Migrate cache and privacy to slash commands

This commit is contained in:
2022-02-20 13:59:45 -05:00
parent e8ef20e087
commit 808311924f
9 changed files with 211 additions and 218 deletions

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@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ not for sale or redistribution.
Using AutoMuteUs in your Discord server (or as a general user) falls under "Legitimate Interest" in [Article 6(1)(f) of the
General Data Protection Regulation](https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?qid=1528874672298&uri=CELEX:02016R0679-20160504) (GDPR).
1. We use data collection to display and aggregate statistics about what games a Discord User has played in Among Us.
1. We use data collection to display and aggregate statistics about what games a Discord User has played in Among Us. (`/privacy showme`)
2. We only use the minimal amount of data/PII necessary to generate and process these statistics.
3. Users can opt-out of data collection at any time if they don't wish for AutoMuteUs to gather this data. (`.au priv optout`)
3. Users can opt-out of data collection at any time if they don't wish for AutoMuteUs to gather this data. (`/privacy optout`)
# What Data does AutoMuteUs collect?
AutoMuteUs collects a very small amount of user information for statistics. Your Discord UserID, and any in-game names you have used
@ -23,8 +23,8 @@ by AutoMuteUs is shown below:
AutoMuteUs uses a mapping of Discord UserIDs to arbitrary numerical IDs, which are used for correlating game events. If you
choose to delete the data that AutoMuteUs stores about you (with `.au privacy optout`), the mapping to your User ID is removed,
and the full history of your past games is deleted. Because of this, re-opting into data collection with AutoMuteUs (`.au privacy optin`) means
choose to delete the data that AutoMuteUs stores about you (with `/privacy optout`), the mapping to your User ID is removed,
and the full history of your past games is deleted. Because of this, re-opting into data collection with AutoMuteUs (`/privacy optin`) means
your past games and game events **are not recoverable**. Please carefully consider this before opting out, if you plan to
view your game statistics at any point in the future!

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ If you want to view command usage or see the available options, type `/help` in
| `/unlink` | @name | Manually unlink a player | `.au u @player` |
| `.au settings` | | View and change settings for the bot, such as the command prefix or mute behavior | |
| `.au pause` | None | Pause the bot, and don't let it automute anyone until unpaused. **will not un-mute muted players, be careful!** | |
| `.au privacy` | | View privacy and data collection information about the bot | |
| `/privacy` | | View privacy and data collection information about the bot | |
| `/info` | None | View general info about the Bot | |
| `.au map` | MAPNAME | View an image of an in-game map in the text channel. Two supported versions: simple or detailed(vent, camera, etc) | `.au map skeld detailed` |

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ var All = []*discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
func getCommand(cmd string) *discordgo.ApplicationCommand {

discord/command/privacy.go Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
package command
import (
type PrivacyStatus int
const (
PrivacyInfo PrivacyStatus = iota
var Privacy = discordgo.ApplicationCommand{
Name: "privacy",
Description: "View AMU privacy info",
Options: []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandOption{
Type: discordgo.ApplicationCommandOptionString,
Name: "command",
Description: "Privacy command",
Required: false,
func GetPrivacyParam(options []*discordgo.ApplicationCommandInteractionDataOption) PrivacyStatus {
if len(options) == 0 {
return PrivacyInfo
opt := options[0].StringValue()
switch opt {
case "info":
case "help":
return PrivacyInfo
case "show":
case "me":
case "cache":
case "showme":
return PrivacyShowMe
case "optin":
return PrivacyOptIn
case "optout":
return PrivacyOptOut
case "clear":
case "clearcache":
case "cacheclear":
return PrivacyCacheClear
return PrivacyUnknown
func PrivacyResponse(status PrivacyStatus, cached map[string]interface{}, user *storage.PostgresUser, err error, sett *settings.GuildSettings) *discordgo.InteractionResponse {
var content string
switch status {
case PrivacyUnknown:
content = sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.privacy.unknownarg",
Other: "❌ Sorry, I didn't recognize that argument",
case PrivacyInfo:
content = sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.privacy.info",
Other: "AutoMuteUs privacy and data collection details.\n" +
"More details [here](https://github.com/automuteus/automuteus/blob/master/PRIVACY.md)\n" +
"(I accept `showme`/`cache`,`optin`,`optout`, and `clearcache` as arguments)",
case PrivacyShowMe:
if cached == nil || len(cached) == 0 {
content = sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.privacy.showme.nocache",
Other: "❌ I don't have any cached player names stored for you!",
} else {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.privacy.showme.cache",
Other: "❗ Here's your cached in-game names:",
for n := range cached {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", n))
content = buf.String()
if user != nil && user.UserID != 0 {
content += "\n"
if user.Opt {
content += sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.privacy.showme.optin",
Other: "❗ You are opted **in** to data collection for game statistics",
} else {
content += sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.privacy.showme.optout",
Other: "❌ You are opted **out** of data collection for game statistics, or you haven't played a game yet",
case PrivacyOptOut:
case PrivacyOptIn:
if err == nil {
content = sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.privacy.opt.success",
Other: "✅ I successfully changed your opt in/out status",
} else {
content = sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.privacy.opt.error",
Other: "❌ I encountered an error changing your opt in/out status:\n`{{.Error}}`",
}, map[string]interface{}{
"Error": err.Error(),
case PrivacyCacheClear:
if err == nil {
content = sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.privacy.cacheclear.success",
Other: "✅ I successfully cleared your player name cache",
} else {
content = sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.privacy.cacheclear.error",
Other: "❌ I encountered an error clearing your player name cache:\n`{{.Error}}`",
}, map[string]interface{}{
"Error": err.Error(),
return &discordgo.InteractionResponse{
Type: discordgo.InteractionResponseChannelMessageWithSource,
Data: &discordgo.InteractionResponseData{
Flags: 1 << 6,
Content: content,

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
package discord
import (
@ -703,81 +702,29 @@ func commandFnMap(
func commandFnCache(
bot *Bot,
_ *Bot,
_ bool,
_ bool,
sett *settings.GuildSettings,
_ *discordgo.Guild,
message *discordgo.MessageCreate,
args []string,
cmd *Command,
m *discordgo.MessageCreate,
_ []string,
_ *Command,
) (string, interface{}) {
if len(args[1:]) == 0 {
return message.ChannelID, ConstructEmbedForCommand(*cmd, sett)
} else {
userID, err := discord.ExtractUserIDFromMention(args[1])
if err != nil {
return message.ChannelID, "I couldn't find a user by that name or ID!"
if len(args[2:]) == 0 {
cached := bot.RedisInterface.GetUsernameOrUserIDMappings(message.GuildID, userID)
if len(cached) == 0 {
return message.ChannelID, sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.HandleCommand.Cache.emptyCachedNames",
Other: "I don't have any cached player names stored for that user!",
} else {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.HandleCommand.Cache.cachedNames",
Other: "Cached in-game names:",
for n := range cached {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", n))
return message.ChannelID, buf.String()
} else if strings.ToLower(args[2]) == clearArgumentString || strings.ToLower(args[2]) == "c" {
err := bot.RedisInterface.DeleteLinksByUserID(message.GuildID, userID)
if err != nil {
return message.ChannelID, err
} else {
return message.ChannelID, sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.HandleCommand.Cache.Success",
Other: "Successfully deleted all cached names for that user!",
return "", nil
return m.ChannelID, replacedCommandResponse("/privacy cache", sett)
func commandFnPrivacy(
bot *Bot,
_ *Bot,
_ bool,
_ bool,
sett *settings.GuildSettings,
_ *discordgo.Guild,
message *discordgo.MessageCreate,
args []string,
cmd *Command,
m *discordgo.MessageCreate,
_ []string,
_ *Command,
) (string, interface{}) {
if message.Author != nil {
var arg = ""
if len(args[1:]) > 0 {
arg = args[1]
if arg == "" || (arg != "showme" && arg != "optin" && arg != "optout") {
return message.ChannelID, ConstructEmbedForCommand(*cmd, sett)
} else {
return message.ChannelID, bot.privacyResponse(message.GuildID, message.Author.ID, arg, sett)
return "", nil
return m.ChannelID, replacedCommandResponse("/privacy", sett)
func commandFnInfo(

View File

@ -688,130 +688,3 @@ func premiumInvitesEmbed(tier premium.Tier, sett *settings.GuildSettings) *disco
return &msg
func (bot *Bot) privacyResponse(guildID, authorID, arg string, sett *settings.GuildSettings) *discordgo.MessageEmbed {
desc := ""
switch arg {
case "showme":
cached := bot.RedisInterface.GetUsernameOrUserIDMappings(guildID, authorID)
if len(cached) == 0 {
desc = sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.HandleCommand.ShowMe.emptyCachedNames",
Other: "❌ {{.User}} I don't have any cached player names stored for you!",
}, map[string]interface{}{
"User": "<@!" + authorID + ">",
} else {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer([]byte(sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.HandleCommand.ShowMe.cachedNames",
Other: "❗ {{.User}} Here's your cached in-game names:",
}, map[string]interface{}{
"User": "<@!" + authorID + ">",
for n := range cached {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", n))
desc = buf.String()
desc += "\n"
user, _ := bot.PostgresInterface.GetUserByString(authorID)
if user != nil && user.Opt && user.UserID != 0 {
desc += sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.HandleCommand.ShowMe.linkedID",
Other: "❗ {{.User}} You are opted **in** to data collection for game statistics",
}, map[string]interface{}{
"User": "<@!" + authorID + ">",
} else {
desc += sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.HandleCommand.ShowMe.unlinkedID",
Other: "❌ {{.User}} You are opted **out** of data collection for game statistics, or you haven't played a game yet",
}, map[string]interface{}{
"User": "<@!" + authorID + ">",
case "optout":
err := bot.RedisInterface.DeleteLinksByUserID(guildID, authorID)
if err != nil {
} else {
desc = sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.HandleCommand.ForgetMe.Success",
Other: "✅ {{.User}} I successfully deleted your cached player names",
"User": "<@!" + authorID + ">",
desc += "\n"
didOpt, err := bot.PostgresInterface.OptUserByString(authorID, false)
if err != nil {
} else {
if didOpt {
desc += sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.HandleCommand.optout.SuccessDB",
Other: "✅ {{.User}} I successfully opted you out of data collection",
"User": "<@!" + authorID + ">",
} else {
desc += sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.HandleCommand.optout.FailDB",
Other: "❌ {{.User}} You are already opted out of data collection",
"User": "<@!" + authorID + ">",
case "optin":
didOpt, err := bot.PostgresInterface.OptUserByString(authorID, true)
if err != nil {
} else {
if didOpt {
desc += sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.HandleCommand.optin.SuccessDB",
Other: "✅ {{.User}} I successfully opted you into data collection",
"User": "<@!" + authorID + ">",
} else {
desc += sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "commands.HandleCommand.optin.FailDB",
Other: "❌ {{.User}} You are already opted into data collection",
"User": "<@!" + authorID + ">",
msg := discordgo.MessageEmbed{
URL: "",
Type: "",
Title: sett.LocalizeMessage(&i18n.Message{
ID: "responses.privacyResponse.Title",
Other: "AutoMuteUs Privacy",
Description: desc,
Timestamp: time.Now().Format(ISO8601),
Color: 10181046, // PURPLE
Footer: nil,
Image: nil,
Thumbnail: nil,
Video: nil,
Provider: nil,
Author: nil,
Fields: nil,
return &msg

View File

@ -140,6 +140,37 @@ func (bot *Bot) handleInteractionCreate(s *discordgo.Session, i *discordgo.Inter
bot.RefreshGameStateMessage(gsr, sett)
// TODO inform the user of how successful this command was
response = command.RefreshResponse(sett)
case "privacy":
privArg := command.GetPrivacyParam(i.ApplicationCommandData().Options)
switch privArg {
case command.PrivacyUnknown:
case command.PrivacyInfo:
response = command.PrivacyResponse(privArg, nil, nil, nil, sett)
case command.PrivacyOptOut:
err := bot.RedisInterface.DeleteLinksByUserID(i.GuildID, i.Member.User.ID)
if err != nil {
// we send the cache clear type here because that's exactly what we failed to do; clear the cache
response = command.PrivacyResponse(command.PrivacyCacheClear, nil, nil, err, sett)
// don't fall-through; exit here
case command.PrivacyOptIn:
_, err := bot.PostgresInterface.OptUserByString(i.Member.User.ID, privArg == command.PrivacyOptIn)
response = command.PrivacyResponse(privArg, nil, nil, err, sett)
case command.PrivacyShowMe:
cached := bot.RedisInterface.GetUsernameOrUserIDMappings(i.GuildID, i.Member.User.ID)
user, err := bot.PostgresInterface.GetUserByString(i.Member.User.ID)
response = command.PrivacyResponse(privArg, cached, user, err, sett)
case command.PrivacyCacheClear:
err := bot.RedisInterface.DeleteLinksByUserID(i.GuildID, i.Member.User.ID)
response = command.PrivacyResponse(privArg, nil, nil, err, sett)
if response != nil {
err := s.InteractionRespond(i.Interaction, response)

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@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ require (
github.com/automuteus/utils v0.0.27
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github.com/gorilla/websocket v1.5.0 // indirect

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