feat: add "boilerplate" json

This commit is contained in:
2023-01-06 11:41:32 -03:00
parent e6c631586a
commit c0d7b4ea88
16 changed files with 240 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"event": {
"readSecrets": "Segredos Visualizados",
"updateSecrets": "Segredos Atualizados",
"addSecrets": "Segredos Adicionados",
"deleteSecrets": "Segredos Excluídos"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
"title": "Uso & Faturamento",
"description": "Visualize e gerencie a assinatura da sua organização aqui",
"subscription": "Inscrição",
"starter": {
"name": "Iniciante",
"price-explanation": "up to 5 team members",
"text": "Manage any project with 5 members for free!",
"subtext": "$5 per member/month afterwards."
"professional": {
"name": "Professional",
"price-explanation": "/member/month",
"subtext": "Includes unlimited projects & members.",
"text": "Keep up with key management as you grow."
"enterprise": {
"name": "Enterprise",
"text": "Keep up with key management as you grow."
"current-usage": "Current Usage",
"free": "Free",
"downgrade": "Downgrade",
"upgrade": "Upgrade",
"learn-more": "Learn More",
"custom-pricing": "Custom Pricing",
"schedule-demo": "Schedule a Demo"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
"head-title": "{{title}} | Infiscal",
"error_project-already-exists": "A project with this name already exists.",
"no-mobile": " To use Infisical, please log in through a device with larger dimensions. ",
"email": "Email",
"password": "Password",
"first-name": "First Name",
"last-name": "Last Name",
"logout": "Log Out",
"validate-required": "Please input your {{name}}",
"maintenance-alert": "We are experiencing minor technical difficulties. We are working on solving it right now. Please come back in a few minutes.",
"click-to-copy": "Click to copy",
"project-id": "Project ID",
"save-changes": "Save Changes",
"saved": "Saved",
"drop-zone": "Drag and drop your .env file here.",
"drop-zone-keys": "Drag and drop your .env file here to add more keys.",
"role": "Role",
"role_admin": "admin",
"display-name": "Display Name",
"environment": "Environment",
"expired-in": "Expires in",
"language": "Language",
"search": "Search...",
"note": "Note"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
"title": "Secrets",
"og-title": "Manage your .env files in seconds",
"og-description": "Infisical a simple end-to-end encrypted platform that enables teams to sync and manage their .env files.",
"search-keys": "Search keys...",
"add-key": "Add Key",
"personal": "Personal",
"personal-description": "Personal keys are only visible to you",
"shared": "Shared",
"shared-description": "Shared keys are visible to your whole team",
"make-shared": "Make Shared",
"make-personal": "Make Personal",
"check-docs": {
"button": "Check Docs",
"title": "Good job!",
"line1": "Congrats on adding more secrets.",
"line2": "Here is how to connect them to your codebase."
"sidebar": {
"secret": "Secret",
"key": "Key",
"value": "Value",
"override": "Override value with a personal value",
"version-history": "Version History",
"comments": "Comments & Notes",
"personal-explanation": "This secret is personal. It is not shared with any of your teammates.",
"generate-random-hex": "Generate Random Hex",
"digits": "digits"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
"title": "Project Integrations",
"description": "Manage your integrations of Infisical with third-party services.",
"no-integrations1": "You don't have any integrations set up yet. When you do, they will appear here.",
"no-integrations2": "To start, click on any of the options below. It takes 5 clicks to set up.",
"available": "Platform & Cloud Integrations",
"available-text1": "Click on the itegration you want to connect. This will let your environment variables flow automatically into selected third-party services.",
"available-text2": "Note: during an integration with Heroku, for security reasons, it is impossible to maintain end-to-end encryption. In theory, this lets Infisical decrypt yor environment variables. In practice, we can assure you that this will never be done, and it allows us to protect your secrets from bad actors online. The core Infisical service will always stay end-to-end encrypted. With any questions, reach out support@infisical.com.",
"cloud-integrations": "Cloud Integrations",
"framework-integrations": "Framework Integrations",
"click-to-start": "Click on an integration to begin syncing secrets to it.",
"click-to-setup": "Click on a framework to get the setup instructions.",
"grant-access-to-secrets": "Grant Infisical access to your secrets",
"why-infisical-needs-access": "Most cloud integrations require Infisical to be able to decrypt your secrets so they can be forwarded over.",
"grant-access-button": "Grant access"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"title": "Login",
"og-title": "Log In to Infisical",
"og-description": "Infisical a simple end-to-end encrypted platform that enables teams to sync and manage their .env files.",
"login": "Log In",
"need-account": "Need an Infisical account?",
"create-account": "Create an account"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
"support": {
"slack": "[NEW] Join Slack Forum",
"docs": "Read Docs",
"issue": "Open a Github Issue",
"email": "Send us an Email"
"user": {
"signed-in-as": "SIGNED IN AS",
"current-organization": "CURRENT ORGANIZATION",
"usage-billing": "Usage & Billing",
"invite": "Invite Members",
"other-organizations": "OTHER ORGANIZATION"
"menu": {
"project": "PROJECT",
"secrets": "Secrets",
"members": "Members",
"integrations": "Integrations",
"project-settings": "Project Settings"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"incident-contacts": "Incident Contacts",
"incident-contacts-description": "These contacts will be notified in the unlikely event of a severe incident.",
"no-incident-contacts": "No incident contacts found.",
"add-contact": "Add Contact",
"add-dialog": {
"title": "Add an Incident Contact",
"description": "This contact will be notified in the unlikely event of a severe incident.",
"add-incident": "Add Incident Contact"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
"add-member": "Add Member",
"org-members": "Organization Members",
"org-members-description": "Manage members of your organization. These users could afterwards be formed into projects.",
"search-members": "Search members...",
"add-dialog": {
"add-member-to-project": "Add a member to your project",
"already-all-invited": "All the users in your organization are already invited.",
"add-user-org-first": "Add more users to the organization first.",
"user-will-email": "The user will receive an email with the instructions.",
"looking-add": "<0>If you are looking to add users to your org,</0><1>click here</1>",
"add-user-to-org": "Add Users to Organization"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"password": "Password",
"change": "Change password",
"current": "Current password",
"current-wrong": "The current password may be wrong",
"new": "New password",
"validate-base": "Password should contain at least:",
"validate-length": "14 characters",
"validate-case": "1 lowercase character",
"validate-number": "1 number"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"service-tokens": "Service Tokens",
"service-tokens-description": "Every service token is specific to you, a certain project and a certain environment within this project.",
"add-new": "Add New Token",
"add-dialog": {
"title": "Add a service token for {{target}}",
"description": "Specify the name, environment, and expiry period. When a token is generated, you will only be able to see it once before it disappears. Make sure to save it somewhere.",
"name": "Service Token Name",
"add": "Add Service Token",
"copy-service-token": "Copy your service token",
"copy-service-token-description": "Once you close this popup, you will never see your service token again"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"title": "Project Members",
"description": "This pages shows the members of the selected project."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
"title": "Organization Settings",
"description": "Manage members of your organization. These users could afterwards be formed into projects."

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"title": "Personal Settings",
"description": "View and manage your personal information here.",
"emergency": {
"name": "Emergency Kit",
"text1": "Your Emergency Kit contains the information youll need to sign in to your Infisical account.",
"text2": "Only the latest issued Emergency Kit remains valid. To get a new Emergency Kit, verify your password.",
"download": "Download Emergency Kit"
"change-language": "Change Language"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
"title": "Project Settings",
"description": "These settings only apply to the currently selected Project.",
"danger-zone": "Danger Zone",
"delete-project": "Delete Project",
"project-to-delete": "Project to be Deleted",
"danger-zone-note": "As soon as you delete this project, you will not be able to undo it. This will immediately remove all the keys. If you still want to do that, please enter the name of the project below.",
"delete-project-note": "Note: You can only delete a project in case you have more than one",
"project-id-description": "To integrate Infisical into your code base and get automatic injection of environmental variables, you should use the following Project ID.",
"project-id-description2": "For more guidance, including code snipets for various languages and frameworks, see ",
"auto-generated": "This is your project's auto-generated unique identifier. It can't be changed.",
"docs": "Infisical Docs"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
"title": "Sign Up",
"og-title": "Replace .env files with 1 line of code. Sign Up for Infisical in 3 minutes.",
"og-description": "Infisical a simple end-to-end encrypted platform that enables teams to sync and manage API-keys and environemntal variables. Works with Node.js, Next.js, Gatsby, Nest.js...",
"signup": "Sign Up",
"already-have-account": "Have an account? Log in",
"forgot-password": "Forgot your password?",
"verify": "Verify",
"step1-start": "Let's get started",
"step1-privacy": "By creating an account, you agree to our Terms and have read and acknowledged the Privacy Policy.",
"step1-submit": "Get Started",
"step2-message": "<wrapper>We've sent a verification email to</wrapper><email>{{email}}</email>",
"step2-code-error": "Oops. Your code is wrong. Please try again.",
"step2-spam-alert": "Make sure to check your spam inbox.",
"step3-message": "Almost there!",
"step4-message": "Save your Emergency Kit",
"step4-description1": "If you get locked out of your account, your Emergency Kit is the only way to sign in.",
"step4-description2": "We recommend you download it and keep it somewhere safe.",
"step4-description3": "It contains your Secret Key which we cannot access or recover for you if you lose it.",
"step4-download": "Download PDF"