move v2 secret api to controller

This commit is contained in:
Maidul Islam
2023-01-03 16:40:08 -05:00
parent 59f5ad7710
commit 3e945dd552
3 changed files with 153 additions and 135 deletions

View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
import * as workspaceController from './workspaceController';
import * as secretController from './secretController';
export {
export {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
import to from "await-to-js";
import { Request, Response } from "express";
import mongoose, { Types } from "mongoose";
import Secret, { ISecret } from "../../models/secret";
import { CreateSecretRequestBody, ModifySecretRequestBody, SanitizedSecretForCreate, SanitizedSecretModify } from "../../types/secret/types";
const { ValidationError } = mongoose.Error;
import { BadRequestError, InternalServerError, UnauthorizedRequestError, ValidationError as RouteValidationError } from '../../utils/errors';
import { AnyBulkWriteOperation } from 'mongodb';
export const batchCreateSecrets = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const secretsToCreate: CreateSecretRequestBody[] = req.body.secrets;
const { workspaceId, environmentName } = req.params
const sanitizedSecretesToCreate: SanitizedSecretForCreate[] = []
secretsToCreate.forEach(rawSecret => {
const safeUpdateFields: SanitizedSecretForCreate = {
secretKeyCiphertext: rawSecret.secretKeyCiphertext,
secretKeyIV: rawSecret.secretKeyIV,
secretKeyTag: rawSecret.secretKeyTag,
secretKeyHash: rawSecret.secretKeyHash,
secretValueCiphertext: rawSecret.secretValueCiphertext,
secretValueIV: rawSecret.secretValueIV,
secretValueTag: rawSecret.secretValueTag,
secretValueHash: rawSecret.secretValueHash,
secretCommentCiphertext: rawSecret.secretCommentCiphertext,
secretCommentIV: rawSecret.secretCommentIV,
secretCommentTag: rawSecret.secretCommentTag,
secretCommentHash: rawSecret.secretCommentHash,
workspace: new Types.ObjectId(workspaceId),
environment: environmentName,
type: rawSecret.type,
user: new Types.ObjectId(req.user._id)
const [bulkCreateError, newlyCreatedSecrets] = await to(Secret.insertMany(sanitizedSecretesToCreate).then())
if (bulkCreateError) {
if (bulkCreateError instanceof ValidationError) {
throw RouteValidationError({ message: bulkCreateError.message, stack: bulkCreateError.stack })
throw InternalServerError({ message: "Unable to process your batch create request. Please try again", stack: bulkCreateError.stack })
export const createSingleSecret = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
try {
const secretFromDB = await Secret.findById(req.params.secretId)
return res.status(200).send(secretFromDB);
} catch (e) {
throw BadRequestError({ message: "Unable to find the requested secret" })
export const batchDeleteSecrets = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const { workspaceId, environmentName } = req.params
const secretIdsToDelete: string[] = req.body.secretIds
const [secretIdsUserCanDeleteError, secretIdsUserCanDelete] = await to(Secret.find({ workspace: workspaceId, environment: environmentName }, { _id: 1 }).then())
if (secretIdsUserCanDeleteError) {
throw InternalServerError({ message: `Unable to fetch secrets you own: [error=${secretIdsUserCanDeleteError.message}]` })
const secretsUserCanDeleteSet: Set<string> = new Set( => objectId._id.toString()));
const deleteOperationsToPerform: AnyBulkWriteOperation<ISecret>[] = []
secretIdsToDelete.forEach(secretIdToDelete => {
if (secretsUserCanDeleteSet.has(secretIdToDelete)) {
const deleteOperation = { deleteOne: { filter: { _id: new Types.ObjectId(secretIdToDelete) } } }
} else {
throw RouteValidationError({ message: "You cannot delete secrets that you do not have access to" })
const [bulkDeleteError, bulkDelete] = await to(Secret.bulkWrite(deleteOperationsToPerform).then())
if (bulkDeleteError) {
if (bulkDeleteError instanceof ValidationError) {
throw RouteValidationError({ message: "Unable to apply modifications, please try again", stack: bulkDeleteError.stack })
throw InternalServerError()
export const batchModifySecrets = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const { workspaceId, environmentName } = req.params
const secretsModificationsRequested: ModifySecretRequestBody[] = req.body.secrets;
const [secretIdsUserCanModifyError, secretIdsUserCanModify] = await to(Secret.find({ workspace: workspaceId, environment: environmentName }, { _id: 1 }).then())
if (secretIdsUserCanModifyError) {
throw InternalServerError({ message: "Unable to fetch secrets you own" })
const secretsUserCanModifySet: Set<string> = new Set( => objectId._id.toString()));
const updateOperationsToPerform: any = []
secretsModificationsRequested.forEach(userModifiedSecret => {
if (secretsUserCanModifySet.has(userModifiedSecret._id.toString())) {
const sanitizedSecret: SanitizedSecretModify = {
secretKeyCiphertext: userModifiedSecret.secretKeyCiphertext,
secretKeyIV: userModifiedSecret.secretKeyIV,
secretKeyTag: userModifiedSecret.secretKeyTag,
secretKeyHash: userModifiedSecret.secretKeyHash,
secretValueCiphertext: userModifiedSecret.secretValueCiphertext,
secretValueIV: userModifiedSecret.secretValueIV,
secretValueTag: userModifiedSecret.secretValueTag,
secretValueHash: userModifiedSecret.secretValueHash,
secretCommentCiphertext: userModifiedSecret.secretCommentCiphertext,
secretCommentIV: userModifiedSecret.secretCommentIV,
secretCommentTag: userModifiedSecret.secretCommentTag,
secretCommentHash: userModifiedSecret.secretCommentHash,
const updateOperation = { updateOne: { filter: { _id: userModifiedSecret._id, workspace: workspaceId }, update: { $inc: { version: 1 }, $set: sanitizedSecret } } }
} else {
throw UnauthorizedRequestError({ message: "You do not have permission to modify one or more of the requested secrets" })
const [bulkModificationInfoError, bulkModificationInfo] = await to(Secret.bulkWrite(updateOperationsToPerform).then())
if (bulkModificationInfoError) {
if (bulkModificationInfoError instanceof ValidationError) {
throw RouteValidationError({ message: "Unable to apply modifications, please try again", stack: bulkModificationInfoError.stack })
throw InternalServerError()
return res.status(200).send()

View File

@ -1,14 +1,9 @@
import express, { Request, Response } from 'express';
import express from 'express';
import { requireAuth, requireWorkspaceAuth, validateRequest } from '../../middleware';
import { ISecret, Secret } from '../../models';
import { body, param, query, check } from 'express-validator';
import { BadRequestError, InternalServerError, UnauthorizedRequestError, ValidationError as RouteValidationError } from '../../utils/errors';
import { body, param } from 'express-validator';
import { ADMIN, MEMBER, COMPLETED, GRANTED } from '../../variables';
import { SanitizedSecretModify, CreateSecretRequestBody, SanitizedSecretForCreate, ModifySecretRequestBody } from '../../types/secret/types';
import to from 'await-to-js';
import mongoose, { Types } from 'mongoose';
import { AnyBulkWriteOperation } from 'mongodb';
const { ValidationError } = mongoose.Error;
import { CreateSecretRequestBody, ModifySecretRequestBody } from '../../types/secret/types';
import { secretController } from '../../controllers/v2';
const router = express.Router();
@ -26,45 +21,7 @@
body('secrets').exists().isArray().custom((value) => value.every((item: CreateSecretRequestBody) => typeof item === 'object')),
async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const secretsToCreate: CreateSecretRequestBody[] = req.body.secrets;
const { workspaceId, environmentName } = req.params
const sanitizedSecretesToCreate: SanitizedSecretForCreate[] = []
secretsToCreate.forEach(rawSecret => {
const safeUpdateFields: SanitizedSecretForCreate = {
secretKeyCiphertext: rawSecret.secretKeyCiphertext,
secretKeyIV: rawSecret.secretKeyIV,
secretKeyTag: rawSecret.secretKeyTag,
secretKeyHash: rawSecret.secretKeyHash,
secretValueCiphertext: rawSecret.secretValueCiphertext,
secretValueIV: rawSecret.secretValueIV,
secretValueTag: rawSecret.secretValueTag,
secretValueHash: rawSecret.secretValueHash,
secretCommentCiphertext: rawSecret.secretCommentCiphertext,
secretCommentIV: rawSecret.secretCommentIV,
secretCommentTag: rawSecret.secretCommentTag,
secretCommentHash: rawSecret.secretCommentHash,
workspace: new Types.ObjectId(workspaceId),
environment: environmentName,
type: rawSecret.type,
user: new Types.ObjectId(req.user._id)
const [bulkCreateError, newlyCreatedSecrets] = await to(Secret.insertMany(sanitizedSecretesToCreate).then())
if (bulkCreateError) {
if (bulkCreateError instanceof ValidationError) {
throw RouteValidationError({ message: bulkCreateError.message, stack: bulkCreateError.stack })
throw InternalServerError({ message: "Unable to process your batch create request. Please try again", stack: bulkCreateError.stack })
@ -76,14 +33,8 @@ router.get(
acceptedRoles: [ADMIN, MEMBER],
acceptedStatuses: [COMPLETED, GRANTED]
validateRequest, async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
try {
const secretFromDB = await Secret.findById(req.params.secretId)
return res.status(200).send(secretFromDB);
} catch (e) {
throw BadRequestError({ message: "Unable to find the requested secret" })
@ -99,37 +50,9 @@ router.delete(
acceptedRoles: [ADMIN, MEMBER],
acceptedStatuses: [COMPLETED, GRANTED]
validateRequest, async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const { workspaceId, environmentName } = req.params
const secretIdsToDelete: string[] = req.body.secretIds
const [secretIdsUserCanDeleteError, secretIdsUserCanDelete] = await to(Secret.find({ workspace: workspaceId, environment: environmentName }, { _id: 1 }).then())
if (secretIdsUserCanDeleteError) {
throw InternalServerError({ message: `Unable to fetch secrets you own: [error=${secretIdsUserCanDeleteError.message}]` })
const secretsUserCanDeleteSet: Set<string> = new Set( => objectId._id.toString()));
const deleteOperationsToPerform: AnyBulkWriteOperation<ISecret>[] = []
secretIdsToDelete.forEach(secretIdToDelete => {
if (secretsUserCanDeleteSet.has(secretIdToDelete)) {
const deleteOperation = { deleteOne: { filter: { _id: new Types.ObjectId(secretIdToDelete) } } }
} else {
throw RouteValidationError({ message: "You cannot delete secrets that you do not have access to" })
const [bulkDeleteError, bulkDelete] = await to(Secret.bulkWrite(deleteOperationsToPerform).then())
if (bulkDeleteError) {
if (bulkDeleteError instanceof ValidationError) {
throw RouteValidationError({ message: "Unable to apply modifications, please try again", stack: bulkDeleteError.stack })
throw InternalServerError()
@ -145,53 +68,8 @@ router.patch(
acceptedRoles: [ADMIN, MEMBER],
acceptedStatuses: [COMPLETED, GRANTED]
validateRequest, async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
const { workspaceId, environmentName } = req.params
const secretsModificationsRequested: ModifySecretRequestBody[] = req.body.secrets;
const [secretIdsUserCanModifyError, secretIdsUserCanModify] = await to(Secret.find({ workspace: workspaceId, environment: environmentName }, { _id: 1 }).then())
if (secretIdsUserCanModifyError) {
throw InternalServerError({ message: "Unable to fetch secrets you own" })
const secretsUserCanModifySet: Set<string> = new Set( => objectId._id.toString()));
const updateOperationsToPerform: any = []
secretsModificationsRequested.forEach(userModifiedSecret => {
if (secretsUserCanModifySet.has(userModifiedSecret._id.toString())) {
const sanitizedSecret: SanitizedSecretModify = {
secretKeyCiphertext: userModifiedSecret.secretKeyCiphertext,
secretKeyIV: userModifiedSecret.secretKeyIV,
secretKeyTag: userModifiedSecret.secretKeyTag,
secretKeyHash: userModifiedSecret.secretKeyHash,
secretValueCiphertext: userModifiedSecret.secretValueCiphertext,
secretValueIV: userModifiedSecret.secretValueIV,
secretValueTag: userModifiedSecret.secretValueTag,
secretValueHash: userModifiedSecret.secretValueHash,
secretCommentCiphertext: userModifiedSecret.secretCommentCiphertext,
secretCommentIV: userModifiedSecret.secretCommentIV,
secretCommentTag: userModifiedSecret.secretCommentTag,
secretCommentHash: userModifiedSecret.secretCommentHash,
const updateOperation = { updateOne: { filter: { _id: userModifiedSecret._id, workspace: workspaceId }, update: { $inc: { version: 1 }, $set: sanitizedSecret } } }
} else {
throw UnauthorizedRequestError({ message: "You do not have permission to modify one or more of the requested secrets" })
const [bulkModificationInfoError, bulkModificationInfo] = await to(Secret.bulkWrite(updateOperationsToPerform).then())
if (bulkModificationInfoError) {
if (bulkModificationInfoError instanceof ValidationError) {
throw RouteValidationError({ message: "Unable to apply modifications, please try again", stack: bulkModificationInfoError.stack })
throw InternalServerError()
return res.status(200).send()
export default router;