updating FCM instructions and build

This commit is contained in:
2018-09-24 18:08:20 +03:00
parent 3a1aa88a85
commit bffaf615f5
2 changed files with 7 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ do
cp ./server/static/src/webapp.jsx ./releases/tmp/static/src
cp ./server/static/manifest.json ./releases/tmp/static
cp ./server/static/service-worker.js ./releases/tmp/static
# Create empty FCM client-side config.
echo > ./releases/tmp/static/firebase-init.js
cp ./tinode-db/data.json ./releases/tmp
cp ./tinode-db/*.jpg ./releases/tmp
cp ./tinode-db/credentials.sh ./releases/tmp

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@ -67,13 +67,15 @@ then repeat step 4 adding `--env RESET_DB=true`.
### Enable push notifications
Download and save the file with [FCM service account credentials](https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production).
Assuming your Firebase project is `myproject-1234`, credentials file is named `myproject-1234-firebase-adminsdk-abc12-abcdef012345.json` and it's saved at `/Users/jdoe/`, start the container with the following parameters (using MySQL container as an example):
Assuming your Firebase credentials file is named `myproject-1234-firebase-adminsdk-abc12-abcdef012345.json` and it's saved at `/Users/jdoe/`, sender ID is `114121611234`, and VAPID key (a.k.a. "Web Push certificates") is `83OrSoRandomLookingCharacters`, start the container with the following parameters (using MySQL container as an example):
$ docker run -p 6060:18080 -d --name tinode-srv --network tinode-net \
-v /Users/jdoe:/fcm \
--env FCM_CRED_FILE=/fcm/myproject-1234-firebase-adminsdk-abc12-abcdef012345.json \
--env FCM_PROJECT_ID=myproject-1234 tinode/tinode-mysql:latest
--env FCM_SENDER_ID=114121611234 \
--env FCM_VAPID_KEY=83OrSoRandomLookingCharacters \
### Run the chatbot
@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ You can specify the following environment variables when issuing `docker run` co
| `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` | string | | AWS [Secret Access Key](https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/security/wheres-my-secret-access-key/) when using `s3` media handler |
| `DEBUG_EMAIL_VERIFICATION_CODE` | string | | Enable dummy email verification code, e.g. `123456`. Disabled by default (empty string). |
| `FCM_CRED_FILE` | string | | Path to json file with FCM server-side service account credentials which will be used to send push notifications. |
| `FCM_SENDER_ID` | string | | FCM sender for receiving push notifications in the web client |
| `FCM_SENDER_ID` | string | | FCM sender ID for receiving push notifications in the web client |
| `FCM_VAPID_KEY` | string | | Also called 'Web Client certificate' in the FCM console. Required by the web client to receive push notifications. |
| `MEDIA_HANDLER` | string | `fs` | Handler of large files, either `fs` or `s3` |
| `MYSQL_DSN` | string | `'root@tcp(mysql)/tinode'` | MySQL [DSN](https://github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql#dsn-data-source-name). |