Merge branch 'devel' into twilio

This commit is contained in:
2024-12-09 15:13:45 +03:00
7 changed files with 305 additions and 63 deletions

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@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Tinode는 XMPP/ Jabber 가 아닙니다. Tinode는 XMPP와 호환되지 않습
XMPP: XML에 기반한 메시지 지향 통신 프로토콜
IM: Instant Messanger
IM: Instant Messenger
## 설치 및 실행

View File

@ -1,66 +1,67 @@
<!-- TOC depthFrom:1 depthTo:6 withLinks:1 updateOnSave:1 orderedList:0 -->
<!-- TOC depthfrom:1 depthto:6 withlinks:true updateonsave:true orderedlist:false -->
- [Server API](#server-api)
- [How it Works?](#how-it-works)
- [General Considerations](#general-considerations)
- [Connecting to the Server](#connecting-to-the-server)
- [gRPC](#grpc)
- [WebSocket](#websocket)
- [Long Polling](#long-polling)
- [Out of Band Large Files](#out-of-band-large-files)
- [Running Behind a Reverse Proxy](#running-behind-a-reverse-proxy)
- [Users](#users)
- [Authentication](#authentication)
- [Creating an Account](#creating-an-account)
- [Logging in](#logging-in)
- [Changing Authentication Parameters](#changing-authentication-parameters)
- [Resetting a Password, i.e. "Forgot Password"](#resetting-a-password-ie-forgot-password)
- [Suspending a User](#suspending-a-user)
- [Credential Validation](#credential-validation)
- [Access Control](#access-control)
- [Topics](#topics)
- [`me` Topic](#me-topic)
- [`fnd` and Tags: Finding Users and Topics](#fnd-and-tags-finding-users-and-topics)
- [Query Language](#query-language)
- [Incremental Updates to Queries](#incremental-updates-to-queries)
- [Query Rewrite](#query-rewrite)
- [Possible Use Cases](#possible-use-cases)
- [Peer to Peer Topics](#peer-to-peer-topics)
- [Group Topics](#group-topics)
- [`sys` Topic](#sys-topic)
- [Using Server-Issued Message IDs](#using-server-issued-message-ids)
- [User Agent and Presence Notifications](#user-agent-and-presence-notifications)
- [Trusted, Public, and Private Fields](#trusted-public-and-private-fields)
- [Trusted](#trusted)
- [Public](#public)
- [Private](#private)
- [Format of Content](#format-of-content)
- [Out-of-Band Handling of Large Files](#out-of-band-handling-of-large-files)
- [Uploading](#uploading)
- [Downloading](#downloading)
- [Push Notifications](#push-notifications)
- [Tinode Push Gateway](#tinode-push-gateway)
- [Google FCM](#google-fcm)
- [Stdout](#stdout)
- [Video Calls](#video-calls)
- [Messages](#messages)
- [Client to Server Messages](#client-to-server-messages)
- [`{hi}`](#hi)
- [`{acc}`](#acc)
- [`{login}`](#login)
- [`{sub}`](#sub)
- [`{leave}`](#leave)
- [`{pub}`](#pub)
- [`{get}`](#get)
- [`{set}`](#set)
- [`{del}`](#del)
- [`{note}`](#note)
- [Server to Client Messages](#server-to-client-messages)
- [`{data}`](#data)
- [`{ctrl}`](#ctrl)
- [`{meta}`](#meta)
- [`{pres}`](#pres)
- [`{info}`](#info)
- [How it Works?](#how-it-works)
- [General Considerations](#general-considerations)
- [Connecting to the Server](#connecting-to-the-server)
- [gRPC](#grpc)
- [WebSocket](#websocket)
- [Long Polling](#long-polling)
- [Out of Band Large Files](#out-of-band-large-files)
- [Running Behind a Reverse Proxy](#running-behind-a-reverse-proxy)
- [Users](#users)
- [Authentication](#authentication)
- [Creating an Account](#creating-an-account)
- [Logging in](#logging-in)
- [Changing Authentication Parameters](#changing-authentication-parameters)
- [Resetting a Password, i.e. "Forgot Password"](#resetting-a-password-ie-forgot-password)
- [Suspending a User](#suspending-a-user)
- [Credential Validation](#credential-validation)
- [Access Control](#access-control)
- [Topics](#topics)
- [me Topic](#me-topic)
- [fnd and Tags: Finding Users and Topics](#fnd-and-tags-finding-users-and-topics)
- [Query Language](#query-language)
- [Incremental Updates to Queries](#incremental-updates-to-queries)
- [Query Rewrite](#query-rewrite)
- [Possible Use Cases](#possible-use-cases)
- [Peer to Peer Topics](#peer-to-peer-topics)
- [Group Topics](#group-topics)
- [sys Topic](#sys-topic)
- [Using Server-Issued Message IDs](#using-server-issued-message-ids)
- [User Agent and Presence Notifications](#user-agent-and-presence-notifications)
- [Trusted, Public, and Private Fields](#trusted-public-and-private-fields)
- [Trusted](#trusted)
- [Public](#public)
- [Private](#private)
- [Format of Content](#format-of-content)
- [Out-of-Band Handling of Large Files](#out-of-band-handling-of-large-files)
- [Uploading](#uploading)
- [Downloading](#downloading)
- [Push Notifications](#push-notifications)
- [Tinode Push Gateway](#tinode-push-gateway)
- [Google FCM](#google-fcm)
- [Stdout](#stdout)
- [Video Calls](#video-calls)
- [Link Previews](#link-previews)
- [Messages](#messages)
- [Client to Server Messages](#client-to-server-messages)
- [{hi}](#hi)
- [{acc}](#acc)
- [{login}](#login)
- [{sub}](#sub)
- [{leave}](#leave)
- [{pub}](#pub)
- [{get}](#get)
- [{set}](#set)
- [{del}](#del)
- [{note}](#note)
- [Server to Client Messages](#server-to-client-messages)
- [{data}](#data)
- [{ctrl}](#ctrl)
- [{meta}](#meta)
- [{pres}](#pres)
- [{info}](#info)
<!-- /TOC -->
@ -601,6 +602,21 @@ The `stdout` adapter is mostly useful for debugging and logging. It writes push
[See separate document](
## Link Previews
Tinode provides an optional service which helps client applications generate link (URL) previews for inclusion into messages. The enpoint of this service (if enabled) is located at `/v0/urlpreview`. The service takes a single parameter `url`:
The first several kilobytes of the document at the given URL is fetched by issuing an HTTP(S) GET request. If the returned document has content-type `text/html`, the HTML is parsed for page title, description, and image URL. The result is formatted as JSON and returned as
{"title": "Page title", "description": "This is a page description", "image_url": ""}
The link preview service requires authentication. It's exactly the same as authentication for [Out of Band Large Files](#out-of-band-handling-of-large-files).
## Messages
A message is a logically associated set of data. Messages are passed as JSON-formatted UTF-8 text.

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ require ( v1.0.0 v1.12.1 v0.21.0 v0.23.0 v0.16.0 v0.14.0 v0.148.0
@ -71,7 +72,6 @@ require ( v1.0.4 // indirect v0.0.0-20201027041543-1326539a0a0a // indirect v0.24.0 // indirect v0.23.0 // indirect v0.4.0 // indirect v0.18.0 // indirect v0.3.0 // indirect

server/linkpreview.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
package main
import (
type linkPreview struct {
Title string `json:"title,omitempty"`
Description string `json:"description,omitempty"`
ImageURL string `json:"image_url,omitempty"`
var client = &http.Client{
Timeout: time.Second * 2,
CheckRedirect: func(req *http.Request, via []*http.Request) error {
if err := validateURL(req.URL); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// previewLink handles the HTTP request, fetches the URL, and returns the link preview.
// urlpreview?
func previewLink(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
if r.Method != http.MethodGet && r.Method != http.MethodHead {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusMethodNotAllowed), http.StatusMethodNotAllowed)
// check authorization
uid, challenge, err := authHttpRequest(r)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusBadRequest), http.StatusBadRequest)
if challenge != nil || uid.IsZero() {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusUnauthorized), http.StatusUnauthorized)
u := r.URL.Query().Get("url")
if u == "" {
http.Error(w, http.StatusText(http.StatusBadRequest), http.StatusBadRequest)
pu, err := url.Parse(u)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
if err := validateURL(pu); err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
req, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, u, nil)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadRequest)
resp, err := client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
http.Error(w, err.Error(), http.StatusBadGateway)
defer resp.Body.Close()
if resp.StatusCode < http.StatusOK || resp.StatusCode >= http.StatusMultipleChoices { // StatusCode != 20X
http.Error(w, "Non-OK HTTP status", http.StatusBadGateway)
body := http.MaxBytesReader(nil, resp.Body, 2*1024) // 2KB limit
if cc := resp.Header.Get("Cache-Control"); cc != "" {
w.Header().Set("Cache-Control", cc)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
if r.Method == http.MethodHead {
if strings.HasPrefix(resp.Header.Get("Content-Type"), "text/html") {
if err := json.NewEncoder(w).Encode(extractMetadata(body)); err != nil {
http.Error(w, "Failed to encode response", http.StatusInternalServerError)
func extractMetadata(body io.Reader) *linkPreview {
var preview linkPreview
var inTitleTag bool
tokenizer := html.NewTokenizer(body)
for {
switch tokenizer.Next() {
case html.ErrorToken:
break lp
case html.StartTagToken, html.SelfClosingTagToken:
tag, hasAttr := tokenizer.TagName()
tagName := atom.Lookup(tag)
if tagName == atom.Meta && hasAttr {
var name, property, content string
for {
key, val, moreAttr := tokenizer.TagAttr()
switch atom.String(key) {
case "name":
name = string(val)
case "property":
property = string(val)
case "content":
content = string(val)
if !moreAttr {
if content != "" {
if strings.HasPrefix(property, "og:") {
switch property {
case "og:title":
preview.Title = content
case "og:description":
preview.Description = content
case "og:image":
preview.ImageURL = content
} else if name == "description" && preview.Description == "" {
preview.Description = content
} else if tagName == atom.Title {
inTitleTag = true
case html.TextToken:
if inTitleTag {
if preview.Title == "" {
preview.Title = tokenizer.Token().Data
inTitleTag = false
case html.EndTagToken:
inTitleTag = false
if preview.Title != "" && preview.Description != "" && preview.ImageURL != "" {
return sanitizePreview(preview)
func validateURL(u *url.URL) error {
if u.Scheme != "http" && u.Scheme != "https" {
return &url.Error{Op: "validate", Err: errors.New("invalid scheme")}
ips, err := net.LookupIP(u.Hostname())
if err != nil {
return &url.Error{Op: "validate", Err: errors.New("invalid host")}
for _, ip := range ips {
if ip.IsLoopback() || ip.IsPrivate() {
return &url.Error{Op: "validate", Err: errors.New("non routable IP address")}
return nil
func sanitizePreview(preview linkPreview) *linkPreview {
if utf8.RuneCountInString(preview.Title) > 80 {
preview.Title = string([]rune(preview.Title)[:80])
if utf8.RuneCountInString(preview.Description) > 256 {
preview.Description = string([]rune(preview.Description)[:256])
if len(preview.ImageURL) > 2000 {
preview.ImageURL = preview.ImageURL[:2000]
return &linkPreview{
Title: strings.TrimSpace(preview.Title),
Description: strings.TrimSpace(preview.Description),
ImageURL: strings.TrimSpace(preview.ImageURL),

View File

@ -203,6 +203,9 @@ var globals struct {
// URL of the main endpoint.
// TODO: implement file-serving API for gRPC and remove this feature.
servingAt string
// Indicator if link preview generator is enabled.
linkPreviewEnabled bool
// Credential validator config.
@ -291,6 +294,11 @@ type configType struct {
// it's impossible to infer it.
DefaultCountryCode string `json:"default_country_code"`
// Enable service which generates link previews: in response to a GET request with a URL
// /v0/urlpreview? visit the URL, parse HTML, and return JSON like
// {"title": "Page title", description: "This is a demo page", image_url: ""}.
LinkPreviewEnabled bool `json:"link_preview"`
// Configs for subsystems
Cluster json.RawMessage `json:"cluster_config"`
Plugin json.RawMessage `json:"plugins"`
@ -729,6 +737,11 @@ func main() {
logs.Info.Println("Large media handling enabled", config.Media.UseHandler)
if config.LinkPreviewEnabled {
globals.linkPreviewEnabled = true
mux.HandleFunc(config.ApiPath+"v0/urlpreview", previewLink)
if staticMountPoint != "/" {
// Serve json-formatted 404 for all other URLs
mux.HandleFunc("/", serve404)

View File

@ -760,6 +760,7 @@ func (s *Session) hello(msg *ClientComMessage) {
"maxTagCount": globals.maxTagCount,
"maxFileUploadSize": globals.maxFileUploadSize,
"reqCred": globals.validatorClientConfig,
"linkPreviewEnabled": globals.linkPreviewEnabled,
if len(globals.iceServers) > 0 {
params["iceServers"] = globals.iceServers

View File

@ -68,6 +68,11 @@
// If missing, the server will default to "US".
"default_country_code": "",
// Enable service which generates link previews: in response to a GET request with a URL
// /v0/urlpreview? visit the URL, parse HTML, and return JSON like
// {"title": "Page title", description: "This is a page description", image_url: ""}.
"link_preview_enabled": false,
// Large media/blob handlers: large files/images included in messages.
"media": {
// The name of the media handler to use.