mirror of
synced 2025-03-25 13:24:18 +00:00
Add Terraform Linting (#638)
This commit is contained in:
@ -783,7 +783,7 @@ vet:
golangci: build/toolchain/bin/golangci-lint$(EXE_EXTENSION)
GO111MODULE=on $(GOLANGCI) run --config=$(REPOSITORY_ROOT)/.golangci.yaml
lint: fmt vet golangci lint-chart
lint: fmt vet golangci lint-chart terraform-lint
assets: all-protos tls-certs third_party/ build/chart/
@ -851,15 +851,25 @@ else
$(SED_REPLACE) 's/$$EVALUATION_MODE/ALWAYS_ALLOW/g' $(BUILD_DIR)/policies/binauthz.yaml
terraform-test: install/terraform/open-match/.terraform/ install/terraform/open-match-build/.terraform/
(cd $(REPOSITORY_ROOT)/install/terraform/open-match/ && $(TERRAFORM) validate)
(cd $(REPOSITORY_ROOT)/install/terraform/open-match-build/ && $(TERRAFORM) validate)
terraform-plan: install/terraform/open-match/.terraform/
(cd $(REPOSITORY_ROOT)/install/terraform/open-match/ && $(TERRAFORM) plan -var gcp_project_id=$(GCP_PROJECT_ID) -var gcp_location=$(GCP_LOCATION))
terraform-lint: build/toolchain/bin/terraform$(EXE_EXTENSION)
$(TERRAFORM) fmt -recursive
terraform-apply: install/terraform/open-match/.terraform/
(cd $(REPOSITORY_ROOT)/install/terraform/open-match/ && $(TERRAFORM) apply -var gcp_project_id=$(GCP_PROJECT_ID) -var gcp_location=$(GCP_LOCATION))
install/terraform/open-match/.terraform/: build/toolchain/bin/terraform$(EXE_EXTENSION)
(cd $(REPOSITORY_ROOT)/install/terraform/open-match/ && $(TERRAFORM) init)
install/terraform/open-match-build/.terraform/: build/toolchain/bin/terraform$(EXE_EXTENSION)
(cd $(REPOSITORY_ROOT)/install/terraform/open-match-build/ && $(TERRAFORM) init)
build/certificates/: build/toolchain/bin/certgen$(EXE_EXTENSION)
mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)/certificates/
cd $(BUILD_DIR)/certificates/ && $(CERTGEN)
@ -885,7 +895,7 @@ ci-reap-clusters: build/toolchain/bin/reaper$(EXE_EXTENSION)
# For presubmit we want to update the protobuf generated files and verify that tests are good.
presubmit: GOLANG_TEST_COUNT = 5
presubmit: clean update-deps third_party/ assets lint build install-toolchain test md-test
presubmit: clean update-deps third_party/ assets lint build install-toolchain test md-test terraform-test
build/release/: presubmit clean-install-yaml install/yaml/
mkdir -p $(BUILD_DIR)/release/
@ -128,6 +128,11 @@ steps:
path: '/go'
waitFor: ['Build: Assets', 'Build: Deployment Configs']
- id: 'Test: Terraform Configuration'
name: 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/open-match-build'
args: ['make', 'terraform-test']
waitFor: ['Build: Install Toolchain']
- id: 'Test: Create Cluster'
name: 'gcr.io/$PROJECT_ID/open-match-build'
args: ['make', 'SHORT_SHA=${SHORT_SHA}', 'delete-gke-cluster', 'create-gke-cluster', 'push-helm']
@ -12,7 +12,8 @@ If you're making changes to these files you must check in the .tfstate file as
well as comment the reason why you're enabling a feature or making a change.
## GCP Service Account Setup
To use the terraform templates when developing Open Match, you need to have the [credential of your service account](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/provider_reference.html#credentials-1) associated with your Open Match project. The terraform templates would read the credentials from `./creds.json` file to authenticate with GCP.
To use the terraform templates when developing Open Match, you need to have the [credential of your service account](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/provider_reference.html#credentials-1) associated with your Open Match project.
# Example: Generates the key file in GCP.
# Create the service account. Replace [NAME] with a name for the service account.
@ -21,6 +22,8 @@ gcloud iam service-accounts create [NAME]
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT_ID] --member "serviceAccount:[NAME]@[PROJECT_ID].iam.gserviceaccount.com" --role "roles/owner"
# Generate the key file for terraform authentication.
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ./creds.json --iam-account [NAME]@[PROJECT_ID].iam.gserviceaccount.com
# Set the environment variable for Terraform to pick up the credentials.
@ -14,65 +14,65 @@
variable "gcp_project_id" {
description = "GCP Project ID"
default = "open-match-build"
default = "open-match-build"
variable "gcp_region" {
description = "Location where resources in GCP will be located."
default = "us-west1"
default = "us-west1"
variable "gcp_zone" {
description = "Location where resources in GCP will be located."
default = "us-west1-b"
default = "us-west1-b"
variable "vpc_flow_logs" {
description = "Enables VPC network flow logs for debugging."
default = "false"
default = "false"
provider "null" {
provider "google" {
version = ">=0.0.0"
version = ">=2.8"
project = "${var.gcp_project_id}"
region = "${var.gcp_region}"
region = "${var.gcp_region}"
provider "google-beta" {
version = ">=0.0.0"
version = ">=2.8"
project = "${var.gcp_project_id}"
region = "${var.gcp_region}"
region = "${var.gcp_region}"
# Create a manual-mode GCP regionalized network for CI.
# We'll create GKE clusters outside of the "default" auto-mode network so that we can have many subnets.
resource "google_compute_network" "ci_network" {
name = "open-match-ci"
description = "VPC Network for Continuous Integration runs."
name = "open-match-ci"
description = "VPC Network for Continuous Integration runs."
auto_create_subnetworks = false
routing_mode = "REGIONAL"
routing_mode = "REGIONAL"
# We create 60 subnetworks so that each GKE cluster we create in CI can run on it's own subnet.
# This is to workaround a bug in GKE where it cannot tolerate creating 2 clusters on the same subnet at the same time.
resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "ci_subnet" {
count = 60
name = "ci-${var.gcp_region}-${count.index}"
ip_cidr_range = "10.0.${count.index}.0/24"
region = "${var.gcp_region}"
network = "${google_compute_network.ci_network.self_link}"
enable_flow_logs = "${var.vpc_flow_logs}"
description = "Subnetwork for continuous integration build that runs on the :${count.index} second."
count = 60
name = "ci-${var.gcp_region}-${count.index}"
ip_cidr_range = "10.0.${count.index}.0/24"
region = "${var.gcp_region}"
network = "${google_compute_network.ci_network.self_link}"
enable_flow_logs = "${var.vpc_flow_logs}"
description = "Subnetwork for continuous integration build that runs on the :${count.index} second."
private_ip_google_access = true
# The cluster reaper is a tool that scans for orphaned GKE clusters created by CI and deletes them.
# The reaper runs as this service account.
resource "google_service_account" "cluster_reaper" {
project = "${var.gcp_project_id}"
project = "${var.gcp_project_id}"
account_id = "cluster-reaper"
display_name = "cluster-reaper"
# Description is not supported yet.
@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ resource "google_service_account" "cluster_reaper" {
# This role defines all the permissions that the cluster reaper has.
# It mainly needs to list and delete GKE cluster but it also runs in Cloud Run so it needs invoker permissions.
resource "google_project_iam_custom_role" "cluster_reaper_role" {
provider = "google-beta"
provider = "google-beta"
project = "${var.gcp_project_id}"
role_id = "continuousintegration.reaper"
title = "Open Match CI Cluster Reaper"
@ -113,8 +113,8 @@ resource "google_project_iam_binding" "cluster_reaper_role_binding" {
# TODO: Remove once run.routes.invoke can be added to custom roles.
resource "google_project_iam_binding" "cluster_reaper_role_binding_for_cloud_run_invoker" {
provider = "google-beta"
project = "${google_project_iam_custom_role.cluster_reaper_role.project}"
role = "roles/run.invoker"
project = "${google_project_iam_custom_role.cluster_reaper_role.project}"
role = "roles/run.invoker"
members = [
@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ resource "google_project_iam_binding" "cluster_reaper_role_binding_for_cloud_run
# It's recommended to delay creation of the role binding by a few seconds after the service account
# because the service account creation is eventually consistent.
resource "null_resource" "before_service_account_creation" {
depends_on = ["google_service_account.cluster_reaper"]
depends_on = ["google_service_account.cluster_reaper"]
resource "null_resource" "delay_after_service_account_creation" {
@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ Lastly, these templates are meant for advanced users that are most likely
already using Terraform.
## GCP Service Account Setup
To use the terraform templates when developing Open Match, you need to have the [credential of your service account](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/provider_reference.html#credentials-1) associated with your Open Match project. The terraform templates would read the credentials from `./creds.json` file to authenticate with GCP.
To use the terraform templates when developing Open Match, you need to have the [credential of your service account](https://www.terraform.io/docs/providers/google/provider_reference.html#credentials-1) associated with your Open Match project.
# Example: Generates the key file in GCP.
# Create the service account. Replace [NAME] with a name for the service account.
@ -25,6 +26,8 @@ gcloud iam service-accounts create [NAME]
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding [PROJECT_ID] --member "serviceAccount:[NAME]@[PROJECT_ID].iam.gserviceaccount.com" --role "roles/owner"
# Generate the key file for terraform authentication.
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create ./creds.json --iam-account [NAME]@[PROJECT_ID].iam.gserviceaccount.com
# Set the environment variable for Terraform to pick up the credentials.
## Apply Infrastructure
@ -36,33 +36,31 @@
# Declare the providers necessary to call the Google APIs
provider "google" {
version = "~> 2.8"
credentials = "${file("creds.json")}"
version = ">=2.8"
provider "google-beta" {
version = ">=0.0.0"
credentials = "${file("creds.json")}"
version = ">=2.8"
variable "gcp_project_id" {
description = "GCP Project ID"
default = "open-match-build"
default = "open-match-build"
variable "gcp_location" {
description = "Location where resources in GCP will be located."
default = "us-west1-a"
default = "us-west1-a"
variable "gcp_machine_type" {
description = "Machine type of VM."
default = "n1-standard-4"
default = "n1-standard-4"
# Enable Kubernetes and Cloud Resource Manager API
resource "google_project_services" "gcp_apis" {
project = "${var.gcp_project_id}"
services = ["container.googleapis.com", "cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com"]
project = "${var.gcp_project_id}"
services = ["container.googleapis.com", "cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com"]
# Create a role with the minimum amount of permissions for logging, auditing, etc from the node VM.
@ -86,7 +84,7 @@ resource "google_project_iam_custom_role" "open_match_node_vm_role" {
# Create a low-privileged service account that will be the identity of the Node VMs that run Open Match.
# This service account is mainly used to export service health and logging data to Stackdriver.
resource "google_service_account" "node_vm" {
project = "${var.gcp_project_id}"
project = "${var.gcp_project_id}"
account_id = "open-match-node-vm"
display_name = "Open Match Node VM Service Account"
@ -103,10 +101,10 @@ resource "google_project_iam_binding" "node_vm_binding" {
# Create a GKE Cluster for serving Open Match.
resource "google_container_cluster" "primary" {
provider = "google-beta"
name = "om-cluster"
name = "om-cluster"
location = "${var.gcp_location}"
addons_config {
horizontal_pod_autoscaling {
disabled = false
@ -122,52 +120,52 @@ resource "google_container_cluster" "primary" {
istio_config {
disabled = true
cloudrun_config {
disabled = true
cluster_autoscaling {
enabled = true
resource_limits {
resource_type = "cpu"
minimum = 0
maximum = 16
resource_limits {
resource_type = "memory"
minimum = 0
maximum = 32768
resource_type = "cpu"
minimum = 0
maximum = 16
resource_limits {
resource_type = "memory"
minimum = 0
maximum = 32768
database_encryption {
state = "DECRYPTED"
state = "DECRYPTED"
key_name = ""
ip_allocation_policy {
use_ip_aliases = true
description = "Open Match Cluster"
default_max_pods_per_node = 100
default_max_pods_per_node = 100
enable_binary_authorization = false
enable_kubernetes_alpha = false
enable_tpu = false
enable_legacy_abac = false
initial_node_count = 1
logging_service = "logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes"
enable_kubernetes_alpha = false
enable_tpu = false
enable_legacy_abac = false
initial_node_count = 1
logging_service = "logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes"
maintenance_policy {
daily_maintenance_window {
start_time = "03:00"
master_auth {
username = ""
password = ""
@ -177,11 +175,11 @@ resource "google_container_cluster" "primary" {
min_master_version = "1.13"
monitoring_service = "monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes"
network_policy {
enabled = false
enabled = false
@ -189,15 +187,15 @@ resource "google_container_cluster" "primary" {
#node_version = "1.13"
pod_security_policy_config {
enabled = false
project = "${var.gcp_project_id}"
project = "${var.gcp_project_id}"
remove_default_node_pool = true
resource_labels {
application = "open-match"
@ -211,25 +209,25 @@ resource "google_container_cluster" "primary" {
# Create a Node Pool inside the GKE cluster to serve the Open Match services.
resource "google_container_node_pool" "om-services" {
provider = "google-beta"
name = "open-match-services"
cluster = "${google_container_cluster.primary.name}"
location = "${google_container_cluster.primary.location}"
name = "open-match-services"
cluster = "${google_container_cluster.primary.name}"
location = "${google_container_cluster.primary.location}"
autoscaling {
min_node_count = 1
max_node_count = 5
management {
auto_repair = true
auto_repair = true
auto_upgrade = true
max_pods_per_node = 100
node_config {
disk_size_gb = 50
disk_type = "pd-standard"
disk_type = "pd-standard"
guest_accelerator {
@ -242,7 +240,7 @@ resource "google_container_node_pool" "om-services" {
local_ssd_count = 0
machine_type = "${var.gcp_machine_type}"
machine_type = "${var.gcp_machine_type}"
metadata {
disable-legacy-endpoints = "true"
@ -256,9 +254,9 @@ resource "google_container_node_pool" "om-services" {
preemptible = false
preemptible = false
service_account = "${google_service_account.node_vm.email}"
tags = []
tags = []
taint {
@ -269,8 +267,8 @@ resource "google_container_node_pool" "om-services" {
node_count = 5
project = "${google_container_cluster.primary.project}"
version = "1.13"
project = "${google_container_cluster.primary.project}"
version = "1.13"
depends_on = [google_project_services.gcp_apis]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user