mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 18:53:05 +00:00
cli is mostly functional and does not crash
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
"""The Python implementation of the gRPC Tinode client."""
import argparse
import base64
import grpc
import json
import random
import shlex
import sys
from google.protobuf import json_format
import model_pb2 as pb
import model_pb2_grpc as pbx
APP_NAME = "tn-cli"
VERSION = "0.13"
# Dictionary wich contains lambdas to be executed when server response is received
onCompletion = {}
# Saved topic: default topic name to make keyboard input easier
SavedTopic = None
# Parse string representation of a version into an integer
def parse_version(vers):
parts = vers.split('.')
return (int(parts[0]) << 8) + int(parts[1])
# Pack user's name and avatar into a vcard represented as json.
def make_vcard(fn, photofile):
card = None
if (fn != None and fn.strip() != "") or photofile != None:
card = {}
if fn != None:
card.fn = fn.strip()
if photofile != None:
f = open(photofile, 'rb')
dataStart = imageDataUrl.indexOf(",");
card.photo = {}
card.photo.data = base64.b64encode(f.read())
# File extension is used as a file type
# TODO: use mimetype.guess_type(ext) instead
card.photo.type = os.path.splitext(photofile)[1]
except IOError as err:
print "Error opening '" + photofile + "'", err
card = json.dumps(card)
return card
# Constructing individual messages
def hiMsg(id):
onCompletion[str(id)] = lambda params: print_server_params(params)
return pb.ClientMsg(hi=pb.ClientHi(id=str(id), user_agent=APP_NAME + "/" + VERSION + " gRPC-python",
ver=parse_version(VERSION), lang="EN"))
def accMsg(id, user, scheme, secret, uname, password, do_login, tags, fn, photo, private, auth, anon):
if secret == None and uname != None:
if password == None:
password = ''
secret = str(uname) + ":" + str(password)
return pb.ClientMsg(acc=pb.ClientAcc(id=str(id), user_id=user,
scheme=scheme, secret=secret, login=do_login, tags=tags.split(",") if tags else None,
desc=pb.SetDesc(default_acs=pb.DefaultAcsMode(auth=auth, anon=anon),
public=make_vcard(fn, photo), private=private)))
def loginMsg(id, scheme, secret, uname=None, password=None):
if secret == None and uname != None:
if password == None:
password = ''
secret = str(uname) + ":" + str(password)
onCompletion[str(id)] = lambda params: save_cookie(params)
return pb.ClientMsg(login=pb.ClientLogin(id=str(id), scheme=scheme, secret=secret))
def getMsg(id, topic, desc, sub, data):
what = []
if desc:
if sub:
if data:
return pb.ClientMsg(get=pb.ClientGet(id=str(id), topic=topic,
query=pb.GetQuery(what=" ".join(what))))
def setMsg(id, topic, user, fn, photo, private, auth, anon, mode):
return pb.ClientMsg(set=pb.ClientSet(id=str(id), topic=topic,
query=pb.SetQuery(desc=pb.SetDesc(default_acs=pb.DefaultAcsMode(auth=auth, anon=anon),
public=make_vcard(fn, photo), private=private),
sub=pb.SetSub(user_id=user, mode=mode))))
def delMsg(id, topic, what, param, del_before, hard):
if topic == None and param != None:
topic = param
param = None
print id, topic, what, param, del_before, hard
enum_what = None
before = None
seq_list = None
user = None
if what == 'msg':
enum_what = pb.ClientDel.MSG
before = del_before
if param != None:
seq_list = [int(x.strip()) for x in param.split(',')]
elif del_before != None:
before = int(del_before)
elif what == 'sub':
enum_what = pb.ClientDel.SUB
user = param
elif what == 'topic':
enum_what = pb.ClientDel.TOPIC
# Field named 'del' conflicts with the keyword 'del. This is a work around.
msg = pb.ClientMsg()
xdel = getattr(msg, 'del')
setattr(msg, 'del', pb.ClientDel(id=str(id), topic=topic, what=enum_what, hard=hard,
seq_list=seq_list, before=before, user_id=user))
xdel.id = str(id)
xdel.topic = topic
xdel.what = enum_what
if hard != None:
xdel.hard = hard
if seq_list != None:
if before != None:
xdel.before = before
if user != None:
xdel.user_id = user
return msg
def noteMsg(id, topic, what, seq):
enum_what = None
if what == 'kp':
enum_what = pb.KP
seq = None
elif what == 'read':
enum_what = pb.READ
seq = int(seq)
elif what == 'recv':
enum_what = pb.READ
seq = int(seq)
return pb.ClientMsg(note=pb.ClientNote(topic=topic, what=enum_what, seq_id=seq))
def parse_cmd(cmd):
"""Parses command line input into a dictionary"""
parts = shlex.split(cmd)
parser = None
if parts[0] == "acc":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=parts[0], description='Create or alter an account')
parser.add_argument('--user', default=None, help='ID of the account to update')
parser.add_argument('--scheme', default="basic", help='authentication scheme, default=basic')
parser.add_argument('--secret', default=None, help='secret for authentication')
parser.add_argument('--uname', default=None, help='user name for basic authentication')
parser.add_argument('--password', default=None, help='password for basic authentication')
parser.add_argument('--do-login', action='store_true', help='login with the newly created account')
parser.add_argument('--tags', action=None, help='tags for user discovery, comma separated list without spaces')
parser.add_argument('--fn', default=None, help='user\'s human name')
parser.add_argument('--photo', default=None, help='avatar file name')
parser.add_argument('--private', default=None, help='user\'s private info')
parser.add_argument('--auth', default=None, help='default access mode for authenticated users')
parser.add_argument('--anon', default=None, help='default access mode for anonymous users')
elif parts[0] == "login":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=parts[0], description='Authenticate current session')
parser.add_argument('--scheme', default="basic")
parser.add_argument('secret', nargs='?', default=argparse.SUPPRESS)
parser.add_argument('--secret', dest='secret', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--uname', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--password', default=None)
elif parts[0] == "sub":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=parts[0], description='Subscribe to topic')
parser.add_argument('topic', nargs='?', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='topic to subscribe to')
parser.add_argument('--topic', dest='topic', default=None, help='topic to subscribe to')
parser.add_argument('--fn', default=None, help='topic\'s user-visible name')
parser.add_argument('--photo', default=None, help='avatar file name')
parser.add_argument('--private', default=None, help='topic\'s private info')
parser.add_argument('--auth', default=None, help='default access mode for authenticated users')
parser.add_argument('--anon', default=None, help='default access mode for anonymous users')
parser.add_argument('--get-query', default=None, help='query for topic metadata or messages')
elif parts[0] == "leave":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=parts[0], description='Detach or unsubscribe from topic')
parser.add_argument('topic', nargs='?', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='topic to detach from')
parser.add_argument('--topic', dest='topic', default=None, help='topic to detach from')
parser.add_argument('--unsub', action='store_true', help='detach and unsubscribe from topic')
elif parts[0] == "pub":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=parts[0], description='Send message to topic')
parser.add_argument('topic', nargs='?', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='topic to publish to')
parser.add_argument('--topic', dest='topic', default=None, help='topic to publish to')
parser.add_argument('content', nargs='?', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='message to send')
parser.add_argument('--content', dest='content', help='message to send')
elif parts[0] == "get":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=parts[0], description='Query topic for messages or metadata')
parser.add_argument('topic', nargs='?', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='topic to update')
parser.add_argument('--topic', dest='topic', default=None, help='topic to update')
parser.add_argument('--desc', action='store_true', help='query topic description')
parser.add_argument('--sub', action='store_true', help='query topic subscriptions')
parser.add_argument('--data', action='store_true', help='query topic messages')
elif parts[0] == "set":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=parts[0], description='Update topic metadata')
parser.add_argument('topic', help='topic to update')
parser.add_argument('--fn', default=None, help='topic\'s name')
parser.add_argument('--photo', default=None, help='avatar file name')
parser.add_argument('--private', default=None, help='topic\'s private info')
parser.add_argument('--auth', default=None, help='default access mode for authenticated users')
parser.add_argument('--anon', default=None, help='default access mode for anonymous users')
parser.add_argument('--user', default=None, help='ID of the account to update')
parser.add_argument('--mode', default=None, help='new value of access mode')
elif parts[0] == "del":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=parts[0], description='Delete message(s), subscription or topic')
parser.add_argument('topic', nargs='?', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='topic being affected')
parser.add_argument('--topic', dest='topic', default=None, help='topic being affected')
parser.add_argument('what', default='msg', choices=('msg', 'sub', 'topic'),
help='what to delete')
parser.add_argument('param', help='list of message IDs or a user ID of subscription to delete')
group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
group.add_argument('--before', dest='before', help='delete messages with id below or equal to this value')
group.add_argument('--user', dest='param', help='delete subscription with the given user id')
group.add_argument('--list', dest='param', help='comma separated list of message IDs to delete')
parser.add_argument('--hard', help='hard-delete messages')
elif parts[0] == "note":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog=parts[0], description='Send notification to topic, ex "note kp"')
parser.add_argument('topic', help='topic to notify')
parser.add_argument('what', nargs='?', default='kp', const='kp', choices=['kp', 'read', 'recv'],
help='notification type')
parser.add_argument('--seq', help='value being reported')
print "Unrecognized:", parts[0]
print "Possible commands:"
print "\tacc\t- create account"
print "\tlogin\t- authenticate"
print "\tsub\t- subscribe to topic"
print "\tleave\t- detach or unsubscribe from topic"
print "\tpub\t- post message to topic"
print "\tget\t- query topic for metadata or messages"
print "\tset\t- update topic metadata"
print "\tdel\t- delete message(s), topic or subscription"
print "\tnote\t- send notification"
print "\n\tType <command> -h for help"
return None
args = parser.parse_args(parts[1:])
args.cmd = parts[0]
return args
except SystemExit:
return None
def serialize_cmd(string, id):
"""Take string read from the command line, convert in into a protobuf message"""
# Convert string into a dictionary
cmd = parse_cmd(string)
if cmd == None:
return None
# Process dictionary
if cmd.cmd == "acc":
return accMsg(id, cmd.user, cmd.scheme, cmd.secret, cmd.uname, cmd.password,
cmd.do_login, cmd.tags, cmd.fn, cmd.photo, cmd.private, cmd.auth, cmd.anon)
elif cmd.cmd == "login":
return loginMsg(id, cmd.scheme, cmd.secret, cmd.uname, cmd.password)
elif cmd.cmd == "sub":
return pb.ClientMsg(sub=pb.ClientSub(id=str(id), topic=cmd.topic))
elif cmd.cmd == "leave":
return pb.ClientMsg(leave=pb.ClientLeave(id=str(id), topic=cmd.topic))
elif cmd.cmd == "pub":
return pb.ClientMsg(pub=pb.ClientPub(id=str(id), topic=cmd.topic, no_echo=True,
elif cmd.cmd == "get":
return getMsg(id, cmd.topic, cmd.desc, cmd.sub, cmd.data)
elif cmd.cmd == "set":
return setMsg(id, cmd.topic, cmd.user, cmd.fn, cmd.photo, cmd.private, cmd.auth, cmd.anon, cmd.mode)
elif cmd.cmd == "del":
return delMsg(id, cmd.topic, cmd.what, cmd.param, cmd.before, cmd.hard)
elif cmd.cmd == "note":
return noteMsg(id, cmd.topic, cmd.what, cmd.seq)
print("Unrecognized: " + cmd.cmd)
return None
def gen_message(schema, secret):
"""Client message generator: reads user input as string,
converts to pb.ClientMsg, and yields"""
id = random.randint(10000,60000)
yield hiMsg(id)
if schema != None:
id += 1
yield loginMsg(id, schema, secret)
while True:
id += 1
inp = raw_input("tn> ")
if inp == "":
if inp == "exit" or inp == "quit":
cmd = serialize_cmd(inp, id)
if cmd != None:
yield cmd
def run(addr, schema, secret):
channel = grpc.insecure_channel(addr)
stub = pbx.NodeStub(channel)
# Call the server
stream = stub.MessageLoop(gen_message(schema, secret))
# Read server responses
for msg in stream:
if msg.HasField("ctrl"):
# Run code on command completion
func = onCompletion.get(msg.ctrl.id)
if func != None:
del onCompletion[msg.ctrl.id]
if msg.ctrl.code >= 200 and msg.ctrl.code < 400:
print str(msg.ctrl.code) + " " + msg.ctrl.text
elif msg.HasField("data"):
print "\nFrom: " + msg.data.from_user_id + ":\n"
print json.loads(msg.data.content) + "\n"
elif msg.HasField("pres"):
print "Message type not handled", msg
except grpc._channel._Rendezvous as err:
print err
def read_cookie():
cookie = open('.tn-cli-cookie', 'r')
params = json.load(cookie)
if params.get("token") == None:
return None
return params
except Exception as err:
print "Missing or invalid cookie file '.tn-cli-cookie'", err
return None
def save_cookie(params):
if params == None:
# Protobuf map 'params' is not a python object or dictionary. Convert it.
nice = {}
for p in params:
nice[p] = json.loads(params[p])
print "Authenticated as", nice.get('user')
cookie = open('.tn-cli-cookie', 'w')
json.dump(nice, cookie)
except Exception as err:
print "Failed to save authentication cookie", err
def print_server_params(params):
print "Connected to server:"
for p in params:
print "\t" + p + ": " + json.loads(params[p])
if __name__ == '__main__':
"""Parse command-line arguments. Extract host name and authentication scheme, if one is provided"""
purpose = "Tinode command line client. Version 0.13."
print purpose
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=purpose)
parser.add_argument('--host', default='localhost:6061', help='address of Tinode server')
parser.add_argument('--login-basic', help='login using basic authentication username:password')
parser.add_argument('--login-token', help='login using token authentication')
parser.add_argument('--login-cookie', action='store_true', help='read token from cookie file and use it for authentication')
args = parser.parse_args()
print "Server '" + args.host + "'"
schema = None
secret = None
if args.login_cookie:
"""Try reading cookie file"""
params = read_cookie()
if params != None:
schema = 'token'
secret = base64.b64decode(params.get('token').encode('ascii'))
if schema == None and args.login_token != None:
"""Use token to login"""
schema = 'token'
secret = args.login_token
if schema == None and args.login_basic != None:
"""Use username:password"""
schema = basic
secret = args.login_basic
run(args.host, schema, secret)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user