start adding icons for copying files and folders in the explorer

This commit is contained in:
Andrew Pareles
2025-01-06 22:25:41 -08:00
parent f96d320ce0
commit 4e392bee8e
2 changed files with 34 additions and 11 deletions

View File

@ -289,6 +289,7 @@ export interface IFileTemplateData {
readonly templateDisposables: DisposableStore;
readonly elementDisposables: DisposableStore;
readonly label: IResourceLabel;
readonly voidLabels: IResourceLabel;
readonly container: HTMLElement;
readonly contribs: IExplorerFileContribution[];
currentContext?: ExplorerItem;
@ -347,15 +348,24 @@ export class FilesRenderer implements ICompressibleTreeRenderer<ExplorerItem, Fu
renderTemplate(container: HTMLElement): IFileTemplateData {
const templateDisposables = new DisposableStore();
// Create void buttons container
const voidButtonsContainer = DOM.append(container, DOM.$('div')); = 'absolute' = '0' = '0'
// const voidButtons = DOM.append(voidButtonsContainer, DOM.$('span'));
// voidButtons.textContent = 'voidbuttons'
// voidButtons.addEventListener('click', () => {
// console.log('ON CLICK', templateData.currentContext?.children)
// })
const voidLabels = this.labels.create(voidButtonsContainer, { supportHighlights: false, supportIcons: false, });
voidLabels.element.textContent = 'hi333'
const label = templateDisposables.add(this.labels.create(container, { supportHighlights: true }));
templateDisposables.add(label.onDidRender(() => {
try {
if (templateData.currentContext) {
} catch (e) {
// noop since the element might no longer be in the tree, no update of width necessary
try { if (templateData.currentContext) this.updateWidth(templateData.currentContext); }
catch (e) { /* noop since the element might no longer be in the tree, no update of width necessary*/ }
const contribs = explorerFileContribRegistry.create(this.instantiationService, container, templateDisposables);
@ -365,10 +375,12 @@ export class FilesRenderer implements ICompressibleTreeRenderer<ExplorerItem, Fu
const templateData: IFileTemplateData = { templateDisposables, elementDisposables: templateDisposables.add(new DisposableStore()), label, container, contribs };
const templateData: IFileTemplateData = { templateDisposables, elementDisposables: templateDisposables.add(new DisposableStore()), label, voidLabels, container, contribs };
return templateData;
// Void cares about this function, this is where elements in the tree are rendered
renderElement(node: ITreeNode<ExplorerItem, FuzzyScore>, index: number, templateData: IFileTemplateData): void {
const stat = node.element;
templateData.currentContext = stat;
@ -382,8 +394,7 @@ export class FilesRenderer implements ICompressibleTreeRenderer<ExplorerItem, Fu = 'flex';
this.renderStat(stat,, undefined, node.filterData, templateData);
// Input Box
// Input Box (Void - shown only if currently editing - this is the box that appears when user edits the name of the file)
else { = 'none';
templateData.contribs.forEach(c => c.setResource(undefined));
@ -477,6 +488,13 @@ export class FilesRenderer implements ICompressibleTreeRenderer<ExplorerItem, Fu
separator: this.labelService.getSeparator(stat.resource.scheme, stat.resource.authority),
templateData.voidLabels.setResource({ resource: undefined, name: 'hi', }, {
hideIcon: true,
extraClasses: realignNestedChildren ? [...extraClasses, 'align-nest-icon-with-parent-icon'] : extraClasses,
forceLabel: true,
private renderInputBox(container: HTMLElement, stat: ExplorerItem, editableData: IEditableData): IDisposable {

View File

@ -95,7 +95,12 @@ suite('Files - ExplorerView', () => {
label: <any>{
container: label,
onDidRender: emitter.event
voidLabels: <any>{
container: label,
onDidRender: emitter.event
}, 1, false);