Update contributing dev docs and envars, remove PUBLIC_KEY, PRIVATE_KEY server envar requirement

This commit is contained in:
Tuan Dang
2022-12-22 13:36:15 -05:00
parent 55996440da
commit 3f2d011fba
6 changed files with 42 additions and 73 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
# Keys
# Required keys for platform encryption/decryption ops
# Required key for platform encryption/decryption ops
@ -33,7 +31,6 @@ MONGO_PASSWORD=example
# Website URL
# Required
# Mail/SMTP
@ -58,6 +55,7 @@ CLIENT_SECRET_HEROKU=
# Sentry (optional) for monitoring errors

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@ -22,8 +22,6 @@ declare global {
PRIVATE_KEY: string;
PUBLIC_KEY: string;
SENTRY_DSN: string;
SITE_URL: string;
SMTP_HOST: string;

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@ -23,8 +23,6 @@ const POSTHOG_HOST = process.env.POSTHOG_HOST! || 'https://app.posthog.com';
const PRIVATE_KEY = process.env.PRIVATE_KEY!;
const PUBLIC_KEY = process.env.PUBLIC_KEY!;
const SENTRY_DSN = process.env.SENTRY_DSN!;
const SITE_URL = process.env.SITE_URL!;
const SMTP_HOST = process.env.SMTP_HOST! || 'smtp.gmail.com';
@ -66,8 +64,6 @@ export {

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@ -2,7 +2,6 @@ import { Request, Response } from 'express';
import * as Sentry from '@sentry/node';
import { Key } from '../models';
import { findMembership } from '../helpers/membership';
import { PUBLIC_KEY } from '../config';
import { GRANTED } from '../variables';
@ -84,16 +83,4 @@ export const getLatestKey = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
return res.status(200).send(resObj);
* Return public key of Infisical
* @param req
* @param res
* @returns
export const getPublicKeyInfisical = async (req: Request, res: Response) => {
return res.status(200).send({
publicKey: PUBLIC_KEY

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@ -16,59 +16,54 @@ cd infisical
## Set up environment variables
Before running the docker-compose we have to generate the .env file with the environment variables, you can create your own file or start with the
`.env.example` as an example guide.
Start by creating a .env file at the root of the Infisical directory
Mandatory variables in the `.env` file:
Reference the [environment variable list](https://infisical.com/docs/self-hosting/configuration/envars) and provided [`.env.example`](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Infisical/infisical/main/.env.example) template to fill out your .env file.
1. Keys and JWT variables
### Keys
`ENCRYPTION_KEY`, `JWT_SIGNUP_SECRET`, `JWT_REFRESH_SECRET`, `JWT_AUTH_SECRET`, `JWT_SERVICE_SECRET` values can be generated with this [32-byte random hex generator](https://www.browserling.com/tools/random-hex).
The `.env.example` has these variables empty, you can self generate the `JWT and ENCRYPTION_KEY` with this [32-byte random hex strings generator](https://www.browserling.com/tools/random-hex).
### Database
For the `PRIVATE_KEY and PUBLIC_KEY` you can use the ones shown in the screenshot:
Use to the following `MONGO_URL`, `MONGO_USERNAME`, `MONGO_PASSWORD`, `SITE_URL` values:
2. Mongo variables and site URL
If you decide to use your own `MONGO_USERNAME` and `MONGO_PASSWORD`, you'll have to modify `MONGO_URL` to take the form: `mongodb://[MONGO_USERNAME]:[MONGO_PASSWORD]@mongo:27017/?authSource=admin`.
### Mailing
These variables are used to connect the MongoDB and set the URL for the localhost.
Option 1: Bring your own SMTP server and credentials by filling in `SMTP_HOST`, `SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS`, `SMTP_FROM_NAME`, `SMTP_USERNAME`, and `SMTP_PASSWORD`.
`SMTP_HOST` is set to `smtp.gmail.com` by default. For `SMTP_USERNAME` and `SMTP_PASSWORD`, you'll need an email with 2-step-verification and an [app password](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/185833?hl=en) for it.
For development, you can use `root` for the `MONGO_USERNAME` and `example` for the `MONGO_PASSWORD` as shown in the screenshot.
Take into account that if you use your own `MONGO_USERNAME` and `MONGO_PASSWORD`, you also have to change the `MONGO_URL` with the form of `MONGO_USERNAME:MONGO_PASSWORD` after the `//` part of the URL.
3. Mail SMTP service variables
If you want to receive actual emails (e.g. you want to test how the email message will look like), take note of the following.
For the `SMTP_USERNAME` variable, you will need an email with 2-steps-verification.
For the `SMTP_PASSWORD` variable, you will need to [generate an app password](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/185833?hl=en) with the email you used in the `SMTP_USERNAME` variable.
Otherwise, a local SMTP server (MailHog) is available for testing purposes. Set the following values to use this:
Option 2: Use the provided (Mailhog) SMTP server and browse emails sent by the backend on `http://localhost:8025`. To use this option, set the following `SMTP_HOST`, `SMTP_PORT`, `SMTP_FROM_NAME`, `SMTP_USERNAME`, `SMTP_PASSWORD` values:
SMTP_NAME=<whatever you like>
SMTP_FROM_NAME=[whatever you like]
Make sure to leave the `SMTP_PASSWORD` blank so the backend will be able to connect to MailHog
You can browse `http://localhost:8025/` to browse email messages sent by the backend.
With these environment variables, you will be ready to run the docker-compose.
Make sure to leave the `SMTP_PASSWORD` blank so the backend can connect to MailHog.
## Docker for development
@ -84,12 +79,4 @@ Then browse http://localhost:8080
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml down
# start services
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up
The docker-compose development environment consists of:
- nginx
- frontend
- backend
- mongo
- mongo-express

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@ -9,12 +9,11 @@ Configuring Infisical requires setting some environment variables. There is a fi
| Variable | Description | Default Value |
| ---------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- |
| `PRIVATE_KEY` | ❗️ NaCl-generated server secret key | `None` |
| `PUBLIC_KEY` | ❗️ NaCl-generated server public key | `None` |
| `ENCRYPTION_KEY` | ❗️ Strong hex encryption key | `None` |
| `JWT_SIGNUP_SECRET` | ❗️ JWT token secret | `None` |
| `JWT_REFRESH_SECRET` | ❗️ JWT token secret | `None` |
| `JWT_AUTH_SECRET` | ❗️ JWT token secret | `None` |
| `JWT_SERVICE_SECRET` | ❗️ JWT token secret | `None` |
| `JWT_SIGNUP_LIFETIME` | JWT token lifetime expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span (e.g. 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d") | `15m` |
| `JWT_REFRESH_LIFETIME` | JWT token lifetime expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span (e.g. 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d") | `90d` |
| `JWT_AUTH_LIFETIME` | JWT token lifetime expressed in seconds or a string describing a time span (e.g. 60, "2 days", "10h", "7d") | `10d` |
@ -25,15 +24,19 @@ Configuring Infisical requires setting some environment variables. There is a fi
| `SITE_URL` | ❗️ Site URL - should be an absolute URL including the protocol (e.g. `https://app.infisical.com`) | `None` |
| `SMTP_HOST` | Hostname to connect to for establishing SMTP connections | `smtp.gmail.com` |
| `SMTP_SECURE` | Use TLS when connecting to host. If false, TLS will be used if STARTTLS is supported | `false` |
| `SMTP_PORT` | ❗️ Port to connect to for establishing SMTP connections | `587` |
| `SMTP_PORT` | Port to connect to for establishing SMTP connections | `587` |
| `SMTP_FROM_ADDRESS` | ❗️ Email address to be used for sending emails (e.g. `team@infisical.com`) | `None` |
| `SMTP_FROM_NAME` | Name label to be used in From field (e.g. `Team`) | `Infisical` |
| `SMTP_USERNAME` | ❗️ Credential to connect to host (e.g. `team@infisical.com`) | `None` |
| `SMTP_PASSWORD` | ❗️ Credential to connect to host | `None` |
| `TELEMETRY_ENABLED` | `true` or `false`. [More](../overview). | `true` |
| `CLIENT_ID_VERCEL` | OAuth client id for Vercel integration | `None` |
| `CLIENT_ID_NETLIFY` | OAuth client id for Netlify integration | `None` |
| `CLIENT_SECRET_HEROKU` | OAuth client secret for Heroku integration | `None` |
| `CLIENT_SECRET_VERCEL` | OAuth client secret for Vercel integration | `None` |
| `CLIENT_SECRET_NETLIFY` | OAuth client secret for Netlify integration | `None` |
| `CLIENT_ID_HEROKU` | OAuth2 client ID for Heroku integration | `None` |
| `CLIENT_ID_VERCEL` | OAuth2 client ID for Vercel integration | `None` |
| `CLIENT_ID_NETLIFY` | OAuth2 client ID for Netlify integration | `None` |
| `CLIENT_ID_GITHUB` | OAuth2 client ID for GitHub integration | `None` |
| `CLIENT_SECRET_HEROKU` | OAuth2 client secret for Heroku integration | `None` |
| `CLIENT_SECRET_VERCEL` | OAuth2 client secret for Vercel integration | `None` |
| `CLIENT_SECRET_NETLIFY` | OAuth2 client secret for Netlify integration | `None` |
| `CLIENT_SECRET_GITHUB` | OAuth2 client secret for GitHub integration | `None` |
| `CLIENT_SLUG_VERCEL` | OAuth2 slug for Netlify integration | `None` |
| `SENTRY_DSN` | DSN for error-monitoring with Sentry | `None` |