and another merge conflict

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2021-05-30 11:00:39 -07:00

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@ -445,42 +445,7 @@ Topics and subscriptions have `public` and `private` fields. Generally, the fiel
### Public
fn: "John Doe", // string, formatted name
n: {
surname: "Miner", // last of family name
given: "Coal", // first or given name
additional: "Diamond", // additional name, such as middle name or patronymic or nickname.
prefix: "Dr.", // prefix, such as honorary title or gender designation.
suffix: "Jr.", // suffix, such as 'Jr' or 'II'
}, // object, user's structured name
org: "Most Evil Corp", // string, name of the organisation the user belongs to.
title: "CEO", // string, job title
tel: [
type: "HOME", // string, optional designation
uri: "tel:+17025551234" // string, phone number
}, ...
], // array of objects, list of phone numbers associated with the user
email: [
type: "WORK", // string, optional designation
uri: "", // string, email address
}, ...
], // array of objects, list of user's email addresses
impp: [
type: "OTHER",
uri: "tinode:usrRkDVe0PYDOo", // string, email address
}, ...
], // array of objects, list of user's IM handles
photo: {
type: "jpeg", // image type
data: "..." // base64-encoded binary image data
} // object, avatar photo. Java does not have a useful bitmap class, so keeping it as bits here.
The format of the `public` field in group, peer to peer, systems topics is expected to be [theCard](./
The `fnd` topic expects `public` to be a string representing a [search query](#query-language)).