@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ otherwise there should already be a `release-0.5` branch so run,
git checkout -b release-0.5 upstream/release-0.5
**NOTE: The branch name must be in the format, `release-X.Y` otherwise**
**NOTE: The branch name must be in the format, `release-X.Y.Z` otherwise**
**some artifacts will not be pushed.**
## Releases & Versions
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ releases. Find {version} and replace with the current release (e.g. 0.5.0)
only required once.**
- [ ] Create the branch in the **upstream** repository. It should be named
release-X.Y. Example: release-0.5. At this point there's effectively a code
release-X.Y.Z. Example: release-0.5. At this point there's effectively a code
freeze for this version and all work on main will be included in a future
version. If you're on the branch that you created in the *getting setup*
section above you should be able to push upstream.
@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ only required once.**
git push origin release-0.5
- [ ] Announce a PR freeze on release-X.Y branch on [open-match-discuss@](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/open-match-discuss).
- [ ] Announce a PR freeze on release-X.Y.Z branch on [open-match-discuss@](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/open-match-discuss).
- [ ] Open the [`Makefile`](makefile-version) and change BASE_VERSION entry.
- [ ] Open the [`install/helm/open-match/Chart.yaml`](om-chart-yaml-version) and change the `appVersion` and `version` entries.
- [ ] Open the [`install/helm/open-match/values.yaml`](om-values-yaml-version) and change the `tag` entries.
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ git push origin release-0.5
- [ ] There might be additional references to the old version but be careful not to change it for places that have it for historical purposes.
- [ ] Update usage requirements in the Installation doc - e.g. supported minikube version, kubectl version, golang version, etc.
- [ ] Create a PR with the changes, include the release candidate name, and point it to the release branch.
- [ ] Go to [open-match-build](https://pantheon.corp.google.com/cloud-build/triggers?project=open-match-build) and update all *post submit* triggers' `_GCB_LATEST_VERSION` value to the `X.Y` of the release. This value should only increase as it's used to determine the latest stable version.
- [ ] Go to [open-match-build](https://pantheon.corp.google.com/cloud-build/triggers?project=open-match-build) and update all *post submit* triggers' `_GCB_LATEST_VERSION` value to the `X.Y.Z` of the release. This value should only increase as it's used to determine the latest stable version.
- [ ] Merge your changes once the PR is approved. Note: the helm chart is not published to the public registry until the merge is complete (it's a second cloud build trigger upon merge), so you won't be able to do final release testing until after all checks/approvals are finished!
## Create a release branch in the upstream open-match-docs repository
@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ only required once.**
- [ ] Create a *draft* [release](https://github.com/googleforgames/open-match/releases). Note that github has both "Pre-release" and "draft" as different concepts for a release. Until the release is finalized, only use "Save draft", and do not use "Publish release".
- [ ] Use the [release template](https://github.com/googleforgames/open-match/blob/main/docs/governance/templates/release.md)
- [ ] `Tag = v{version}` (Example: v0.5.0. Append -rc.# for release candidates. Example: v0.5.0-rc.1.)
- [ ] `Target = release-X.Y` (Example: release-0.5.)
- [ ] `Target = release-X.Y.Z` (Example: release-0.5.)
- [ ] `Release Title = v{version}` (Must match `Tag`)
- [ ] `Write` section will contain the contents from the [release template](https://github.com/googleforgames/open-match/blob/main/docs/governance/templates/release.md).
- [ ] Add the milestone to all PRs and issues that were merged since the last milestone. Look at the [releases page](https://github.com/googleforgames/open-match/releases) and look for the "X commits to main since this release" for the diff.