Updated onboarding example secrets

This commit is contained in:
Vladyslav Matsiiako
2022-12-04 08:26:38 -05:00
parent 20d8d255cb
commit 74467320cb
2 changed files with 10 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -137,7 +137,15 @@ const attemptLogin = async (
await pushKeys(

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@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ export default function Home() {
<div className="text-md text-left w-full pt-2 pb-4 text-bunker-300">Click on the items below and follow the instructions.</div>
{learningItem({ text: "Get to know Infisical", subText: "", complete: hasUserClickedIntro, icon: faHandPeace, time: "3 min", userAction: "intro_cta_clicked", link: "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JS3OKYU2078" })}
{learningItem({ text: "Add your secrets", subText: "Click to see example secrets, and add your own.", complete: false, icon: faPlus, time: "2 min", userAction: "first_time_secrets_pushed", link: "/dashboard/" + router.query.id })}
{learningItem({ text: "Inject secrets locally", subText: "Replace .env files with a more secure an efficient alternative.", complete: false, icon: faNetworkWired, time: "12 min", link: "https://infisical.com/docs/getting-started/quickstart" })}
{learningItem({ text: "Inject secrets locally", subText: "Replace .env files with a more secure an efficient alternative.", complete: false, icon: faNetworkWired, time: "8 min", link: "https://infisical.com/docs/getting-started/quickstart" })}
{learningItem({ text: "Integrate Infisical with your infrastructure", subText: "Only a few integrations are currently available. Many more coming soon!", complete: false, icon: faPlug, time: "15 min", link: "https://infisical.com/docs/integrations/overview" })}
{learningItem({ text: "Invite your teammates", subText: "", complete: usersInOrg, icon: faUserPlus, time: "2 min", link: "/settings/org/" + router.query.id + "?invite" })}
{learningItem({ text: "Join Infisical Slack", subText: "Have any questions? Ask us!", complete: hasUserClickedSlack, icon: faSlack, time: "1 min", userAction: "slack_cta_clicked", link: "https://join.slack.com/t/infisical-users/shared_invite/zt-1kdbk07ro-RtoyEt_9E~fyzGo_xQYP6g" })}