
pub const TRAP = 5;
pub const ABRT = 6;
pub const IOT = ABRT;
pub const EMT = 7;
pub const FPE = 8;
pub const KILL = 9;
pub const BUS = 10;
pub const SEGV = 11;
pub const SYS = 12;
pub const PIPE = 13;
pub const ALRM = 14;
pub const TERM = 15;
pub const URG = 16;
pub const STOP = 17;
pub const TSTP = 18;
pub const CONT = 19;
pub const CHLD = 20;
pub const TTIN = 21;
pub const TTOU = 22;
pub const IO = 23;
pub const XCPU = 24;
pub const XFSZ = 25;
pub const VTALRM = 26;
pub const PROF = 27;
pub const WINCH = 28;
pub const INFO = 29;
pub const USR1 = 30;
pub const USR2 = 31;
pub const THR = 32;
pub const LWP = THR;
pub const LIBRT = 33;
pub const RTMIN = 65;
pub const RTMAX = 126;
pub const BLOCK = 1;
pub const UNBLOCK = 2;
pub const SETMASK = 3;
pub const DFL: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(0);
pub const IGN: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(1);
pub const ERR: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(maxInt(usize));
pub const WORDS = 4;
pub const MAXSIG = 128;
pub inline fn IDX(sig: usize) usize {
return sig - 1;
pub inline fn WORD(sig: usize) usize {
return IDX(sig) >> 5;
pub inline fn BIT(sig: usize) usize {
return 1 << (IDX(sig) & 31);
pub inline fn VALID(sig: usize) usize {
return sig <= MAXSIG and sig > 0;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
pub const DFL: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(0);
pub const ERR: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(maxInt(usize));
pub const IGN: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(1);
pub const HOLD: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(2);
pub const WORDS = 4;
pub const MAXSIG = 75;
pub const SIG_BLOCK = 1;
pub const SIG_UNBLOCK = 2;
pub const SIG_SETMASK = 3;
pub const HUP = 1;
pub const INT = 2;
pub const QUIT = 3;
pub const ILL = 4;
pub const TRAP = 5;
pub const IOT = 6;
pub const ABRT = 6;
pub const EMT = 7;
pub const FPE = 8;
pub const KILL = 9;
pub const BUS = 10;
pub const SEGV = 11;
pub const SYS = 12;
pub const PIPE = 13;
pub const ALRM = 14;
pub const TERM = 15;
pub const USR1 = 16;
pub const USR2 = 17;
pub const CLD = 18;
pub const CHLD = 18;
pub const PWR = 19;
pub const WINCH = 20;
pub const URG = 21;
pub const POLL = 22;
pub const IO = .POLL;
pub const STOP = 23;
pub const TSTP = 24;
pub const CONT = 25;
pub const TTIN = 26;
pub const TTOU = 27;
pub const VTALRM = 28;
pub const PROF = 29;
pub const XCPU = 30;
pub const XFSZ = 31;
pub const WAITING = 32;
pub const LWP = 33;
pub const FREEZE = 34;
pub const THAW = 35;
pub const CANCEL = 36;
pub const LOST = 37;
pub const XRES = 38;
pub const JVM1 = 39;
pub const JVM2 = 40;
pub const INFO = 41;
pub const RTMIN = 42;
pub const RTMAX = 74;
pub inline fn IDX(sig: usize) usize {
return sig - 1;
pub inline fn WORD(sig: usize) usize {
return IDX(sig) >> 5;
pub inline fn BIT(sig: usize) usize {
return 1 << (IDX(sig) & 31);
pub inline fn VALID(sig: usize) usize {
return sig <= MAXSIG and sig > 0;
.netbsd => struct {
pub const DFL: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(0);
pub const IGN: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(1);
pub const ERR: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(maxInt(usize));
pub const WORDS = 4;
pub const MAXSIG = 128;
pub const BLOCK = 1;
pub const UNBLOCK = 2;
pub const SETMASK = 3;
pub const HUP = 1;
pub const INT = 2;
pub const QUIT = 3;
pub const ILL = 4;
pub const TRAP = 5;
pub const ABRT = 6;
pub const IOT = ABRT;
pub const EMT = 7;
pub const FPE = 8;
pub const KILL = 9;
pub const BUS = 10;
pub const SEGV = 11;
pub const SYS = 12;
pub const PIPE = 13;
pub const ALRM = 14;
pub const TERM = 15;
pub const URG = 16;
pub const STOP = 17;
pub const TSTP = 18;
pub const CONT = 19;
pub const CHLD = 20;
pub const TTIN = 21;
pub const TTOU = 22;
pub const IO = 23;
pub const XCPU = 24;
pub const XFSZ = 25;
pub const VTALRM = 26;
pub const PROF = 27;
pub const WINCH = 28;
pub const INFO = 29;
pub const USR1 = 30;
pub const USR2 = 31;
pub const PWR = 32;
pub const RTMIN = 33;
pub const RTMAX = 63;
pub inline fn IDX(sig: usize) usize {
return sig - 1;
pub inline fn WORD(sig: usize) usize {
return IDX(sig) >> 5;
pub inline fn BIT(sig: usize) usize {
return 1 << (IDX(sig) & 31);
pub inline fn VALID(sig: usize) usize {
return sig <= MAXSIG and sig > 0;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const DFL: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(0);
pub const IGN: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(1);
pub const ERR: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(maxInt(usize));
pub const BLOCK = 1;
pub const UNBLOCK = 2;
pub const SETMASK = 3;
pub const IOT = ABRT;
pub const HUP = 1;
pub const INT = 2;
pub const QUIT = 3;
pub const ILL = 4;
pub const TRAP = 5;
pub const ABRT = 6;
pub const EMT = 7;
pub const FPE = 8;
pub const KILL = 9;
pub const BUS = 10;
pub const SEGV = 11;
pub const SYS = 12;
pub const PIPE = 13;
pub const ALRM = 14;
pub const TERM = 15;
pub const URG = 16;
pub const STOP = 17;
pub const TSTP = 18;
pub const CONT = 19;
pub const CHLD = 20;
pub const TTIN = 21;
pub const TTOU = 22;
pub const IO = 23;
pub const XCPU = 24;
pub const XFSZ = 25;
pub const VTALRM = 26;
pub const PROF = 27;
pub const WINCH = 28;
pub const INFO = 29;
pub const USR1 = 30;
pub const USR2 = 31;
pub const THR = 32;
pub const CKPT = 33;
pub const CKPTEXIT = 34;
pub const WORDS = 4;
.haiku => struct {
pub const DFL: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(0);
pub const IGN: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(1);
pub const ERR: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(maxInt(usize));
pub const HOLD: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(3);
pub const HUP = 1;
pub const INT = 2;
pub const QUIT = 3;
pub const ILL = 4;
pub const CHLD = 5;
pub const ABRT = 6;
pub const IOT = ABRT;
pub const PIPE = 7;
pub const FPE = 8;
pub const KILL = 9;
pub const STOP = 10;
pub const SEGV = 11;
pub const CONT = 12;
pub const TSTP = 13;
pub const ALRM = 14;
pub const TERM = 15;
pub const TTIN = 16;
pub const TTOU = 17;
pub const USR1 = 18;
pub const USR2 = 19;
pub const WINCH = 20;
pub const KILLTHR = 21;
pub const TRAP = 22;
pub const POLL = 23;
pub const PROF = 24;
pub const SYS = 25;
pub const URG = 26;
pub const VTALRM = 27;
pub const XCPU = 28;
pub const XFSZ = 29;
pub const BUS = 30;
pub const RESERVED1 = 31;
pub const RESERVED2 = 32;
pub const BLOCK = 1;
pub const UNBLOCK = 2;
pub const SETMASK = 3;
.openbsd => struct {
pub const DFL: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(0);
pub const IGN: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(1);
pub const ERR: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(maxInt(usize));
pub const CATCH: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(2);
pub const HOLD: ?Sigaction.handler_fn = @ptrFromInt(3);
pub const HUP = 1;
pub const INT = 2;
pub const QUIT = 3;
pub const ILL = 4;
pub const TRAP = 5;
pub const ABRT = 6;
pub const IOT = ABRT;
pub const EMT = 7;
pub const FPE = 8;
pub const KILL = 9;
pub const BUS = 10;
pub const SEGV = 11;
pub const SYS = 12;
pub const PIPE = 13;
pub const ALRM = 14;
pub const TERM = 15;
pub const URG = 16;
pub const STOP = 17;
pub const TSTP = 18;
pub const CONT = 19;
pub const CHLD = 20;
pub const TTIN = 21;
pub const TTOU = 22;
pub const IO = 23;
pub const XCPU = 24;
pub const XFSZ = 25;
pub const VTALRM = 26;
pub const PROF = 27;
pub const WINCH = 28;
pub const INFO = 29;
pub const USR1 = 30;
pub const USR2 = 31;
pub const PWR = 32;
pub const BLOCK = 1;
pub const UNBLOCK = 2;
pub const SETMASK = 3;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/046c23f567a17758d762a33bdf04bacbfd088f9f/Kernel/API/POSIX/signal_numbers.h
.serenity => struct {
pub const INVAL = 0;
pub const HUP = 1;
pub const INT = 2;
pub const QUIT = 3;
pub const ILL = 4;
pub const TRAP = 5;
pub const ABRT = 6;
pub const BUS = 7;
pub const FPE = 8;
pub const KILL = 9;
pub const USR1 = 10;
pub const SEGV = 11;
pub const USR2 = 12;
pub const PIPE = 13;
pub const ALRM = 14;
pub const TERM = 15;
pub const STKFLT = 16;
pub const CHLD = 17;
pub const CONT = 18;
pub const STOP = 19;
pub const TSTP = 20;
pub const TTIN = 21;
pub const TTOU = 22;
pub const URG = 23;
pub const XCPU = 24;
pub const XFSZ = 25;
pub const VTALRM = 26;
pub const PROF = 27;
pub const WINCH = 28;
pub const IO = 29;
pub const INFO = 30;
pub const SYS = 31;
pub const CANCEL = 32;
else => void,
pub const SIOCGIFINDEX = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.SIOCGIFINDEX,
.emscripten => emscripten.SIOCGIFINDEX,
.solaris, .illumos => solaris.SIOCGLIFINDEX,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/cb10f70394fb7e9cfc77f827adb2e46d199bc3a5/Kernel/API/Ioctl.h#L118
.serenity => 34,
else => void,
pub const STDIN_FILENO = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.STDIN_FILENO,
.emscripten => emscripten.STDIN_FILENO,
else => 0,
pub const STDOUT_FILENO = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.STDOUT_FILENO,
.emscripten => emscripten.STDOUT_FILENO,
else => 1,
pub const STDERR_FILENO = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.STDERR_FILENO,
.emscripten => emscripten.STDERR_FILENO,
else => 2,
pub const SYS = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.SYS,
else => void,
/// Renamed from `sigaction` to `Sigaction` to avoid conflict with function name.
pub const Sigaction = switch (native_os) {
.linux => switch (native_arch) {
=> if (builtin.target.abi.isMusl())
else if (builtin.target.ptrBitWidth() == 64) extern struct {
pub const handler_fn = *align(1) const fn (i32) callconv(.c) void;
pub const sigaction_fn = *const fn (i32, *const siginfo_t, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.c) void;
flags: c_uint,
handler: extern union {
handler: ?handler_fn,
sigaction: ?sigaction_fn,
mask: sigset_t,
restorer: ?*const fn () callconv(.c) void = null,
} else extern struct {
pub const handler_fn = *align(1) const fn (i32) callconv(.c) void;
pub const sigaction_fn = *const fn (i32, *const siginfo_t, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.c) void;
flags: c_uint,
handler: extern union {
handler: ?handler_fn,
sigaction: ?sigaction_fn,
mask: sigset_t,
restorer: ?*const fn () callconv(.c) void = null,
__resv: [1]c_int = .{0},
.s390x => if (builtin.abi == .gnu) extern struct {
pub const handler_fn = *align(1) const fn (i32) callconv(.c) void;
pub const sigaction_fn = *const fn (i32, *const siginfo_t, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.c) void;
handler: extern union {
handler: ?handler_fn,
sigaction: ?sigaction_fn,
__glibc_reserved0: c_int = 0,
flags: c_uint,
restorer: ?*const fn () callconv(.c) void = null,
mask: sigset_t,
} else linux.Sigaction,
else => linux.Sigaction,
.emscripten => emscripten.Sigaction,
.netbsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
pub const handler_fn = *align(1) const fn (i32) callconv(.c) void;
pub const sigaction_fn = *const fn (i32, *const siginfo_t, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.c) void;
handler: extern union {
handler: ?handler_fn,
sigaction: ?sigaction_fn,
mask: sigset_t,
flags: c_uint,
.dragonfly, .freebsd => extern struct {
pub const handler_fn = *align(1) const fn (i32) callconv(.c) void;
pub const sigaction_fn = *const fn (i32, *const siginfo_t, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.c) void;
/// signal handler
handler: extern union {
handler: ?handler_fn,
sigaction: ?sigaction_fn,
/// see signal options
flags: c_uint,
/// signal mask to apply
mask: sigset_t,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
pub const handler_fn = *align(1) const fn (i32) callconv(.c) void;
pub const sigaction_fn = *const fn (i32, *const siginfo_t, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.c) void;
/// signal options
flags: c_uint,
/// signal handler
handler: extern union {
handler: ?handler_fn,
sigaction: ?sigaction_fn,
/// signal mask to apply
mask: sigset_t,
.haiku => extern struct {
pub const handler_fn = *align(1) const fn (i32) callconv(.c) void;
pub const sigaction_fn = *const fn (i32, *const siginfo_t, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.c) void;
/// signal handler
handler: extern union {
handler: handler_fn,
sigaction: sigaction_fn,
/// signal mask to apply
mask: sigset_t,
/// see signal options
flags: i32,
/// will be passed to the signal handler, BeOS extension
userdata: *allowzero anyopaque = undefined,
.openbsd => extern struct {
pub const handler_fn = *align(1) const fn (i32) callconv(.c) void;
pub const sigaction_fn = *const fn (i32, *const siginfo_t, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.c) void;
/// signal handler
handler: extern union {
handler: ?handler_fn,
sigaction: ?sigaction_fn,
/// signal mask to apply
mask: sigset_t,
/// signal options
flags: c_uint,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ec492a1a0819e6239ea44156825c4ee7234ca3db/Kernel/API/POSIX/signal.h#L39-L46
.serenity => extern struct {
pub const handler_fn = *align(1) const fn (c_int) callconv(.c) void;
pub const sigaction_fn = *const fn (c_int, *const siginfo_t, ?*anyopaque) callconv(.c) void;
handler: extern union {
handler: ?handler_fn,
sigaction: ?sigaction_fn,
mask: sigset_t,
flags: c_int,
else => void,
pub const T = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.T,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
pub const IOCGWINSZ = ior(0x40000000, 't', 104, @sizeOf(winsize));
fn ior(inout: u32, group: usize, num: usize, len: usize) usize {
return (inout | ((len & IOCPARM_MASK) << 16) | ((group) << 8) | (num));
.freebsd => struct {
pub const IOCEXCL = 0x2000740d;
pub const IOCNXCL = 0x2000740e;
pub const IOCSCTTY = 0x20007461;
pub const IOCGPGRP = 0x40047477;
pub const IOCSPGRP = 0x80047476;
pub const IOCOUTQ = 0x40047473;
pub const IOCSTI = 0x80017472;
pub const IOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468;
pub const IOCSWINSZ = 0x80087467;
pub const IOCMGET = 0x4004746a;
pub const IOCMBIS = 0x8004746c;
pub const IOCMBIC = 0x8004746b;
pub const IOCMSET = 0x8004746d;
pub const FIONREAD = 0x4004667f;
pub const IOCCONS = 0x80047462;
pub const IOCPKT = 0x80047470;
pub const FIONBIO = 0x8004667e;
pub const IOCNOTTY = 0x20007471;
pub const IOCSETD = 0x8004741b;
pub const IOCGETD = 0x4004741a;
pub const IOCSBRK = 0x2000747b;
pub const IOCCBRK = 0x2000747a;
pub const IOCGSID = 0x40047463;
pub const IOCGPTN = 0x4004740f;
pub const IOCSIG = 0x2004745f;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
pub const CGETA = tioc('T', 1);
pub const CSETA = tioc('T', 2);
pub const CSETAW = tioc('T', 3);
pub const CSETAF = tioc('T', 4);
pub const CSBRK = tioc('T', 5);
pub const CXONC = tioc('T', 6);
pub const CFLSH = tioc('T', 7);
pub const IOCGWINSZ = tioc('T', 104);
pub const IOCSWINSZ = tioc('T', 103);
// Softcarrier ioctls
pub const IOCGSOFTCAR = tioc('T', 105);
pub const IOCSSOFTCAR = tioc('T', 106);
// termios ioctls
pub const CGETS = tioc('T', 13);
pub const CSETS = tioc('T', 14);
pub const CSANOW = tioc('T', 14);
pub const CSETSW = tioc('T', 15);
pub const CSADRAIN = tioc('T', 15);
pub const CSETSF = tioc('T', 16);
pub const IOCSETLD = tioc('T', 123);
pub const IOCGETLD = tioc('T', 124);
// NTP PPS ioctls
pub const IOCGPPS = tioc('T', 125);
pub const IOCSPPS = tioc('T', 126);
pub const IOCGPPSEV = tioc('T', 127);
pub const IOCGETD = tioc('t', 0);
pub const IOCSETD = tioc('t', 1);
pub const IOCHPCL = tioc('t', 2);
pub const IOCGETP = tioc('t', 8);
pub const IOCSETP = tioc('t', 9);
pub const IOCSETN = tioc('t', 10);
pub const IOCEXCL = tioc('t', 13);
pub const IOCNXCL = tioc('t', 14);
pub const IOCFLUSH = tioc('t', 16);
pub const IOCSETC = tioc('t', 17);
pub const IOCGETC = tioc('t', 18);
/// bis local mode bits
pub const IOCLBIS = tioc('t', 127);
/// bic local mode bits
pub const IOCLBIC = tioc('t', 126);
/// set entire local mode word
pub const IOCLSET = tioc('t', 125);
/// get local modes
pub const IOCLGET = tioc('t', 124);
/// set break bit
pub const IOCSBRK = tioc('t', 123);
/// clear break bit
pub const IOCCBRK = tioc('t', 122);
/// set data terminal ready
pub const IOCSDTR = tioc('t', 121);
/// clear data terminal ready
pub const IOCCDTR = tioc('t', 120);
/// set local special chars
pub const IOCSLTC = tioc('t', 117);
/// get local special chars
pub const IOCGLTC = tioc('t', 116);
/// driver output queue size
pub const IOCOUTQ = tioc('t', 115);
/// void tty association
pub const IOCNOTTY = tioc('t', 113);
/// get a ctty
pub const IOCSCTTY = tioc('t', 132);
/// stop output, like ^S
pub const IOCSTOP = tioc('t', 111);
/// start output, like ^Q
pub const IOCSTART = tioc('t', 110);
/// get pgrp of tty
pub const IOCGPGRP = tioc('t', 20);
/// set pgrp of tty
pub const IOCSPGRP = tioc('t', 21);
/// get session id on ctty
pub const IOCGSID = tioc('t', 22);
/// simulate terminal input
pub const IOCSTI = tioc('t', 23);
/// set all modem bits
pub const IOCMSET = tioc('t', 26);
/// bis modem bits
pub const IOCMBIS = tioc('t', 27);
/// bic modem bits
pub const IOCMBIC = tioc('t', 28);
/// get all modem bits
pub const IOCMGET = tioc('t', 29);
fn tioc(t: u16, num: u8) u16 {
return (t << 8) | num;
.netbsd => struct {
pub const IOCCBRK = 0x2000747a;
pub const IOCCDTR = 0x20007478;
pub const IOCCONS = 0x80047462;
pub const IOCDCDTIMESTAMP = 0x40107458;
pub const IOCDRAIN = 0x2000745e;
pub const IOCEXCL = 0x2000740d;
pub const IOCEXT = 0x80047460;
pub const IOCFLAG_CDTRCTS = 0x10;
pub const IOCFLAG_CLOCAL = 0x2;
pub const IOCFLAG_CRTSCTS = 0x4;
pub const IOCFLAG_MDMBUF = 0x8;
pub const IOCFLAG_SOFTCAR = 0x1;
pub const IOCFLUSH = 0x80047410;
pub const IOCGETA = 0x402c7413;
pub const IOCGETD = 0x4004741a;
pub const IOCGFLAGS = 0x4004745d;
pub const IOCGLINED = 0x40207442;
pub const IOCGPGRP = 0x40047477;
pub const IOCGQSIZE = 0x40047481;
pub const IOCGRANTPT = 0x20007447;
pub const IOCGSID = 0x40047463;
pub const IOCGSIZE = 0x40087468;
pub const IOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468;
pub const IOCMBIC = 0x8004746b;
pub const IOCMBIS = 0x8004746c;
pub const IOCMGET = 0x4004746a;
pub const IOCMSET = 0x8004746d;
pub const IOCM_CAR = 0x40;
pub const IOCM_CD = 0x40;
pub const IOCM_CTS = 0x20;
pub const IOCM_DSR = 0x100;
pub const IOCM_DTR = 0x2;
pub const IOCM_LE = 0x1;
pub const IOCM_RI = 0x80;
pub const IOCM_RNG = 0x80;
pub const IOCM_RTS = 0x4;
pub const IOCM_SR = 0x10;
pub const IOCM_ST = 0x8;
pub const IOCNOTTY = 0x20007471;
pub const IOCNXCL = 0x2000740e;
pub const IOCOUTQ = 0x40047473;
pub const IOCPKT = 0x80047470;
pub const IOCPKT_DATA = 0x0;
pub const IOCPKT_DOSTOP = 0x20;
pub const IOCPKT_FLUSHREAD = 0x1;
pub const IOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE = 0x2;
pub const IOCPKT_IOCTL = 0x40;
pub const IOCPKT_NOSTOP = 0x10;
pub const IOCPKT_START = 0x8;
pub const IOCPKT_STOP = 0x4;
pub const IOCPTMGET = 0x40287446;
pub const IOCPTSNAME = 0x40287448;
pub const IOCRCVFRAME = 0x80087445;
pub const IOCREMOTE = 0x80047469;
pub const IOCSBRK = 0x2000747b;
pub const IOCSCTTY = 0x20007461;
pub const IOCSDTR = 0x20007479;
pub const IOCSETA = 0x802c7414;
pub const IOCSETAF = 0x802c7416;
pub const IOCSETAW = 0x802c7415;
pub const IOCSETD = 0x8004741b;
pub const IOCSFLAGS = 0x8004745c;
pub const IOCSIG = 0x2000745f;
pub const IOCSLINED = 0x80207443;
pub const IOCSPGRP = 0x80047476;
pub const IOCSQSIZE = 0x80047480;
pub const IOCSSIZE = 0x80087467;
pub const IOCSTART = 0x2000746e;
pub const IOCSTAT = 0x80047465;
pub const IOCSTI = 0x80017472;
pub const IOCSTOP = 0x2000746f;
pub const IOCSWINSZ = 0x80087467;
pub const IOCUCNTL = 0x80047466;
pub const IOCXMTFRAME = 0x80087444;
.haiku => struct {
pub const CGETA = 0x8000;
pub const CSETA = 0x8001;
pub const CSETAF = 0x8002;
pub const CSETAW = 0x8003;
pub const CWAITEVENT = 0x8004;
pub const CSBRK = 0x8005;
pub const CFLSH = 0x8006;
pub const CXONC = 0x8007;
pub const CQUERYCONNECTED = 0x8008;
pub const CGETBITS = 0x8009;
pub const CSETDTR = 0x8010;
pub const CSETRTS = 0x8011;
pub const IOCGWINSZ = 0x8012;
pub const IOCSWINSZ = 0x8013;
pub const CVTIME = 0x8014;
pub const IOCGPGRP = 0x8015;
pub const IOCSPGRP = 0x8016;
pub const IOCSCTTY = 0x8017;
pub const IOCMGET = 0x8018;
pub const IOCMSET = 0x8019;
pub const IOCSBRK = 0x8020;
pub const IOCCBRK = 0x8021;
pub const IOCMBIS = 0x8022;
pub const IOCMBIC = 0x8023;
pub const IOCGSID = 0x8024;
pub const FIONREAD = 0xbe000001;
pub const FIONBIO = 0xbe000000;
.openbsd => struct {
pub const IOCCBRK = 0x2000747a;
pub const IOCCDTR = 0x20007478;
pub const IOCCONS = 0x80047462;
pub const IOCDCDTIMESTAMP = 0x40107458;
pub const IOCDRAIN = 0x2000745e;
pub const IOCEXCL = 0x2000740d;
pub const IOCEXT = 0x80047460;
pub const IOCFLAG_CDTRCTS = 0x10;
pub const IOCFLAG_CLOCAL = 0x2;
pub const IOCFLAG_CRTSCTS = 0x4;
pub const IOCFLAG_MDMBUF = 0x8;
pub const IOCFLAG_SOFTCAR = 0x1;
pub const IOCFLUSH = 0x80047410;
pub const IOCGETA = 0x402c7413;
pub const IOCGETD = 0x4004741a;
pub const IOCGFLAGS = 0x4004745d;
pub const IOCGLINED = 0x40207442;
pub const IOCGPGRP = 0x40047477;
pub const IOCGQSIZE = 0x40047481;
pub const IOCGRANTPT = 0x20007447;
pub const IOCGSID = 0x40047463;
pub const IOCGSIZE = 0x40087468;
pub const IOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468;
pub const IOCMBIC = 0x8004746b;
pub const IOCMBIS = 0x8004746c;
pub const IOCMGET = 0x4004746a;
pub const IOCMSET = 0x8004746d;
pub const IOCM_CAR = 0x40;
pub const IOCM_CD = 0x40;
pub const IOCM_CTS = 0x20;
pub const IOCM_DSR = 0x100;
pub const IOCM_DTR = 0x2;
pub const IOCM_LE = 0x1;
pub const IOCM_RI = 0x80;
pub const IOCM_RNG = 0x80;
pub const IOCM_RTS = 0x4;
pub const IOCM_SR = 0x10;
pub const IOCM_ST = 0x8;
pub const IOCNOTTY = 0x20007471;
pub const IOCNXCL = 0x2000740e;
pub const IOCOUTQ = 0x40047473;
pub const IOCPKT = 0x80047470;
pub const IOCPKT_DATA = 0x0;
pub const IOCPKT_DOSTOP = 0x20;
pub const IOCPKT_FLUSHREAD = 0x1;
pub const IOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE = 0x2;
pub const IOCPKT_IOCTL = 0x40;
pub const IOCPKT_NOSTOP = 0x10;
pub const IOCPKT_START = 0x8;
pub const IOCPKT_STOP = 0x4;
pub const IOCPTMGET = 0x40287446;
pub const IOCPTSNAME = 0x40287448;
pub const IOCRCVFRAME = 0x80087445;
pub const IOCREMOTE = 0x80047469;
pub const IOCSBRK = 0x2000747b;
pub const IOCSCTTY = 0x20007461;
pub const IOCSDTR = 0x20007479;
pub const IOCSETA = 0x802c7414;
pub const IOCSETAF = 0x802c7416;
pub const IOCSETAW = 0x802c7415;
pub const IOCSETD = 0x8004741b;
pub const IOCSFLAGS = 0x8004745c;
pub const IOCSIG = 0x2000745f;
pub const IOCSLINED = 0x80207443;
pub const IOCSPGRP = 0x80047476;
pub const IOCSQSIZE = 0x80047480;
pub const IOCSSIZE = 0x80087467;
pub const IOCSTART = 0x2000746e;
pub const IOCSTAT = 0x80047465;
pub const IOCSTI = 0x80017472;
pub const IOCSTOP = 0x2000746f;
pub const IOCSWINSZ = 0x80087467;
pub const IOCUCNTL = 0x80047466;
pub const IOCXMTFRAME = 0x80087444;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const IOCMODG = 0x40047403;
pub const IOCMODS = 0x80047404;
pub const IOCM_LE = 0x00000001;
pub const IOCM_DTR = 0x00000002;
pub const IOCM_RTS = 0x00000004;
pub const IOCM_ST = 0x00000008;
pub const IOCM_SR = 0x00000010;
pub const IOCM_CTS = 0x00000020;
pub const IOCM_CAR = 0x00000040;
pub const IOCM_CD = 0x00000040;
pub const IOCM_RNG = 0x00000080;
pub const IOCM_RI = 0x00000080;
pub const IOCM_DSR = 0x00000100;
pub const IOCEXCL = 0x2000740d;
pub const IOCNXCL = 0x2000740e;
pub const IOCFLUSH = 0x80047410;
pub const IOCGETA = 0x402c7413;
pub const IOCSETA = 0x802c7414;
pub const IOCSETAW = 0x802c7415;
pub const IOCSETAF = 0x802c7416;
pub const IOCGETD = 0x4004741a;
pub const IOCSETD = 0x8004741b;
pub const IOCSBRK = 0x2000747b;
pub const IOCCBRK = 0x2000747a;
pub const IOCSDTR = 0x20007479;
pub const IOCCDTR = 0x20007478;
pub const IOCGPGRP = 0x40047477;
pub const IOCSPGRP = 0x80047476;
pub const IOCOUTQ = 0x40047473;
pub const IOCSTI = 0x80017472;
pub const IOCNOTTY = 0x20007471;
pub const IOCPKT = 0x80047470;
pub const IOCPKT_DATA = 0x00000000;
pub const IOCPKT_FLUSHREAD = 0x00000001;
pub const IOCPKT_FLUSHWRITE = 0x00000002;
pub const IOCPKT_STOP = 0x00000004;
pub const IOCPKT_START = 0x00000008;
pub const IOCPKT_NOSTOP = 0x00000010;
pub const IOCPKT_DOSTOP = 0x00000020;
pub const IOCPKT_IOCTL = 0x00000040;
pub const IOCSTOP = 0x2000746f;
pub const IOCSTART = 0x2000746e;
pub const IOCMSET = 0x8004746d;
pub const IOCMBIS = 0x8004746c;
pub const IOCMBIC = 0x8004746b;
pub const IOCMGET = 0x4004746a;
pub const IOCREMOTE = 0x80047469;
pub const IOCGWINSZ = 0x40087468;
pub const IOCSWINSZ = 0x80087467;
pub const IOCUCNTL = 0x80047466;
pub const IOCSTAT = 0x20007465;
pub const IOCGSID = 0x40047463;
pub const IOCCONS = 0x80047462;
pub const IOCSCTTY = 0x20007461;
pub const IOCEXT = 0x80047460;
pub const IOCSIG = 0x2000745f;
pub const IOCDRAIN = 0x2000745e;
pub const IOCMSDTRWAIT = 0x8004745b;
pub const IOCMGDTRWAIT = 0x4004745a;
pub const IOCTIMESTAMP = 0x40107459;
pub const IOCDCDTIMESTAMP = 0x40107458;
pub const IOCSDRAINWAIT = 0x80047457;
pub const IOCGDRAINWAIT = 0x40047456;
pub const IOCISPTMASTER = 0x20007455;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/cb10f70394fb7e9cfc77f827adb2e46d199bc3a5/Kernel/API/Ioctl.h#L84-L96
.serenity => struct {
pub const IOCGPGRP = 0;
pub const IOCSPGRP = 1;
pub const CGETS = 2;
pub const CSETS = 3;
pub const CSETSW = 4;
pub const CSETSF = 5;
pub const CFLSH = 6;
pub const IOCGWINSZ = 7;
pub const IOCSCTTY = 8;
pub const IOCSTI = 9;
pub const IOCNOTTY = 10;
pub const IOCSWINSZ = 11;
pub const IOCGPTN = 12;
else => void,
pub const IOCPARM_MASK = switch (native_os) {
.windows => ws2_32.IOCPARM_MASK,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => 0x1fff,
else => void,
pub const TCSA = std.posix.TCSA;
pub const TFD = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.TFD,
else => void,
pub const VDSO = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.VDSO,
else => void,
pub const W = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.W,
.emscripten => emscripten.W,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
/// [XSI] no hang in wait/no child to reap
pub const NOHANG = 0x00000001;
/// [XSI] notify on stop, untraced child
pub const UNTRACED = 0x00000002;
pub fn EXITSTATUS(x: u32) u8 {
return @as(u8, @intCast(x >> 8));
pub fn TERMSIG(x: u32) u32 {
return status(x);
pub fn STOPSIG(x: u32) u32 {
return x >> 8;
pub fn IFEXITED(x: u32) bool {
return status(x) == 0;
pub fn IFSTOPPED(x: u32) bool {
return status(x) == stopped and STOPSIG(x) != 0x13;
pub fn IFSIGNALED(x: u32) bool {
return status(x) != stopped and status(x) != 0;
fn status(x: u32) u32 {
return x & 0o177;
const stopped = 0o177;
.freebsd => struct {
pub const NOHANG = 1;
pub const UNTRACED = 2;
pub const CONTINUED = 4;
pub const NOWAIT = 8;
pub const EXITED = 16;
pub const TRAPPED = 32;
pub fn EXITSTATUS(s: u32) u8 {
return @as(u8, @intCast((s & 0xff00) >> 8));
pub fn TERMSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return s & 0x7f;
pub fn STOPSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return EXITSTATUS(s);
pub fn IFEXITED(s: u32) bool {
return TERMSIG(s) == 0;
pub fn IFSTOPPED(s: u32) bool {
return @as(u16, @truncate((((s & 0xffff) *% 0x10001) >> 8))) > 0x7f00;
pub fn IFSIGNALED(s: u32) bool {
return (s & 0xffff) -% 1 < 0xff;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
pub const EXITED = 0o001;
pub const TRAPPED = 0o002;
pub const UNTRACED = 0o004;
pub const CONTINUED = 0o010;
pub const NOHANG = 0o100;
pub const NOWAIT = 0o200;
pub fn EXITSTATUS(s: u32) u8 {
return @as(u8, @intCast((s >> 8) & 0xff));
pub fn TERMSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return s & 0x7f;
pub fn STOPSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return EXITSTATUS(s);
pub fn IFEXITED(s: u32) bool {
return TERMSIG(s) == 0;
pub fn IFCONTINUED(s: u32) bool {
return ((s & 0o177777) == 0o177777);
pub fn IFSTOPPED(s: u32) bool {
return (s & 0x00ff != 0o177) and !(s & 0xff00 != 0);
pub fn IFSIGNALED(s: u32) bool {
return s & 0x00ff > 0 and s & 0xff00 == 0;
.netbsd => struct {
pub const NOHANG = 0x00000001;
pub const UNTRACED = 0x00000002;
pub const CONTINUED = 0x00000010;
pub const NOWAIT = 0x00010000;
pub const EXITED = 0x00000020;
pub const TRAPPED = 0x00000040;
pub fn EXITSTATUS(s: u32) u8 {
return @as(u8, @intCast((s >> 8) & 0xff));
pub fn TERMSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return s & 0x7f;
pub fn STOPSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return EXITSTATUS(s);
pub fn IFEXITED(s: u32) bool {
return TERMSIG(s) == 0;
pub fn IFCONTINUED(s: u32) bool {
return ((s & 0x7f) == 0xffff);
pub fn IFSTOPPED(s: u32) bool {
return ((s & 0x7f != 0x7f) and !IFCONTINUED(s));
pub fn IFSIGNALED(s: u32) bool {
return !IFSTOPPED(s) and !IFCONTINUED(s) and !IFEXITED(s);
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const NOHANG = 0x0001;
pub const UNTRACED = 0x0002;
pub const CONTINUED = 0x0004;
pub const NOWAIT = 0x0008;
pub const EXITED = 0x0010;
pub const TRAPPED = 0x0020;
pub fn EXITSTATUS(s: u32) u8 {
return @as(u8, @intCast((s & 0xff00) >> 8));
pub fn TERMSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return s & 0x7f;
pub fn STOPSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return EXITSTATUS(s);
pub fn IFEXITED(s: u32) bool {
return TERMSIG(s) == 0;
pub fn IFSTOPPED(s: u32) bool {
return @as(u16, @truncate((((s & 0xffff) *% 0x10001) >> 8))) > 0x7f00;
pub fn IFSIGNALED(s: u32) bool {
return (s & 0xffff) -% 1 < 0xff;
.haiku => struct {
pub const NOHANG = 0x1;
pub const UNTRACED = 0x2;
pub const CONTINUED = 0x4;
pub const EXITED = 0x08;
pub const STOPPED = 0x10;
pub const NOWAIT = 0x20;
pub fn EXITSTATUS(s: u32) u8 {
return @as(u8, @intCast(s & 0xff));
pub fn TERMSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return (s >> 8) & 0xff;
pub fn STOPSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return (s >> 16) & 0xff;
pub fn IFEXITED(s: u32) bool {
return (s & ~@as(u32, 0xff)) == 0;
pub fn IFSTOPPED(s: u32) bool {
return ((s >> 16) & 0xff) != 0;
pub fn IFSIGNALED(s: u32) bool {
return ((s >> 8) & 0xff) != 0;
.openbsd => struct {
pub const NOHANG = 1;
pub const UNTRACED = 2;
pub const CONTINUED = 8;
pub fn EXITSTATUS(s: u32) u8 {
return @as(u8, @intCast((s >> 8) & 0xff));
pub fn TERMSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return (s & 0x7f);
pub fn STOPSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return EXITSTATUS(s);
pub fn IFEXITED(s: u32) bool {
return TERMSIG(s) == 0;
pub fn IFCONTINUED(s: u32) bool {
return ((s & 0o177777) == 0o177777);
pub fn IFSTOPPED(s: u32) bool {
return (s & 0xff == 0o177);
pub fn IFSIGNALED(s: u32) bool {
return (((s) & 0o177) != 0o177) and (((s) & 0o177) != 0);
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ec492a1a0819e6239ea44156825c4ee7234ca3db/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/wait.h
.serenity => struct {
pub const NOHANG = 1;
pub const UNTRACED = 2;
pub const EXITED = 4;
pub const CONTINUED = 8;
pub const NOWAIT = 0x1000000;
pub fn EXITSTATUS(s: u32) u8 {
return @intCast((s & 0xff00) >> 8);
pub fn STOPSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return EXITSTATUS(s);
pub fn TERMSIG(s: u32) u32 {
return s & 0x7f;
pub fn IFEXITED(s: u32) bool {
return TERMSIG(s) == 0;
pub fn IFSTOPPED(s: u32) bool {
return (s & 0xff) == 0x7f;
pub fn IFSIGNALED(s: u32) bool {
return (((s & 0x7f) + 1) >> 1) > 0;
pub fn IFCONTINUED(s: u32) bool {
return s == 0xffff;
else => void,
pub const clock_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.clock_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.clock_t,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => c_ulong,
.freebsd => isize,
.openbsd, .solaris, .illumos => i64,
.netbsd => u32,
.haiku => i32,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L50
.serenity => u64,
else => void,
pub const cpu_set_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.cpu_set_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.cpu_set_t,
else => void,
pub const dl_phdr_info = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.dl_phdr_info,
.emscripten => emscripten.dl_phdr_info,
.freebsd => extern struct {
/// Module relocation base.
addr: std.elf.Addr,
/// Module name.
name: ?[*:0]const u8,
/// Pointer to module's phdr.
phdr: [*]std.elf.Phdr,
/// Number of entries in phdr.
phnum: u16,
/// Total number of loads.
adds: u64,
/// Total number of unloads.
subs: u64,
tls_modid: usize,
tls_data: ?*anyopaque,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
addr: std.elf.Addr,
name: ?[*:0]const u8,
phdr: [*]std.elf.Phdr,
phnum: std.elf.Half,
/// Incremented when a new object is mapped into the process.
adds: u64,
/// Incremented when an object is unmapped from the process.
subs: u64,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/45d81dceed81df0c8ef75b440b20cc0938195faa/Userland/Libraries/LibC/link.h#L15-L20
.openbsd, .haiku, .dragonfly, .netbsd, .serenity => extern struct {
addr: usize,
name: ?[*:0]const u8,
phdr: [*]std.elf.Phdr,
phnum: std.elf.Half,
else => void,
pub const epoll_event = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.epoll_event,
else => void,
pub const ifreq = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.ifreq,
.emscripten => emscripten.ifreq,
.solaris, .illumos => lifreq,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/9882848e0bf783dfc8e8a6d887a848d70d9c58f4/Kernel/API/POSIX/net/if.h#L49-L82
.serenity => extern struct {
// Not actually in a union, but the stdlib expects one for ifreq
ifrn: extern union {
name: [IFNAMESIZE]u8,
ifru: extern union {
addr: sockaddr,
dstaddr: sockaddr,
broadaddr: sockaddr,
netmask: sockaddr,
hwaddr: sockaddr,
flags: c_short,
metric: c_int,
vnetid: i64,
media: u64,
data: ?*anyopaque,
index: c_uint,
else => void,
pub const itimerspec = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.itimerspec,
.haiku => extern struct {
interval: timespec,
value: timespec,
else => void,
pub const msghdr = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.msghdr,
=> extern struct {
/// optional address
name: ?*sockaddr,
/// size of address
namelen: socklen_t,
/// scatter/gather array
iov: [*]iovec,
/// # elements in iov
iovlen: i32,
/// ancillary data
control: ?*anyopaque,
/// ancillary data buffer len
controllen: socklen_t,
/// flags on received message
flags: i32,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ac44ec5ebc707f9dd0c3d4759a1e17e91db5d74f/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/socket.h#L74-L82
.serenity => extern struct {
name: ?*anyopaque,
namelen: socklen_t,
iov: [*]iovec,
iovlen: c_int,
control: ?*anyopaque,
controllen: socklen_t,
flags: c_int,
else => void,
pub const msghdr_const = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.msghdr_const,
=> extern struct {
/// optional address
name: ?*const sockaddr,
/// size of address
namelen: socklen_t,
/// scatter/gather array
iov: [*]const iovec_const,
/// # elements in iov
iovlen: i32,
/// ancillary data
control: ?*const anyopaque,
/// ancillary data buffer len
controllen: socklen_t,
/// flags on received message
flags: i32,
.serenity => extern struct {
name: ?*const anyopaque,
namelen: socklen_t,
iov: [*]const iovec,
iovlen: c_int,
control: ?*const anyopaque,
controllen: socklen_t,
flags: c_int,
else => void,
pub const nfds_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.nfds_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.nfds_t,
.haiku, .solaris, .illumos, .wasi => usize,
.windows => c_ulong,
.openbsd, .dragonfly, .netbsd, .freebsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => u32,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/265764ff2fec038855193296588a887fc322d76a/Kernel/API/POSIX/poll.h#L32
.serenity => c_uint,
else => void,
pub const perf_event_attr = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.perf_event_attr,
else => void,
pub const pid_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.pid_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.pid_t,
.windows => windows.HANDLE,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L31-L32
.serenity => c_int,
else => i32,
pub const pollfd = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.pollfd,
.emscripten => emscripten.pollfd,
.windows => ws2_32.pollfd,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/265764ff2fec038855193296588a887fc322d76a/Kernel/API/POSIX/poll.h#L26-L30
.serenity => extern struct {
fd: fd_t,
events: c_short,
revents: c_short,
else => extern struct {
fd: fd_t,
events: i16,
revents: i16,
pub const rlim_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.rlim_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.rlim_t,
.openbsd, .netbsd, .solaris, .illumos, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => u64,
.haiku, .dragonfly, .freebsd => i64,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/aae106e37b48f2158e68902293df1e4bf7b80c0f/Userland/Libraries/LibC/sys/resource.h#L54
.serenity => usize,
else => void,
pub const rlimit = switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => linux.rlimit,
.windows => void,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/aae106e37b48f2158e68902293df1e4bf7b80c0f/Userland/Libraries/LibC/sys/resource.h#L56-L59
else => extern struct {
/// Soft limit
cur: rlim_t,
/// Hard limit
max: rlim_t,
pub const rlimit_resource = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.rlimit_resource,
.emscripten => emscripten.rlimit_resource,
.openbsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => enum(c_int) {
CPU = 0,
FSIZE = 1,
DATA = 2,
STACK = 3,
CORE = 4,
RSS = 5,
NPROC = 7,
pub const AS: rlimit_resource = .RSS;
.freebsd => enum(c_int) {
CPU = 0,
FSIZE = 1,
DATA = 2,
STACK = 3,
CORE = 4,
RSS = 5,
NPROC = 7,
VMEM = 10,
NPTS = 11,
SWAP = 12,
UMTXP = 14,
pub const AS: rlimit_resource = .VMEM;
.solaris, .illumos => enum(c_int) {
CPU = 0,
FSIZE = 1,
DATA = 2,
STACK = 3,
CORE = 4,
VMEM = 6,
pub const AS: rlimit_resource = .VMEM;
.netbsd => enum(c_int) {
CPU = 0,
FSIZE = 1,
DATA = 2,
STACK = 3,
CORE = 4,
RSS = 5,
NPROC = 7,
VMEM = 10,
NTHR = 11,
pub const AS: rlimit_resource = .VMEM;
.dragonfly => enum(c_int) {
CPU = 0,
FSIZE = 1,
DATA = 2,
STACK = 3,
CORE = 4,
RSS = 5,
NPROC = 7,
VMEM = 10,
pub const AS: rlimit_resource = .VMEM;
.haiku => enum(i32) {
CORE = 0,
CPU = 1,
DATA = 2,
FSIZE = 3,
STACK = 5,
AS = 6,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/aae106e37b48f2158e68902293df1e4bf7b80c0f/Userland/Libraries/LibC/sys/resource.h#L42-L48
.serenity => enum(c_int) {
CORE = 1,
CPU = 2,
DATA = 3,
FSIZE = 4,
STACK = 6,
AS = 7,
else => void,
pub const rusage = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.rusage,
.emscripten => emscripten.rusage,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
utime: timeval,
stime: timeval,
maxrss: isize,
ixrss: isize,
idrss: isize,
isrss: isize,
minflt: isize,
majflt: isize,
nswap: isize,
inblock: isize,
oublock: isize,
msgsnd: isize,
msgrcv: isize,
nsignals: isize,
nvcsw: isize,
nivcsw: isize,
pub const SELF = 0;
pub const CHILDREN = -1;
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
utime: timeval,
stime: timeval,
maxrss: isize,
ixrss: isize,
idrss: isize,
isrss: isize,
minflt: isize,
majflt: isize,
nswap: isize,
inblock: isize,
oublock: isize,
msgsnd: isize,
msgrcv: isize,
nsignals: isize,
nvcsw: isize,
nivcsw: isize,
pub const SELF = 0;
pub const CHILDREN = -1;
pub const THREAD = 1;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/aae106e37b48f2158e68902293df1e4bf7b80c0f/Userland/Libraries/LibC/sys/resource.h#L18-L38
.serenity => extern struct {
utime: timeval,
stime: timeval,
maxrss: c_long,
ixrss: c_long,
idrss: c_long,
isrss: c_long,
minflt: c_long,
majflt: c_long,
nswap: c_long,
inblock: c_long,
oublock: c_long,
msgsnd: c_long,
msgrcv: c_long,
nsignals: c_long,
nvcsw: c_long,
nivcsw: c_long,
pub const SELF = 1;
pub const CHILDREN = 2;
else => void,
pub const siginfo_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.siginfo_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.siginfo_t,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
signo: c_int,
errno: c_int,
code: c_int,
pid: pid_t,
uid: uid_t,
status: c_int,
addr: *allowzero anyopaque,
value: extern union {
int: c_int,
ptr: *anyopaque,
si_band: c_long,
_pad: [7]c_ulong,
.freebsd => extern struct {
// Signal number.
signo: c_int,
// Errno association.
errno: c_int,
/// Signal code.
/// Cause of signal, one of the SI_ macros or signal-specific values, i.e.
/// one of the FPE_... values for SIGFPE.
/// This value is equivalent to the second argument to an old-style FreeBSD
/// signal handler.
code: c_int,
/// Sending process.
pid: pid_t,
/// Sender's ruid.
uid: uid_t,
/// Exit value.
status: c_int,
/// Faulting instruction.
addr: *allowzero anyopaque,
/// Signal value.
value: sigval,
reason: extern union {
fault: extern struct {
/// Machine specific trap code.
trapno: c_int,
timer: extern struct {
timerid: c_int,
overrun: c_int,
mesgq: extern struct {
mqd: c_int,
poll: extern struct {
/// Band event for SIGPOLL. UNUSED.
band: c_long,
spare: extern struct {
spare1: c_long,
spare2: [7]c_int,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
signo: c_int,
code: c_int,
errno: c_int,
// 64bit architectures insert 4bytes of padding here, this is done by
// correctly aligning the reason field
reason: extern union {
proc: extern struct {
pid: pid_t,
pdata: extern union {
kill: extern struct {
uid: uid_t,
value: sigval_t,
cld: extern struct {
utime: clock_t,
status: c_int,
stime: clock_t,
contract: solaris.ctid_t,
zone: solaris.zoneid_t,
fault: extern struct {
addr: *allowzero anyopaque,
trapno: c_int,
pc: ?*anyopaque,
file: extern struct {
// fd not currently available for SIGPOLL.
fd: c_int,
band: c_long,
prof: extern struct {
addr: ?*anyopaque,
timestamp: timespec,
syscall: c_short,
sysarg: u8,
fault: u8,
args: [8]c_long,
state: [10]c_int,
rctl: extern struct {
entity: i32,
__pad: [256 - 4 * @sizeOf(c_int)]u8,
} align(@sizeOf(usize)),
comptime {
assert(@sizeOf(@This()) == 256);
assert(@alignOf(@This()) == @sizeOf(usize));
.netbsd => extern union {
pad: [128]u8,
info: netbsd._ksiginfo,
.dragonfly => extern struct {
signo: c_int,
errno: c_int,
code: c_int,
pid: c_int,
uid: uid_t,
status: c_int,
addr: *allowzero anyopaque,
value: sigval,
band: c_long,
__spare__: [7]c_int,
.haiku => extern struct {
signo: i32,
code: i32,
errno: i32,
pid: pid_t,
uid: uid_t,
addr: *allowzero anyopaque,
.openbsd => extern struct {
signo: c_int,
code: c_int,
errno: c_int,
data: extern union {
proc: extern struct {
pid: pid_t,
pdata: extern union {
kill: extern struct {
uid: uid_t,
value: sigval,
cld: extern struct {
utime: clock_t,
stime: clock_t,
status: c_int,
fault: extern struct {
addr: *allowzero anyopaque,
trapno: c_int,
__pad: [128 - 3 * @sizeOf(c_int)]u8,
comptime {
if (@sizeOf(usize) == 4)
assert(@sizeOf(@This()) == 128)
// Take into account the padding between errno and data fields.
assert(@sizeOf(@This()) == 136);
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ec492a1a0819e6239ea44156825c4ee7234ca3db/Kernel/API/POSIX/signal.h#L27-L37
.serenity => extern struct {
signo: c_int,
code: c_int,
errno: c_int,
pid: pid_t,
uid: uid_t,
addr: ?*anyopaque,
status: c_int,
band: c_int,
value: sigval,
else => void,
pub const sigset_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.sigset_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.sigset_t,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ec492a1a0819e6239ea44156825c4ee7234ca3db/Kernel/API/POSIX/signal.h#L19
.openbsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .serenity => u32,
.dragonfly, .netbsd, .solaris, .illumos, .freebsd => extern struct {
__bits: [SIG.WORDS]u32,
.haiku => u64,
else => u0,
pub const empty_sigset: sigset_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.empty_sigset,
.emscripten => emscripten.empty_sigset,
.dragonfly, .netbsd, .solaris, .illumos, .freebsd => .{ .__bits = [_]u32{0} ** SIG.WORDS },
else => 0,
pub const filled_sigset = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.filled_sigset,
.haiku => ~@as(sigset_t, 0),
else => 0,
pub const sigval = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.sigval,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ec492a1a0819e6239ea44156825c4ee7234ca3db/Kernel/API/POSIX/signal.h#L22-L25
.openbsd, .dragonfly, .freebsd, .serenity => extern union {
int: c_int,
ptr: ?*anyopaque,
else => void,
pub const addrinfo = if (builtin.abi.isAndroid()) extern struct {
flags: AI,
family: i32,
socktype: i32,
protocol: i32,
addrlen: socklen_t,
canonname: ?[*:0]u8,
addr: ?*sockaddr,
next: ?*addrinfo,
} else switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => linux.addrinfo,
.windows => ws2_32.addrinfo,
.freebsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
flags: AI,
family: i32,
socktype: i32,
protocol: i32,
addrlen: socklen_t,
canonname: ?[*:0]u8,
addr: ?*sockaddr,
next: ?*addrinfo,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
flags: AI,
family: i32,
socktype: i32,
protocol: i32,
addrlen: socklen_t,
canonname: ?[*:0]u8,
addr: ?*sockaddr,
next: ?*addrinfo,
.netbsd => extern struct {
flags: AI,
family: i32,
socktype: i32,
protocol: i32,
addrlen: socklen_t,
canonname: ?[*:0]u8,
addr: ?*sockaddr,
next: ?*addrinfo,
.dragonfly => extern struct {
flags: AI,
family: i32,
socktype: i32,
protocol: i32,
addrlen: socklen_t,
canonname: ?[*:0]u8,
addr: ?*sockaddr,
next: ?*addrinfo,
.haiku => extern struct {
flags: AI,
family: i32,
socktype: i32,
protocol: i32,
addrlen: socklen_t,
canonname: ?[*:0]u8,
addr: ?*sockaddr,
next: ?*addrinfo,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/d510d2aeb2facbd8f6c383d70fd1b033e1fee5dd/Userland/Libraries/LibC/netdb.h#L66-L75
.openbsd, .serenity => extern struct {
flags: AI,
family: c_int,
socktype: c_int,
protocol: c_int,
addrlen: socklen_t,
addr: ?*sockaddr,
canonname: ?[*:0]u8,
next: ?*addrinfo,
else => void,
pub const sockaddr = switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => linux.sockaddr,
.windows => ws2_32.sockaddr,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
len: u8,
family: sa_family_t,
data: [14]u8,
pub const SS_MAXSIZE = 128;
pub const storage = extern struct {
len: u8 align(8),
family: sa_family_t,
padding: [126]u8 = undefined,
comptime {
assert(@sizeOf(storage) == SS_MAXSIZE);
assert(@alignOf(storage) == 8);
pub const in = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(in),
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET,
port: in_port_t,
addr: u32,
zero: [8]u8 = [8]u8{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
pub const in6 = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(in6),
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET6,
port: in_port_t,
flowinfo: u32,
addr: [16]u8,
scope_id: u32,
/// UNIX domain socket
pub const un = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(un),
family: sa_family_t = AF.UNIX,
path: [104]u8,
.freebsd => extern struct {
/// total length
len: u8,
/// address family
family: sa_family_t,
/// actually longer; address value
data: [14]u8,
pub const SS_MAXSIZE = 128;
pub const storage = extern struct {
len: u8 align(8),
family: sa_family_t,
padding: [126]u8 = undefined,
comptime {
assert(@sizeOf(storage) == SS_MAXSIZE);
assert(@alignOf(storage) == 8);
pub const in = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(in),
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET,
port: in_port_t,
addr: u32,
zero: [8]u8 = [8]u8{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
pub const in6 = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(in6),
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET6,
port: in_port_t,
flowinfo: u32,
addr: [16]u8,
scope_id: u32,
pub const un = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(un),
family: sa_family_t = AF.UNIX,
path: [104]u8,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
/// address family
family: sa_family_t,
/// actually longer; address value
data: [14]u8,
pub const SS_MAXSIZE = 256;
pub const storage = extern struct {
family: sa_family_t align(8),
padding: [254]u8 = undefined,
comptime {
assert(@sizeOf(storage) == SS_MAXSIZE);
assert(@alignOf(storage) == 8);
pub const in = extern struct {
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET,
port: in_port_t,
addr: u32,
zero: [8]u8 = [8]u8{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
pub const in6 = extern struct {
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET6,
port: in_port_t,
flowinfo: u32,
addr: [16]u8,
scope_id: u32,
__src_id: u32 = 0,
/// Definitions for UNIX IPC domain.
pub const un = extern struct {
family: sa_family_t = AF.UNIX,
path: [108]u8,
.netbsd => extern struct {
/// total length
len: u8,
/// address family
family: sa_family_t,
/// actually longer; address value
data: [14]u8,
pub const SS_MAXSIZE = 128;
pub const storage = extern struct {
len: u8 align(8),
family: sa_family_t,
padding: [126]u8 = undefined,
comptime {
assert(@sizeOf(storage) == SS_MAXSIZE);
assert(@alignOf(storage) == 8);
pub const in = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(in),
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET,
port: in_port_t,
addr: u32,
zero: [8]u8 = [8]u8{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
pub const in6 = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(in6),
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET6,
port: in_port_t,
flowinfo: u32,
addr: [16]u8,
scope_id: u32,
/// Definitions for UNIX IPC domain.
pub const un = extern struct {
/// total sockaddr length
len: u8 = @sizeOf(un),
family: sa_family_t = AF.LOCAL,
/// path name
path: [104]u8,
.dragonfly => extern struct {
len: u8,
family: sa_family_t,
data: [14]u8,
pub const SS_MAXSIZE = 128;
pub const storage = extern struct {
len: u8 align(8),
family: sa_family_t,
padding: [126]u8 = undefined,
comptime {
assert(@sizeOf(storage) == SS_MAXSIZE);
assert(@alignOf(storage) == 8);
pub const in = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(in),
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET,
port: in_port_t,
addr: u32,
zero: [8]u8 = [8]u8{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
pub const in6 = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(in6),
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET6,
port: in_port_t,
flowinfo: u32,
addr: [16]u8,
scope_id: u32,
pub const un = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(un),
family: sa_family_t = AF.UNIX,
path: [104]u8,
.haiku => extern struct {
/// total length
len: u8,
/// address family
family: sa_family_t,
/// actually longer; address value
data: [14]u8,
pub const SS_MAXSIZE = 128;
pub const storage = extern struct {
len: u8 align(8),
family: sa_family_t,
padding: [126]u8 = undefined,
comptime {
assert(@sizeOf(storage) == SS_MAXSIZE);
assert(@alignOf(storage) == 8);
pub const in = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(in),
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET,
port: in_port_t,
addr: u32,
zero: [8]u8 = [8]u8{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
pub const in6 = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(in6),
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET6,
port: in_port_t,
flowinfo: u32,
addr: [16]u8,
scope_id: u32,
pub const un = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(un),
family: sa_family_t = AF.UNIX,
path: [104]u8,
.openbsd => extern struct {
/// total length
len: u8,
/// address family
family: sa_family_t,
/// actually longer; address value
data: [14]u8,
pub const SS_MAXSIZE = 256;
pub const storage = extern struct {
len: u8 align(8),
family: sa_family_t,
padding: [254]u8 = undefined,
comptime {
assert(@sizeOf(storage) == SS_MAXSIZE);
assert(@alignOf(storage) == 8);
pub const in = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(in),
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET,
port: in_port_t,
addr: u32,
zero: [8]u8 = [8]u8{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
pub const in6 = extern struct {
len: u8 = @sizeOf(in6),
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET6,
port: in_port_t,
flowinfo: u32,
addr: [16]u8,
scope_id: u32,
/// Definitions for UNIX IPC domain.
pub const un = extern struct {
/// total sockaddr length
len: u8 = @sizeOf(un),
family: sa_family_t = AF.LOCAL,
/// path name
path: [104]u8,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ac44ec5ebc707f9dd0c3d4759a1e17e91db5d74f/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/socket.h#L110-L114
.serenity => extern struct {
family: sa_family_t,
data: [26]u8,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ec492a1a0819e6239ea44156825c4ee7234ca3db/Kernel/API/POSIX/netinet/in.h
const in_addr = u32;
const in6_addr = [16]u8;
pub const in = extern struct {
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET,
port: in_port_t,
addr: in_addr,
zero: [8]u8 = @splat(0),
pub const in6 = extern struct {
family: sa_family_t = AF.INET6,
port: in_port_t,
flowinfo: u32,
addr: in6_addr,
scope_id: u32,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b92e6b02e53b2927732f31b1442cad420b62d1ef/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/un.h
const UNIX_PATH_MAX = 108;
pub const un = extern struct {
family: sa_family_t = AF.LOCAL,
path: [UNIX_PATH_MAX]u8,
else => void,
pub const socklen_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => linux.socklen_t,
.windows => ws2_32.socklen_t,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L57
else => u32,
pub const in_port_t = u16;
pub const sa_family_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => linux.sa_family_t,
.windows => ws2_32.ADDRESS_FAMILY,
.openbsd, .haiku, .dragonfly, .netbsd, .freebsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => u8,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ac44ec5ebc707f9dd0c3d4759a1e17e91db5d74f/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/socket.h#L66
.solaris, .illumos, .serenity => u16,
else => void,
pub const AF = if (builtin.abi.isAndroid()) struct {
pub const UNSPEC = 0;
pub const UNIX = 1;
pub const LOCAL = 1;
pub const INET = 2;
pub const AX25 = 3;
pub const IPX = 4;
pub const APPLETALK = 5;
pub const NETROM = 6;
pub const BRIDGE = 7;
pub const ATMPVC = 8;
pub const X25 = 9;
pub const INET6 = 10;
pub const ROSE = 11;
pub const DECnet = 12;
pub const NETBEUI = 13;
pub const SECURITY = 14;
pub const KEY = 15;
pub const NETLINK = 16;
pub const ROUTE = NETLINK;
pub const PACKET = 17;
pub const ASH = 18;
pub const ECONET = 19;
pub const ATMSVC = 20;
pub const RDS = 21;
pub const SNA = 22;
pub const IRDA = 23;
pub const PPPOX = 24;
pub const WANPIPE = 25;
pub const LLC = 26;
pub const CAN = 29;
pub const TIPC = 30;
pub const BLUETOOTH = 31;
pub const IUCV = 32;
pub const RXRPC = 33;
pub const ISDN = 34;
pub const PHONET = 35;
pub const IEEE802154 = 36;
pub const CAIF = 37;
pub const ALG = 38;
pub const NFC = 39;
pub const VSOCK = 40;
pub const KCM = 41;
pub const QIPCRTR = 42;
pub const MAX = 43;
} else switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => linux.AF,
.windows => ws2_32.AF,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = 0;
pub const LOCAL = 1;
pub const UNIX = LOCAL;
pub const INET = 2;
pub const SYS_CONTROL = 2;
pub const IMPLINK = 3;
pub const PUP = 4;
pub const CHAOS = 5;
pub const NS = 6;
pub const ISO = 7;
pub const OSI = ISO;
pub const ECMA = 8;
pub const DATAKIT = 9;
pub const CCITT = 10;
pub const SNA = 11;
pub const DECnet = 12;
pub const DLI = 13;
pub const LAT = 14;
pub const HYLINK = 15;
pub const APPLETALK = 16;
pub const ROUTE = 17;
pub const LINK = 18;
pub const XTP = 19;
pub const COIP = 20;
pub const CNT = 21;
pub const RTIP = 22;
pub const IPX = 23;
pub const SIP = 24;
pub const PIP = 25;
pub const ISDN = 28;
pub const E164 = ISDN;
pub const KEY = 29;
pub const INET6 = 30;
pub const NATM = 31;
pub const SYSTEM = 32;
pub const NETBIOS = 33;
pub const PPP = 34;
pub const MAX = 40;
.freebsd => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = 0;
pub const UNIX = 1;
pub const LOCAL = UNIX;
pub const FILE = LOCAL;
pub const INET = 2;
pub const IMPLINK = 3;
pub const PUP = 4;
pub const CHAOS = 5;
pub const NETBIOS = 6;
pub const ISO = 7;
pub const OSI = ISO;
pub const ECMA = 8;
pub const DATAKIT = 9;
pub const CCITT = 10;
pub const SNA = 11;
pub const DECnet = 12;
pub const DLI = 13;
pub const LAT = 14;
pub const HYLINK = 15;
pub const APPLETALK = 16;
pub const ROUTE = 17;
pub const LINK = 18;
pub const pseudo_XTP = 19;
pub const COIP = 20;
pub const CNT = 21;
pub const pseudo_RTIP = 22;
pub const IPX = 23;
pub const SIP = 24;
pub const pseudo_PIP = 25;
pub const ISDN = 26;
pub const E164 = ISDN;
pub const pseudo_KEY = 27;
pub const INET6 = 28;
pub const NATM = 29;
pub const ATM = 30;
pub const pseudo_HDRCMPLT = 31;
pub const NETGRAPH = 32;
pub const SLOW = 33;
pub const SCLUSTER = 34;
pub const ARP = 35;
pub const BLUETOOTH = 36;
pub const IEEE80211 = 37;
pub const INET_SDP = 40;
pub const INET6_SDP = 42;
pub const MAX = 42;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = 0;
pub const UNIX = 1;
pub const LOCAL = UNIX;
pub const FILE = UNIX;
pub const INET = 2;
pub const IMPLINK = 3;
pub const PUP = 4;
pub const CHAOS = 5;
pub const NS = 6;
pub const NBS = 7;
pub const ECMA = 8;
pub const DATAKIT = 9;
pub const CCITT = 10;
pub const SNA = 11;
pub const DECnet = 12;
pub const DLI = 13;
pub const LAT = 14;
pub const HYLINK = 15;
pub const APPLETALK = 16;
pub const NIT = 17;
pub const @"802" = 18;
pub const OSI = 19;
pub const X25 = 20;
pub const OSINET = 21;
pub const GOSIP = 22;
pub const IPX = 23;
pub const ROUTE = 24;
pub const LINK = 25;
pub const INET6 = 26;
pub const KEY = 27;
pub const NCA = 28;
pub const POLICY = 29;
pub const INET_OFFLOAD = 30;
pub const TRILL = 31;
pub const PACKET = 32;
pub const LX_NETLINK = 33;
pub const MAX = 33;
.netbsd => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = 0;
pub const LOCAL = 1;
pub const UNIX = LOCAL;
pub const INET = 2;
pub const IMPLINK = 3;
pub const PUP = 4;
pub const CHAOS = 5;
pub const NS = 6;
pub const ISO = 7;
pub const OSI = ISO;
pub const ECMA = 8;
pub const DATAKIT = 9;
pub const CCITT = 10;
pub const SNA = 11;
pub const DECnet = 12;
pub const DLI = 13;
pub const LAT = 14;
pub const HYLINK = 15;
pub const APPLETALK = 16;
pub const OROUTE = 17;
pub const LINK = 18;
pub const COIP = 20;
pub const CNT = 21;
pub const IPX = 23;
pub const INET6 = 24;
pub const ISDN = 26;
pub const E164 = ISDN;
pub const NATM = 27;
pub const ARP = 28;
pub const BLUETOOTH = 31;
pub const IEEE80211 = 32;
pub const MPLS = 33;
pub const ROUTE = 34;
pub const CAN = 35;
pub const ETHER = 36;
pub const MAX = 37;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = 0;
pub const OSI = ISO;
pub const UNIX = LOCAL;
pub const LOCAL = 1;
pub const INET = 2;
pub const IMPLINK = 3;
pub const PUP = 4;
pub const CHAOS = 5;
pub const NETBIOS = 6;
pub const ISO = 7;
pub const ECMA = 8;
pub const DATAKIT = 9;
pub const CCITT = 10;
pub const SNA = 11;
pub const DLI = 13;
pub const LAT = 14;
pub const HYLINK = 15;
pub const APPLETALK = 16;
pub const ROUTE = 17;
pub const LINK = 18;
pub const COIP = 20;
pub const CNT = 21;
pub const IPX = 23;
pub const SIP = 24;
pub const ISDN = 26;
pub const INET6 = 28;
pub const NATM = 29;
pub const ATM = 30;
pub const NETGRAPH = 32;
pub const BLUETOOTH = 33;
pub const MPLS = 34;
pub const MAX = 36;
.haiku => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = 0;
pub const INET = 1;
pub const APPLETALK = 2;
pub const ROUTE = 3;
pub const LINK = 4;
pub const INET6 = 5;
pub const DLI = 6;
pub const IPX = 7;
pub const NOTIFY = 8;
pub const LOCAL = 9;
pub const UNIX = LOCAL;
pub const BLUETOOTH = 10;
pub const MAX = 11;
.openbsd => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = 0;
pub const UNIX = 1;
pub const LOCAL = UNIX;
pub const INET = 2;
pub const APPLETALK = 16;
pub const INET6 = 24;
pub const KEY = 30;
pub const ROUTE = 17;
pub const SNA = 11;
pub const MPLS = 33;
pub const BLUETOOTH = 32;
pub const ISDN = 26;
pub const MAX = 36;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ac44ec5ebc707f9dd0c3d4759a1e17e91db5d74f/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/socket.h#L17-L22
.serenity => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = 0;
pub const LOCAL = 1;
pub const UNIX = LOCAL;
pub const INET = 2;
pub const INET6 = 3;
pub const MAX = 4;
else => void,
pub const PF = if (builtin.abi.isAndroid()) struct {
pub const UNSPEC = AF.UNSPEC;
pub const UNIX = AF.UNIX;
pub const LOCAL = AF.LOCAL;
pub const INET = AF.INET;
pub const AX25 = AF.AX25;
pub const IPX = AF.IPX;
pub const NETROM = AF.NETROM;
pub const BRIDGE = AF.BRIDGE;
pub const ATMPVC = AF.ATMPVC;
pub const X25 = AF.X25;
pub const PF_INET6 = AF.INET6;
pub const PF_ROSE = AF.ROSE;
pub const PF_DECnet = AF.DECnet;
pub const PF_KEY = AF.KEY;
pub const PF_ROUTE = AF.ROUTE;
pub const PF_PACKET = AF.PACKET;
pub const PF_ASH = AF.ASH;
pub const PF_ECONET = AF.ECONET;
pub const PF_ATMSVC = AF.ATMSVC;
pub const PF_RDS = AF.RDS;
pub const PF_SNA = AF.SNA;
pub const PF_IRDA = AF.IRDA;
pub const PF_PPPOX = AF.PPPOX;
pub const PF_LLC = AF.LLC;
pub const PF_CAN = AF.CAN;
pub const PF_TIPC = AF.TIPC;
pub const PF_IUCV = AF.IUCV;
pub const PF_RXRPC = AF.RXRPC;
pub const PF_ISDN = AF.ISDN;
pub const PF_PHONET = AF.PHONET;
pub const PF_IEEE802154 = AF.IEEE802154;
pub const PF_CAIF = AF.CAIF;
pub const PF_ALG = AF.ALG;
pub const PF_NFC = AF.NFC;
pub const PF_VSOCK = AF.VSOCK;
pub const PF_KCM = AF.KCM;
pub const PF_MAX = AF.MAX;
} else switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => linux.PF,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = AF.UNSPEC;
pub const LOCAL = AF.LOCAL;
pub const UNIX = PF.LOCAL;
pub const INET = AF.INET;
pub const PUP = AF.PUP;
pub const CHAOS = AF.CHAOS;
pub const NS = AF.NS;
pub const ISO = AF.ISO;
pub const OSI = AF.ISO;
pub const ECMA = AF.ECMA;
pub const CCITT = AF.CCITT;
pub const SNA = AF.SNA;
pub const DECnet = AF.DECnet;
pub const DLI = AF.DLI;
pub const LAT = AF.LAT;
pub const HYLINK = AF.HYLINK;
pub const ROUTE = AF.ROUTE;
pub const LINK = AF.LINK;
pub const XTP = AF.XTP;
pub const COIP = AF.COIP;
pub const CNT = AF.CNT;
pub const SIP = AF.SIP;
pub const IPX = AF.IPX;
pub const RTIP = AF.RTIP;
pub const PIP = AF.PIP;
pub const ISDN = AF.ISDN;
pub const KEY = AF.KEY;
pub const INET6 = AF.INET6;
pub const NATM = AF.NATM;
pub const SYSTEM = AF.SYSTEM;
pub const PPP = AF.PPP;
pub const MAX = AF.MAX;
.freebsd => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = AF.UNSPEC;
pub const LOCAL = AF.LOCAL;
pub const UNIX = PF.LOCAL;
pub const INET = AF.INET;
pub const PUP = AF.PUP;
pub const CHAOS = AF.CHAOS;
pub const ISO = AF.ISO;
pub const OSI = AF.ISO;
pub const ECMA = AF.ECMA;
pub const CCITT = AF.CCITT;
pub const DECnet = AF.DECnet;
pub const DLI = AF.DLI;
pub const LAT = AF.LAT;
pub const HYLINK = AF.HYLINK;
pub const ROUTE = AF.ROUTE;
pub const LINK = AF.LINK;
pub const XTP = AF.pseudo_XTP;
pub const COIP = AF.COIP;
pub const CNT = AF.CNT;
pub const SIP = AF.SIP;
pub const IPX = AF.IPX;
pub const RTIP = AF.pseudo_RTIP;
pub const PIP = AF.pseudo_PIP;
pub const ISDN = AF.ISDN;
pub const KEY = AF.pseudo_KEY;
pub const INET6 = AF.pseudo_INET6;
pub const NATM = AF.NATM;
pub const ATM = AF.ATM;
pub const SLOW = AF.SLOW;
pub const ARP = AF.ARP;
pub const IEEE80211 = AF.IEEE80211;
pub const INET_SDP = AF.INET_SDP;
pub const INET6_SDP = AF.INET6_SDP;
pub const MAX = AF.MAX;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = AF.UNSPEC;
pub const UNIX = AF.UNIX;
pub const LOCAL = UNIX;
pub const FILE = UNIX;
pub const INET = AF.INET;
pub const PUP = AF.PUP;
pub const CHAOS = AF.CHAOS;
pub const NS = AF.NS;
pub const NBS = AF.NBS;
pub const ECMA = AF.ECMA;
pub const CCITT = AF.CCITT;
pub const SNA = AF.SNA;
pub const DECnet = AF.DECnet;
pub const DLI = AF.DLI;
pub const LAT = AF.LAT;
pub const HYLINK = AF.HYLINK;
pub const NIT = AF.NIT;
pub const @"802" = AF.@"802";
pub const OSI = AF.OSI;
pub const X25 = AF.X25;
pub const OSINET = AF.OSINET;
pub const GOSIP = AF.GOSIP;
pub const IPX = AF.IPX;
pub const ROUTE = AF.ROUTE;
pub const LINK = AF.LINK;
pub const INET6 = AF.INET6;
pub const KEY = AF.KEY;
pub const NCA = AF.NCA;
pub const POLICY = AF.POLICY;
pub const TRILL = AF.TRILL;
pub const PACKET = AF.PACKET;
pub const MAX = AF.MAX;
.netbsd => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = AF.UNSPEC;
pub const LOCAL = AF.LOCAL;
pub const UNIX = PF.LOCAL;
pub const INET = AF.INET;
pub const PUP = AF.PUP;
pub const CHAOS = AF.CHAOS;
pub const NS = AF.NS;
pub const ISO = AF.ISO;
pub const OSI = AF.ISO;
pub const ECMA = AF.ECMA;
pub const CCITT = AF.CCITT;
pub const SNA = AF.SNA;
pub const DECnet = AF.DECnet;
pub const DLI = AF.DLI;
pub const LAT = AF.LAT;
pub const HYLINK = AF.HYLINK;
pub const OROUTE = AF.OROUTE;
pub const LINK = AF.LINK;
pub const COIP = AF.COIP;
pub const CNT = AF.CNT;
pub const INET6 = AF.INET6;
pub const IPX = AF.IPX;
pub const ISDN = AF.ISDN;
pub const E164 = AF.E164;
pub const NATM = AF.NATM;
pub const ARP = AF.ARP;
pub const MPLS = AF.MPLS;
pub const ROUTE = AF.ROUTE;
pub const CAN = AF.CAN;
pub const ETHER = AF.ETHER;
pub const MAX = AF.MAX;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const INET6 = AF.INET6;
pub const ROUTE = AF.ROUTE;
pub const ISO = AF.ISO;
pub const PIP = AF.pseudo_PIP;
pub const CHAOS = AF.CHAOS;
pub const INET = AF.INET;
pub const SIP = AF.SIP;
pub const OSI = AF.ISO;
pub const CNT = AF.CNT;
pub const LINK = AF.LINK;
pub const HYLINK = AF.HYLINK;
pub const MAX = AF.MAX;
pub const KEY = AF.pseudo_KEY;
pub const PUP = AF.PUP;
pub const COIP = AF.COIP;
pub const SNA = AF.SNA;
pub const LOCAL = AF.LOCAL;
pub const NATM = AF.NATM;
pub const UNSPEC = AF.UNSPEC;
pub const ECMA = AF.ECMA;
pub const IPX = AF.IPX;
pub const DLI = AF.DLI;
pub const ATM = AF.ATM;
pub const CCITT = AF.CCITT;
pub const ISDN = AF.ISDN;
pub const RTIP = AF.pseudo_RTIP;
pub const LAT = AF.LAT;
pub const UNIX = PF.LOCAL;
pub const XTP = AF.pseudo_XTP;
pub const DECnet = AF.DECnet;
.haiku => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = AF.UNSPEC;
pub const INET = AF.INET;
pub const ROUTE = AF.ROUTE;
pub const LINK = AF.LINK;
pub const INET6 = AF.INET6;
pub const LOCAL = AF.LOCAL;
pub const UNIX = AF.UNIX;
.openbsd => struct {
pub const UNSPEC = AF.UNSPEC;
pub const LOCAL = AF.LOCAL;
pub const UNIX = AF.UNIX;
pub const INET = AF.INET;
pub const INET6 = AF.INET6;
pub const DECnet = AF.DECnet;
pub const KEY = AF.KEY;
pub const ROUTE = AF.ROUTE;
pub const SNA = AF.SNA;
pub const MPLS = AF.MPLS;
pub const ISDN = AF.ISDN;
pub const MAX = AF.MAX;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ac44ec5ebc707f9dd0c3d4759a1e17e91db5d74f/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/socket.h#L24-L29
.serenity => struct {
pub const LOCAL = AF.LOCAL;
pub const UNIX = AF.LOCAL;
pub const INET = AF.INET;
pub const INET6 = AF.INET6;
pub const UNSPEC = AF.UNSPEC;
pub const MAX = AF.MAX;
else => void,
pub const DT = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.DT,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/1262a7d1424d0d2e89d80644409721cbf056ab17/Kernel/API/POSIX/dirent.h#L16-L35
.netbsd, .freebsd, .openbsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .serenity => struct {
pub const UNKNOWN = 0;
pub const FIFO = 1;
pub const CHR = 2;
pub const DIR = 4;
pub const BLK = 6;
pub const REG = 8;
pub const LNK = 10;
pub const SOCK = 12;
pub const WHT = 14;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const UNKNOWN = 0;
pub const FIFO = 1;
pub const CHR = 2;
pub const DIR = 4;
pub const BLK = 6;
pub const REG = 8;
pub const LNK = 10;
pub const SOCK = 12;
pub const WHT = 14;
pub const DBF = 15;
else => void,
pub const MSG = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.MSG,
.emscripten => emscripten.MSG,
.windows => ws2_32.MSG,
.haiku => struct {
pub const OOB = 0x0001;
pub const PEEK = 0x0002;
pub const DONTROUTE = 0x0004;
pub const EOR = 0x0008;
pub const TRUNC = 0x0010;
pub const CTRUNC = 0x0020;
pub const WAITALL = 0x0040;
pub const DONTWAIT = 0x0080;
pub const BCAST = 0x0100;
pub const MCAST = 0x0200;
pub const EOF = 0x0400;
pub const NOSIGNAL = 0x0800;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ac44ec5ebc707f9dd0c3d4759a1e17e91db5d74f/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/socket.h#L56-L64
.serenity => struct {
pub const TRUNC = 0x1;
pub const CTRUNC = 0x2;
pub const PEEK = 0x4;
pub const OOB = 0x8;
pub const DONTROUTE = 0x10;
pub const WAITALL = 0x20;
pub const DONTWAIT = 0x40;
pub const NOSIGNAL = 0x80;
pub const EOR = 0x100;
else => void,
pub const SOCK = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.SOCK,
.emscripten => emscripten.SOCK,
.windows => ws2_32.SOCK,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
pub const STREAM = 1;
pub const DGRAM = 2;
pub const RAW = 3;
pub const RDM = 4;
pub const SEQPACKET = 5;
pub const MAXADDRLEN = 255;
/// Not actually supported by Darwin, but Zig supplies a shim.
/// This numerical value is not ABI-stable. It need only not conflict
/// with any other `SOCK` bits.
pub const CLOEXEC = 1 << 15;
/// Not actually supported by Darwin, but Zig supplies a shim.
/// This numerical value is not ABI-stable. It need only not conflict
/// with any other `SOCK` bits.
pub const NONBLOCK = 1 << 16;
.freebsd => struct {
pub const STREAM = 1;
pub const DGRAM = 2;
pub const RAW = 3;
pub const RDM = 4;
pub const SEQPACKET = 5;
pub const CLOEXEC = 0x10000000;
pub const NONBLOCK = 0x20000000;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
/// Datagram.
pub const DGRAM = 1;
pub const STREAM = 2;
/// Raw-protocol interface.
pub const RAW = 4;
/// Reliably-delivered message.
pub const RDM = 5;
/// Sequenced packed stream.
pub const SEQPACKET = 6;
pub const NONBLOCK = 0x100000;
pub const NDELAY = 0x200000;
pub const CLOEXEC = 0x080000;
.netbsd => struct {
pub const STREAM = 1;
pub const DGRAM = 2;
pub const RAW = 3;
pub const RDM = 4;
pub const SEQPACKET = 5;
pub const CONN_DGRAM = 6;
pub const DCCP = CONN_DGRAM;
pub const CLOEXEC = 0x10000000;
pub const NONBLOCK = 0x20000000;
pub const NOSIGPIPE = 0x40000000;
pub const FLAGS_MASK = 0xf0000000;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const STREAM = 1;
pub const DGRAM = 2;
pub const RAW = 3;
pub const RDM = 4;
pub const SEQPACKET = 5;
pub const MAXADDRLEN = 255;
pub const CLOEXEC = 0x10000000;
pub const NONBLOCK = 0x20000000;
.haiku => struct {
pub const STREAM = 1;
pub const DGRAM = 2;
pub const RAW = 3;
pub const SEQPACKET = 5;
pub const MISC = 255;
.openbsd => struct {
pub const STREAM = 1;
pub const DGRAM = 2;
pub const RAW = 3;
pub const RDM = 4;
pub const SEQPACKET = 5;
pub const CLOEXEC = 0x8000;
pub const NONBLOCK = 0x4000;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ac44ec5ebc707f9dd0c3d4759a1e17e91db5d74f/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/socket.h#L31-L38
.serenity => struct {
pub const STREAM = 1;
pub const DGRAM = 2;
pub const RAW = 3;
pub const RDM = 4;
pub const SEQPACKET = 5;
pub const NONBLOCK = 0o4000;
pub const CLOEXEC = 0o2000000;
else => void,
pub const TCP = switch (native_os) {
.macos => darwin.TCP,
.linux => linux.TCP,
.emscripten => emscripten.TCP,
.windows => ws2_32.TCP,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/61ac554a3403838f79ca746bd1c65ded6f97d124/Kernel/API/POSIX/netinet/tcp.h#L13-L14
.serenity => struct {
pub const NODELAY = 10;
pub const MAXSEG = 11;
else => void,
pub const IPPROTO = switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => linux.IPPROTO,
.windows => ws2_32.IPPROTO,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
pub const ICMP = 1;
pub const ICMPV6 = 58;
pub const TCP = 6;
pub const UDP = 17;
pub const IP = 0;
pub const IPV6 = 41;
.freebsd => struct {
/// dummy for IP
pub const IP = 0;
/// control message protocol
pub const ICMP = 1;
/// tcp
pub const TCP = 6;
/// user datagram protocol
pub const UDP = 17;
/// IP6 header
pub const IPV6 = 41;
/// raw IP packet
pub const RAW = 255;
/// IP6 hop-by-hop options
pub const HOPOPTS = 0;
/// group mgmt protocol
pub const IGMP = 2;
/// gateway^2 (deprecated)
pub const GGP = 3;
/// IPv4 encapsulation
pub const IPV4 = 4;
/// for compatibility
pub const IPIP = IPV4;
/// Stream protocol II
pub const ST = 7;
/// exterior gateway protocol
pub const EGP = 8;
/// private interior gateway
pub const PIGP = 9;
/// BBN RCC Monitoring
pub const RCCMON = 10;
/// network voice protocol
pub const NVPII = 11;
/// pup
pub const PUP = 12;
/// Argus
pub const ARGUS = 13;
pub const EMCON = 14;
/// Cross Net Debugger
pub const XNET = 15;
/// Chaos
pub const CHAOS = 16;
/// Multiplexing
pub const MUX = 18;
/// DCN Measurement Subsystems
pub const MEAS = 19;
/// Host Monitoring
pub const HMP = 20;
/// Packet Radio Measurement
pub const PRM = 21;
/// xns idp
pub const IDP = 22;
/// Trunk-1
pub const TRUNK1 = 23;
/// Trunk-2
pub const TRUNK2 = 24;
/// Leaf-1
pub const LEAF1 = 25;
/// Leaf-2
pub const LEAF2 = 26;
/// Reliable Data
pub const RDP = 27;
/// Reliable Transaction
pub const IRTP = 28;
/// tp-4 w/ class negotiation
pub const TP = 29;
/// Bulk Data Transfer
pub const BLT = 30;
/// Network Services
pub const NSP = 31;
/// Merit Internodal
pub const INP = 32;
/// Datagram Congestion Control Protocol
pub const DCCP = 33;
/// Third Party Connect
pub const @"3PC" = 34;
/// InterDomain Policy Routing
pub const IDPR = 35;
/// XTP
pub const XTP = 36;
/// Datagram Delivery
pub const DDP = 37;
/// Control Message Transport
pub const CMTP = 38;
/// TP++ Transport
pub const TPXX = 39;
/// IL transport protocol
pub const IL = 40;
/// Source Demand Routing
pub const SDRP = 42;
/// IP6 routing header
pub const ROUTING = 43;
/// IP6 fragmentation header
pub const FRAGMENT = 44;
/// InterDomain Routing
pub const IDRP = 45;
/// resource reservation
pub const RSVP = 46;
/// General Routing Encap.
pub const GRE = 47;
/// Mobile Host Routing
pub const MHRP = 48;
/// BHA
pub const BHA = 49;
/// IP6 Encap Sec. Payload
pub const ESP = 50;
/// IP6 Auth Header
pub const AH = 51;
/// Integ. Net Layer Security
pub const INLSP = 52;
/// IP with encryption
pub const SWIPE = 53;
/// Next Hop Resolution
pub const NHRP = 54;
/// IP Mobility
pub const MOBILE = 55;
/// Transport Layer Security
pub const TLSP = 56;
/// SKIP
pub const SKIP = 57;
/// ICMP6
pub const ICMPV6 = 58;
/// IP6 no next header
pub const NONE = 59;
/// IP6 destination option
pub const DSTOPTS = 60;
/// any host internal protocol
pub const AHIP = 61;
/// CFTP
pub const CFTP = 62;
/// "hello" routing protocol
pub const HELLO = 63;
/// SATNET/Backroom EXPAK
pub const SATEXPAK = 64;
/// Kryptolan
pub const KRYPTOLAN = 65;
/// Remote Virtual Disk
pub const RVD = 66;
/// Pluribus Packet Core
pub const IPPC = 67;
/// Any distributed FS
pub const ADFS = 68;
/// Satnet Monitoring
pub const SATMON = 69;
/// VISA Protocol
pub const VISA = 70;
/// Packet Core Utility
pub const IPCV = 71;
/// Comp. Prot. Net. Executive
pub const CPNX = 72;
/// Comp. Prot. HeartBeat
pub const CPHB = 73;
/// Wang Span Network
pub const WSN = 74;
/// Packet Video Protocol
pub const PVP = 75;
/// BackRoom SATNET Monitoring
pub const BRSATMON = 76;
/// Sun net disk proto (temp.)
pub const ND = 77;
/// WIDEBAND Monitoring
pub const WBMON = 78;
pub const WBEXPAK = 79;
/// ISO cnlp
pub const EON = 80;
/// VMTP
pub const VMTP = 81;
/// Secure VMTP
pub const SVMTP = 82;
/// Banyon VINES
pub const VINES = 83;
/// TTP
pub const TTP = 84;
pub const IGP = 85;
/// dissimilar gateway prot.
pub const DGP = 86;
/// TCF
pub const TCF = 87;
/// Cisco/GXS IGRP
pub const IGRP = 88;
pub const OSPFIGP = 89;
/// Strite RPC protocol
pub const SRPC = 90;
/// Locus Address Resoloution
pub const LARP = 91;
/// Multicast Transport
pub const MTP = 92;
/// AX.25 Frames
pub const AX25 = 93;
/// IP encapsulated in IP
pub const IPEIP = 94;
/// Mobile Int.ing control
pub const MICP = 95;
/// Semaphore Comm. security
pub const SCCSP = 96;
/// Ethernet IP encapsulation
pub const ETHERIP = 97;
/// encapsulation header
pub const ENCAP = 98;
/// any private encr. scheme
pub const APES = 99;
/// GMTP
pub const GMTP = 100;
/// payload compression (IPComp)
pub const IPCOMP = 108;
/// SCTP
pub const SCTP = 132;
/// IPv6 Mobility Header
pub const MH = 135;
/// UDP-Lite
pub const UDPLITE = 136;
/// IP6 Host Identity Protocol
pub const HIP = 139;
/// IP6 Shim6 Protocol
pub const SHIM6 = 140;
/// Protocol Independent Mcast
pub const PIM = 103;
/// CARP
pub const CARP = 112;
/// PGM
pub const PGM = 113;
/// MPLS-in-IP
pub const MPLS = 137;
pub const PFSYNC = 240;
/// Reserved
pub const RESERVED_253 = 253;
/// Reserved
pub const RESERVED_254 = 254;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
/// dummy for IP
pub const IP = 0;
/// Hop by hop header for IPv6
pub const HOPOPTS = 0;
/// control message protocol
pub const ICMP = 1;
/// group control protocol
pub const IGMP = 2;
/// gateway^2 (deprecated)
pub const GGP = 3;
/// IP in IP encapsulation
pub const ENCAP = 4;
/// tcp
pub const TCP = 6;
/// exterior gateway protocol
pub const EGP = 8;
/// pup
pub const PUP = 12;
/// user datagram protocol
pub const UDP = 17;
/// xns idp
pub const IDP = 22;
/// IPv6 encapsulated in IP
pub const IPV6 = 41;
/// Routing header for IPv6
pub const ROUTING = 43;
/// Fragment header for IPv6
pub const FRAGMENT = 44;
/// rsvp
pub const RSVP = 46;
/// IPsec Encap. Sec. Payload
pub const ESP = 50;
/// IPsec Authentication Hdr.
pub const AH = 51;
/// ICMP for IPv6
pub const ICMPV6 = 58;
/// No next header for IPv6
pub const NONE = 59;
/// Destination options
pub const DSTOPTS = 60;
/// "hello" routing protocol
pub const HELLO = 63;
/// UNOFFICIAL net disk proto
pub const ND = 77;
/// ISO clnp
pub const EON = 80;
/// OSPF
pub const OSPF = 89;
/// PIM routing protocol
pub const PIM = 103;
/// Stream Control
pub const SCTP = 132;
/// raw IP packet
pub const RAW = 255;
/// Sockets Direct Protocol
pub const PROTO_SDP = 257;
.netbsd => struct {
/// dummy for IP
pub const IP = 0;
/// IP6 hop-by-hop options
pub const HOPOPTS = 0;
/// control message protocol
pub const ICMP = 1;
/// group mgmt protocol
pub const IGMP = 2;
/// gateway^2 (deprecated)
pub const GGP = 3;
/// IP header
pub const IPV4 = 4;
/// IP inside IP
pub const IPIP = 4;
/// tcp
pub const TCP = 6;
/// exterior gateway protocol
pub const EGP = 8;
/// pup
pub const PUP = 12;
/// user datagram protocol
pub const UDP = 17;
/// xns idp
pub const IDP = 22;
/// tp-4 w/ class negotiation
pub const TP = 29;
/// DCCP
pub const DCCP = 33;
/// IP6 header
pub const IPV6 = 41;
/// IP6 routing header
pub const ROUTING = 43;
/// IP6 fragmentation header
pub const FRAGMENT = 44;
/// resource reservation
pub const RSVP = 46;
/// GRE encaps RFC 1701
pub const GRE = 47;
/// encap. security payload
pub const ESP = 50;
/// authentication header
pub const AH = 51;
/// IP Mobility RFC 2004
pub const MOBILE = 55;
/// IPv6 ICMP
pub const IPV6_ICMP = 58;
/// ICMP6
pub const ICMPV6 = 58;
/// IP6 no next header
pub const NONE = 59;
/// IP6 destination option
pub const DSTOPTS = 60;
/// ISO cnlp
pub const EON = 80;
/// Ethernet-in-IP
pub const ETHERIP = 97;
/// encapsulation header
pub const ENCAP = 98;
/// Protocol indep. multicast
pub const PIM = 103;
/// IP Payload Comp. Protocol
pub const IPCOMP = 108;
/// VRRP RFC 2338
pub const VRRP = 112;
/// Common Address Resolution Protocol
pub const CARP = 112;
/// L2TPv3
pub const L2TP = 115;
/// SCTP
pub const SCTP = 132;
pub const PFSYNC = 240;
/// raw IP packet
pub const RAW = 255;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const IP = 0;
pub const ICMP = 1;
pub const TCP = 6;
pub const UDP = 17;
pub const IPV6 = 41;
pub const RAW = 255;
pub const HOPOPTS = 0;
pub const IGMP = 2;
pub const GGP = 3;
pub const IPV4 = 4;
pub const IPIP = IPV4;
pub const ST = 7;
pub const EGP = 8;
pub const PIGP = 9;
pub const RCCMON = 10;
pub const NVPII = 11;
pub const PUP = 12;
pub const ARGUS = 13;
pub const EMCON = 14;
pub const XNET = 15;
pub const CHAOS = 16;
pub const MUX = 18;
pub const MEAS = 19;
pub const HMP = 20;
pub const PRM = 21;
pub const IDP = 22;
pub const TRUNK1 = 23;
pub const TRUNK2 = 24;
pub const LEAF1 = 25;
pub const LEAF2 = 26;
pub const RDP = 27;
pub const IRTP = 28;
pub const TP = 29;
pub const BLT = 30;
pub const NSP = 31;
pub const INP = 32;
pub const SEP = 33;
pub const @"3PC" = 34;
pub const IDPR = 35;
pub const XTP = 36;
pub const DDP = 37;
pub const CMTP = 38;
pub const TPXX = 39;
pub const IL = 40;
pub const SDRP = 42;
pub const ROUTING = 43;
pub const FRAGMENT = 44;
pub const IDRP = 45;
pub const RSVP = 46;
pub const GRE = 47;
pub const MHRP = 48;
pub const BHA = 49;
pub const ESP = 50;
pub const AH = 51;
pub const INLSP = 52;
pub const SWIPE = 53;
pub const NHRP = 54;
pub const MOBILE = 55;
pub const TLSP = 56;
pub const SKIP = 57;
pub const ICMPV6 = 58;
pub const NONE = 59;
pub const DSTOPTS = 60;
pub const AHIP = 61;
pub const CFTP = 62;
pub const HELLO = 63;
pub const SATEXPAK = 64;
pub const KRYPTOLAN = 65;
pub const RVD = 66;
pub const IPPC = 67;
pub const ADFS = 68;
pub const SATMON = 69;
pub const VISA = 70;
pub const IPCV = 71;
pub const CPNX = 72;
pub const CPHB = 73;
pub const WSN = 74;
pub const PVP = 75;
pub const BRSATMON = 76;
pub const ND = 77;
pub const WBMON = 78;
pub const WBEXPAK = 79;
pub const EON = 80;
pub const VMTP = 81;
pub const SVMTP = 82;
pub const VINES = 83;
pub const TTP = 84;
pub const IGP = 85;
pub const DGP = 86;
pub const TCF = 87;
pub const IGRP = 88;
pub const OSPFIGP = 89;
pub const SRPC = 90;
pub const LARP = 91;
pub const MTP = 92;
pub const AX25 = 93;
pub const IPEIP = 94;
pub const MICP = 95;
pub const SCCSP = 96;
pub const ETHERIP = 97;
pub const ENCAP = 98;
pub const APES = 99;
pub const GMTP = 100;
pub const IPCOMP = 108;
pub const PIM = 103;
pub const CARP = 112;
pub const PGM = 113;
pub const PFSYNC = 240;
pub const DIVERT = 254;
pub const MAX = 256;
pub const DONE = 257;
pub const UNKNOWN = 258;
.haiku => struct {
pub const IP = 0;
pub const HOPOPTS = 0;
pub const ICMP = 1;
pub const IGMP = 2;
pub const TCP = 6;
pub const UDP = 17;
pub const IPV6 = 41;
pub const ROUTING = 43;
pub const FRAGMENT = 44;
pub const ESP = 50;
pub const AH = 51;
pub const ICMPV6 = 58;
pub const NONE = 59;
pub const DSTOPTS = 60;
pub const ETHERIP = 97;
pub const RAW = 255;
pub const MAX = 256;
.openbsd => struct {
/// dummy for IP
pub const IP = 0;
/// IP6 hop-by-hop options
pub const HOPOPTS = IP;
/// control message protocol
pub const ICMP = 1;
/// group mgmt protocol
pub const IGMP = 2;
/// gateway^2 (deprecated)
pub const GGP = 3;
/// IP header
pub const IPV4 = IPIP;
/// IP inside IP
pub const IPIP = 4;
/// tcp
pub const TCP = 6;
/// exterior gateway protocol
pub const EGP = 8;
/// pup
pub const PUP = 12;
/// user datagram protocol
pub const UDP = 17;
/// xns idp
pub const IDP = 22;
/// tp-4 w/ class negotiation
pub const TP = 29;
/// IP6 header
pub const IPV6 = 41;
/// IP6 routing header
pub const ROUTING = 43;
/// IP6 fragmentation header
pub const FRAGMENT = 44;
/// resource reservation
pub const RSVP = 46;
/// GRE encaps RFC 1701
pub const GRE = 47;
/// encap. security payload
pub const ESP = 50;
/// authentication header
pub const AH = 51;
/// IP Mobility RFC 2004
pub const MOBILE = 55;
/// IPv6 ICMP
pub const IPV6_ICMP = 58;
/// ICMP6
pub const ICMPV6 = 58;
/// IP6 no next header
pub const NONE = 59;
/// IP6 destination option
pub const DSTOPTS = 60;
/// ISO cnlp
pub const EON = 80;
/// Ethernet-in-IP
pub const ETHERIP = 97;
/// encapsulation header
pub const ENCAP = 98;
/// Protocol indep. multicast
pub const PIM = 103;
/// IP Payload Comp. Protocol
pub const IPCOMP = 108;
/// VRRP RFC 2338
pub const VRRP = 112;
/// Common Address Resolution Protocol
pub const CARP = 112;
pub const PFSYNC = 240;
/// raw IP packet
pub const RAW = 255;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ac44ec5ebc707f9dd0c3d4759a1e17e91db5d74f/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/socket.h#L44-L54
.serenity => struct {
pub const IP = 0;
pub const ICMP = 1;
pub const IGMP = 2;
pub const IPIP = 4;
pub const TCP = 6;
pub const UDP = 17;
pub const IPV6 = 41;
pub const ESP = 50;
pub const AH = 51;
pub const ICMPV6 = 58;
pub const RAW = 255;
else => void,
pub const SOL = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.SOL,
.emscripten => emscripten.SOL,
.windows => ws2_32.SOL,
.openbsd, .haiku, .dragonfly, .netbsd, .freebsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
pub const SOCKET = 0xffff;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
pub const SOCKET = 0xffff;
pub const ROUTE = 0xfffe;
pub const PACKET = 0xfffd;
pub const FILTER = 0xfffc;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ac44ec5ebc707f9dd0c3d4759a1e17e91db5d74f/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/socket.h#L127
.serenity => struct {
pub const SOCKET = 1;
else => void,
pub const SO = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.SO,
.emscripten => emscripten.SO,
.windows => ws2_32.SO,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
pub const DEBUG = 0x0001;
pub const ACCEPTCONN = 0x0002;
pub const REUSEADDR = 0x0004;
pub const KEEPALIVE = 0x0008;
pub const DONTROUTE = 0x0010;
pub const BROADCAST = 0x0020;
pub const USELOOPBACK = 0x0040;
pub const LINGER = 0x1080;
pub const OOBINLINE = 0x0100;
pub const REUSEPORT = 0x0200;
pub const ACCEPTFILTER = 0x1000;
pub const SNDBUF = 0x1001;
pub const RCVBUF = 0x1002;
pub const SNDLOWAT = 0x1003;
pub const RCVLOWAT = 0x1004;
pub const SNDTIMEO = 0x1005;
pub const RCVTIMEO = 0x1006;
pub const ERROR = 0x1007;
pub const TYPE = 0x1008;
pub const NREAD = 0x1020;
pub const NKE = 0x1021;
pub const NOSIGPIPE = 0x1022;
pub const NOADDRERR = 0x1023;
pub const NWRITE = 0x1024;
pub const REUSESHAREUID = 0x1025;
.freebsd => struct {
pub const DEBUG = 0x00000001;
pub const ACCEPTCONN = 0x00000002;
pub const REUSEADDR = 0x00000004;
pub const KEEPALIVE = 0x00000008;
pub const DONTROUTE = 0x00000010;
pub const BROADCAST = 0x00000020;
pub const USELOOPBACK = 0x00000040;
pub const LINGER = 0x00000080;
pub const OOBINLINE = 0x00000100;
pub const REUSEPORT = 0x00000200;
pub const TIMESTAMP = 0x00000400;
pub const NOSIGPIPE = 0x00000800;
pub const ACCEPTFILTER = 0x00001000;
pub const BINTIME = 0x00002000;
pub const NO_OFFLOAD = 0x00004000;
pub const NO_DDP = 0x00008000;
pub const REUSEPORT_LB = 0x00010000;
pub const SNDBUF = 0x1001;
pub const RCVBUF = 0x1002;
pub const SNDLOWAT = 0x1003;
pub const RCVLOWAT = 0x1004;
pub const SNDTIMEO = 0x1005;
pub const RCVTIMEO = 0x1006;
pub const ERROR = 0x1007;
pub const TYPE = 0x1008;
pub const LABEL = 0x1009;
pub const PEERLABEL = 0x1010;
pub const LISTENQLIMIT = 0x1011;
pub const LISTENQLEN = 0x1012;
pub const LISTENINCQLEN = 0x1013;
pub const SETFIB = 0x1014;
pub const USER_COOKIE = 0x1015;
pub const PROTOCOL = 0x1016;
pub const TS_CLOCK = 0x1017;
pub const MAX_PACING_RATE = 0x1018;
pub const DOMAIN = 0x1019;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
pub const DEBUG = 0x0001;
pub const ACCEPTCONN = 0x0002;
pub const REUSEADDR = 0x0004;
pub const KEEPALIVE = 0x0008;
pub const DONTROUTE = 0x0010;
pub const BROADCAST = 0x0020;
pub const USELOOPBACK = 0x0040;
pub const LINGER = 0x0080;
pub const OOBINLINE = 0x0100;
pub const DGRAM_ERRIND = 0x0200;
pub const RECVUCRED = 0x0400;
pub const SNDBUF = 0x1001;
pub const RCVBUF = 0x1002;
pub const SNDLOWAT = 0x1003;
pub const RCVLOWAT = 0x1004;
pub const SNDTIMEO = 0x1005;
pub const RCVTIMEO = 0x1006;
pub const ERROR = 0x1007;
pub const TYPE = 0x1008;
pub const PROTOTYPE = 0x1009;
pub const ANON_MLP = 0x100a;
pub const MAC_EXEMPT = 0x100b;
pub const DOMAIN = 0x100c;
pub const RCVPSH = 0x100d;
pub const SECATTR = 0x1011;
pub const TIMESTAMP = 0x1013;
pub const ALLZONES = 0x1014;
pub const EXCLBIND = 0x1015;
pub const MAC_IMPLICIT = 0x1016;
pub const VRRP = 0x1017;
.netbsd => struct {
pub const DEBUG = 0x0001;
pub const ACCEPTCONN = 0x0002;
pub const REUSEADDR = 0x0004;
pub const KEEPALIVE = 0x0008;
pub const DONTROUTE = 0x0010;
pub const BROADCAST = 0x0020;
pub const USELOOPBACK = 0x0040;
pub const LINGER = 0x0080;
pub const OOBINLINE = 0x0100;
pub const REUSEPORT = 0x0200;
pub const NOSIGPIPE = 0x0800;
pub const ACCEPTFILTER = 0x1000;
pub const TIMESTAMP = 0x2000;
pub const RERROR = 0x4000;
pub const SNDBUF = 0x1001;
pub const RCVBUF = 0x1002;
pub const SNDLOWAT = 0x1003;
pub const RCVLOWAT = 0x1004;
pub const ERROR = 0x1007;
pub const TYPE = 0x1008;
pub const OVERFLOWED = 0x1009;
pub const NOHEADER = 0x100a;
pub const SNDTIMEO = 0x100b;
pub const RCVTIMEO = 0x100c;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const DEBUG = 0x0001;
pub const ACCEPTCONN = 0x0002;
pub const REUSEADDR = 0x0004;
pub const KEEPALIVE = 0x0008;
pub const DONTROUTE = 0x0010;
pub const BROADCAST = 0x0020;
pub const USELOOPBACK = 0x0040;
pub const LINGER = 0x0080;
pub const OOBINLINE = 0x0100;
pub const REUSEPORT = 0x0200;
pub const TIMESTAMP = 0x0400;
pub const NOSIGPIPE = 0x0800;
pub const ACCEPTFILTER = 0x1000;
pub const RERROR = 0x2000;
pub const PASSCRED = 0x4000;
pub const SNDBUF = 0x1001;
pub const RCVBUF = 0x1002;
pub const SNDLOWAT = 0x1003;
pub const RCVLOWAT = 0x1004;
pub const SNDTIMEO = 0x1005;
pub const RCVTIMEO = 0x1006;
pub const ERROR = 0x1007;
pub const TYPE = 0x1008;
pub const SNDSPACE = 0x100a;
pub const CPUHINT = 0x1030;
.haiku => struct {
pub const ACCEPTCONN = 0x00000001;
pub const BROADCAST = 0x00000002;
pub const DEBUG = 0x00000004;
pub const DONTROUTE = 0x00000008;
pub const KEEPALIVE = 0x00000010;
pub const OOBINLINE = 0x00000020;
pub const REUSEADDR = 0x00000040;
pub const REUSEPORT = 0x00000080;
pub const USELOOPBACK = 0x00000100;
pub const LINGER = 0x00000200;
pub const SNDBUF = 0x40000001;
pub const SNDLOWAT = 0x40000002;
pub const SNDTIMEO = 0x40000003;
pub const RCVBUF = 0x40000004;
pub const RCVLOWAT = 0x40000005;
pub const RCVTIMEO = 0x40000006;
pub const ERROR = 0x40000007;
pub const TYPE = 0x40000008;
pub const NONBLOCK = 0x40000009;
pub const BINDTODEVICE = 0x4000000a;
pub const PEERCRED = 0x4000000b;
.openbsd => struct {
pub const DEBUG = 0x0001;
pub const ACCEPTCONN = 0x0002;
pub const REUSEADDR = 0x0004;
pub const KEEPALIVE = 0x0008;
pub const DONTROUTE = 0x0010;
pub const BROADCAST = 0x0020;
pub const USELOOPBACK = 0x0040;
pub const LINGER = 0x0080;
pub const OOBINLINE = 0x0100;
pub const REUSEPORT = 0x0200;
pub const TIMESTAMP = 0x0800;
pub const BINDANY = 0x1000;
pub const ZEROIZE = 0x2000;
pub const SNDBUF = 0x1001;
pub const RCVBUF = 0x1002;
pub const SNDLOWAT = 0x1003;
pub const RCVLOWAT = 0x1004;
pub const SNDTIMEO = 0x1005;
pub const RCVTIMEO = 0x1006;
pub const ERROR = 0x1007;
pub const TYPE = 0x1008;
pub const NETPROC = 0x1020;
pub const RTABLE = 0x1021;
pub const PEERCRED = 0x1022;
pub const SPLICE = 0x1023;
pub const DOMAIN = 0x1024;
pub const PROTOCOL = 0x1025;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ac44ec5ebc707f9dd0c3d4759a1e17e91db5d74f/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/socket.h#L130-L150
.serenity => struct {
pub const RCVTIMEO = 0;
pub const SNDTIMEO = 1;
pub const TYPE = 2;
pub const ERROR = 3;
pub const PEERCRED = 4;
pub const RCVBUF = 5;
pub const SNDBUF = 6;
pub const DEBUG = 7;
pub const REUSEADDR = 8;
pub const BINDTODEVICE = 9;
pub const KEEPALIVE = 10;
pub const TIMESTAMP = 11;
pub const BROADCAST = 12;
pub const LINGER = 13;
pub const ACCEPTCONN = 14;
pub const DONTROUTE = 15;
pub const OOBINLINE = 16;
pub const SNDLOWAT = 17;
pub const RCVLOWAT = 18;
else => void,
pub const SOMAXCONN = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.SOMAXCONN,
.windows => ws2_32.SOMAXCONN,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ac44ec5ebc707f9dd0c3d4759a1e17e91db5d74f/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/socket.h#L128
.solaris, .illumos, .serenity => 128,
.openbsd => 28,
else => void,
pub const IFNAMESIZE = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.IFNAMESIZE,
.emscripten => emscripten.IFNAMESIZE,
.windows => 30,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/9882848e0bf783dfc8e8a6d887a848d70d9c58f4/Kernel/API/POSIX/net/if.h#L50
.openbsd, .dragonfly, .netbsd, .freebsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .serenity => 16,
.solaris, .illumos => 32,
else => void,
pub const stack_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.stack_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.stack_t,
.freebsd, .openbsd => extern struct {
/// Signal stack base.
sp: *anyopaque,
/// Signal stack length.
size: usize,
flags: i32,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ec492a1a0819e6239ea44156825c4ee7234ca3db/Kernel/API/POSIX/signal.h#L48-L52
.serenity => extern struct {
sp: *anyopaque,
flags: c_int,
size: usize,
else => extern struct {
sp: [*]u8,
size: isize,
flags: i32,
pub const time_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.time_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.time_t,
.haiku, .dragonfly => isize,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L47
else => i64,
pub const suseconds_t = switch (native_os) {
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L49
.solaris, .illumos, .serenity => i64,
.freebsd, .dragonfly => c_long,
.netbsd => c_int,
.haiku => i32,
else => void,
pub const timeval = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.timeval,
.emscripten => emscripten.timeval,
.windows => extern struct {
sec: c_long,
usec: c_long,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
sec: c_long,
usec: i32,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/6b6eca0631c893c5f8cfb8274cdfe18e2d0637c0/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/time.h#L15-L18
.dragonfly, .netbsd, .freebsd, .solaris, .illumos, .serenity => extern struct {
/// seconds
sec: time_t,
/// microseconds
usec: suseconds_t,
.openbsd => extern struct {
sec: time_t,
usec: c_long,
else => void,
pub const timezone = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.timezone,
.emscripten => emscripten.timezone,
.openbsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
minuteswest: i32,
dsttime: i32,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ba776390b5878ec0be1a9e595a3471a6cfe0a0cf/Userland/Libraries/LibC/sys/time.h#L19-L22
.serenity => extern struct {
minuteswest: c_int,
dsttime: c_int,
else => void,
pub const ucontext_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.ucontext_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.ucontext_t,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
onstack: c_int,
sigmask: sigset_t,
stack: stack_t,
link: ?*ucontext_t,
mcsize: u64,
mcontext: *mcontext_t,
__mcontext_data: mcontext_t,
.freebsd => extern struct {
sigmask: sigset_t,
mcontext: mcontext_t,
link: ?*ucontext_t,
stack: stack_t,
flags: c_int,
__spare__: [4]c_int,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
flags: u64,
link: ?*ucontext_t,
sigmask: sigset_t,
stack: stack_t,
mcontext: mcontext_t,
brand_data: [3]?*anyopaque,
filler: [2]i64,
.netbsd => extern struct {
flags: u32,
link: ?*ucontext_t,
sigmask: sigset_t,
stack: stack_t,
mcontext: mcontext_t,
__pad: [
switch (builtin.cpu.arch) {
.x86 => 4,
.mips, .mipsel, .mips64, .mips64el => 14,
.arm, .armeb, .thumb, .thumbeb => 1,
.sparc, .sparc64 => if (@sizeOf(usize) == 4) 43 else 8,
else => 0,
.dragonfly => extern struct {
sigmask: sigset_t,
mcontext: mcontext_t,
link: ?*ucontext_t,
stack: stack_t,
cofunc: ?*fn (?*ucontext_t, ?*anyopaque) void,
arg: ?*void,
_spare: [4]c_int,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/87eac0e424cff4a1f941fb704b9362a08654c24d/Kernel/API/POSIX/ucontext.h#L19-L24
.haiku, .serenity => extern struct {
link: ?*ucontext_t,
sigmask: sigset_t,
stack: stack_t,
mcontext: mcontext_t,
.openbsd => openbsd.ucontext_t,
else => void,
pub const mcontext_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.mcontext_t,
.emscripten => emscripten.mcontext_t,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => darwin.mcontext_t,
.freebsd => switch (builtin.cpu.arch) {
.x86_64 => extern struct {
onstack: u64,
rdi: u64,
rsi: u64,
rdx: u64,
rcx: u64,
r8: u64,
r9: u64,
rax: u64,
rbx: u64,
rbp: u64,
r10: u64,
r11: u64,
r12: u64,
r13: u64,
r14: u64,
r15: u64,
trapno: u32,
fs: u16,
gs: u16,
addr: u64,
flags: u32,
es: u16,
ds: u16,
err: u64,
rip: u64,
cs: u64,
rflags: u64,
rsp: u64,
ss: u64,
len: u64,
fpformat: u64,
ownedfp: u64,
fpstate: [64]u64 align(16),
fsbase: u64,
gsbase: u64,
xfpustate: u64,
xfpustate_len: u64,
spare: [4]u64,
.aarch64 => extern struct {
gpregs: extern struct {
x: [30]u64,
lr: u64,
sp: u64,
elr: u64,
spsr: u32,
_pad: u32,
fpregs: extern struct {
q: [32]u128,
sr: u32,
cr: u32,
flags: u32,
_pad: u32,
flags: u32,
_pad: u32,
_spare: [8]u64,
else => struct {},
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
gregs: [28]u64,
fpregs: solaris.fpregset_t,
.netbsd => switch (builtin.cpu.arch) {
.aarch64 => extern struct {
gregs: [35]u64,
fregs: [528]u8 align(16),
spare: [8]u64,
.x86_64 => extern struct {
gregs: [26]u64,
mc_tlsbase: u64,
fpregs: [512]u8 align(8),
else => struct {},
.dragonfly => dragonfly.mcontext_t,
.haiku => haiku.mcontext_t,
.serenity => switch (native_arch) {
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/200e91cd7f1ec5453799a2720d4dc114a59cc289/Kernel/Arch/aarch64/mcontext.h#L15-L19
.aarch64 => extern struct {
x: [31]u64,
sp: u64,
pc: u64,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/66f8d0f031ef25c409dbb4fecaa454800fecae0f/Kernel/Arch/riscv64/mcontext.h#L15-L18
.riscv64 => extern struct {
x: [31]u64,
pc: u64,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/7b9ea3efdec9f86a1042893e8107d0b23aad8727/Kernel/Arch/x86_64/mcontext.h#L15-L40
.x86_64 => extern struct {
rax: u64,
rcx: u64,
rdx: u64,
rbx: u64,
rsp: u64,
rbp: u64,
rsi: u64,
rdi: u64,
rip: u64,
r8: u64,
r9: u64,
r10: u64,
r11: u64,
r12: u64,
r13: u64,
r14: u64,
r15: u64,
rflags: u64,
cs: u32,
ss: u32,
ds: u32,
es: u32,
fs: u32,
gs: u32,
else => struct {},
else => void,
pub const user_desc = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.user_desc,
else => void,
pub const utsname = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.utsname,
.emscripten => emscripten.utsname,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
sysname: [256:0]u8,
nodename: [256:0]u8,
release: [256:0]u8,
version: [256:0]u8,
machine: [256:0]u8,
domainname: [256:0]u8,
.macos => extern struct {
sysname: [256:0]u8,
nodename: [256:0]u8,
release: [256:0]u8,
version: [256:0]u8,
machine: [256:0]u8,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/d794ed1de7a46482272683f8dc4c858806390f29/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/utsname.h#L17-L23
.serenity => extern struct {
sysname: [UTSNAME_ENTRY_LEN:0]u8,
nodename: [UTSNAME_ENTRY_LEN:0]u8,
release: [UTSNAME_ENTRY_LEN:0]u8,
version: [UTSNAME_ENTRY_LEN:0]u8,
machine: [UTSNAME_ENTRY_LEN:0]u8,
else => void,
pub const PR = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.PR,
else => void,
pub const _errno = switch (native_os) {
.linux => switch (native_abi) {
.android, .androideabi => private.__errno,
else => private.__errno_location,
.emscripten => private.__errno_location,
.wasi, .dragonfly => private.errnoFromThreadLocal,
.windows => private._errno,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .freebsd => private.__error,
.solaris, .illumos => private.___errno,
.openbsd, .netbsd => private.__errno,
.haiku => haiku._errnop,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/a353ceecf13b6f156a078e32f1ddf1d21366934c/Userland/Libraries/LibC/errno.h#L33
.serenity => private.__errno_location,
else => {},
pub const RTLD = switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => packed struct(u32) {
LAZY: bool = false,
NOW: bool = false,
NOLOAD: bool = false,
_3: u5 = 0,
GLOBAL: bool = false,
_9: u3 = 0,
NODELETE: bool = false,
_: u19 = 0,
.dragonfly, .freebsd => packed struct(u32) {
LAZY: bool = false,
NOW: bool = false,
_2: u6 = 0,
GLOBAL: bool = false,
TRACE: bool = false,
_10: u2 = 0,
NODELETE: bool = false,
NOLOAD: bool = false,
_: u18 = 0,
.haiku => packed struct(u32) {
NOW: bool = false,
GLOBAL: bool = false,
_: u30 = 0,
.netbsd => packed struct(u32) {
LAZY: bool = false,
NOW: bool = false,
_2: u6 = 0,
GLOBAL: bool = false,
LOCAL: bool = false,
_10: u2 = 0,
NODELETE: bool = false,
NOLOAD: bool = false,
_: u18 = 0,
.solaris, .illumos => packed struct(u32) {
LAZY: bool = false,
NOW: bool = false,
NOLOAD: bool = false,
_3: u5 = 0,
GLOBAL: bool = false,
PARENT: bool = false,
GROUP: bool = false,
WORLD: bool = false,
NODELETE: bool = false,
FIRST: bool = false,
_14: u2 = 0,
CONFGEN: bool = false,
_: u15 = 0,
.openbsd => packed struct(u32) {
LAZY: bool = false,
NOW: bool = false,
_2: u6 = 0,
GLOBAL: bool = false,
TRACE: bool = false,
_: u22 = 0,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => packed struct(u32) {
LAZY: bool = false,
NOW: bool = false,
LOCAL: bool = false,
GLOBAL: bool = false,
NOLOAD: bool = false,
_5: u2 = 0,
NODELETE: bool = false,
FIRST: bool = false,
_: u23 = 0,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/36a26d7fa80bc9c72b19442912d8967f448368ff/Userland/Libraries/LibC/dlfcn.h#L13-L17
.serenity => packed struct(c_int) {
DEFAULT: bool = false,
_1: u1,
LAZY: bool = false,
NOW: bool = false,
GLOBAL: bool = false,
LOCAL: bool = false,
_: std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @bitSizeOf(c_int) - 6) = 0,
else => void,
pub const dirent = switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => extern struct {
ino: c_uint,
off: c_uint,
reclen: c_ushort,
type: u8,
name: [256]u8,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
ino: u64,
seekoff: u64,
reclen: u16,
namlen: u16,
type: u8,
name: [1024]u8,
.freebsd => extern struct {
/// File number of entry.
fileno: ino_t,
/// Directory offset of entry.
off: off_t,
/// Length of this record.
reclen: u16,
/// File type, one of DT_.
type: u8,
pad0: u8 = 0,
/// Length of the name member.
namlen: u16,
pad1: u16 = 0,
/// Name of entry.
name: [255:0]u8,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
/// Inode number of entry.
ino: ino_t,
/// Offset of this entry on disk.
off: off_t,
/// Length of this record.
reclen: u16,
/// File name.
name: [MAXNAMLEN:0]u8,
.netbsd => extern struct {
fileno: ino_t,
reclen: u16,
namlen: u16,
type: u8,
name: [MAXNAMLEN:0]u8,
.dragonfly => extern struct {
fileno: c_ulong,
namlen: u16,
type: u8,
unused1: u8,
unused2: u32,
name: [256]u8,
pub fn reclen(self: dirent) u16 {
return (@offsetOf(dirent, "name") + self.namlen + 1 + 7) & ~@as(u16, 7);
.openbsd => extern struct {
fileno: ino_t,
off: off_t,
reclen: u16,
type: u8,
namlen: u8,
_: u32 align(1) = 0,
name: [MAXNAMLEN:0]u8,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/abc150085f532f123b598949218893cb272ccc4c/Userland/Libraries/LibC/dirent.h#L14-L20
.serenity => extern struct {
ino: ino_t,
off: off_t,
reclen: c_ushort,
type: u8,
name: [256:0]u8,
else => void,
pub const MAXNAMLEN = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd, .solaris, .illumos => 511,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/1262a7d1424d0d2e89d80644409721cbf056ab17/Kernel/API/POSIX/dirent.h#L37
.haiku, .serenity => NAME_MAX,
.openbsd => 255,
else => {},
pub const dirent64 = switch (native_os) {
.linux => extern struct {
ino: c_ulong,
off: c_ulong,
reclen: c_ushort,
type: u8,
name: [256]u8,
else => void,
pub const AI = if (builtin.abi.isAndroid()) packed struct(u32) {
PASSIVE: bool = false,
CANONNAME: bool = false,
NUMERICHOST: bool = false,
NUMERICSERV: bool = false,
_4: u4 = 0,
ALL: bool = false,
V4MAPPED_CFG: bool = false,
ADDRCONFIG: bool = false,
V4MAPPED: bool = false,
_: u20 = 0,
} else switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => linux.AI,
.dragonfly, .haiku, .freebsd => packed struct(u32) {
PASSIVE: bool = false,
CANONNAME: bool = false,
NUMERICHOST: bool = false,
NUMERICSERV: bool = false,
_4: u4 = 0,
ALL: bool = false,
V4MAPPED_CFG: bool = false,
ADDRCONFIG: bool = false,
V4MAPPED: bool = false,
_: u20 = 0,
.netbsd => packed struct(u32) {
PASSIVE: bool = false,
CANONNAME: bool = false,
NUMERICHOST: bool = false,
NUMERICSERV: bool = false,
_4: u6 = 0,
ADDRCONFIG: bool = false,
_: u21 = 0,
.solaris, .illumos => packed struct(u32) {
V4MAPPED: bool = false,
ALL: bool = false,
ADDRCONFIG: bool = false,
PASSIVE: bool = false,
CANONNAME: bool = false,
NUMERICHOST: bool = false,
NUMERICSERV: bool = false,
_: u25 = 0,
.openbsd => packed struct(u32) {
PASSIVE: bool = false,
CANONNAME: bool = false,
NUMERICHOST: bool = false,
_3: u1 = 0,
NUMERICSERV: bool = false,
_5: u1 = 0,
ADDRCONFIG: bool = false,
_: u25 = 0,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => packed struct(u32) {
PASSIVE: bool = false,
CANONNAME: bool = false,
NUMERICHOST: bool = false,
_3: u5 = 0,
ALL: bool = false,
V4MAPPED_CFG: bool = false,
ADDRCONFIG: bool = false,
V4MAPPED: bool = false,
NUMERICSERV: bool = false,
_: u19 = 0,
.windows => ws2_32.AI,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/d510d2aeb2facbd8f6c383d70fd1b033e1fee5dd/Userland/Libraries/LibC/netdb.h#L90-L96
.serenity => packed struct(c_int) {
PASSIVE: bool = false,
CANONNAME: bool = false,
NUMERICHOST: bool = false,
NUMERICSERV: bool = false,
V4MAPPED: bool = false,
ALL: bool = false,
ADDRCONFIG: bool = false,
_: std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @bitSizeOf(c_int) - 7) = 0,
else => void,
pub const NI = switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => packed struct(u32) {
NUMERICHOST: bool = false,
NUMERICSERV: bool = false,
NOFQDN: bool = false,
NAMEREQD: bool = false,
DGRAM: bool = false,
_5: u3 = 0,
NUMERICSCOPE: bool = false,
_: u23 = 0,
.solaris, .illumos => packed struct(u32) {
NOFQDN: bool = false,
NUMERICHOST: bool = false,
NAMEREQD: bool = false,
NUMERICSERV: bool = false,
DGRAM: bool = false,
WITHSCOPEID: bool = false,
NUMERICSCOPE: bool = false,
_: u25 = 0,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/d510d2aeb2facbd8f6c383d70fd1b033e1fee5dd/Userland/Libraries/LibC/netdb.h#L101-L105
.serenity => packed struct(c_int) {
NUMERICHOST: bool = false,
NUMERICSERV: bool = false,
NAMEREQD: bool = false,
NOFQDN: bool = false,
DGRAM: bool = false,
_: std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @bitSizeOf(c_int) - 5) = 0,
else => void,
pub const EAI = if (builtin.abi.isAndroid()) enum(c_int) {
/// address family for hostname not supported
/// temporary failure in name resolution
AGAIN = 2,
/// invalid value for ai_flags
/// non-recoverable failure in name resolution
FAIL = 4,
/// ai_family not supported
/// memory allocation failure
/// no address associated with hostname
/// hostname nor servname provided, or not known
/// servname not supported for ai_socktype
/// ai_socktype not supported
/// system error returned in errno
SYSTEM = 11,
/// invalid value for hints
/// resolved protocol is unknown
/// argument buffer overflow
MAX = 15,
} else switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => enum(c_int) {
NONAME = -2,
AGAIN = -3,
FAIL = -4,
FAMILY = -6,
MEMORY = -10,
SYSTEM = -11,
NODATA = -5,
CANCELED = -101,
ALLDONE = -103,
INTR = -104,
IDN_ENCODE = -105,
.haiku, .dragonfly, .netbsd, .freebsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => enum(c_int) {
/// address family for hostname not supported
/// temporary failure in name resolution
AGAIN = 2,
/// invalid value for ai_flags
/// non-recoverable failure in name resolution
FAIL = 4,
/// ai_family not supported
/// memory allocation failure
/// no address associated with hostname
/// hostname nor servname provided, or not known
/// servname not supported for ai_socktype
/// ai_socktype not supported
/// system error returned in errno
SYSTEM = 11,
/// invalid value for hints
/// resolved protocol is unknown
/// argument buffer overflow
.solaris, .illumos => enum(c_int) {
/// address family for hostname not supported
/// name could not be resolved at this time
AGAIN = 2,
/// flags parameter had an invalid value
/// non-recoverable failure in name resolution
FAIL = 4,
/// address family not recognized
/// memory allocation failure
/// no address associated with hostname
/// name does not resolve
/// service not recognized for socket type
/// intended socket type was not recognized
/// system error returned in errno
SYSTEM = 11,
/// argument buffer overflow
/// resolved protocol is unknown
.openbsd => enum(c_int) {
/// address family for hostname not supported
/// name could not be resolved at this time
AGAIN = -3,
/// flags parameter had an invalid value
/// non-recoverable failure in name resolution
FAIL = -4,
/// address family not recognized
FAMILY = -6,
/// memory allocation failure
MEMORY = -10,
/// no address associated with hostname
NODATA = -5,
/// name does not resolve
NONAME = -2,
/// service not recognized for socket type
/// intended socket type was not recognized
/// system error returned in errno
SYSTEM = -11,
/// invalid value for hints
/// resolved protocol is unknown
/// argument buffer overflow
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/d510d2aeb2facbd8f6c383d70fd1b033e1fee5dd/Userland/Libraries/LibC/netdb.h#L77-L88
.serenity => enum(c_int) {
AGAIN = 2,
FAIL = 4,
SYSTEM = 11,
else => void,
pub const dl_iterate_phdr_callback = *const fn (info: *dl_phdr_info, size: usize, data: ?*anyopaque) callconv(.c) c_int;
pub const Stat = switch (native_os) {
.linux => switch (native_arch) {
.sparc64 => extern struct {
dev: u64,
__pad1: u16,
ino: ino_t,
mode: u32,
nlink: u32,
uid: u32,
gid: u32,
rdev: u64,
__pad2: u16,
size: off_t,
blksize: isize,
blocks: i64,
atim: timespec,
mtim: timespec,
ctim: timespec,
__reserved: [2]usize,
pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.atim;
pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.mtim;
pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.ctim;
.mips, .mipsel => if (builtin.target.abi.isMusl()) extern struct {
dev: dev_t,
__pad0: [2]i32,
ino: ino_t,
mode: mode_t,
nlink: nlink_t,
uid: uid_t,
gid: gid_t,
rdev: dev_t,
__pad1: [2]i32,
size: off_t,
atim: timespec,
mtim: timespec,
ctim: timespec,
blksize: blksize_t,
__pad3: i32,
blocks: blkcnt_t,
__pad4: [14]i32,
pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.atim;
pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.mtim;
pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.ctim;
} else extern struct {
dev: u32,
__pad0: [3]u32,
ino: ino_t,
mode: mode_t,
nlink: nlink_t,
uid: uid_t,
gid: gid_t,
rdev: u32,
__pad1: [3]u32,
size: off_t,
atim: timespec,
mtim: timespec,
ctim: timespec,
blksize: blksize_t,
__pad3: u32,
blocks: blkcnt_t,
__pad4: [14]u32,
pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.atim;
pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.mtim;
pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.ctim;
.mips64, .mips64el => if (builtin.target.abi.isMusl()) extern struct {
dev: dev_t,
__pad0: [3]i32,
ino: ino_t,
mode: mode_t,
nlink: nlink_t,
uid: uid_t,
gid: gid_t,
rdev: dev_t,
__pad1: [2]u32,
size: off_t,
__pad2: i32,
atim: timespec,
mtim: timespec,
ctim: timespec,
blksize: blksize_t,
__pad3: u32,
blocks: blkcnt_t,
__pad4: [14]i32,
pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.atim;
pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.mtim;
pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.ctim;
} else extern struct {
dev: dev_t,
__pad0: [3]u32,
ino: ino_t,
mode: mode_t,
nlink: nlink_t,
uid: uid_t,
gid: gid_t,
rdev: dev_t,
__pad1: [3]u32,
size: off_t,
atim: timespec,
mtim: timespec,
ctim: timespec,
blksize: blksize_t,
__pad3: u32,
blocks: blkcnt_t,
__pad4: [14]i32,
pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.atim;
pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.mtim;
pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.ctim;
else => std.os.linux.Stat, // libc stat is the same as kernel stat.
.emscripten => emscripten.Stat,
.wasi => extern struct {
// Match wasi-libc's `struct stat` in lib/libc/include/wasm-wasi-musl/__struct_stat.h
dev: dev_t,
ino: ino_t,
nlink: nlink_t,
mode: mode_t,
uid: uid_t,
gid: gid_t,
__pad0: c_uint = 0,
rdev: dev_t,
size: off_t,
blksize: blksize_t,
blocks: blkcnt_t,
atim: timespec,
mtim: timespec,
ctim: timespec,
__reserved: [3]c_longlong = [3]c_longlong{ 0, 0, 0 },
pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.atim;
pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.mtim;
pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.ctim;
pub fn fromFilestat(st: wasi.filestat_t) Stat {
return .{
.dev = st.dev,
.ino = st.ino,
.mode = switch (st.filetype) {
.UNKNOWN => 0,
_ => 0,
.nlink = st.nlink,
.size = @intCast(st.size),
.atim = timespec.fromTimestamp(st.atim),
.mtim = timespec.fromTimestamp(st.mtim),
.ctim = timespec.fromTimestamp(st.ctim),
.uid = 0,
.gid = 0,
.rdev = 0,
.blksize = 0,
.blocks = 0,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
dev: i32,
mode: u16,
nlink: u16,
ino: ino_t,
uid: uid_t,
gid: gid_t,
rdev: i32,
atimespec: timespec,
mtimespec: timespec,
ctimespec: timespec,
birthtimespec: timespec,
size: off_t,
blocks: i64,
blksize: i32,
flags: u32,
gen: u32,
lspare: i32,
qspare: [2]i64,
pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.atimespec;
pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.mtimespec;
pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.ctimespec;
pub fn birthtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.birthtimespec;
.freebsd => freebsd.Stat,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
dev: dev_t,
ino: ino_t,
mode: mode_t,
nlink: nlink_t,
uid: uid_t,
gid: gid_t,
rdev: dev_t,
size: off_t,
atim: timespec,
mtim: timespec,
ctim: timespec,
blksize: blksize_t,
blocks: blkcnt_t,
fstype: [16]u8,
pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.atim;
pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.mtim;
pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.ctim;
.netbsd => extern struct {
dev: dev_t,
mode: mode_t,
ino: ino_t,
nlink: nlink_t,
uid: uid_t,
gid: gid_t,
rdev: dev_t,
atim: timespec,
mtim: timespec,
ctim: timespec,
birthtim: timespec,
size: off_t,
blocks: blkcnt_t,
blksize: blksize_t,
flags: u32,
gen: u32,
__spare: [2]u32,
pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.atim;
pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.mtim;
pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.ctim;
pub fn birthtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.birthtim;
.dragonfly => extern struct {
ino: ino_t,
nlink: c_uint,
dev: c_uint,
mode: c_ushort,
padding1: u16,
uid: uid_t,
gid: gid_t,
rdev: c_uint,
atim: timespec,
mtim: timespec,
ctim: timespec,
size: c_ulong,
blocks: i64,
blksize: u32,
flags: u32,
gen: u32,
lspare: i32,
qspare1: i64,
qspare2: i64,
pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.atim;
pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.mtim;
pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.ctim;
.haiku => extern struct {
dev: dev_t,
ino: ino_t,
mode: mode_t,
nlink: nlink_t,
uid: uid_t,
gid: gid_t,
size: off_t,
rdev: dev_t,
blksize: blksize_t,
atim: timespec,
mtim: timespec,
ctim: timespec,
crtim: timespec,
type: u32,
blocks: blkcnt_t,
pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.atim;
pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.mtim;
pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.ctim;
pub fn birthtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.crtim;
.openbsd => extern struct {
mode: mode_t,
dev: dev_t,
ino: ino_t,
nlink: nlink_t,
uid: uid_t,
gid: gid_t,
rdev: dev_t,
atim: timespec,
mtim: timespec,
ctim: timespec,
size: off_t,
blocks: blkcnt_t,
blksize: blksize_t,
flags: u32,
gen: u32,
birthtim: timespec,
pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.atim;
pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.mtim;
pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.ctim;
pub fn birthtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.birthtim;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ec492a1a0819e6239ea44156825c4ee7234ca3db/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/stat.h#L53-L67
.serenity => extern struct {
dev: dev_t,
ino: ino_t,
mode: mode_t,
nlink: nlink_t,
uid: uid_t,
gid: gid_t,
rdev: dev_t,
size: off_t,
blksize: blksize_t,
blocks: blkcnt_t,
atim: timespec,
mtim: timespec,
ctim: timespec,
pub fn atime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.atim;
pub fn mtime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.mtim;
pub fn ctime(self: @This()) timespec {
return self.ctim;
else => void,
pub const pthread_mutex_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => extern struct {
data: [data_len]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** data_len,
const data_len = switch (native_abi) {
.musl, .musleabi, .musleabihf => if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) 40 else 24,
.gnu, .gnuabin32, .gnuabi64, .gnueabi, .gnueabihf, .gnux32 => switch (native_arch) {
.aarch64 => 48,
.x86_64 => if (native_abi == .gnux32) 32 else 40,
.mips64, .powerpc64, .powerpc64le, .sparc64 => 40,
else => if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) 40 else 24,
.android, .androideabi => if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) 40 else 4,
else => @compileError("unsupported ABI"),
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
sig: c_long = 0x32AAABA7,
data: [data_len]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** data_len,
const data_len = if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) 56 else 40;
.freebsd, .dragonfly, .openbsd => extern struct {
inner: ?*anyopaque = null,
.hermit => extern struct {
ptr: usize = maxInt(usize),
.netbsd => extern struct {
magic: u32 = 0x33330003,
errorcheck: padded_pthread_spin_t = 0,
ceiling: padded_pthread_spin_t = 0,
owner: usize = 0,
waiters: ?*u8 = null,
recursed: u32 = 0,
spare2: ?*anyopaque = null,
.haiku => extern struct {
flags: u32 = 0,
lock: i32 = 0,
unused: i32 = -42,
owner: i32 = -1,
owner_count: i32 = 0,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
flag1: u16 = 0,
flag2: u8 = 0,
ceiling: u8 = 0,
type: u16 = 0,
magic: u16 = 0x4d58,
lock: u64 = 0,
data: u64 = 0,
.fuchsia => extern struct {
data: [40]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** 40,
.emscripten => extern struct {
data: [24]u8 align(4) = [_]u8{0} ** 24,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L68-L73
.serenity => extern struct {
lock: u32 = 0,
owner: pthread_t = 0,
level: c_int = 0,
type: c_int = 0,
else => void,
pub const pthread_cond_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => extern struct {
data: [48]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** 48,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
sig: c_long = 0x3CB0B1BB,
data: [data_len]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** data_len,
const data_len = if (@sizeOf(usize) == 8) 40 else 24;
.freebsd, .dragonfly, .openbsd => extern struct {
inner: ?*anyopaque = null,
.hermit => extern struct {
ptr: usize = maxInt(usize),
.netbsd => extern struct {
magic: u32 = 0x55550005,
lock: pthread_spin_t = 0,
waiters_first: ?*u8 = null,
waiters_last: ?*u8 = null,
mutex: ?*pthread_mutex_t = null,
private: ?*anyopaque = null,
.haiku => extern struct {
flags: u32 = 0,
unused: i32 = -42,
mutex: ?*anyopaque = null,
waiter_count: i32 = 0,
lock: i32 = 0,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
flag: [4]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** 4,
type: u16 = 0,
magic: u16 = 0x4356,
data: u64 = 0,
.fuchsia, .emscripten => extern struct {
data: [48]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** 48,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L80-L84
.serenity => extern struct {
mutex: ?*pthread_mutex_t = null,
value: u32 = 0,
clockid: clockid_t = .REALTIME_COARSE,
else => void,
pub const pthread_rwlock_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => switch (native_abi) {
.android, .androideabi => switch (@sizeOf(usize)) {
4 => extern struct {
data: [40]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** 40,
8 => extern struct {
data: [56]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** 56,
else => @compileError("impossible pointer size"),
else => extern struct {
data: [56]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** 56,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
sig: c_long = 0x2DA8B3B4,
data: [192]u8 = [_]u8{0} ** 192,
.freebsd, .dragonfly, .openbsd => extern struct {
ptr: ?*anyopaque = null,
.hermit => extern struct {
ptr: usize = maxInt(usize),
.netbsd => extern struct {
magic: c_uint = 0x99990009,
interlock: switch (builtin.cpu.arch) {
.aarch64, .sparc, .x86_64, .x86 => u8,
.arm, .powerpc => c_int,
else => unreachable,
} = 0,
rblocked_first: ?*u8 = null,
rblocked_last: ?*u8 = null,
wblocked_first: ?*u8 = null,
wblocked_last: ?*u8 = null,
nreaders: c_uint = 0,
owner: ?pthread_t = null,
private: ?*anyopaque = null,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
readers: i32 = 0,
type: u16 = 0,
magic: u16 = 0x5257,
mutex: pthread_mutex_t = .{},
readercv: pthread_cond_t = .{},
writercv: pthread_cond_t = .{},
.fuchsia => extern struct {
size: [56]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)) = [_]u8{0} ** 56,
.emscripten => extern struct {
size: [32]u8 align(4) = [_]u8{0} ** 32,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L86
.serenity => extern struct {
inner: u64 = 0,
else => void,
pub const pthread_attr_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten, .dragonfly => extern struct {
__size: [56]u8,
__align: c_long,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
__sig: c_long,
__opaque: [56]u8,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L75
.freebsd, .openbsd, .serenity => extern struct {
inner: ?*anyopaque = null,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
mutexattr: ?*anyopaque = null,
.netbsd => extern struct {
magic: u32,
flags: i32,
private: ?*anyopaque,
.haiku => extern struct {
detach_state: i32,
sched_priority: i32,
stack_size: i32,
guard_size: i32,
stack_address: ?*anyopaque,
else => void,
pub const pthread_key_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => c_uint,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => c_ulong,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L65
.openbsd, .solaris, .illumos, .serenity => c_int,
else => void,
pub const padded_pthread_spin_t = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => switch (builtin.cpu.arch) {
.x86, .x86_64 => u32,
.sparc, .sparc64 => u32,
else => pthread_spin_t,
else => void,
pub const pthread_spin_t = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => switch (builtin.cpu.arch) {
.aarch64, .aarch64_be => u8,
.mips, .mipsel, .mips64, .mips64el => u32,
.powerpc, .powerpc64, .powerpc64le => i32,
.x86, .x86_64 => u8,
.arm, .armeb, .thumb, .thumbeb => i32,
.sparc, .sparc64 => u8,
.riscv32, .riscv64 => u32,
else => @compileError("undefined pthread_spin_t for this arch"),
else => void,
pub const sem_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux, .emscripten => extern struct {
__size: [4 * @sizeOf(usize)]u8 align(@alignOf(usize)),
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => c_int,
.freebsd => extern struct {
_magic: u32,
_kern: extern struct {
_count: u32,
_flags: u32,
_padding: u32,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
count: u32 = 0,
type: u16 = 0,
magic: u16 = 0x534d,
__pad1: [3]u64 = [_]u64{0} ** 3,
__pad2: [2]u64 = [_]u64{0} ** 2,
.openbsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly => ?*opaque {},
.haiku => extern struct {
type: i32,
u: extern union {
named_sem_id: i32,
unnamed_sem: i32,
padding: [2]i32,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/aae106e37b48f2158e68902293df1e4bf7b80c0f/Userland/Libraries/LibC/semaphore.h#L23-L27
.serenity => extern struct {
magic: u32,
value: u32,
flags: u8,
else => void,
/// Renamed from `kevent` to `Kevent` to avoid conflict with function name.
pub const Kevent = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => extern struct {
ident: usize,
filter: i32,
flags: u32,
fflags: u32,
data: i64,
udata: usize,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
ident: usize,
filter: i16,
flags: u16,
fflags: u32,
data: isize,
udata: usize,
// sys/types.h on macos uses #pragma pack(4) so these checks are
// to make sure the struct is laid out the same. These values were
// produced from C code using the offsetof macro.
comptime {
assert(@offsetOf(@This(), "ident") == 0);
assert(@offsetOf(@This(), "filter") == 8);
assert(@offsetOf(@This(), "flags") == 10);
assert(@offsetOf(@This(), "fflags") == 12);
assert(@offsetOf(@This(), "data") == 16);
assert(@offsetOf(@This(), "udata") == 24);
.freebsd => extern struct {
/// Identifier for this event.
ident: usize,
/// Filter for event.
filter: i16,
/// Action flags for kqueue.
flags: u16,
/// Filter flag value.
fflags: u32,
/// Filter data value.
data: i64,
/// Opaque user data identifier.
udata: usize,
/// Future extensions.
_ext: [4]u64 = [_]u64{0} ** 4,
.dragonfly => extern struct {
ident: usize,
filter: c_short,
flags: c_ushort,
fflags: c_uint,
data: isize,
udata: usize,
.openbsd => extern struct {
ident: usize,
filter: c_short,
flags: u16,
fflags: c_uint,
data: i64,
udata: usize,
else => void,
pub const port_t = switch (native_os) {
.solaris, .illumos => c_int,
else => void,
pub const port_event = switch (native_os) {
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
events: u32,
/// Event source.
source: u16,
__pad: u16,
/// Source-specific object.
object: ?*anyopaque,
/// User cookie.
cookie: ?*anyopaque,
else => void,
pub const AT = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.AT,
.windows => struct {
/// Remove directory instead of unlinking file
pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x200;
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
pub const FDCWD = -2;
/// Use effective ids in access check
pub const EACCESS = 0x0010;
/// Act on the symlink itself not the target
pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x0020;
/// Act on target of symlink
pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x0040;
/// Path refers to directory
pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x0080;
.freebsd => struct {
/// Magic value that specify the use of the current working directory
/// to determine the target of relative file paths in the openat() and
/// similar syscalls.
pub const FDCWD = -100;
/// Check access using effective user and group ID
pub const EACCESS = 0x0100;
/// Do not follow symbolic links
pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x0200;
/// Follow symbolic link
pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x0400;
/// Remove directory instead of file
pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x0800;
/// Fail if not under dirfd
pub const BENEATH = 0x1000;
.netbsd => struct {
/// Magic value that specify the use of the current working directory
/// to determine the target of relative file paths in the openat() and
/// similar syscalls.
pub const FDCWD = -100;
/// Check access using effective user and group ID
pub const EACCESS = 0x0100;
/// Do not follow symbolic links
pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x0200;
/// Follow symbolic link
pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x0400;
/// Remove directory instead of file
pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x0800;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const FDCWD = -328243;
pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 1;
pub const REMOVEDIR = 2;
pub const EACCESS = 4;
pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 8;
.openbsd => struct {
/// Magic value that specify the use of the current working directory
/// to determine the target of relative file paths in the openat() and
/// similar syscalls.
pub const FDCWD = -100;
/// Check access using effective user and group ID
pub const EACCESS = 0x01;
/// Do not follow symbolic links
pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x02;
/// Follow symbolic link
pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x04;
/// Remove directory instead of file
pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x08;
.haiku => struct {
pub const FDCWD = -1;
pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x01;
pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x02;
pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x04;
pub const EACCESS = 0x08;
.solaris, .illumos => struct {
/// Magic value that specify the use of the current working directory
/// to determine the target of relative file paths in the openat() and
/// similar syscalls.
pub const FDCWD: fd_t = @bitCast(@as(u32, 0xffd19553));
/// Do not follow symbolic links
pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x1000;
/// Follow symbolic link
pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x2000;
/// Remove directory instead of file
pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x1;
pub const TRIGGER = 0x2;
/// Check access using effective user and group ID
pub const EACCESS = 0x4;
.emscripten => struct {
pub const FDCWD = -100;
pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x100;
pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x200;
pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x400;
pub const NO_AUTOMOUNT = 0x800;
pub const EMPTY_PATH = 0x1000;
pub const STATX_SYNC_TYPE = 0x6000;
pub const STATX_SYNC_AS_STAT = 0x0000;
pub const STATX_FORCE_SYNC = 0x2000;
pub const STATX_DONT_SYNC = 0x4000;
pub const RECURSIVE = 0x8000;
.wasi => struct {
// Match `AT_*` constants in lib/libc/include/wasm-wasi-musl/__header_fcntl.h
pub const EACCESS = 0x0;
pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x1;
pub const SYMLINK_FOLLOW = 0x2;
pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x4;
/// When linking libc, we follow their convention and use -2 for current working directory.
/// However, without libc, Zig does a different convention: it assumes the
/// current working directory is the first preopen. This behavior can be
/// overridden with a public function called `wasi_cwd` in the root source
/// file.
pub const FDCWD: fd_t = if (builtin.link_libc) -2 else 3;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/2808b0376406a40e31293bb3bcb9170374e90506/Kernel/API/POSIX/fcntl.h#L49-L52
.serenity => struct {
pub const FDCWD = -100;
pub const SYMLINK_NOFOLLOW = 0x100;
pub const REMOVEDIR = 0x200;
pub const EACCESS = 0x400;
else => void,
pub const O = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.O,
.emscripten => packed struct(u32) {
_2: u4 = 0,
CREAT: bool = false,
EXCL: bool = false,
NOCTTY: bool = false,
TRUNC: bool = false,
APPEND: bool = false,
NONBLOCK: bool = false,
DSYNC: bool = false,
ASYNC: bool = false,
DIRECT: bool = false,
LARGEFILE: bool = false,
DIRECTORY: bool = false,
NOFOLLOW: bool = false,
NOATIME: bool = false,
CLOEXEC: bool = false,
SYNC: bool = false,
PATH: bool = false,
TMPFILE: bool = false,
_: u9 = 0,
.wasi => packed struct(u32) {
// Match `O_*` bits from lib/libc/include/wasm-wasi-musl/__header_fcntl.h
APPEND: bool = false,
DSYNC: bool = false,
NONBLOCK: bool = false,
RSYNC: bool = false,
SYNC: bool = false,
_5: u7 = 0,
CREAT: bool = false,
DIRECTORY: bool = false,
EXCL: bool = false,
TRUNC: bool = false,
_16: u8 = 0,
NOFOLLOW: bool = false,
EXEC: bool = false,
read: bool = false,
SEARCH: bool = false,
write: bool = false,
// O_CLOEXEC, O_TTY_ININT, O_NOCTTY are 0 in wasi-musl, so they're silently
// ignored in C code. Thus no mapping in Zig.
_: u3 = 0,
.solaris, .illumos => packed struct(u32) {
NDELAY: bool = false,
APPEND: bool = false,
SYNC: bool = false,
_5: u1 = 0,
DSYNC: bool = false,
NONBLOCK: bool = false,
CREAT: bool = false,
TRUNC: bool = false,
EXCL: bool = false,
NOCTTY: bool = false,
_12: u1 = 0,
LARGEFILE: bool = false,
XATTR: bool = false,
RSYNC: bool = false,
_16: u1 = 0,
NOFOLLOW: bool = false,
NOLINKS: bool = false,
_19: u2 = 0,
SEARCH: bool = false,
EXEC: bool = false,
CLOEXEC: bool = false,
DIRECTORY: bool = false,
DIRECT: bool = false,
_: u6 = 0,
.netbsd => packed struct(u32) {
NONBLOCK: bool = false,
APPEND: bool = false,
SHLOCK: bool = false,
EXLOCK: bool = false,
ASYNC: bool = false,
SYNC: bool = false,
NOFOLLOW: bool = false,
CREAT: bool = false,
TRUNC: bool = false,
EXCL: bool = false,
_12: u3 = 0,
NOCTTY: bool = false,
DSYNC: bool = false,
RSYNC: bool = false,
ALT_IO: bool = false,
DIRECT: bool = false,
_20: u1 = 0,
DIRECTORY: bool = false,
CLOEXEC: bool = false,
SEARCH: bool = false,
_: u8 = 0,
.openbsd => packed struct(u32) {
NONBLOCK: bool = false,
APPEND: bool = false,
SHLOCK: bool = false,
EXLOCK: bool = false,
ASYNC: bool = false,
SYNC: bool = false,
NOFOLLOW: bool = false,
CREAT: bool = false,
TRUNC: bool = false,
EXCL: bool = false,
_12: u3 = 0,
NOCTTY: bool = false,
CLOEXEC: bool = false,
DIRECTORY: bool = false,
_: u14 = 0,
.haiku => packed struct(u32) {
_2: u4 = 0,
CLOEXEC: bool = false,
NONBLOCK: bool = false,
EXCL: bool = false,
CREAT: bool = false,
TRUNC: bool = false,
APPEND: bool = false,
NOCTTY: bool = false,
NOTRAVERSE: bool = false,
_14: u2 = 0,
SYNC: bool = false,
RSYNC: bool = false,
DSYNC: bool = false,
NOFOLLOW: bool = false,
DIRECT: bool = false,
DIRECTORY: bool = false,
_: u10 = 0,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => packed struct(u32) {
NONBLOCK: bool = false,
APPEND: bool = false,
SHLOCK: bool = false,
EXLOCK: bool = false,
ASYNC: bool = false,
SYNC: bool = false,
NOFOLLOW: bool = false,
CREAT: bool = false,
TRUNC: bool = false,
EXCL: bool = false,
_12: u3 = 0,
EVTONLY: bool = false,
_16: u1 = 0,
NOCTTY: bool = false,
_18: u2 = 0,
DIRECTORY: bool = false,
SYMLINK: bool = false,
DSYNC: bool = false,
_23: u1 = 0,
CLOEXEC: bool = false,
_25: u4 = 0,
ALERT: bool = false,
_30: u1 = 0,
POPUP: bool = false,
.dragonfly => packed struct(u32) {
NONBLOCK: bool = false,
APPEND: bool = false,
SHLOCK: bool = false,
EXLOCK: bool = false,
ASYNC: bool = false,
SYNC: bool = false,
NOFOLLOW: bool = false,
CREAT: bool = false,
TRUNC: bool = false,
EXCL: bool = false,
_12: u3 = 0,
NOCTTY: bool = false,
DIRECT: bool = false,
CLOEXEC: bool = false,
FBLOCKING: bool = false,
FNONBLOCKING: bool = false,
FAPPEND: bool = false,
FOFFSET: bool = false,
FSYNCWRITE: bool = false,
FASYNCWRITE: bool = false,
_24: u3 = 0,
DIRECTORY: bool = false,
_: u4 = 0,
.freebsd => packed struct(u32) {
NONBLOCK: bool = false,
APPEND: bool = false,
SHLOCK: bool = false,
EXLOCK: bool = false,
ASYNC: bool = false,
SYNC: bool = false,
NOFOLLOW: bool = false,
CREAT: bool = false,
TRUNC: bool = false,
EXCL: bool = false,
DSYNC: bool = false,
_13: u2 = 0,
NOCTTY: bool = false,
DIRECT: bool = false,
DIRECTORY: bool = false,
NOATIME: bool = false,
_19: u1 = 0,
CLOEXEC: bool = false,
PATH: bool = false,
TMPFILE: bool = false,
_: u9 = 0,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/2808b0376406a40e31293bb3bcb9170374e90506/Kernel/API/POSIX/fcntl.h#L28-L43
.serenity => packed struct(c_int) {
EXEC: bool = false,
CREAT: bool = false,
EXCL: bool = false,
NOCTTY: bool = false,
TRUNC: bool = false,
APPEND: bool = false,
NONBLOCK: bool = false,
DIRECTORY: bool = false,
NOFOLLOW: bool = false,
CLOEXEC: bool = false,
DIRECT: bool = false,
SYNC: bool = false,
_: std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @bitSizeOf(c_int) - 14) = 0,
else => void,
pub const MAP = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.MAP,
.emscripten => packed struct(u32) {
TYPE: enum(u4) {
SHARED = 0x01,
PRIVATE = 0x02,
FIXED: bool = false,
ANONYMOUS: bool = false,
_6: u2 = 0,
GROWSDOWN: bool = false,
_9: u2 = 0,
DENYWRITE: bool = false,
EXECUTABLE: bool = false,
LOCKED: bool = false,
NORESERVE: bool = false,
POPULATE: bool = false,
NONBLOCK: bool = false,
STACK: bool = false,
HUGETLB: bool = false,
SYNC: bool = false,
FIXED_NOREPLACE: bool = false,
_: u11 = 0,
.solaris, .illumos => packed struct(u32) {
TYPE: enum(u4) {
SHARED = 0x01,
PRIVATE = 0x02,
FIXED: bool = false,
RENAME: bool = false,
NORESERVE: bool = false,
@"32BIT": bool = false,
ANONYMOUS: bool = false,
ALIGN: bool = false,
TEXT: bool = false,
INITDATA: bool = false,
_: u20 = 0,
.netbsd => packed struct(u32) {
TYPE: enum(u2) {
SHARED = 0x01,
PRIVATE = 0x02,
REMAPDUP: bool = false,
_3: u1 = 0,
FIXED: bool = false,
RENAME: bool = false,
NORESERVE: bool = false,
INHERIT: bool = false,
_8: u1 = 0,
HASSEMAPHORE: bool = false,
TRYFIXED: bool = false,
WIRED: bool = false,
ANONYMOUS: bool = false,
STACK: bool = false,
_: u18 = 0,
.openbsd => packed struct(u32) {
TYPE: enum(u4) {
SHARED = 0x01,
PRIVATE = 0x02,
FIXED: bool = false,
_5: u7 = 0,
ANONYMOUS: bool = false,
_13: u1 = 0,
STACK: bool = false,
CONCEAL: bool = false,
_: u16 = 0,
.haiku => packed struct(u32) {
TYPE: enum(u2) {
SHARED = 0x01,
PRIVATE = 0x02,
FIXED: bool = false,
ANONYMOUS: bool = false,
NORESERVE: bool = false,
_: u27 = 0,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => packed struct(u32) {
TYPE: enum(u4) {
SHARED = 0x01,
PRIVATE = 0x02,
FIXED: bool = false,
_5: u1 = 0,
NORESERVE: bool = false,
_7: u2 = 0,
HASSEMAPHORE: bool = false,
NOCACHE: bool = false,
JIT: bool = false,
ANONYMOUS: bool = false,
_: u19 = 0,
.dragonfly => packed struct(u32) {
TYPE: enum(u4) {
SHARED = 0x01,
PRIVATE = 0x02,
FIXED: bool = false,
RENAME: bool = false,
NORESERVE: bool = false,
INHERIT: bool = false,
NOEXTEND: bool = false,
HASSEMAPHORE: bool = false,
STACK: bool = false,
NOSYNC: bool = false,
ANONYMOUS: bool = false,
VPAGETABLE: bool = false,
_14: u2 = 0,
TRYFIXED: bool = false,
NOCORE: bool = false,
SIZEALIGN: bool = false,
_: u13 = 0,
.freebsd => packed struct(u32) {
TYPE: enum(u4) {
SHARED = 0x01,
PRIVATE = 0x02,
FIXED: bool = false,
_5: u5 = 0,
STACK: bool = false,
NOSYNC: bool = false,
ANONYMOUS: bool = false,
GUARD: bool = false,
EXCL: bool = false,
_15: u2 = 0,
NOCORE: bool = false,
PREFAULT_READ: bool = false,
@"32BIT": bool = false,
_: u12 = 0,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/6d59d4d3d9e76e39112842ec487840828f1c9bfe/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/mman.h#L16-L26
.serenity => packed struct(c_int) {
FILE: bool = false,
SHARED: bool = false,
PRIVATE: bool = false,
_3: u2 = 0,
FIXED: bool = false,
ANONYMOUS: bool = false,
STACK: bool = false,
NORESERVE: bool = false,
RANDOMIZED: bool = false,
PURGEABLE: bool = false,
FIXED_NOREPLACE: bool = false,
_: std.meta.Int(.unsigned, @bitSizeOf(c_int) - 12) = 0,
else => void,
pub const MREMAP = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.MREMAP,
else => void,
/// Used by libc to communicate failure. Not actually part of the underlying syscall.
pub const MAP_FAILED: *anyopaque = @ptrFromInt(maxInt(usize));
pub const cc_t = u8;
/// Indices into the `cc` array in the `termios` struct.
pub const V = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.V,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .netbsd, .openbsd => enum {
.freebsd => enum {
.haiku => enum {
.solaris, .illumos => enum {
.emscripten, .wasi => enum {
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/d277cdfd4c7ed21d5248a83217ae03b9f890c3c8/Kernel/API/POSIX/termios.h#L32-L49
.serenity => enum {
else => void,
pub const NCCS = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.NCCS,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .freebsd, .netbsd, .openbsd, .dragonfly => 20,
.haiku => 11,
.solaris, .illumos => 19,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/d277cdfd4c7ed21d5248a83217ae03b9f890c3c8/Kernel/API/POSIX/termios.h#L15
.emscripten, .wasi, .serenity => 32,
else => void,
pub const termios = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.termios,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
iflag: tc_iflag_t,
oflag: tc_oflag_t,
cflag: tc_cflag_t,
lflag: tc_lflag_t,
cc: [NCCS]cc_t,
ispeed: speed_t align(8),
ospeed: speed_t,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/d277cdfd4c7ed21d5248a83217ae03b9f890c3c8/Kernel/API/POSIX/termios.h#L21-L29
.freebsd, .netbsd, .dragonfly, .openbsd, .serenity => extern struct {
iflag: tc_iflag_t,
oflag: tc_oflag_t,
cflag: tc_cflag_t,
lflag: tc_lflag_t,
cc: [NCCS]cc_t,
ispeed: speed_t,
ospeed: speed_t,
.haiku => extern struct {
iflag: tc_iflag_t,
oflag: tc_oflag_t,
cflag: tc_cflag_t,
lflag: tc_lflag_t,
line: cc_t,
ispeed: speed_t,
ospeed: speed_t,
cc: [NCCS]cc_t,
.solaris, .illumos => extern struct {
iflag: tc_iflag_t,
oflag: tc_oflag_t,
cflag: tc_cflag_t,
lflag: tc_lflag_t,
cc: [NCCS]cc_t,
.emscripten, .wasi => extern struct {
iflag: tc_iflag_t,
oflag: tc_oflag_t,
cflag: tc_cflag_t,
lflag: tc_lflag_t,
line: cc_t,
cc: [NCCS]cc_t,
ispeed: speed_t,
ospeed: speed_t,
else => void,
pub const tc_iflag_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.tc_iflag_t,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => packed struct(u64) {
IGNBRK: bool = false,
BRKINT: bool = false,
IGNPAR: bool = false,
PARMRK: bool = false,
INPCK: bool = false,
ISTRIP: bool = false,
INLCR: bool = false,
IGNCR: bool = false,
ICRNL: bool = false,
IXON: bool = false,
IXOFF: bool = false,
IXANY: bool = false,
_12: u1 = 0,
IMAXBEL: bool = false,
IUTF8: bool = false,
_: u49 = 0,
.netbsd, .freebsd, .dragonfly => packed struct(u32) {
IGNBRK: bool = false,
BRKINT: bool = false,
IGNPAR: bool = false,
PARMRK: bool = false,
INPCK: bool = false,
ISTRIP: bool = false,
INLCR: bool = false,
IGNCR: bool = false,
ICRNL: bool = false,
IXON: bool = false,
IXOFF: bool = false,
IXANY: bool = false,
_12: u1 = 0,
IMAXBEL: bool = false,
_: u18 = 0,
.openbsd => packed struct(u32) {
IGNBRK: bool = false,
BRKINT: bool = false,
IGNPAR: bool = false,
PARMRK: bool = false,
INPCK: bool = false,
ISTRIP: bool = false,
INLCR: bool = false,
IGNCR: bool = false,
ICRNL: bool = false,
IXON: bool = false,
IXOFF: bool = false,
IXANY: bool = false,
IUCLC: bool = false,
IMAXBEL: bool = false,
_: u18 = 0,
.haiku => packed struct(u32) {
IGNBRK: bool = false,
BRKINT: bool = false,
IGNPAR: bool = false,
PARMRK: bool = false,
INPCK: bool = false,
ISTRIP: bool = false,
INLCR: bool = false,
IGNCR: bool = false,
ICRNL: bool = false,
IUCLC: bool = false,
IXON: bool = false,
IXANY: bool = false,
IXOFF: bool = false,
_: u19 = 0,
.solaris, .illumos => packed struct(u32) {
IGNBRK: bool = false,
BRKINT: bool = false,
IGNPAR: bool = false,
PARMRK: bool = false,
INPCK: bool = false,
ISTRIP: bool = false,
INLCR: bool = false,
IGNCR: bool = false,
ICRNL: bool = false,
IUCLC: bool = false,
IXON: bool = false,
IXANY: bool = false,
_12: u1 = 0,
IMAXBEL: bool = false,
_14: u1 = 0,
DOSMODE: bool = false,
_: u16 = 0,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/d277cdfd4c7ed21d5248a83217ae03b9f890c3c8/Kernel/API/POSIX/termios.h#L52-L66
.emscripten, .wasi, .serenity => packed struct(u32) {
IGNBRK: bool = false,
BRKINT: bool = false,
IGNPAR: bool = false,
PARMRK: bool = false,
INPCK: bool = false,
ISTRIP: bool = false,
INLCR: bool = false,
IGNCR: bool = false,
ICRNL: bool = false,
IUCLC: bool = false,
IXON: bool = false,
IXANY: bool = false,
IXOFF: bool = false,
IMAXBEL: bool = false,
IUTF8: bool = false,
_: u17 = 0,
else => void,
pub const tc_oflag_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.tc_oflag_t,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => packed struct(u64) {
OPOST: bool = false,
ONLCR: bool = false,
OXTABS: bool = false,
ONOEOT: bool = false,
OCRNL: bool = false,
ONOCR: bool = false,
ONLRET: bool = false,
OFILL: bool = false,
NLDLY: u2 = 0,
TABDLY: u2 = 0,
CRDLY: u2 = 0,
FFDLY: u1 = 0,
BSDLY: u1 = 0,
VTDLY: u1 = 0,
OFDEL: bool = false,
_: u46 = 0,
.netbsd => packed struct(u32) {
OPOST: bool = false,
ONLCR: bool = false,
OXTABS: bool = false,
ONOEOT: bool = false,
OCRNL: bool = false,
_5: u1 = 0,
ONOCR: bool = false,
ONLRET: bool = false,
_: u24 = 0,
.openbsd => packed struct(u32) {
OPOST: bool = false,
ONLCR: bool = false,
OXTABS: bool = false,
ONOEOT: bool = false,
OCRNL: bool = false,
OLCUC: bool = false,
ONOCR: bool = false,
ONLRET: bool = false,
_: u24 = 0,
.freebsd, .dragonfly => packed struct(u32) {
OPOST: bool = false,
ONLCR: bool = false,
_2: u1 = 0,
ONOEOT: bool = false,
OCRNL: bool = false,
ONOCR: bool = false,
ONLRET: bool = false,
_: u25 = 0,
.solaris, .illumos => packed struct(u32) {
OPOST: bool = false,
OLCUC: bool = false,
ONLCR: bool = false,
OCRNL: bool = false,
ONOCR: bool = false,
ONLRET: bool = false,
OFILL: bool = false,
OFDEL: bool = false,
NLDLY: u1 = 0,
CRDLY: u2 = 0,
TABDLY: u2 = 0,
BSDLY: u1 = 0,
VTDLY: u1 = 0,
FFDLY: u1 = 0,
PAGEOUT: bool = false,
WRAP: bool = false,
_: u14 = 0,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/d277cdfd4c7ed21d5248a83217ae03b9f890c3c8/Kernel/API/POSIX/termios.h#L69-L97
.haiku, .wasi, .emscripten, .serenity => packed struct(u32) {
OPOST: bool = false,
OLCUC: bool = false,
ONLCR: bool = false,
OCRNL: bool = false,
ONOCR: bool = false,
ONLRET: bool = false,
OFILL: bool = false,
OFDEL: bool = false,
NLDLY: u1 = 0,
CRDLY: u2 = 0,
TABDLY: u2 = 0,
BSDLY: u1 = 0,
VTDLY: u1 = 0,
FFDLY: u1 = 0,
_: u16 = 0,
else => void,
pub const CSIZE = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.CSIZE,
.haiku => enum(u1) { CS7, CS8 },
else => enum(u2) { CS5, CS6, CS7, CS8 },
pub const tc_cflag_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.tc_cflag_t,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => packed struct(u64) {
CIGNORE: bool = false,
_1: u5 = 0,
CSTOPB: bool = false,
_7: u1 = 0,
_10: u1 = 0,
CREAD: bool = false,
PARENB: bool = false,
PARODD: bool = false,
HUPCL: bool = false,
CLOCAL: bool = false,
CCTS_OFLOW: bool = false,
CRTS_IFLOW: bool = false,
CDTR_IFLOW: bool = false,
CDSR_OFLOW: bool = false,
CCAR_OFLOW: bool = false,
_: u43 = 0,
.freebsd => packed struct(u32) {
CIGNORE: bool = false,
_1: u7 = 0,
CSTOPB: bool = false,
CREAD: bool = false,
PARENB: bool = false,
PARODD: bool = false,
HUPCL: bool = false,
CLOCAL: bool = false,
CCTS_OFLOW: bool = false,
CRTS_IFLOW: bool = false,
CDTR_IFLOW: bool = false,
CDSR_OFLOW: bool = false,
CCAR_OFLOW: bool = false,
CNO_RTSDTR: bool = false,
_: u10 = 0,
.netbsd => packed struct(u32) {
CIGNORE: bool = false,
_1: u7 = 0,
CSTOPB: bool = false,
CREAD: bool = false,
PARENB: bool = false,
PARODD: bool = false,
HUPCL: bool = false,
CLOCAL: bool = false,
CRTSCTS: bool = false,
CDTRCTS: bool = false,
_18: u2 = 0,
MDMBUF: bool = false,
_: u11 = 0,
.dragonfly => packed struct(u32) {
CIGNORE: bool = false,
_1: u7 = 0,
CSTOPB: bool = false,
CREAD: bool = false,
PARENB: bool = false,
PARODD: bool = false,
HUPCL: bool = false,
CLOCAL: bool = false,
CCTS_OFLOW: bool = false,
CRTS_IFLOW: bool = false,
CDTR_IFLOW: bool = false,
CDSR_OFLOW: bool = false,
CCAR_OFLOW: bool = false,
_: u11 = 0,
.openbsd => packed struct(u32) {
CIGNORE: bool = false,
_1: u7 = 0,
CSTOPB: bool = false,
CREAD: bool = false,
PARENB: bool = false,
PARODD: bool = false,
HUPCL: bool = false,
CLOCAL: bool = false,
CRTSCTS: bool = false,
_17: u3 = 0,
MDMBUF: bool = false,
_: u11 = 0,
.haiku => packed struct(u32) {
_0: u5 = 0,
CSTOPB: bool = false,
CREAD: bool = false,
PARENB: bool = false,
PARODD: bool = false,
HUPCL: bool = false,
CLOCAL: bool = false,
XLOBLK: bool = false,
CTSFLOW: bool = false,
RTSFLOW: bool = false,
_: u17 = 0,
.solaris, .illumos => packed struct(u32) {
_0: u4 = 0,
CSTOPB: bool = false,
CREAD: bool = false,
PARENB: bool = false,
PARODD: bool = false,
HUPCL: bool = false,
CLOCAL: bool = false,
RCV1EN: bool = false,
XMT1EN: bool = false,
LOBLK: bool = false,
XCLUDE: bool = false,
_16: u4 = 0,
PAREXT: bool = false,
CBAUDEXT: bool = false,
CIBAUDEXT: bool = false,
_23: u7 = 0,
CRTSXOFF: bool = false,
CRTSCTS: bool = false,
.wasi, .emscripten => packed struct(u32) {
_0: u4 = 0,
CSTOPB: bool = false,
CREAD: bool = false,
PARENB: bool = false,
PARODD: bool = false,
HUPCL: bool = false,
CLOCAL: bool = false,
_: u20 = 0,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/d277cdfd4c7ed21d5248a83217ae03b9f890c3c8/Kernel/API/POSIX/termios.h#L131-L141
.serenity => packed struct(u32) {
_0: u4 = 0,
CSTOPB: bool = false,
CREAD: bool = false,
PARENB: bool = false,
PARODD: bool = false,
HUPCL: bool = false,
CLOCAL: bool = false,
CBAUDEX: bool = false,
_: u19 = 0,
else => void,
pub const tc_lflag_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.tc_lflag_t,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => packed struct(u64) {
ECHOKE: bool = false,
ECHOE: bool = false,
ECHOK: bool = false,
ECHO: bool = false,
ECHONL: bool = false,
ECHOPRT: bool = false,
ECHOCTL: bool = false,
ISIG: bool = false,
ICANON: bool = false,
ALTWERASE: bool = false,
IEXTEN: bool = false,
EXTPROC: bool = false,
_12: u10 = 0,
TOSTOP: bool = false,
FLUSHO: bool = false,
_24: u1 = 0,
NOKERNINFO: bool = false,
_26: u3 = 0,
PENDIN: bool = false,
_30: u1 = 0,
NOFLSH: bool = false,
_: u32 = 0,
.netbsd, .freebsd, .dragonfly => packed struct(u32) {
ECHOKE: bool = false,
ECHOE: bool = false,
ECHOK: bool = false,
ECHO: bool = false,
ECHONL: bool = false,
ECHOPRT: bool = false,
ECHOCTL: bool = false,
ISIG: bool = false,
ICANON: bool = false,
ALTWERASE: bool = false,
IEXTEN: bool = false,
EXTPROC: bool = false,
_12: u10 = 0,
TOSTOP: bool = false,
FLUSHO: bool = false,
_24: u1 = 0,
NOKERNINFO: bool = false,
_26: u3 = 0,
PENDIN: bool = false,
_30: u1 = 0,
NOFLSH: bool = false,
.openbsd => packed struct(u32) {
ECHOKE: bool = false,
ECHOE: bool = false,
ECHOK: bool = false,
ECHO: bool = false,
ECHONL: bool = false,
ECHOPRT: bool = false,
ECHOCTL: bool = false,
ISIG: bool = false,
ICANON: bool = false,
ALTWERASE: bool = false,
IEXTEN: bool = false,
EXTPROC: bool = false,
_12: u10 = 0,
TOSTOP: bool = false,
FLUSHO: bool = false,
XCASE: bool = false,
NOKERNINFO: bool = false,
_26: u3 = 0,
PENDIN: bool = false,
_30: u1 = 0,
NOFLSH: bool = false,
.haiku => packed struct(u32) {
ISIG: bool = false,
ICANON: bool = false,
XCASE: bool = false,
ECHO: bool = false,
ECHOE: bool = false,
ECHOK: bool = false,
ECHONL: bool = false,
NOFLSH: bool = false,
TOSTOP: bool = false,
IEXTEN: bool = false,
ECHOCTL: bool = false,
ECHOPRT: bool = false,
ECHOKE: bool = false,
FLUSHO: bool = false,
PENDIN: bool = false,
_: u17 = 0,
.solaris, .illumos => packed struct(u32) {
ISIG: bool = false,
ICANON: bool = false,
XCASE: bool = false,
ECHO: bool = false,
ECHOE: bool = false,
ECHOK: bool = false,
ECHONL: bool = false,
NOFLSH: bool = false,
TOSTOP: bool = false,
ECHOCTL: bool = false,
ECHOPRT: bool = false,
ECHOKE: bool = false,
DEFECHO: bool = false,
FLUSHO: bool = false,
PENDIN: bool = false,
IEXTEN: bool = false,
_: u16 = 0,
.wasi, .emscripten => packed struct(u32) {
ISIG: bool = false,
ICANON: bool = false,
_2: u1 = 0,
ECHO: bool = false,
ECHOE: bool = false,
ECHOK: bool = false,
ECHONL: bool = false,
NOFLSH: bool = false,
TOSTOP: bool = false,
_9: u6 = 0,
IEXTEN: bool = false,
_: u16 = 0,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/d277cdfd4c7ed21d5248a83217ae03b9f890c3c8/Kernel/API/POSIX/termios.h#L168-L189
.serenity => packed struct(u32) {
ISIG: bool = false,
ICANON: bool = false,
XCASE: bool = false,
ECHO: bool = false,
ECHOE: bool = false,
ECHOK: bool = false,
ECHONL: bool = false,
NOFLSH: bool = false,
TOSTOP: bool = false,
ECHOCTL: bool = false,
ECHOPRT: bool = false,
ECHOKE: bool = false,
FLUSHO: bool = false,
PENDIN: bool = false,
_14: u6 = 0,
IEXTEN: bool = false,
EXTPROC: bool = false,
_: u15 = 0,
else => void,
pub const speed_t = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.speed_t,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .openbsd => enum(u64) {
B0 = 0,
B50 = 50,
B75 = 75,
B110 = 110,
B134 = 134,
B150 = 150,
B200 = 200,
B300 = 300,
B600 = 600,
B1200 = 1200,
B1800 = 1800,
B2400 = 2400,
B4800 = 4800,
B9600 = 9600,
B19200 = 19200,
B38400 = 38400,
B7200 = 7200,
B14400 = 14400,
B28800 = 28800,
B57600 = 57600,
B76800 = 76800,
B115200 = 115200,
B230400 = 230400,
.freebsd, .netbsd => enum(c_uint) {
B0 = 0,
B50 = 50,
B75 = 75,
B110 = 110,
B134 = 134,
B150 = 150,
B200 = 200,
B300 = 300,
B600 = 600,
B1200 = 1200,
B1800 = 1800,
B2400 = 2400,
B4800 = 4800,
B9600 = 9600,
B19200 = 19200,
B38400 = 38400,
B7200 = 7200,
B14400 = 14400,
B28800 = 28800,
B57600 = 57600,
B76800 = 76800,
B115200 = 115200,
B230400 = 230400,
B460800 = 460800,
B500000 = 500000,
B921600 = 921600,
B1000000 = 1000000,
B1500000 = 1500000,
B2000000 = 2000000,
B2500000 = 2500000,
B3000000 = 3000000,
B3500000 = 3500000,
B4000000 = 4000000,
.dragonfly => enum(c_uint) {
B0 = 0,
B50 = 50,
B75 = 75,
B110 = 110,
B134 = 134,
B150 = 150,
B200 = 200,
B300 = 300,
B600 = 600,
B1200 = 1200,
B1800 = 1800,
B2400 = 2400,
B4800 = 4800,
B9600 = 9600,
B19200 = 19200,
B38400 = 38400,
B7200 = 7200,
B14400 = 14400,
B28800 = 28800,
B57600 = 57600,
B76800 = 76800,
B115200 = 115200,
B230400 = 230400,
B460800 = 460800,
B921600 = 921600,
.haiku => enum(u8) {
B0 = 0x00,
B50 = 0x01,
B75 = 0x02,
B110 = 0x03,
B134 = 0x04,
B150 = 0x05,
B200 = 0x06,
B300 = 0x07,
B600 = 0x08,
B1200 = 0x09,
B1800 = 0x0A,
B2400 = 0x0B,
B4800 = 0x0C,
B9600 = 0x0D,
B19200 = 0x0E,
B38400 = 0x0F,
B57600 = 0x10,
B115200 = 0x11,
B230400 = 0x12,
B31250 = 0x13,
.solaris, .illumos => enum(c_uint) {
B0 = 0,
B50 = 1,
B75 = 2,
B110 = 3,
B134 = 4,
B150 = 5,
B200 = 6,
B300 = 7,
B600 = 8,
B1200 = 9,
B1800 = 10,
B2400 = 11,
B4800 = 12,
B9600 = 13,
B19200 = 14,
B38400 = 15,
B57600 = 16,
B76800 = 17,
B115200 = 18,
B153600 = 19,
B230400 = 20,
B307200 = 21,
B460800 = 22,
B921600 = 23,
B1000000 = 24,
B1152000 = 25,
B1500000 = 26,
B2000000 = 27,
B2500000 = 28,
B3000000 = 29,
B3500000 = 30,
B4000000 = 31,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/d277cdfd4c7ed21d5248a83217ae03b9f890c3c8/Kernel/API/POSIX/termios.h#L111-L159
.emscripten, .wasi, .serenity => enum(u32) {
B0 = 0o0000000,
B50 = 0o0000001,
B75 = 0o0000002,
B110 = 0o0000003,
B134 = 0o0000004,
B150 = 0o0000005,
B200 = 0o0000006,
B300 = 0o0000007,
B600 = 0o0000010,
B1200 = 0o0000011,
B1800 = 0o0000012,
B2400 = 0o0000013,
B4800 = 0o0000014,
B9600 = 0o0000015,
B19200 = 0o0000016,
B38400 = 0o0000017,
B57600 = 0o0010001,
B115200 = 0o0010002,
B230400 = 0o0010003,
B460800 = 0o0010004,
B500000 = 0o0010005,
B576000 = 0o0010006,
B921600 = 0o0010007,
B1000000 = 0o0010010,
B1152000 = 0o0010011,
B1500000 = 0o0010012,
B2000000 = 0o0010013,
B2500000 = 0o0010014,
B3000000 = 0o0010015,
B3500000 = 0o0010016,
B4000000 = 0o0010017,
else => void,
pub const whence_t = if (native_os == .wasi) std.os.wasi.whence_t else c_int;
pub const sig_atomic_t = switch (native_os) {
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ec492a1a0819e6239ea44156825c4ee7234ca3db/Kernel/API/POSIX/signal.h#L20
.serenity => u32,
else => c_int,
/// maximum signal number + 1
pub const NSIG = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.NSIG,
.windows => 23,
.haiku => 65,
.netbsd, .freebsd => 32,
.solaris, .illumos => 75,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/046c23f567a17758d762a33bdf04bacbfd088f9f/Kernel/API/POSIX/signal_numbers.h#L42
.openbsd, .serenity => 33,
else => {},
pub const MINSIGSTKSZ = switch (native_os) {
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => 32768,
.freebsd => switch (builtin.cpu.arch) {
.x86, .x86_64 => 2048,
.arm, .aarch64 => 4096,
else => @compileError("unsupported arch"),
.solaris, .illumos => 2048,
.haiku, .netbsd => 8192,
.openbsd => 1 << openbsd.MAX_PAGE_SHIFT,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ec492a1a0819e6239ea44156825c4ee7234ca3db/Kernel/API/POSIX/signal.h#L58
.serenity => 4096,
else => {},
pub const SIGSTKSZ = switch (native_os) {
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => 131072,
.netbsd, .freebsd => MINSIGSTKSZ + 32768,
.solaris, .illumos => 8192,
.haiku => 16384,
.openbsd => MINSIGSTKSZ + (1 << openbsd.MAX_PAGE_SHIFT) * 4,
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ec492a1a0819e6239ea44156825c4ee7234ca3db/Kernel/API/POSIX/signal.h#L59
.serenity => 32768,
else => {},
pub const SS = switch (native_os) {
.linux => linux.SS,
.openbsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .netbsd, .freebsd => struct {
pub const ONSTACK = 1;
pub const DISABLE = 4;
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/ec492a1a0819e6239ea44156825c4ee7234ca3db/Kernel/API/POSIX/signal.h#L54-L55
.haiku, .solaris, .illumos, .serenity => struct {
pub const ONSTACK = 0x1;
pub const DISABLE = 0x2;
else => void,
pub const EV = switch (native_os) {
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
/// add event to kq (implies enable)
pub const ADD = 0x0001;
/// delete event from kq
pub const DELETE = 0x0002;
/// enable event
pub const ENABLE = 0x0004;
/// disable event (not reported)
pub const DISABLE = 0x0008;
/// only report one occurrence
pub const ONESHOT = 0x0010;
/// clear event state after reporting
pub const CLEAR = 0x0020;
/// force immediate event output
/// ... with or without ERROR
/// on syscalls supporting flags
pub const RECEIPT = 0x0040;
/// disable event after reporting
pub const DISPATCH = 0x0080;
/// unique kevent per udata value
pub const UDATA_SPECIFIC = 0x0100;
/// ... in combination with DELETE
/// will defer delete until udata-specific
/// event enabled. EINPROGRESS will be
/// returned to indicate the deferral
/// report that source has vanished
/// ... only valid with DISPATCH2
pub const VANISHED = 0x0200;
/// reserved by system
pub const SYSFLAGS = 0xF000;
/// filter-specific flag
pub const FLAG0 = 0x1000;
/// filter-specific flag
pub const FLAG1 = 0x2000;
/// EOF detected
pub const EOF = 0x8000;
/// error, data contains errno
pub const ERROR = 0x4000;
pub const POLL = FLAG0;
pub const OOBAND = FLAG1;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const ADD = 1;
pub const DELETE = 2;
pub const ENABLE = 4;
pub const DISABLE = 8;
pub const ONESHOT = 16;
pub const CLEAR = 32;
pub const RECEIPT = 64;
pub const DISPATCH = 128;
pub const NODATA = 4096;
pub const FLAG1 = 8192;
pub const ERROR = 16384;
pub const EOF = 32768;
pub const SYSFLAGS = 61440;
.netbsd => struct {
/// add event to kq (implies enable)
pub const ADD = 0x0001;
/// delete event from kq
pub const DELETE = 0x0002;
/// enable event
pub const ENABLE = 0x0004;
/// disable event (not reported)
pub const DISABLE = 0x0008;
/// only report one occurrence
pub const ONESHOT = 0x0010;
/// clear event state after reporting
pub const CLEAR = 0x0020;
/// force immediate event output
/// ... with or without ERROR
/// on syscalls supporting flags
pub const RECEIPT = 0x0040;
/// disable event after reporting
pub const DISPATCH = 0x0080;
.freebsd => struct {
/// add event to kq (implies enable)
pub const ADD = 0x0001;
/// delete event from kq
pub const DELETE = 0x0002;
/// enable event
pub const ENABLE = 0x0004;
/// disable event (not reported)
pub const DISABLE = 0x0008;
/// only report one occurrence
pub const ONESHOT = 0x0010;
/// clear event state after reporting
pub const CLEAR = 0x0020;
/// error, event data contains errno
pub const ERROR = 0x4000;
/// force immediate event output
/// ... with or without ERROR
/// on syscalls supporting flags
pub const RECEIPT = 0x0040;
/// disable event after reporting
pub const DISPATCH = 0x0080;
.openbsd => struct {
pub const ADD = 0x0001;
pub const DELETE = 0x0002;
pub const ENABLE = 0x0004;
pub const DISABLE = 0x0008;
pub const ONESHOT = 0x0010;
pub const CLEAR = 0x0020;
pub const RECEIPT = 0x0040;
pub const DISPATCH = 0x0080;
pub const FLAG1 = 0x2000;
pub const ERROR = 0x4000;
pub const EOF = 0x8000;
.haiku => struct {
/// add event to kq (implies enable)
pub const ADD = 0x0001;
/// delete event from kq
pub const DELETE = 0x0002;
/// enable event
pub const ENABLE = 0x0004;
/// disable event (not reported)
pub const DISABLE = 0x0008;
/// only report one occurrence
pub const ONESHOT = 0x0010;
/// clear event state after reporting
pub const CLEAR = 0x0020;
/// force immediate event output
/// ... with or without ERROR
/// on syscalls supporting flags
pub const RECEIPT = 0x0040;
/// disable event after reporting
pub const DISPATCH = 0x0080;
else => void,
pub const EVFILT = switch (native_os) {
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
pub const READ = -1;
pub const WRITE = -2;
/// attached to aio requests
pub const AIO = -3;
/// attached to vnodes
pub const VNODE = -4;
/// attached to struct proc
pub const PROC = -5;
/// attached to struct proc
pub const SIGNAL = -6;
/// timers
pub const TIMER = -7;
/// Mach portsets
pub const MACHPORT = -8;
/// Filesystem events
pub const FS = -9;
/// User events
pub const USER = -10;
/// Virtual memory events
pub const VM = -12;
/// Exception events
pub const EXCEPT = -15;
pub const SYSCOUNT = 17;
.haiku => struct {
pub const READ = -1;
pub const WRITE = -2;
/// attached to aio requests
pub const AIO = -3;
/// attached to vnodes
pub const VNODE = -4;
/// attached to struct proc
pub const PROC = -5;
/// attached to struct proc
pub const SIGNAL = -6;
/// timers
pub const TIMER = -7;
/// Process descriptors
pub const PROCDESC = -8;
/// Filesystem events
pub const FS = -9;
pub const LIO = -10;
/// User events
pub const USER = -11;
/// Sendfile events
pub const SENDFILE = -12;
pub const EMPTY = -13;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const FS = -10;
pub const USER = -9;
pub const EXCEPT = -8;
pub const TIMER = -7;
pub const SIGNAL = -6;
pub const PROC = -5;
pub const VNODE = -4;
pub const AIO = -3;
pub const WRITE = -2;
pub const READ = -1;
pub const SYSCOUNT = 10;
pub const MARKER = 15;
.netbsd => struct {
pub const READ = 0;
pub const WRITE = 1;
/// attached to aio requests
pub const AIO = 2;
/// attached to vnodes
pub const VNODE = 3;
/// attached to struct proc
pub const PROC = 4;
/// attached to struct proc
pub const SIGNAL = 5;
/// timers
pub const TIMER = 6;
/// Filesystem events
pub const FS = 7;
/// User events
pub const USER = 1;
.freebsd => struct {
pub const READ = -1;
pub const WRITE = -2;
/// attached to aio requests
pub const AIO = -3;
/// attached to vnodes
pub const VNODE = -4;
/// attached to struct proc
pub const PROC = -5;
/// attached to struct proc
pub const SIGNAL = -6;
/// timers
pub const TIMER = -7;
/// Process descriptors
pub const PROCDESC = -8;
/// Filesystem events
pub const FS = -9;
pub const LIO = -10;
/// User events
pub const USER = -11;
/// Sendfile events
pub const SENDFILE = -12;
pub const EMPTY = -13;
.openbsd => struct {
pub const READ = -1;
pub const WRITE = -2;
pub const AIO = -3;
pub const VNODE = -4;
pub const PROC = -5;
pub const SIGNAL = -6;
pub const TIMER = -7;
pub const EXCEPT = -9;
else => void,
pub const NOTE = switch (native_os) {
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => struct {
/// On input, TRIGGER causes the event to be triggered for output.
pub const TRIGGER = 0x01000000;
/// ignore input fflags
pub const FFNOP = 0x00000000;
/// and fflags
pub const FFAND = 0x40000000;
/// or fflags
pub const FFOR = 0x80000000;
/// copy fflags
pub const FFCOPY = 0xc0000000;
/// mask for operations
pub const FFCTRLMASK = 0xc0000000;
pub const FFLAGSMASK = 0x00ffffff;
/// low water mark
pub const LOWAT = 0x00000001;
/// OOB data
pub const OOB = 0x00000002;
/// vnode was removed
pub const DELETE = 0x00000001;
/// data contents changed
pub const WRITE = 0x00000002;
/// size increased
pub const EXTEND = 0x00000004;
/// attributes changed
pub const ATTRIB = 0x00000008;
/// link count changed
pub const LINK = 0x00000010;
/// vnode was renamed
pub const RENAME = 0x00000020;
/// vnode access was revoked
pub const REVOKE = 0x00000040;
/// No specific vnode event: to test for EVFILT_READ activation
pub const NONE = 0x00000080;
/// vnode was unlocked by flock(2)
pub const FUNLOCK = 0x00000100;
/// process exited
pub const EXIT = 0x80000000;
/// process forked
pub const FORK = 0x40000000;
/// process exec'd
pub const EXEC = 0x20000000;
/// shared with EVFILT_SIGNAL
pub const SIGNAL = 0x08000000;
/// exit status to be returned, valid for child process only
pub const EXITSTATUS = 0x04000000;
/// provide details on reasons for exit
pub const EXIT_DETAIL = 0x02000000;
/// mask for signal & exit status
pub const PDATAMASK = 0x000fffff;
pub const PCTRLMASK = 0xf0000000;
pub const EXIT_DETAIL_MASK = 0x00070000;
pub const EXIT_DECRYPTFAIL = 0x00010000;
pub const EXIT_MEMORY = 0x00020000;
pub const EXIT_CSERROR = 0x00040000;
/// will react on memory pressure
pub const VM_PRESSURE = 0x80000000;
/// will quit on memory pressure, possibly after cleaning up dirty state
pub const VM_PRESSURE_TERMINATE = 0x40000000;
/// will quit immediately on memory pressure
pub const VM_PRESSURE_SUDDEN_TERMINATE = 0x20000000;
/// there was an error
pub const VM_ERROR = 0x10000000;
/// data is seconds
pub const SECONDS = 0x00000001;
/// data is microseconds
pub const USECONDS = 0x00000002;
/// data is nanoseconds
pub const NSECONDS = 0x00000004;
/// absolute timeout
pub const ABSOLUTE = 0x00000008;
/// ext[1] holds leeway for power aware timers
pub const LEEWAY = 0x00000010;
/// system does minimal timer coalescing
pub const CRITICAL = 0x00000020;
/// system does maximum timer coalescing
pub const BACKGROUND = 0x00000040;
pub const MACH_CONTINUOUS_TIME = 0x00000080;
/// data is mach absolute time units
pub const MACHTIME = 0x00000100;
.dragonfly => struct {
pub const FFNOP = 0;
pub const TRACK = 1;
pub const DELETE = 1;
pub const LOWAT = 1;
pub const TRACKERR = 2;
pub const OOB = 2;
pub const WRITE = 2;
pub const EXTEND = 4;
pub const CHILD = 4;
pub const ATTRIB = 8;
pub const LINK = 16;
pub const RENAME = 32;
pub const REVOKE = 64;
pub const PDATAMASK = 1048575;
pub const FFLAGSMASK = 16777215;
pub const TRIGGER = 16777216;
pub const EXEC = 536870912;
pub const FFAND = 1073741824;
pub const FORK = 1073741824;
pub const EXIT = 2147483648;
pub const FFOR = 2147483648;
pub const FFCTRLMASK = 3221225472;
pub const FFCOPY = 3221225472;
pub const PCTRLMASK = 4026531840;
.netbsd => struct {
/// On input, TRIGGER causes the event to be triggered for output.
pub const TRIGGER = 0x08000000;
/// low water mark
pub const LOWAT = 0x00000001;
/// vnode was removed
pub const DELETE = 0x00000001;
/// data contents changed
pub const WRITE = 0x00000002;
/// size increased
pub const EXTEND = 0x00000004;
/// attributes changed
pub const ATTRIB = 0x00000008;
/// link count changed
pub const LINK = 0x00000010;
/// vnode was renamed
pub const RENAME = 0x00000020;
/// vnode access was revoked
pub const REVOKE = 0x00000040;
/// process exited
pub const EXIT = 0x80000000;
/// process forked
pub const FORK = 0x40000000;
/// process exec'd
pub const EXEC = 0x20000000;
/// mask for signal & exit status
pub const PDATAMASK = 0x000fffff;
pub const PCTRLMASK = 0xf0000000;
.freebsd => struct {
/// On input, TRIGGER causes the event to be triggered for output.
pub const TRIGGER = 0x01000000;
/// ignore input fflags
pub const FFNOP = 0x00000000;
/// and fflags
pub const FFAND = 0x40000000;
/// or fflags
pub const FFOR = 0x80000000;
/// copy fflags
pub const FFCOPY = 0xc0000000;
/// mask for operations
pub const FFCTRLMASK = 0xc0000000;
pub const FFLAGSMASK = 0x00ffffff;
/// low water mark
pub const LOWAT = 0x00000001;
/// behave like poll()
pub const FILE_POLL = 0x00000002;
/// vnode was removed
pub const DELETE = 0x00000001;
/// data contents changed
pub const WRITE = 0x00000002;
/// size increased
pub const EXTEND = 0x00000004;
/// attributes changed
pub const ATTRIB = 0x00000008;
/// link count changed
pub const LINK = 0x00000010;
/// vnode was renamed
pub const RENAME = 0x00000020;
/// vnode access was revoked
pub const REVOKE = 0x00000040;
/// vnode was opened
pub const OPEN = 0x00000080;
/// file closed, fd did not allow write
pub const CLOSE = 0x00000100;
/// file closed, fd did allow write
pub const CLOSE_WRITE = 0x00000200;
/// file was read
pub const READ = 0x00000400;
/// process exited
pub const EXIT = 0x80000000;
/// process forked
pub const FORK = 0x40000000;
/// process exec'd
pub const EXEC = 0x20000000;
/// mask for signal & exit status
pub const PDATAMASK = 0x000fffff;
pub const PCTRLMASK = 0xf0000000;
/// data is seconds
pub const SECONDS = 0x00000001;
/// data is milliseconds
pub const MSECONDS = 0x00000002;
/// data is microseconds
pub const USECONDS = 0x00000004;
/// data is nanoseconds
pub const NSECONDS = 0x00000008;
/// timeout is absolute
pub const ABSTIME = 0x00000010;
.openbsd => struct {
// data/hint flags for EVFILT.{READ|WRITE}
pub const LOWAT = 0x0001;
pub const EOF = 0x0002;
// data/hint flags for EVFILT.EXCEPT and EVFILT.{READ|WRITE}
pub const OOB = 0x0004;
// data/hint flags for EVFILT.VNODE
pub const DELETE = 0x0001;
pub const WRITE = 0x0002;
pub const EXTEND = 0x0004;
pub const ATTRIB = 0x0008;
pub const LINK = 0x0010;
pub const RENAME = 0x0020;
pub const REVOKE = 0x0040;
pub const TRUNCATE = 0x0080;
// data/hint flags for EVFILT.PROC
pub const EXIT = 0x80000000;
pub const FORK = 0x40000000;
pub const EXEC = 0x20000000;
pub const PDATAMASK = 0x000fffff;
pub const PCTRLMASK = 0xf0000000;
pub const TRACK = 0x00000001;
pub const TRACKERR = 0x00000002;
pub const CHILD = 0x00000004;
// data/hint flags for EVFILT.DEVICE
pub const CHANGE = 0x00000001;
else => void,
pub const FUTEX = switch (native_os) {
.openbsd => openbsd.FUTEX,
.serenity => serenity.FUTEX,
else => void,
// Unix-like systems
pub const DIR = opaque {};
pub extern "c" fn opendir(pathname: [*:0]const u8) ?*DIR;
pub extern "c" fn fdopendir(fd: c_int) ?*DIR;
pub extern "c" fn rewinddir(dp: *DIR) void;
pub extern "c" fn closedir(dp: *DIR) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn telldir(dp: *DIR) c_long;
pub extern "c" fn seekdir(dp: *DIR, loc: c_long) void;
pub extern "c" fn sigwait(set: ?*sigset_t, sig: ?*c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn alarm(seconds: c_uint) c_uint;
pub const close = switch (native_os) {
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => darwin.@"close$NOCANCEL",
else => private.close,
pub const clock_getres = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => private.__clock_getres50,
else => private.clock_getres,
pub const clock_gettime = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => private.__clock_gettime50,
else => private.clock_gettime,
pub const fstat = switch (native_os) {
.macos => switch (native_arch) {
.x86_64 => private.@"fstat$INODE64",
else => private.fstat,
.netbsd => private.__fstat50,
else => private.fstat,
pub const fstatat = switch (native_os) {
.macos => switch (native_arch) {
.x86_64 => private.@"fstatat$INODE64",
else => private.fstatat,
else => private.fstatat,
pub extern "c" fn getpwnam(name: [*:0]const u8) ?*passwd;
pub extern "c" fn getpwuid(uid: uid_t) ?*passwd;
pub extern "c" fn getrlimit64(resource: rlimit_resource, rlim: *rlimit) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn lseek64(fd: fd_t, offset: i64, whence: c_int) i64;
pub extern "c" fn mmap64(addr: ?*align(page_size) anyopaque, len: usize, prot: c_uint, flags: c_uint, fd: fd_t, offset: i64) *anyopaque;
pub extern "c" fn open64(path: [*:0]const u8, oflag: O, ...) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn openat64(fd: c_int, path: [*:0]const u8, oflag: O, ...) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn pread64(fd: fd_t, buf: [*]u8, nbyte: usize, offset: i64) isize;
pub extern "c" fn preadv64(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec, iovcnt: c_uint, offset: i64) isize;
pub extern "c" fn pwrite64(fd: fd_t, buf: [*]const u8, nbyte: usize, offset: i64) isize;
pub extern "c" fn pwritev64(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec_const, iovcnt: c_uint, offset: i64) isize;
pub extern "c" fn sendfile64(out_fd: fd_t, in_fd: fd_t, offset: ?*i64, count: usize) isize;
pub extern "c" fn setrlimit64(resource: rlimit_resource, rlim: *const rlimit) c_int;
pub const arc4random_buf = switch (native_os) {
.dragonfly, .netbsd, .freebsd, .solaris, .openbsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .serenity => private.arc4random_buf,
else => {},
pub const getentropy = switch (native_os) {
.emscripten => private.getentropy,
else => {},
pub const getrandom = switch (native_os) {
.freebsd => private.getrandom,
.linux => if (builtin.abi.isMusl() or
(builtin.abi.isGnu() and versionCheck(.{ .major = 2, .minor = 25, .patch = 0 })) or
(builtin.abi.isAndroid() and versionCheck(.{ .major = 28, .minor = 0, .patch = 0 })))
else {},
else => {},
pub extern "c" fn sched_getaffinity(pid: c_int, size: usize, set: *cpu_set_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn eventfd(initval: c_uint, flags: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn epoll_ctl(epfd: fd_t, op: c_uint, fd: fd_t, event: ?*epoll_event) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn epoll_create1(flags: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn epoll_wait(epfd: fd_t, events: [*]epoll_event, maxevents: c_uint, timeout: c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn epoll_pwait(
epfd: fd_t,
events: [*]epoll_event,
maxevents: c_int,
timeout: c_int,
sigmask: *const sigset_t,
) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn timerfd_create(clockid: timerfd_clockid_t, flags: c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn timerfd_settime(
fd: c_int,
flags: c_int,
new_value: *const itimerspec,
old_value: ?*itimerspec,
) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn timerfd_gettime(fd: c_int, curr_value: *itimerspec) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn inotify_init1(flags: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn inotify_add_watch(fd: fd_t, pathname: [*:0]const u8, mask: u32) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn inotify_rm_watch(fd: fd_t, wd: c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fstat64(fd: fd_t, buf: *Stat) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fstatat64(dirfd: fd_t, noalias path: [*:0]const u8, noalias stat_buf: *Stat, flags: u32) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fallocate64(fd: fd_t, mode: c_int, offset: off_t, len: off_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fopen64(noalias filename: [*:0]const u8, noalias modes: [*:0]const u8) ?*FILE;
pub extern "c" fn ftruncate64(fd: c_int, length: off_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fallocate(fd: fd_t, mode: c_int, offset: off_t, len: off_t) c_int;
pub const sendfile = switch (native_os) {
.freebsd => freebsd.sendfile,
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => darwin.sendfile,
.linux => private.sendfile,
else => {},
/// See std.elf for constants for this
pub extern "c" fn getauxval(__type: c_ulong) c_ulong;
pub extern "c" fn dl_iterate_phdr(callback: dl_iterate_phdr_callback, data: ?*anyopaque) c_int;
pub const sigaltstack = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => private.__sigaltstack14,
else => private.sigaltstack,
pub extern "c" fn memfd_create(name: [*:0]const u8, flags: c_uint) c_int;
pub const pipe2 = switch (native_os) {
.dragonfly, .emscripten, .netbsd, .freebsd, .solaris, .illumos, .openbsd, .linux, .serenity => private.pipe2,
else => {},
pub const copy_file_range = switch (native_os) {
.linux => private.copy_file_range,
.freebsd => freebsd.copy_file_range,
else => {},
pub extern "c" fn signalfd(fd: fd_t, mask: *const sigset_t, flags: u32) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn prlimit(pid: pid_t, resource: rlimit_resource, new_limit: *const rlimit, old_limit: *rlimit) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn mincore(
addr: *align(page_size) anyopaque,
length: usize,
vec: [*]u8,
) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn madvise(
addr: *align(page_size) anyopaque,
length: usize,
advice: u32,
) c_int;
pub const getdirentries = switch (native_os) {
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => private.__getdirentries64,
else => private.getdirentries,
pub const getdents = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => private.__getdents30,
else => private.getdents,
pub const getrusage = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => private.__getrusage50,
else => private.getrusage,
pub const gettimeofday = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => private.__gettimeofday50,
else => private.gettimeofday,
pub const msync = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => private.__msync13,
else => private.msync,
pub const nanosleep = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => private.__nanosleep50,
else => private.nanosleep,
pub const readdir = switch (native_os) {
.macos => switch (native_arch) {
.x86_64 => private.@"readdir$INODE64",
else => private.readdir,
.windows => {},
else => private.readdir,
pub const realpath = switch (native_os) {
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => private.@"realpath$DARWIN_EXTSN",
else => private.realpath,
pub const sched_yield = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => private.__libc_thr_yield,
else => private.sched_yield,
pub const sigaction = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => private.__sigaction14,
else => private.sigaction,
pub const sigfillset = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => private.__sigfillset14,
else => private.sigfillset,
pub const sigprocmask = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => private.__sigprocmask14,
else => private.sigprocmask,
pub const socket = switch (native_os) {
.netbsd => private.__socket30,
else => private.socket,
pub const stat = switch (native_os) {
.macos => switch (native_arch) {
.x86_64 => private.@"stat$INODE64",
else => private.stat,
else => private.stat,
pub const _msize = switch (native_os) {
.windows => private._msize,
else => {},
pub const malloc_size = switch (native_os) {
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .serenity => private.malloc_size,
else => {},
pub const malloc_usable_size = switch (native_os) {
.freebsd, .linux, .serenity => private.malloc_usable_size,
else => {},
pub const posix_memalign = switch (native_os) {
.dragonfly, .netbsd, .freebsd, .solaris, .openbsd, .linux, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos, .serenity => private.posix_memalign,
else => {},
pub const sysconf = switch (native_os) {
.solaris => solaris.sysconf,
else => private.sysconf,
pub const sf_hdtr = switch (native_os) {
.freebsd, .macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => extern struct {
headers: [*]const iovec_const,
hdr_cnt: c_int,
trailers: [*]const iovec_const,
trl_cnt: c_int,
else => void,
pub const flock = switch (native_os) {
.windows, .wasi => {},
else => private.flock,
pub const futex = switch (native_os) {
.openbsd => openbsd.futex,
.serenity => serenity.futex,
else => {},
pub extern "c" var environ: [*:null]?[*:0]u8;
pub extern "c" fn fopen(noalias filename: [*:0]const u8, noalias modes: [*:0]const u8) ?*FILE;
pub extern "c" fn fclose(stream: *FILE) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fwrite(noalias ptr: [*]const u8, size_of_type: usize, item_count: usize, noalias stream: *FILE) usize;
pub extern "c" fn fread(noalias ptr: [*]u8, size_of_type: usize, item_count: usize, noalias stream: *FILE) usize;
pub extern "c" fn printf(format: [*:0]const u8, ...) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn abort() noreturn;
pub extern "c" fn exit(code: c_int) noreturn;
pub extern "c" fn _exit(code: c_int) noreturn;
pub extern "c" fn isatty(fd: fd_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn lseek(fd: fd_t, offset: off_t, whence: whence_t) off_t;
pub extern "c" fn open(path: [*:0]const u8, oflag: O, ...) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn openat(fd: c_int, path: [*:0]const u8, oflag: O, ...) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn ftruncate(fd: c_int, length: off_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn raise(sig: c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn read(fd: fd_t, buf: [*]u8, nbyte: usize) isize;
pub extern "c" fn readv(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec, iovcnt: c_uint) isize;
pub extern "c" fn pread(fd: fd_t, buf: [*]u8, nbyte: usize, offset: off_t) isize;
pub extern "c" fn preadv(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec, iovcnt: c_uint, offset: off_t) isize;
pub extern "c" fn writev(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec_const, iovcnt: c_uint) isize;
pub extern "c" fn pwritev(fd: c_int, iov: [*]const iovec_const, iovcnt: c_uint, offset: off_t) isize;
pub extern "c" fn write(fd: fd_t, buf: [*]const u8, nbyte: usize) isize;
pub extern "c" fn pwrite(fd: fd_t, buf: [*]const u8, nbyte: usize, offset: off_t) isize;
pub extern "c" fn mmap(addr: ?*align(page_size) anyopaque, len: usize, prot: c_uint, flags: MAP, fd: fd_t, offset: off_t) *anyopaque;
pub extern "c" fn munmap(addr: *align(page_size) const anyopaque, len: usize) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn mremap(addr: ?*align(page_size) const anyopaque, old_len: usize, new_len: usize, flags: MREMAP, ...) *anyopaque;
pub extern "c" fn mprotect(addr: *align(page_size) anyopaque, len: usize, prot: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn link(oldpath: [*:0]const u8, newpath: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn linkat(oldfd: fd_t, oldpath: [*:0]const u8, newfd: fd_t, newpath: [*:0]const u8, flags: c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn unlink(path: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn unlinkat(dirfd: fd_t, path: [*:0]const u8, flags: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn getcwd(buf: [*]u8, size: usize) ?[*]u8;
pub extern "c" fn waitpid(pid: pid_t, status: ?*c_int, options: c_int) pid_t;
pub extern "c" fn wait4(pid: pid_t, status: ?*c_int, options: c_int, ru: ?*rusage) pid_t;
pub const fork = switch (native_os) {
=> private.fork,
else => {},
pub extern "c" fn access(path: [*:0]const u8, mode: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn faccessat(dirfd: fd_t, path: [*:0]const u8, mode: c_uint, flags: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn pipe(fds: *[2]fd_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn mkdir(path: [*:0]const u8, mode: mode_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn mkdirat(dirfd: fd_t, path: [*:0]const u8, mode: mode_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn symlink(existing: [*:0]const u8, new: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn symlinkat(oldpath: [*:0]const u8, newdirfd: fd_t, newpath: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn rename(old: [*:0]const u8, new: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn renameat(olddirfd: fd_t, old: [*:0]const u8, newdirfd: fd_t, new: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn chdir(path: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fchdir(fd: fd_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn execve(path: [*:0]const u8, argv: [*:null]const ?[*:0]const u8, envp: [*:null]const ?[*:0]const u8) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn dup(fd: fd_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn dup2(old_fd: fd_t, new_fd: fd_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn dup3(old: c_int, new: c_int, flags: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn readlink(noalias path: [*:0]const u8, noalias buf: [*]u8, bufsize: usize) isize;
pub extern "c" fn readlinkat(dirfd: fd_t, noalias path: [*:0]const u8, noalias buf: [*]u8, bufsize: usize) isize;
pub extern "c" fn chmod(path: [*:0]const u8, mode: mode_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fchmod(fd: fd_t, mode: mode_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fchmodat(fd: fd_t, path: [*:0]const u8, mode: mode_t, flags: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fchown(fd: fd_t, owner: uid_t, group: gid_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn umask(mode: mode_t) mode_t;
pub extern "c" fn rmdir(path: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn getenv(name: [*:0]const u8) ?[*:0]u8;
pub extern "c" fn sysctl(name: [*]const c_int, namelen: c_uint, oldp: ?*anyopaque, oldlenp: ?*usize, newp: ?*anyopaque, newlen: usize) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn sysctlbyname(name: [*:0]const u8, oldp: ?*anyopaque, oldlenp: ?*usize, newp: ?*anyopaque, newlen: usize) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn sysctlnametomib(name: [*:0]const u8, mibp: ?*c_int, sizep: ?*usize) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn tcgetattr(fd: fd_t, termios_p: *termios) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn tcsetattr(fd: fd_t, optional_action: TCSA, termios_p: *const termios) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fcntl(fd: fd_t, cmd: c_int, ...) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn ioctl(fd: fd_t, request: c_int, ...) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn uname(buf: *utsname) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn gethostname(name: [*]u8, len: usize) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn shutdown(socket: fd_t, how: c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn bind(socket: fd_t, address: ?*const sockaddr, address_len: socklen_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn socketpair(domain: c_uint, sock_type: c_uint, protocol: c_uint, sv: *[2]fd_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn listen(sockfd: fd_t, backlog: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn getsockname(sockfd: fd_t, noalias addr: *sockaddr, noalias addrlen: *socklen_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn getpeername(sockfd: fd_t, noalias addr: *sockaddr, noalias addrlen: *socklen_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn connect(sockfd: fd_t, sock_addr: *const sockaddr, addrlen: socklen_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn accept(sockfd: fd_t, noalias addr: ?*sockaddr, noalias addrlen: ?*socklen_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn accept4(sockfd: fd_t, noalias addr: ?*sockaddr, noalias addrlen: ?*socklen_t, flags: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn getsockopt(sockfd: fd_t, level: i32, optname: u32, noalias optval: ?*anyopaque, noalias optlen: *socklen_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn setsockopt(sockfd: fd_t, level: i32, optname: u32, optval: ?*const anyopaque, optlen: socklen_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn send(sockfd: fd_t, buf: *const anyopaque, len: usize, flags: u32) isize;
pub extern "c" fn sendto(
sockfd: fd_t,
buf: *const anyopaque,
len: usize,
flags: u32,
dest_addr: ?*const sockaddr,
addrlen: socklen_t,
) isize;
pub extern "c" fn sendmsg(sockfd: fd_t, msg: *const msghdr_const, flags: u32) isize;
pub extern "c" fn recv(
sockfd: fd_t,
arg1: ?*anyopaque,
arg2: usize,
arg3: c_int,
) if (native_os == .windows) c_int else isize;
pub extern "c" fn recvfrom(
sockfd: fd_t,
noalias buf: *anyopaque,
len: usize,
flags: u32,
noalias src_addr: ?*sockaddr,
noalias addrlen: ?*socklen_t,
) if (native_os == .windows) c_int else isize;
pub extern "c" fn recvmsg(sockfd: fd_t, msg: *msghdr, flags: u32) isize;
pub extern "c" fn kill(pid: pid_t, sig: c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn setuid(uid: uid_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn setgid(gid: gid_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn seteuid(euid: uid_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn setegid(egid: gid_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn setreuid(ruid: uid_t, euid: uid_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn setregid(rgid: gid_t, egid: gid_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn setresuid(ruid: uid_t, euid: uid_t, suid: uid_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn setresgid(rgid: gid_t, egid: gid_t, sgid: gid_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn setpgid(pid: pid_t, pgid: pid_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn malloc(usize) ?*anyopaque;
pub extern "c" fn calloc(usize, usize) ?*anyopaque;
pub extern "c" fn realloc(?*anyopaque, usize) ?*anyopaque;
pub extern "c" fn free(?*anyopaque) void;
pub extern "c" fn futimes(fd: fd_t, times: ?*[2]timeval) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn utimes(path: [*:0]const u8, times: ?*[2]timeval) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn utimensat(dirfd: fd_t, pathname: [*:0]const u8, times: ?*[2]timespec, flags: u32) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn futimens(fd: fd_t, times: ?*const [2]timespec) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_create(
noalias newthread: *pthread_t,
noalias attr: ?*const pthread_attr_t,
start_routine: *const fn (?*anyopaque) callconv(.c) ?*anyopaque,
noalias arg: ?*anyopaque,
) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_attr_init(attr: *pthread_attr_t) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_attr_setstack(attr: *pthread_attr_t, stackaddr: *anyopaque, stacksize: usize) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_attr_setstacksize(attr: *pthread_attr_t, stacksize: usize) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_attr_setguardsize(attr: *pthread_attr_t, guardsize: usize) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_attr_destroy(attr: *pthread_attr_t) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_self() pthread_t;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_join(thread: pthread_t, arg_return: ?*?*anyopaque) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_detach(thread: pthread_t) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_atfork(
prepare: ?*const fn () callconv(.c) void,
parent: ?*const fn () callconv(.c) void,
child: ?*const fn () callconv(.c) void,
) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_key_create(
key: *pthread_key_t,
destructor: ?*const fn (value: *anyopaque) callconv(.c) void,
) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_key_delete(key: pthread_key_t) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_getspecific(key: pthread_key_t) ?*anyopaque;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_setspecific(key: pthread_key_t, value: ?*anyopaque) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_sigmask(how: c_int, set: *const sigset_t, oldset: *sigset_t) c_int;
pub const pthread_setname_np = switch (native_os) {
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => darwin.pthread_setname_np,
.solaris, .illumos => solaris.pthread_setname_np,
.netbsd => netbsd.pthread_setname_np,
else => private.pthread_setname_np,
pub extern "c" fn pthread_getname_np(thread: pthread_t, name: [*:0]u8, len: usize) c_int;
pub const pthread_threadid_np = switch (native_os) {
.macos, .ios, .tvos, .watchos, .visionos => private.pthread_threadid_np,
else => {},
pub extern "c" fn sem_init(sem: *sem_t, pshared: c_int, value: c_uint) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn sem_destroy(sem: *sem_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn sem_open(name: [*:0]const u8, flag: c_int, mode: mode_t, value: c_uint) *sem_t;
pub extern "c" fn sem_close(sem: *sem_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn sem_post(sem: *sem_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn sem_wait(sem: *sem_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn sem_trywait(sem: *sem_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn sem_timedwait(sem: *sem_t, abs_timeout: *const timespec) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn sem_getvalue(sem: *sem_t, sval: *c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn shm_open(name: [*:0]const u8, flag: c_int, mode: mode_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn shm_unlink(name: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn kqueue() c_int;
pub extern "c" fn kevent(
kq: c_int,
changelist: [*]const Kevent,
nchanges: c_int,
eventlist: [*]Kevent,
nevents: c_int,
timeout: ?*const timespec,
) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn port_create() port_t;
pub extern "c" fn port_associate(
port: port_t,
source: u32,
object: usize,
events: u32,
user_var: ?*anyopaque,
) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn port_dissociate(port: port_t, source: u32, object: usize) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn port_send(port: port_t, events: u32, user_var: ?*anyopaque) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn port_sendn(
ports: [*]port_t,
errors: []u32,
num_ports: u32,
events: u32,
user_var: ?*anyopaque,
) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn port_get(port: port_t, event: *port_event, timeout: ?*timespec) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn port_getn(
port: port_t,
event_list: []port_event,
max_events: u32,
events_retrieved: *u32,
timeout: ?*timespec,
) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn port_alert(port: port_t, flags: u32, events: u32, user_var: ?*anyopaque) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn getaddrinfo(
noalias node: ?[*:0]const u8,
noalias service: ?[*:0]const u8,
noalias hints: ?*const addrinfo,
/// On Linux, `res` will not be modified on error and `freeaddrinfo` will
/// potentially crash if you pass it an undefined pointer
noalias res: *?*addrinfo,
) EAI;
pub extern "c" fn freeaddrinfo(res: *addrinfo) void;
pub extern "c" fn getnameinfo(
noalias addr: *const sockaddr,
addrlen: socklen_t,
noalias host: ?[*]u8,
hostlen: socklen_t,
noalias serv: ?[*]u8,
servlen: socklen_t,
flags: NI,
) EAI;
pub extern "c" fn gai_strerror(errcode: EAI) [*:0]const u8;
pub extern "c" fn poll(fds: [*]pollfd, nfds: nfds_t, timeout: c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn ppoll(fds: [*]pollfd, nfds: nfds_t, timeout: ?*const timespec, sigmask: ?*const sigset_t) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn dn_expand(
msg: [*:0]const u8,
eomorig: [*:0]const u8,
comp_dn: [*:0]const u8,
exp_dn: [*:0]u8,
length: c_int,
) c_int;
pub const PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER = pthread_mutex_t{};
pub extern "c" fn pthread_mutex_lock(mutex: *pthread_mutex_t) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_mutex_unlock(mutex: *pthread_mutex_t) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_mutex_trylock(mutex: *pthread_mutex_t) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_mutex_destroy(mutex: *pthread_mutex_t) E;
pub const PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER = pthread_cond_t{};
pub extern "c" fn pthread_cond_wait(noalias cond: *pthread_cond_t, noalias mutex: *pthread_mutex_t) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_cond_timedwait(noalias cond: *pthread_cond_t, noalias mutex: *pthread_mutex_t, noalias abstime: *const timespec) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_cond_signal(cond: *pthread_cond_t) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_cond_broadcast(cond: *pthread_cond_t) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_cond_destroy(cond: *pthread_cond_t) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_rwlock_destroy(rwl: *pthread_rwlock_t) callconv(.c) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_rwlock_rdlock(rwl: *pthread_rwlock_t) callconv(.c) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_rwlock_wrlock(rwl: *pthread_rwlock_t) callconv(.c) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock(rwl: *pthread_rwlock_t) callconv(.c) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_rwlock_trywrlock(rwl: *pthread_rwlock_t) callconv(.c) E;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_rwlock_unlock(rwl: *pthread_rwlock_t) callconv(.c) E;
pub const pthread_t = switch (native_os) {
// https://github.com/SerenityOS/serenity/blob/b98f537f117b341788023ab82e0c11ca9ae29a57/Kernel/API/POSIX/sys/types.h#L64
.serenity => c_int,
else => *opaque {},
pub const FILE = opaque {};
pub extern "c" fn dlopen(path: ?[*:0]const u8, mode: RTLD) ?*anyopaque;
pub extern "c" fn dlclose(handle: *anyopaque) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn dlsym(handle: ?*anyopaque, symbol: [*:0]const u8) ?*anyopaque;
pub extern "c" fn dlerror() ?[*:0]u8;
pub extern "c" fn sync() void;
pub extern "c" fn syncfs(fd: c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fsync(fd: c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fdatasync(fd: c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn prctl(option: c_int, ...) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn getrlimit(resource: rlimit_resource, rlim: *rlimit) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn setrlimit(resource: rlimit_resource, rlim: *const rlimit) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn fmemopen(noalias buf: ?*anyopaque, size: usize, noalias mode: [*:0]const u8) ?*FILE;
pub extern "c" fn syslog(priority: c_int, message: [*:0]const u8, ...) void;
pub extern "c" fn openlog(ident: [*:0]const u8, logopt: c_int, facility: c_int) void;
pub extern "c" fn closelog() void;
pub extern "c" fn setlogmask(maskpri: c_int) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn if_nametoindex([*:0]const u8) c_int;
pub extern "c" fn getpid() pid_t;
pub extern "c" fn getppid() pid_t;
/// These are implementation defined but share identical values in at least musl and glibc:
/// - https://git.musl-libc.org/cgit/musl/tree/include/locale.h?id=ab31e9d6a0fa7c5c408856c89df2dfb12c344039#n18
/// - https://sourceware.org/git/?p=glibc.git;a=blob;f=locale/bits/locale.h;h=0fcbb66114be5fef0577dc9047256eb508c45919;hb=c90cfce849d010474e8cccf3e5bff49a2c8b141f#l26
pub const LC = enum(c_int) {
CTYPE = 0,
TIME = 2,
ALL = 6,
PAPER = 7,
NAME = 8,
pub extern "c" fn setlocale(category: LC, locale: ?[*:0]const u8) ?[*:0]const u8;
pub const getcontext = if (builtin.target.abi.isAndroid() or builtin.target.os.tag == .openbsd)
{} // android bionic and openbsd libc does not implement getcontext
else if (native_os == .linux and builtin.target.abi.isMusl())
pub const max_align_t = if (native_abi == .msvc or native_abi == .itanium)
else if (native_os.isDarwin())
extern struct {
a: c_longlong,
b: c_longdouble,
pub extern "c" fn pthread_getthreadid_np() c_int;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_set_name_np(thread: pthread_t, name: [*:0]const u8) void;
pub extern "c" fn pthread_get_name_np(thread: pthread_t, name: [*:0]u8, len: usize) void;
// OS-specific bits. These are protected from being used on the wrong OS by
// comptime assertions inside each OS-specific file.
pub const AF_SUN = solaris.AF_SUN;
pub const AT_SUN = solaris.AT_SUN;
pub const FILE_EVENT = solaris.FILE_EVENT;
pub const GETCONTEXT = solaris.GETCONTEXT;
pub const GETUSTACK = solaris.GETUSTACK;
pub const PORT_ALERT = solaris.PORT_ALERT;
pub const PORT_SOURCE = solaris.PORT_SOURCE;
pub const POSIX_FADV = solaris.POSIX_FADV;
pub const SCM = solaris.SCM;
pub const SETCONTEXT = solaris.SETCONTEXT;
pub const SETUSTACK = solaris.GETUSTACK;
pub const SFD = solaris.SFD;
pub const cmsghdr = solaris.cmsghdr;
pub const ctid_t = solaris.ctid_t;
pub const file_obj = solaris.file_obj;
pub const fpregset_t = solaris.fpregset_t;
pub const id_t = solaris.id_t;
pub const lif_ifinfo_req = solaris.lif_ifinfo_req;
pub const lif_nd_req = solaris.lif_nd_req;
pub const lifreq = solaris.lifreq;
pub const major_t = solaris.major_t;
pub const minor_t = solaris.minor_t;
pub const poolid_t = solaris.poolid_t;
pub const port_notify = solaris.port_notify;
pub const priority = solaris.priority;
pub const procfs = solaris.procfs;
pub const projid_t = solaris.projid_t;
pub const signalfd_siginfo = solaris.signalfd_siginfo;
pub const taskid_t = solaris.taskid_t;
pub const zoneid_t = solaris.zoneid_t;
pub const DirEnt = haiku.DirEnt;
pub const _get_next_area_info = haiku._get_next_area_info;
pub const _get_next_image_info = haiku._get_next_image_info;
pub const _get_team_info = haiku._get_team_info;
pub const _kern_get_current_team = haiku._kern_get_current_team;
pub const _kern_open_dir = haiku._kern_open_dir;
pub const _kern_read_dir = haiku._kern_read_dir;
pub const _kern_read_stat = haiku._kern_read_stat;
pub const _kern_rewind_dir = haiku._kern_rewind_dir;
pub const area_id = haiku.area_id;
pub const area_info = haiku.area_info;
pub const directory_which = haiku.directory_which;
pub const find_directory = haiku.find_directory;
pub const find_thread = haiku.find_thread;
pub const get_system_info = haiku.get_system_info;
pub const image_info = haiku.image_info;
pub const port_id = haiku.port_id;
pub const sem_id = haiku.sem_id;
pub const status_t = haiku.status_t;
pub const system_info = haiku.system_info;
pub const team_id = haiku.team_id;
pub const team_info = haiku.team_info;
pub const thread_id = haiku.thread_id;
pub const AUTH = openbsd.AUTH;
pub const BI = openbsd.BI;
pub const HW = openbsd.HW;
pub const TCFLUSH = openbsd.TCFLUSH;
pub const TCIO = openbsd.TCIO;
pub const auth_approval = openbsd.auth_approval;
pub const auth_call = openbsd.auth_call;
pub const auth_cat = openbsd.auth_cat;
pub const auth_challenge = openbsd.auth_challenge;
pub const auth_check_change = openbsd.auth_check_change;
pub const auth_check_expire = openbsd.auth_check_expire;
pub const auth_checknologin = openbsd.auth_checknologin;
pub const auth_clean = openbsd.auth_clean;
pub const auth_close = openbsd.auth_close;
pub const auth_clrenv = openbsd.auth_clrenv;
pub const auth_clroption = openbsd.auth_clroption;
pub const auth_clroptions = openbsd.auth_clroptions;
pub const auth_getitem = openbsd.auth_getitem;
pub const auth_getpwd = openbsd.auth_getpwd;
pub const auth_getstate = openbsd.auth_getstate;
pub const auth_getvalue = openbsd.auth_getvalue;
pub const auth_item_t = openbsd.auth_item_t;
pub const auth_mkvalue = openbsd.auth_mkvalue;
pub const auth_open = openbsd.auth_open;
pub const auth_session_t = openbsd.auth_session_t;
pub const auth_setdata = openbsd.auth_setdata;
pub const auth_setenv = openbsd.auth_setenv;
pub const auth_setitem = openbsd.auth_setitem;
pub const auth_setoption = openbsd.auth_setoption;
pub const auth_setpwd = openbsd.auth_setpwd;
pub const auth_setstate = openbsd.auth_setstate;
pub const auth_userchallenge = openbsd.auth_userchallenge;
pub const auth_usercheck = openbsd.auth_usercheck;
pub const auth_userokay = openbsd.auth_userokay;
pub const auth_userresponse = openbsd.auth_userresponse;
pub const auth_verify = openbsd.auth_verify;
pub const bcrypt = openbsd.bcrypt;
pub const bcrypt_checkpass = openbsd.bcrypt_checkpass;
pub const bcrypt_gensalt = openbsd.bcrypt_gensalt;
pub const bcrypt_newhash = openbsd.bcrypt_newhash;
pub const endpwent = openbsd.endpwent;
pub const getpwent = openbsd.getpwent;
pub const getpwnam_r = openbsd.getpwnam_r;
pub const getpwnam_shadow = openbsd.getpwnam_shadow;
pub const getpwuid_r = openbsd.getpwuid_r;
pub const getpwuid_shadow = openbsd.getpwuid_shadow;
pub const getthrid = openbsd.getthrid;
pub const login_cap_t = openbsd.login_cap_t;
pub const login_close = openbsd.login_close;
pub const login_getcapbool = openbsd.login_getcapbool;
pub const login_getcapnum = openbsd.login_getcapnum;
pub const login_getcapsize = openbsd.login_getcapsize;
pub const login_getcapstr = openbsd.login_getcapstr;
pub const login_getcaptime = openbsd.login_getcaptime;
pub const login_getclass = openbsd.login_getclass;
pub const login_getstyle = openbsd.login_getstyle;
pub const pledge = openbsd.pledge;
pub const pthread_spinlock_t = openbsd.pthread_spinlock_t;
pub const pw_dup = openbsd.pw_dup;
pub const setclasscontext = openbsd.setclasscontext;
pub const setpassent = openbsd.setpassent;
pub const setpwent = openbsd.setpwent;
pub const setusercontext = openbsd.setusercontext;
pub const uid_from_user = openbsd.uid_from_user;
pub const unveil = openbsd.unveil;
pub const user_from_uid = openbsd.user_from_uid;
pub const KINFO_FILE_SIZE = freebsd.KINFO_FILE_SIZE;
pub const MFD = freebsd.MFD;
pub const UMTX_ABSTIME = freebsd.UMTX_ABSTIME;
pub const UMTX_OP = freebsd.UMTX_OP;
pub const _umtx_op = freebsd._umtx_op;
pub const _umtx_time = freebsd._umtx_time;
pub const cap_rights = freebsd.cap_rights;
pub const fflags_t = freebsd.fflags_t;
pub const fsblkcnt_t = freebsd.fsblkcnt_t;
pub const fsfilcnt_t = freebsd.fsfilcnt_t;
pub const kinfo_file = freebsd.kinfo_file;
pub const kinfo_getfile = freebsd.kinfo_getfile;
pub const COPYFILE = darwin.COPYFILE;
pub const CPUFAMILY = darwin.CPUFAMILY;
pub const EXC = darwin.EXC;
pub const EXCEPTION = darwin.EXCEPTION;
pub const MACH_MSG_TYPE = darwin.MACH_MSG_TYPE;
pub const MATTR = darwin.MATTR;
pub const NSVersionOfRunTimeLibrary = darwin.NSVersionOfRunTimeLibrary;
pub const OPEN_MAX = darwin.OPEN_MAX;
pub const POSIX_SPAWN = darwin.POSIX_SPAWN;
pub const TASK_NULL = darwin.TASK_NULL;
pub const TASK_VM_INFO = darwin.TASK_VM_INFO;
pub const THREAD_NULL = darwin.THREAD_NULL;
pub const UL = darwin.UL;
pub const VM = darwin.VM;
pub const _NSGetExecutablePath = darwin._NSGetExecutablePath;
pub const __getdirentries64 = darwin.__getdirentries64;
pub const __ulock_wait = darwin.__ulock_wait;
pub const __ulock_wait2 = darwin.__ulock_wait2;
pub const __ulock_wake = darwin.__ulock_wake;
pub const _dyld_get_image_header = darwin._dyld_get_image_header;
pub const _dyld_get_image_name = darwin._dyld_get_image_name;
pub const _dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide = darwin._dyld_get_image_vmaddr_slide;
pub const _dyld_image_count = darwin._dyld_image_count;
pub const _host_page_size = darwin._host_page_size;
pub const clock_get_time = darwin.clock_get_time;
pub const @"close$NOCANCEL" = darwin.@"close$NOCANCEL";
pub const dispatch_release = darwin.dispatch_release;
pub const dispatch_semaphore_create = darwin.dispatch_semaphore_create;
pub const dispatch_semaphore_signal = darwin.dispatch_semaphore_signal;
pub const dispatch_semaphore_wait = darwin.dispatch_semaphore_wait;
pub const dispatch_time = darwin.dispatch_time;
pub const fcopyfile = darwin.fcopyfile;
pub const host_t = darwin.host_t;
pub const ipc_space_t = darwin.ipc_space_t;
pub const ipc_space_port_t = darwin.ipc_space_port_t;
pub const kern_return_t = darwin.kern_return_t;
pub const vm_size_t = darwin.vm_size_t;
pub const kevent64 = darwin.kevent64;
pub const kevent64_s = darwin.kevent64_s;
pub const mach_absolute_time = darwin.mach_absolute_time;
pub const mach_continuous_time = darwin.mach_continuous_time;
pub const mach_hdr = darwin.mach_hdr;
pub const mach_host_self = darwin.mach_host_self;
pub const mach_msg = darwin.mach_msg;
pub const mach_msg_type_number_t = darwin.mach_msg_type_number_t;
pub const mach_port_allocate = darwin.mach_port_allocate;
pub const mach_port_array_t = darwin.mach_port_array_t;
pub const mach_port_deallocate = darwin.mach_port_deallocate;
pub const mach_port_insert_right = darwin.mach_port_insert_right;
pub const mach_port_name_t = darwin.mach_port_name_t;
pub const mach_port_t = darwin.mach_port_t;
pub const mach_task_basic_info = darwin.mach_task_basic_info;
pub const mach_task_self = darwin.mach_task_self;
pub const mach_timebase_info = darwin.mach_timebase_info;
pub const mach_timebase_info_data = darwin.mach_timebase_info_data;
pub const mach_vm_address_t = darwin.mach_vm_address_t;
pub const mach_vm_protect = darwin.mach_vm_protect;
pub const mach_vm_read = darwin.mach_vm_read;
pub const mach_vm_region = darwin.mach_vm_region;
pub const mach_vm_region_recurse = darwin.mach_vm_region_recurse;
pub const mach_vm_size_t = darwin.mach_vm_size_t;
pub const mach_vm_write = darwin.mach_vm_write;
pub const natural_t = darwin.natural_t;
pub const os_log_create = darwin.os_log_create;
pub const os_log_type_enabled = darwin.os_log_type_enabled;
pub const os_signpost_enabled = darwin.os_signpost_enabled;
pub const os_signpost_id_generate = darwin.os_signpost_id_generate;
pub const os_signpost_id_make_with_pointer = darwin.os_signpost_id_make_with_pointer;
pub const os_signpost_interval_begin = darwin.os_signpost_interval_begin;
pub const os_signpost_interval_end = darwin.os_signpost_interval_end;
pub const os_unfair_lock = darwin.os_unfair_lock;
pub const os_unfair_lock_assert_not_owner = darwin.os_unfair_lock_assert_not_owner;
pub const os_unfair_lock_assert_owner = darwin.os_unfair_lock_assert_owner;
pub const os_unfair_lock_lock = darwin.os_unfair_lock_lock;
pub const os_unfair_lock_trylock = darwin.os_unfair_lock_trylock;
pub const os_unfair_lock_unlock = darwin.os_unfair_lock_unlock;
pub const pid_for_task = darwin.pid_for_task;
pub const posix_spawn = darwin.posix_spawn;
pub const posix_spawn_file_actions_addchdir_np = darwin.posix_spawn_file_actions_addchdir_np;
pub const posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose = darwin.posix_spawn_file_actions_addclose;
pub const posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2 = darwin.posix_spawn_file_actions_adddup2;
pub const posix_spawn_file_actions_addfchdir_np = darwin.posix_spawn_file_actions_addfchdir_np;
pub const posix_spawn_file_actions_addinherit_np = darwin.posix_spawn_file_actions_addinherit_np;
pub const posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen = darwin.posix_spawn_file_actions_addopen;
pub const posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy = darwin.posix_spawn_file_actions_destroy;
pub const posix_spawn_file_actions_init = darwin.posix_spawn_file_actions_init;
pub const posix_spawn_file_actions_t = darwin.posix_spawn_file_actions_t;
pub const posix_spawnattr_destroy = darwin.posix_spawnattr_destroy;
pub const posix_spawnattr_getflags = darwin.posix_spawnattr_getflags;
pub const posix_spawnattr_init = darwin.posix_spawnattr_init;
pub const posix_spawnattr_setflags = darwin.posix_spawnattr_setflags;
pub const posix_spawnattr_t = darwin.posix_spawnattr_t;
pub const posix_spawnp = darwin.posix_spawnp;
pub const pthread_attr_get_qos_class_np = darwin.pthread_attr_get_qos_class_np;
pub const pthread_attr_set_qos_class_np = darwin.pthread_attr_set_qos_class_np;
pub const pthread_get_qos_class_np = darwin.pthread_get_qos_class_np;
pub const pthread_set_qos_class_self_np = darwin.pthread_set_qos_class_self_np;
pub const ptrace = darwin.ptrace;
pub const sigaddset = darwin.sigaddset;
pub const task_for_pid = darwin.task_for_pid;
pub const task_get_exception_ports = darwin.task_get_exception_ports;
pub const task_info = darwin.task_info;
pub const task_info_t = darwin.task_info_t;
pub const task_resume = darwin.task_resume;
pub const task_set_exception_ports = darwin.task_set_exception_ports;
pub const task_suspend = darwin.task_suspend;
pub const task_threads = darwin.task_threads;
pub const task_vm_info_data_t = darwin.task_vm_info_data_t;
pub const thread_basic_info = darwin.thread_basic_info;
pub const thread_get_state = darwin.thread_get_state;
pub const thread_identifier_info = darwin.thread_identifier_info;
pub const thread_info = darwin.thread_info;
pub const thread_info_t = darwin.thread_info_t;
pub const thread_resume = darwin.thread_resume;
pub const thread_set_state = darwin.thread_set_state;
pub const vm_deallocate = darwin.vm_deallocate;
pub const vm_machine_attribute = darwin.vm_machine_attribute;
pub const vm_machine_attribute_val_t = darwin.vm_machine_attribute_val_t;
pub const vm_map_t = darwin.vm_map_t;
pub const vm_offset_t = darwin.vm_offset_t;
pub const vm_prot_t = darwin.vm_prot_t;
pub const vm_region_basic_info_64 = darwin.vm_region_basic_info_64;
pub const vm_region_extended_info = darwin.vm_region_extended_info;
pub const vm_region_info_t = darwin.vm_region_info_t;
pub const vm_region_recurse_info_t = darwin.vm_region_recurse_info_t;
pub const vm_region_submap_info_64 = darwin.vm_region_submap_info_64;
pub const vm_region_submap_short_info_64 = darwin.vm_region_submap_short_info_64;
pub const vm_region_top_info = darwin.vm_region_top_info;
pub const caddr_t = darwin.caddr_t;
pub const exception_behavior_array_t = darwin.exception_behavior_array_t;
pub const exception_behavior_t = darwin.exception_behavior_t;
pub const exception_data_t = darwin.exception_data_t;
pub const exception_data_type_t = darwin.exception_data_type_t;
pub const exception_flavor_array_t = darwin.exception_flavor_array_t;
pub const exception_handler_array_t = darwin.exception_handler_array_t;
pub const exception_handler_t = darwin.exception_handler_t;
pub const exception_mask_array_t = darwin.exception_mask_array_t;
pub const exception_mask_t = darwin.exception_mask_t;
pub const exception_port_array_t = darwin.exception_port_array_t;
pub const exception_port_t = darwin.exception_port_t;
pub const mach_exception_data_t = darwin.mach_exception_data_t;
pub const mach_exception_data_type_t = darwin.mach_exception_data_type_t;
pub const mach_msg_bits_t = darwin.mach_msg_bits_t;
pub const mach_msg_id_t = darwin.mach_msg_id_t;
pub const mach_msg_option_t = darwin.mach_msg_option_t;
pub const mach_msg_size_t = darwin.mach_msg_size_t;
pub const mach_msg_timeout_t = darwin.mach_msg_timeout_t;
pub const mach_msg_type_name_t = darwin.mach_msg_type_name_t;
pub const mach_port_right_t = darwin.mach_port_right_t;
pub const memory_object_offset_t = darwin.memory_object_offset_t;
pub const policy_t = darwin.policy_t;
pub const task_policy_flavor_t = darwin.task_policy_flavor_t;
pub const task_policy_t = darwin.task_policy_t;
pub const task_t = darwin.task_t;
pub const thread_act_t = darwin.thread_act_t;
pub const thread_flavor_t = darwin.thread_flavor_t;
pub const thread_port_t = darwin.thread_port_t;
pub const thread_state_flavor_t = darwin.thread_state_flavor_t;
pub const thread_state_t = darwin.thread_state_t;
pub const thread_t = darwin.thread_t;
pub const time_value_t = darwin.time_value_t;
pub const vm32_object_id_t = darwin.vm32_object_id_t;
pub const vm_behavior_t = darwin.vm_behavior_t;
pub const vm_inherit_t = darwin.vm_inherit_t;
pub const vm_map_read_t = darwin.vm_map_read_t;
pub const vm_object_id_t = darwin.vm_object_id_t;
pub const vm_region_flavor_t = darwin.vm_region_flavor_t;
pub const _ksiginfo = netbsd._ksiginfo;
pub const _lwp_self = netbsd._lwp_self;
pub const lwpid_t = netbsd.lwpid_t;
pub const lwp_gettid = dragonfly.lwp_gettid;
pub const umtx_sleep = dragonfly.umtx_sleep;
pub const umtx_wakeup = dragonfly.umtx_wakeup;
pub const PERF_EVENT = serenity.PERF_EVENT;
pub const disown = serenity.disown;
pub const profiling_enable = serenity.profiling_enable;
pub const profiling_disable = serenity.profiling_disable;
pub const profiling_free_buffer = serenity.profiling_free_buffer;
pub const futex_wait = serenity.futex_wait;
pub const futex_wake = serenity.futex_wake;
pub const purge = serenity.purge;
pub const perf_event = serenity.perf_event;
pub const perf_register_string = serenity.perf_register_string;
pub const get_stack_bounds = serenity.get_stack_bounds;
pub const anon_create = serenity.anon_create;
pub const serenity_readlink = serenity.serenity_readlink;
pub const serenity_open = serenity.serenity_open;
pub const getkeymap = serenity.getkeymap;
pub const setkeymap = serenity.setkeymap;
pub const internet_checksum = serenity.internet_checksum;
/// External definitions shared by two or more operating systems.
const private = struct {
extern "c" fn close(fd: fd_t) c_int;
extern "c" fn clock_getres(clk_id: clockid_t, tp: *timespec) c_int;
extern "c" fn clock_gettime(clk_id: clockid_t, tp: *timespec) c_int;
extern "c" fn copy_file_range(fd_in: fd_t, off_in: ?*i64, fd_out: fd_t, off_out: ?*i64, len: usize, flags: c_uint) isize;
extern "c" fn flock(fd: fd_t, operation: c_int) c_int;
extern "c" fn fork() c_int;
extern "c" fn fstat(fd: fd_t, buf: *Stat) c_int;
extern "c" fn fstatat(dirfd: fd_t, path: [*:0]const u8, buf: *Stat, flag: u32) c_int;
extern "c" fn getdirentries(fd: fd_t, buf_ptr: [*]u8, nbytes: usize, basep: *i64) isize;
extern "c" fn getdents(fd: c_int, buf_ptr: [*]u8, nbytes: usize) switch (native_os) {
.freebsd => isize,
.solaris, .illumos => usize,
else => c_int,
extern "c" fn getrusage(who: c_int, usage: *rusage) c_int;
extern "c" fn gettimeofday(noalias tv: ?*timeval, noalias tz: ?*timezone) c_int;
extern "c" fn msync(addr: *align(page_size) const anyopaque, len: usize, flags: c_int) c_int;
extern "c" fn nanosleep(rqtp: *const timespec, rmtp: ?*timespec) c_int;
extern "c" fn pipe2(fds: *[2]fd_t, flags: O) c_int;
extern "c" fn readdir(dir: *DIR) ?*dirent;
extern "c" fn realpath(noalias file_name: [*:0]const u8, noalias resolved_name: [*]u8) ?[*:0]u8;
extern "c" fn sched_yield() c_int;
extern "c" fn sendfile(out_fd: fd_t, in_fd: fd_t, offset: ?*off_t, count: usize) isize;
extern "c" fn sigaction(sig: c_int, noalias act: ?*const Sigaction, noalias oact: ?*Sigaction) c_int;
extern "c" fn sigfillset(set: ?*sigset_t) void;
extern "c" fn sigprocmask(how: c_int, noalias set: ?*const sigset_t, noalias oset: ?*sigset_t) c_int;
extern "c" fn socket(domain: c_uint, sock_type: c_uint, protocol: c_uint) c_int;
extern "c" fn stat(noalias path: [*:0]const u8, noalias buf: *Stat) c_int;
extern "c" fn sigaltstack(ss: ?*stack_t, old_ss: ?*stack_t) c_int;
extern "c" fn sysconf(sc: c_int) c_long;
extern "c" fn pthread_setname_np(thread: pthread_t, name: [*:0]const u8) c_int;
extern "c" fn getcontext(ucp: *ucontext_t) c_int;
extern "c" fn getrandom(buf_ptr: [*]u8, buf_len: usize, flags: c_uint) isize;
extern "c" fn getentropy(buffer: [*]u8, size: usize) c_int;
extern "c" fn arc4random_buf(buf: [*]u8, len: usize) void;
extern "c" fn _msize(memblock: ?*anyopaque) usize;
extern "c" fn malloc_size(?*const anyopaque) usize;
extern "c" fn malloc_usable_size(?*const anyopaque) usize;
extern "c" fn posix_memalign(memptr: *?*anyopaque, alignment: usize, size: usize) c_int;
/// macos modernized symbols.
/// x86_64 links to $INODE64 suffix for 64-bit support.
/// Note these are not necessary on aarch64.
extern "c" fn @"fstat$INODE64"(fd: fd_t, buf: *Stat) c_int;
extern "c" fn @"fstatat$INODE64"(dirfd: fd_t, path: [*:0]const u8, buf: *Stat, flag: u32) c_int;
extern "c" fn @"readdir$INODE64"(dir: *DIR) ?*dirent;
extern "c" fn @"stat$INODE64"(noalias path: [*:0]const u8, noalias buf: *Stat) c_int;
/// macos modernized symbols.
extern "c" fn @"realpath$DARWIN_EXTSN"(noalias file_name: [*:0]const u8, noalias resolved_name: [*]u8) ?[*:0]u8;
extern "c" fn __getdirentries64(fd: fd_t, buf_ptr: [*]u8, buf_len: usize, basep: *i64) isize;
extern "c" fn pthread_threadid_np(thread: ?pthread_t, thread_id: *u64) c_int;
/// netbsd modernized symbols.
extern "c" fn __clock_getres50(clk_id: clockid_t, tp: *timespec) c_int;
extern "c" fn __clock_gettime50(clk_id: clockid_t, tp: *timespec) c_int;
extern "c" fn __fstat50(fd: fd_t, buf: *Stat) c_int;
extern "c" fn __getrusage50(who: c_int, usage: *rusage) c_int;
extern "c" fn __gettimeofday50(noalias tv: ?*timeval, noalias tz: ?*timezone) c_int;
extern "c" fn __libc_thr_yield() c_int;
extern "c" fn __msync13(addr: *align(page_size) const anyopaque, len: usize, flags: c_int) c_int;
extern "c" fn __nanosleep50(rqtp: *const timespec, rmtp: ?*timespec) c_int;
extern "c" fn __sigaction14(sig: c_int, noalias act: ?*const Sigaction, noalias oact: ?*Sigaction) c_int;
extern "c" fn __sigfillset14(set: ?*sigset_t) void;
extern "c" fn __sigprocmask14(how: c_int, noalias set: ?*const sigset_t, noalias oset: ?*sigset_t) c_int;
extern "c" fn __socket30(domain: c_uint, sock_type: c_uint, protocol: c_uint) c_int;
extern "c" fn __stat50(path: [*:0]const u8, buf: *Stat) c_int;
extern "c" fn __getdents30(fd: c_int, buf_ptr: [*]u8, nbytes: usize) c_int;
extern "c" fn __sigaltstack14(ss: ?*stack_t, old_ss: ?*stack_t) c_int;
// Don't forget to add another clown when an OS picks yet another unique
// symbol name for errno location!
// 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
extern "c" fn ___errno() *c_int;
extern "c" fn __errno() *c_int;
extern "c" fn __errno_location() *c_int;
extern "c" fn __error() *c_int;
extern "c" fn _errno() *c_int;
extern threadlocal var errno: c_int;
fn errnoFromThreadLocal() *c_int {
return &errno;