Finish AWS Auth mermaid diagram

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Tuan Dang
2024-05-08 21:52:56 -07:00
parent 15ea96815c
commit 42471b22bb

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@ -5,6 +5,32 @@ description: "Learn how to authenticate with Infisical for EC2 instances, Lambda
**AWS Auth** is an AWS-native authentication method for IAM principals like EC2 instances or Lambda functions to access Infisical.
## Diagram
The following sequence digram illustrates the AWS Auth workflow for authenticating AWS IAM principals with Infisical.
participant Client as Client
participant Infis as Infisical
participant AWS as AWS STS
Note over Client,Client: Step 1: Sign GetCallerIdentityQuery
Note over Client,Infis: Step 2: Login Operation
Client->>Infis: Send signed query details /api/v1/auth/aws-auth/login
Note over Infis,AWS: Step 3: Query verification
Infis->>AWS: Forward signed GetCallerIdentity query
AWS-->>Infis: Return IAM user/role details
Note over Infis: Step 4: Identity Property Validation
Infis->>Client: Return short-lived access token
Note over Client,Infis: Step 4: Access Infisical API with Token
Client->>Infis: Make authenticated requests using the short-lived access token
## Concept
At a high-level, Infisical authenticates an IAM principal by verifying its identity and checking that it meets specific requirements (e.g. it is an allowed IAM principal ARN) at the `/api/v1/auth/aws-auth/login` endpoint. If successful,